Exemplo n.º 1
 public GGuess()
     _UserNum = (0);
     _AllJinbi = (0);
     _ResultUserNum = (0);
     _Status = (0);
        internal DatabasePrincipalImpersonationEvent(IDataRecord record, DatabasePrincipalImpersonationEventLoaderInfo loaderInfo)
            Contract.Requires(null != record, "The record must be valid.");
            Contract.Requires(null != loaderInfo, "The loaderInfo must be valid.");

            if (null != loaderInfo.TextDataOrdinal)
                _textData = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.TextDataOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.DatabaseIDOrdinal)
                _databaseID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.DatabaseIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.TransactionIDOrdinal)
                _transactionID = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.TransactionIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.NTUserNameOrdinal)
                _nTUserName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.NTUserNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.NTDomainNameOrdinal)
                _nTDomainName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.NTDomainNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.HostNameOrdinal)
                _hostName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.HostNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ApplicationNameOrdinal)
                _applicationName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.ApplicationNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.LoginNameOrdinal)
                _loginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.LoginNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SPIDOrdinal)
                _sPID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.SPIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.StartTimeOrdinal)
                _startTime = record.GetNullableDateTime(loaderInfo.StartTimeOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.PermissionsOrdinal)
                _permissions = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.PermissionsOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.EventSubClassOrdinal)
                _eventSubClass = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.EventSubClassOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SuccessOrdinal)
                _success = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.SuccessOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ServerNameOrdinal)
                _serverName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.ServerNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ObjectTypeOrdinal)
                _objectType = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.ObjectTypeOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.NestLevelOrdinal)
                _nestLevel = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.NestLevelOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ObjectNameOrdinal)
                _objectName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.ObjectNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.DatabaseNameOrdinal)
                _databaseName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.DatabaseNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.OwnerNameOrdinal)
                _ownerName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.OwnerNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.RoleNameOrdinal)
                _roleName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.RoleNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.DBUserNameOrdinal)
                _dBUserName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.DBUserNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.LoginSidOrdinal)
                _loginSid = (Byte[])record.GetValue(loaderInfo.LoginSidOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.RequestIDOrdinal)
                _requestID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.RequestIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.XactSequenceOrdinal)
                _xactSequence = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.XactSequenceOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.EventSequenceOrdinal)
                _eventSequence = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.EventSequenceOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.IsSystemOrdinal)
                _isSystem = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.IsSystemOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SessionLoginNameOrdinal)
                _sessionLoginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.SessionLoginNameOrdinal.Value);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public frmProdSchedulingManager(string frmTitle, Int32? editId)
     this.editId = editId;
     this.Text = frmTitle;
     this.ScanMode = editId == null ? Framework.Libs.Common.DataModifyMode.add : Framework.Libs.Common.DataModifyMode.upd;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public MatchRoute()
     _mrtype = 0;
     _gmid = 0;
     _BeginRank = 0;
     _EndRank = 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
        internal BrokerConversationEvent(IDataRecord record, BrokerConversationEventLoaderInfo loaderInfo)
            Contract.Requires(null != record, "The record must be valid.");
            Contract.Requires(null != loaderInfo, "The loaderInfo must be valid.");

