Exemplo n.º 1
    public void  UseItem(Transform Item, int n)
        Item EquipmentItemScript = Item.GetComponent <Item>();           //Getting the item script.

        if (n == -1)                                                     //If we didn't define the target equipment slot.
            for (int t = 0; t < InvEquipment.EquipmentSlots.Length; t++) //Loop through all the equipment slots to find one.
                if (InvEquipment.EquipmentSlots[t].Name == EquipmentItemScript.EquipmentSlot)
                    n = t;
        if (n != -1)
            if (InvEquipment.EquipmentSlots[n].Name == EquipmentItemScript.EquipmentSlot)            //Check if the item equipment slots matches the current equipment slot.
                /*InvManager.RemoveItem(Item, 1); //Remove this item from the inventory content.
                 * CustomEvents.OnPlayerEquipItem(EquipmentItemScript.Name, EquipmentItemScript.EquipmentSlot);*/
                if (InvEquipment.EquipmentSlots[n].IsTaken == false)                //Check if the slot is not taken.
                    EquippedItem = InvManager.FreeItem(Item, 1);                    //Free this item from the inventory content.
                    CustomEvents.OnPlayerEquipItem(EquipmentItemScript, InvEquipment.EquipmentSlots[n].GroupID);
                    //Add the item to the equipment slot
                    IsEquippingItem  = true;
                    EquippedItemSlot = n;

                    //Changing the settings of the item and parenting it to the inventory manager again.
                    if (EquippedItem.GetComponent <Collider>() != null)
                        EquippedItem.transform.GetComponent <Collider>().isTrigger = true;
                    EquippedItem.transform.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;
                    EquippedItem.transform.parent        = gameObject.transform;
                    EquippedItem.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                else if (InvEquipment.EquipmentSlots[n].IsTaken == true)                //Check if the slot is taken.
                    Item TempScript = InvEquipment.EquipmentSlots[n].Item.GetComponent <Item>();
                    if (InvManager.Exist(InvEquipment.EquipmentSlots[n].Item) && TempScript.Name == EquipmentItemScript.Name)                    //If we already have that item in the inventory.
                        //No action.
                    else if (InvManager.Items < InvManager.MaxItems)                    //If we still have room for a new item:
                        InvManager.AddItem(InvEquipment.EquipmentSlots[n].Item);        //Remove this item from the equipment slot and add it to the inventory.
                        CustomEvents.OnPlayerUnEquipItem(TempScript, InvEquipment.EquipmentSlots[n].GroupID);

                        for (int x = 0; x < TempScript.Attributes.Length; x++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < InvEquipment.Attributes.Length; j++)
                                if (InvEquipment.Attributes[j].Name == TempScript.Attributes[x].Name)
                                    InvEquipment.Attributes[j].Value -= TempScript.Attributes[x].Value;

                        EquippedItem = InvManager.FreeItem(Item, 1);                         //Free the item from the inventory content.
                        CustomEvents.OnPlayerEquipItem(EquipmentItemScript, InvEquipment.EquipmentSlots[n].GroupID);
                        //Add the item to the equipment slot
                        IsEquippingItem  = true;
                        EquippedItemSlot = n;

                        //Changing the settings of the item and parenting it to the inventory manager again.
                        if (EquippedItem.GetComponent <Collider>() != null)
                            EquippedItem.transform.GetComponent <Collider>().isTrigger = true;
                        EquippedItem.transform.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;
                        EquippedItem.transform.parent        = gameObject.transform;
                        EquippedItem.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                        Debug.Log("No room for a new item!");
Exemplo n.º 2
    void  LoadEquipments()
        int        TempInt = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("SavedEquipments"); //Getting the number of the saved equipment slots
        GameObject TempObj;

