Exemplo n.º 1
        private void PaintView()
            if (_initializing)

            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(_image);

            g.FillRectangle(_brushBackground, 0, 0, _image.Width, _image.Height);
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            // Get control width and height.
            int width  = Width;
            int height = Height;

            // Determine smallest dimension. Use that as the edge length of the square grid.
            width = height = Math.Min(width, height);

            // Pixel size is calculated using integer division to produce cleaner lines when drawing.
            // The inherent rounding down may produce a grid 1 pixel smaller then the determined edge length.
            // Also make room for a button above the grid (next test case button).
            int visualFieldPixelSize = (height - GridTop) / _world.GridSize;

            width = height = visualFieldPixelSize * _world.GridSize;

            // Paint pixel outline grid.
            // Vertical lines.
            int xg = GridLeft;

            for (int i = 0; i <= _world.GridSize; i++, xg += visualFieldPixelSize)
                g.DrawLine(__penGrey, xg, GridTop, xg, GridTop + height);

            // Horizontal lines.
            int yg = GridTop;

            for (int i = 0; i <= _world.GridSize; i++, yg += visualFieldPixelSize)
                g.DrawLine(__penGrey, GridLeft, yg, GridLeft + width, yg);

            // Paint grid squares. Background color.
            Brush sensorBrush = _world.IsPreyCaptured() ? _brushBackgroundSensorCaptured : _brushBackgroundSensor;

            yg = GridTop;
            for (int y = 0; y < _world.GridSize; y++, yg += visualFieldPixelSize)
                xg = GridLeft;
                for (int x = 0; x < _world.GridSize; x++, xg += visualFieldPixelSize)
                    // Calc distance of sqaure from agent.
                    if (IntPoint.CalculateDistance(_world.AgentPosition, x, y) <= _world.SensorRange)
                        g.FillRectangle(sensorBrush, xg + 1, yg + 1, visualFieldPixelSize - 2, visualFieldPixelSize - 2);

            // Paint agent and prey squares.
            IntPoint a = _world.AgentPosition;
            IntPoint p = _world.PreyPosition;

            g.FillRectangle(_brushAgent, GridLeft + (a._x * visualFieldPixelSize) + 1, GridTop + (a._y * visualFieldPixelSize) + 1, visualFieldPixelSize - 2, visualFieldPixelSize - 2);
            g.FillRectangle(_brushPrey, GridLeft + (p._x * visualFieldPixelSize) + 1, GridTop + (p._y * visualFieldPixelSize) + 1, visualFieldPixelSize - 2, visualFieldPixelSize - 2);