            if (null != loaderInfo.TextDataOrdinal)
                _textData = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.TextDataOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.DatabaseIDOrdinal)
                _databaseID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.DatabaseIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.TransactionIDOrdinal)
                _transactionID = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.TransactionIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.NTUserNameOrdinal)
                _nTUserName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.NTUserNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.NTDomainNameOrdinal)
                _nTDomainName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.NTDomainNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.HostNameOrdinal)
                _hostName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.HostNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ClientProcessIDOrdinal)
                _clientProcessID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.ClientProcessIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ApplicationNameOrdinal)
                _applicationName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.ApplicationNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.LoginNameOrdinal)
                _loginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.LoginNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SPIDOrdinal)
                _sPID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.SPIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.StartTimeOrdinal)
                _startTime = record.GetNullableDateTime(loaderInfo.StartTimeOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SeverityOrdinal)
                _severity = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.SeverityOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.EventSubClassOrdinal)
                _eventSubClass = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.EventSubClassOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ObjectIDOrdinal)
                _objectID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.ObjectIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.IntegerDataOrdinal)
                _integerData = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.IntegerDataOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ServerNameOrdinal)
                _serverName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.ServerNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.StateOrdinal)
                _state = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.StateOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ErrorOrdinal)
                _error = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.ErrorOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.RoleNameOrdinal)
                _roleName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.RoleNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.DBUserNameOrdinal)
                _dBUserName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.DBUserNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.LoginSidOrdinal)
                _loginSid = (Byte[])record.GetValue(loaderInfo.LoginSidOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.TargetLoginNameOrdinal)
                _targetLoginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.TargetLoginNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.EventSequenceOrdinal)
                _eventSequence = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.EventSequenceOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.BigintData1Ordinal)
                _bigintData1 = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.BigintData1Ordinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.GUIDOrdinal)
                _gUID = record.GetNullableGuid(loaderInfo.GUIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.IsSystemOrdinal)
                _isSystem = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.IsSystemOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SessionLoginNameOrdinal)
                _sessionLoginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.SessionLoginNameOrdinal.Value);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public DOCauHinhDanhBa(long Loai_Danh_ba, string Field_Name, string Mo_Ta,Int32? stt)
     this._Loai_Danh_Ba = Loai_Danh_ba;
     this._Field_Name = Field_Name;
     this._Mo_Ta = Mo_Ta;
     this._STT = stt;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public Users()
     _UserType = 1;
     _AdminType = 0;
     _Score = 10;
     _UsedScore = 0;
     _UserTimer = 0;
     _AddTime = DateTime.Now;
     _LoginNum = 0;
     _Levels = 0;
     _Jingyan = 0;
     _Jinbi = 0;
     _BankJinbi = 0;
     _OnlineTime = 0;
     _BBSJinghuaNum = 0;
     _BBSTuijianNum = 0;
     _BBSNum = 0;
     _TougaoNum = 0;
     _FactionID = 0;
     _FactionDeID = 0;
     _JulinzhuMaxValue = 0;
     _JulinzhuCurrValue = 0;
     _CurrDayOnlineTime = (0);
     _MaxMP = (0);
     _CurrMP = (0);
     _DuStatus = (0);
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="targetStream"></param>
 /// <param name="bufferSize"></param>
 public StreamWriteContext(Stream targetStream, Int32 bufferSize)
     if (targetStream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("targetStream must not be null"); }
     if (bufferSize <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("bufferSize must be larger than zero"); }
     _TargetStream = targetStream;
     _BufferSize = bufferSize;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void Dispose()
     this.MaximumGames = this.OriginalMaximumGames;
     this.PointsToWin = this.OriginalPointsToWin;
     this.StartingDynamite = this.OriginalStartingDynamite;
        public void Setup()
            //Instance Fields Setup
            BooleanField = null;
            ByteField = null;
            SByteField = null;
            IntField = null;
            LongField = null;
            Int16Field = null;
            UInt16Field = null;
            Int32Field = null;
            UInt32Field = null;
            Int64Field = null;
            UInt64Field = null;
            CharField = null;
            DoubleField = null;
            FloatField = null;

            //Static Fields Setup
            BooleanFieldStatic = null;
            ByteFieldStatic = null;
            SByteFieldStatic = null;
            IntFieldStatic = null;
            LongFieldStatic = null;
            Int16FieldStatic = null;
            UInt16FieldStatic = null;
            Int32FieldStatic = null;
            UInt32FieldStatic = null;
            Int64FieldStatic = null;
            UInt64FieldStatic = null;
            CharFieldStatic = null;
            DoubleFieldStatic = null;
            FloatFieldStatic = null;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public UserOnlineTemp()
     _Sex = (1);
     _AdminType = (0);
     _LastCheckTime = DateTime.Now;
     _Status = (1);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public MakersMatch()
     _RegistFees = (0);
     _LimitCount = (0);
     _JoinCount = (0);
     _GmState = (0);
     _GmTime = DateTime.Now;
Exemplo n.º 13
 private void assignFilters() {
     if (comboBoxStars.Text != "") stars = Convert.ToInt32(comboBoxStars.Text);
     else stars = null;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public Card()
     _Price = (0);
     _AllowBuy = (1);
     _AllowSynth = (0);
     _SynthOdds = (0);
     _ProbNum = (0);
Exemplo n.º 15
        internal AddLoginEvent(IDataRecord record, AddLoginEventLoaderInfo loaderInfo)
            Contract.Requires(null != record, "The record must be valid.");
            Contract.Requires(null != loaderInfo, "The loaderInfo must be valid.");