        for (int i = 1; i < TempInt; i++)        //Starting a loop in the equipment slots.
            if (Resources.Load(PlayerPrefs.GetString("EqName" + i.ToString()) + "C", typeof(GameObject)))
                TempObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load(PlayerPrefs.GetString("EqName" + i.ToString()) + "C", typeof(GameObject)), MyTransform.position, MyTransform.rotation) as GameObject;
                TempObj = Instantiate(DefaultItem, MyTransform.position, MyTransform.rotation).gameObject;
            Item ItemScript = TempObj.GetComponent <Item>();                                          //Getting the item script.
            ItemScript.ItemType         = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("EqItemType" + i.ToString());            //Loading the item's type
            ItemScript.MinDistance      = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("EqMinDistance" + i.ToString());       //Loading the item's pickup minimum distance.
            ItemScript.Name             = PlayerPrefs.GetString("EqName" + i.ToString());             //Loading the item's name.
            ItemScript.Amount           = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("EqAmount" + i.ToString());              //Loading the item's amount.
            ItemScript.Weight           = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("EqWeight" + i.ToString(), 1);           //Loading the item's weight
            ItemScript.ShortDescription = PlayerPrefs.GetString("EqShortDescription" + i.ToString()); //Loading the item's short description.
            ItemScript.Icon             = Resources.Load(ItemScript.Name, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;
            ItemScript.Currency         = PlayerPrefs.GetString("EqCurrency" + i.ToString());         //Loading the item's currency type.
            ItemScript.CurrencyAmount   = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("EqCurrencyAmount" + i.ToString());      //Loading the item's currency amount.
            ItemScript.EquipmentSlot    = PlayerPrefs.GetString("EqEquipmentSlot" + i.ToString());    //Loading the item's equipment slot.
            ItemScript.SkillSlot        = PlayerPrefs.GetString("EqSkillSlot" + i.ToString());        //Loading the item's skill bar slot.
            ItemScript.IsStackable      = false;

            //Loading the item's equipment attributes:
            if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("EqHasAttributes" + i.ToString()) == "Yes")
                ItemScript.Attributes = new Item.ItemAttributes[PlayerPrefs.GetInt("EqAttributesAmount" + i.ToString())];
                int a = 0;
                for (a = 0; a < ItemScript.Attributes.Length; a++)
                    ItemScript.Attributes[a] = new Item.ItemAttributes();

                for (a = 0; a < ItemScript.Attributes.Length; a++)
                    ItemScript.Attributes[a].Name  = PlayerPrefs.GetString("EqAttributeName" + a.ToString() + i.ToString());
                    ItemScript.Attributes[a].Value = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("EqAttributeValue" + a.ToString() + i.ToString());

            //Adding the loaded items to their equipment slots:
            for (int t = 0; t < EquipmentSlots.Length; t++)                                                                   //Starting a loop in the equipment slots.
                if (EquipmentSlots[t].Name == ItemScript.EquipmentSlot && PlayerPrefs.GetInt("EqSlotID" + i.ToString()) == t) //If the current loaded item matches one of the equipment slots.
                    //Equip the item and set the slot to taken.
                    EquipmentSlots[t].Item    = TempObj.transform;
                    EquipmentSlots[t].IsTaken = true;

                    CustomEvents.OnPlayerEquipItem(ItemScript, EquipmentSlots[t].GroupID);

                    //Changing the settings of the item and parenting it to the inventory manager again.
                    if (EquipmentSlots[t].Item.GetComponent <Collider>() != null)
                        EquipmentSlots[t].Item.transform.GetComponent <Collider>().isTrigger = true;
                    EquipmentSlots[t].Item.transform.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;
                    EquipmentSlots[t].Item.transform.parent        = gameObject.transform;
                    EquipmentSlots[t].Item.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;


            for (int x = 0; x < ItemScript.Attributes.Length; x++)
                for (int j = 0; j < Attributes.Length; j++)
                    if (Attributes[j].Name == ItemScript.Attributes[x].Name)
                        Attributes[j].Value += ItemScript.Attributes[x].Value;