            if (null != loaderInfo.TextDataOrdinal)
                _textData = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.TextDataOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.DatabaseIDOrdinal)
                _databaseID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.DatabaseIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.TransactionIDOrdinal)
                _transactionID = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.TransactionIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.LineNumberOrdinal)
                _lineNumber = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.LineNumberOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.NTUserNameOrdinal)
                _nTUserName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.NTUserNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.NTDomainNameOrdinal)
                _nTDomainName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.NTDomainNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.HostNameOrdinal)
                _hostName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.HostNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ClientProcessIDOrdinal)
                _clientProcessID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.ClientProcessIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ApplicationNameOrdinal)
                _applicationName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.ApplicationNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.LoginNameOrdinal)
                _loginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.LoginNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SPIDOrdinal)
                _sPID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.SPIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.StartTimeOrdinal)
                _startTime = record.GetNullableDateTime(loaderInfo.StartTimeOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.EventSubClassOrdinal)
                _eventSubClass = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.EventSubClassOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SuccessOrdinal)
                _success = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.SuccessOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ServerNameOrdinal)
                _serverName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.ServerNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ObjectTypeOrdinal)
                _objectType = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.ObjectTypeOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.DatabaseNameOrdinal)
                _databaseName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.DatabaseNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.DBUserNameOrdinal)
                _dBUserName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.DBUserNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.LoginSidOrdinal)
                _loginSid = (Byte[])record.GetValue(loaderInfo.LoginSidOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.TargetLoginNameOrdinal)
                _targetLoginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.TargetLoginNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.TargetLoginSidOrdinal)
                _targetLoginSid = (Byte[])record.GetValue(loaderInfo.TargetLoginSidOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.RequestIDOrdinal)
                _requestID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.RequestIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.XactSequenceOrdinal)
                _xactSequence = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.XactSequenceOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.EventSequenceOrdinal)
                _eventSequence = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.EventSequenceOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.IsSystemOrdinal)
                _isSystem = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.IsSystemOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SessionLoginNameOrdinal)
                _sessionLoginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.SessionLoginNameOrdinal.Value);
Exemplo n.º 16
        internal LogoutEvent(IDataRecord record, LogoutEventLoaderInfo loaderInfo)
            Contract.Requires(null != record, "The record must be valid.");
            Contract.Requires(null != loaderInfo, "The loaderInfo must be valid.");

            if (null != loaderInfo.TextDataOrdinal)
                _textData = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.TextDataOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.DatabaseIDOrdinal)
                _databaseID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.DatabaseIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.NTUserNameOrdinal)
                _nTUserName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.NTUserNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.NTDomainNameOrdinal)
                _nTDomainName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.NTDomainNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.HostNameOrdinal)
                _hostName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.HostNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ClientProcessIDOrdinal)
                _clientProcessID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.ClientProcessIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ApplicationNameOrdinal)
                _applicationName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.ApplicationNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.LoginNameOrdinal)
                _loginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.LoginNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SPIDOrdinal)
                _sPID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.SPIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.DurationOrdinal)
                _duration = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.DurationOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.StartTimeOrdinal)
                _startTime = record.GetNullableDateTime(loaderInfo.StartTimeOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.EndTimeOrdinal)
                _endTime = record.GetNullableDateTime(loaderInfo.EndTimeOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ReadsOrdinal)
                _reads = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.ReadsOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.WritesOrdinal)
                _writes = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.WritesOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.CPUOrdinal)
                _cPU = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.CPUOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.EventSubClassOrdinal)
                _eventSubClass = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.EventSubClassOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SuccessOrdinal)
                _success = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.SuccessOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ServerNameOrdinal)
                _serverName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.ServerNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.DatabaseNameOrdinal)
                _databaseName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.DatabaseNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.LoginSidOrdinal)
                _loginSid = (Byte[])record.GetValue(loaderInfo.LoginSidOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.RequestIDOrdinal)
                _requestID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.RequestIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.EventSequenceOrdinal)
                _eventSequence = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.EventSequenceOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.TypeOrdinal)
                _type = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.TypeOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.IsSystemOrdinal)
                _isSystem = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.IsSystemOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SessionLoginNameOrdinal)
                _sessionLoginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.SessionLoginNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.GroupIDOrdinal)
                _groupID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.GroupIDOrdinal.Value);
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// 实例化一个权限对象
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="powerIdentity"></param>
        /// <param name="remark"></param>
        /// <param name="parentId"></param>
        public Power(String name, String powerIdentity, String remark = default(String), Int32? parentId = null)
            Name = name;

            PowerIdentity = powerIdentity;

            Remark = remark;

            ParentId = parentId;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public BBSDE()
     _ContentType = (1);
     _IsShowTag = 1;
     _IsNiming = 0;
     _AddTime = DateTime.Now;
     _IsDelete = 0;
     _ReDeID = 0;
     _OptionLog = "";
Exemplo n.º 19
 public override int Read()
     if (this.PeekedChar.HasValue)
         Int32 R = this.PeekedChar.Value;
         this.PeekedChar = new Int32?();
         return R;
     return this.Reader.Read();
Exemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new context with a custom parent (nested, i.e. more local layer).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parentContext">
 /// The parent context for the new context.
 /// </param>
 public ParseContext(ParseContext parentContext)
     _isReadOnly = false;
     _variables = new Dictionary<String, Value>();
     _functions = new Dictionary<String, IFunction>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
     _constants = new Dictionary<String, IConstants>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
     _defaultProperties = new Dictionary<String, IDictionary<String, Value>>();
     _parent = parentContext;
     _precision = parentContext.Precision;
     _displayStyle = parentContext._displayStyle;
        internal DatabaseMirroringLoginEvent(IDataRecord record, DatabaseMirroringLoginEventLoaderInfo loaderInfo)
            Contract.Requires(null != record, "The record must be valid.");
            Contract.Requires(null != loaderInfo, "The loaderInfo must be valid.");

            if (null != loaderInfo.TextDataOrdinal)
                _textData = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.TextDataOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.DatabaseIDOrdinal)
                _databaseID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.DatabaseIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.TransactionIDOrdinal)
                _transactionID = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.TransactionIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.NTUserNameOrdinal)
                _nTUserName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.NTUserNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.NTDomainNameOrdinal)
                _nTDomainName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.NTDomainNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.HostNameOrdinal)
                _hostName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.HostNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ClientProcessIDOrdinal)
                _clientProcessID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.ClientProcessIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ApplicationNameOrdinal)
                _applicationName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.ApplicationNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.LoginNameOrdinal)
                _loginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.LoginNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SPIDOrdinal)
                _sPID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.SPIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.StartTimeOrdinal)
                _startTime = record.GetNullableDateTime(loaderInfo.StartTimeOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.EventSubClassOrdinal)
                _eventSubClass = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.EventSubClassOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ServerNameOrdinal)
                _serverName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.ServerNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.StateOrdinal)
                _state = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.StateOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ObjectNameOrdinal)
                _objectName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.ObjectNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.FileNameOrdinal)
                _fileName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.FileNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.OwnerNameOrdinal)
                _ownerName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.OwnerNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.RoleNameOrdinal)
                _roleName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.RoleNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.TargetUserNameOrdinal)
                _targetUserName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.TargetUserNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.LoginSidOrdinal)
                _loginSid = (Byte[])record.GetValue(loaderInfo.LoginSidOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ProviderNameOrdinal)
                _providerName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.ProviderNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.EventSequenceOrdinal)
                _eventSequence = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.EventSequenceOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.IsSystemOrdinal)
                _isSystem = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.IsSystemOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SessionLoginNameOrdinal)
                _sessionLoginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.SessionLoginNameOrdinal.Value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GedcomxDateRecurring"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="date">The recurring date string that describes a recurring GEDCOM X date.</param>
        /// <exception cref="Gedcomx.Date.GedcomxDateException">
        /// Thrown if the formal date string is null, empty, or fails to meet the expected format. The specific reason will be given at runtime.
        /// </exception>
        public GedcomxDateRecurring(String date)
            if (date == null || date.Length < 3)
                throw new GedcomxDateException("Invalid Recurring Date");

            if (date[0] != 'R')
                throw new GedcomxDateException("Invalid Recurring Date: Must start with R");

            String[] parts = date.Split('/');

            if (parts.Length != 3)
                throw new GedcomxDateException("Invalid Recurring Date: Must contain 3 parts");

            // We must have a start and end
            if (parts[1].Equals("") || parts[2].Equals(""))
                throw new GedcomxDateException("Invalid Recurring Date: Range must have a start and an end");

            String countNum = parts[0].Substring(1);
            char[] countNumChars = parts[0].Substring(1).ToCharArray();

            if (countNumChars.Length > 0)
                foreach (char c in countNumChars)
                    if (!Char.IsDigit(c))
                        throw new GedcomxDateException("Invalid Recurring Date: Malformed Count");
                count = Int32.Parse(countNum);
                range = new GedcomxDateRange(parts[1] + "/" + parts[2]);
            catch (GedcomxDateException e)
                throw new GedcomxDateException(e.Message + " in Recurring Range");

            // If we have a count set end
            if (count != null)
                end = GetNth(count.Value);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public Faction()
     _BuildTime = DateTime.Now;
     _Status = 1;
     _FJinbi = 0;
     _FScore = 0;
     _MemberNum = 0;
     _FUsedScore = 0;
     _Activity = 0;
     _PrevScore = 0;
Exemplo n.º 24
 public GeometryFactory(ICoordinateFactory coordFactory, ICoordinateSequenceFactory sequenceFactory, Int32? srid, ICoordinateSystem spatialReference)
     _coordFactory = coordFactory;
     _sequenceFactory = sequenceFactory;
     _srid = srid;
     _spatialReference = spatialReference;
     _spatialOps = new BoundingBoxSpatialOperations(this);
     _wktEncoder = new WktWriter();
     _wktDecoder = new WktReader(this, null);
     _wkbEncoder = new WkbWriter();
     _wkbDecoder = new WkbReader(this);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public Service(string name, Int32? port, PortList portList, string protocol)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && (port == null) && (portList == null))
                throw new ArgumentException("Service must have at least one of the following nodes: name, port or portlist instead.");
            if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || (port != null)) && (portList != null))
                throw new ArgumentException("Service must have either: (name and/or port) or portlist node.");

            this.name = name;
            this.port = port;
            this.portList = portList;
            this.protocol = protocol;
Exemplo n.º 26
 ParseContext(IDictionary<String, Value> shadowVariables)
     _answer = "$";
     _isReadOnly = true;
     _variables = new ReadOnlyDictionary<String, Value>(shadowVariables);
     _functions = new Dictionary<String, IFunction>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
     _constants = new Dictionary<String, IConstants>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
     _defaultProperties = new Dictionary<String, IDictionary<String, Value>>();
     _parent = null;
     _precision = 6;
     _displayStyle = DisplayStyle.Default;
     _elements = new Elements(this);
     _elements.RegisterAssembly(this, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
     Int64 fileSize,
     bool inUse,
     Int64? minInternalSize,
     Int32 physicalSectorSize,
     Int32 alignment,
     Int32? fragmentationPercentage)
     m_FileSize = fileSize;
     m_InUse = inUse;
     m_MinInternalSize = minInternalSize;
     m_PhysicalSectorSize = physicalSectorSize;
     m_Alignment = alignment;
     m_FragmentationPercentage = fragmentationPercentage;
Exemplo n.º 28
        internal LoginFailedEvent(IDataRecord record, LoginFailedEventLoaderInfo loaderInfo)
            Contract.Requires(null != record, "The record must be valid.");
            Contract.Requires(null != loaderInfo, "The loaderInfo must be valid.");

            if (null != loaderInfo.TextDataOrdinal)
                _textData = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.TextDataOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.DatabaseIDOrdinal)
                _databaseID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.DatabaseIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.NTUserNameOrdinal)
                _nTUserName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.NTUserNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.NTDomainNameOrdinal)
                _nTDomainName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.NTDomainNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.HostNameOrdinal)
                _hostName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.HostNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ClientProcessIDOrdinal)
                _clientProcessID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.ClientProcessIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ApplicationNameOrdinal)
                _applicationName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.ApplicationNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.LoginNameOrdinal)
                _loginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.LoginNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SPIDOrdinal)
                _sPID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.SPIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.StartTimeOrdinal)
                _startTime = record.GetNullableDateTime(loaderInfo.StartTimeOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.EventSubClassOrdinal)
                _eventSubClass = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.EventSubClassOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SuccessOrdinal)
                _success = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.SuccessOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ServerNameOrdinal)
                _serverName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.ServerNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.StateOrdinal)
                _state = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.StateOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ErrorOrdinal)
                _error = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.ErrorOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.DatabaseNameOrdinal)
                _databaseName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.DatabaseNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.RequestIDOrdinal)
                _requestID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.RequestIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.EventSequenceOrdinal)
                _eventSequence = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.EventSequenceOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.TypeOrdinal)
                _type = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.TypeOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.IsSystemOrdinal)
                _isSystem = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.IsSystemOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SessionLoginNameOrdinal)
                _sessionLoginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.SessionLoginNameOrdinal.Value);
        protected new void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
            base.Page_Init(sender, e);


            if (Tile == null) return;

            _level = (Base.Enums.EntityTypes)Tile.TileParms.GetParm("level");
            _levelID = (Int32)Tile.TileParms.GetParm("levelID");
            _class = Tile.TileParms.GetParm("class") != null ? (Base.Classes.Class)Tile.TileParms.GetParm("class") : new Base.Classes.Class();
            _folder = Tile.TileParms.GetParm("folder").ToString();
            _selectID = (Int32?)Tile.TileParms.GetParm("selectID");
            _category = Tile.TileParms.GetParm("category") != null ? Tile.TileParms.GetParm("category").ToString() : string.Empty;

            AssessmentResults_level.Value = _level.ToString();
            AssessmentResults_levelID.Value = Standpoint.Core.Classes.Encryption.EncryptInt(_levelID);
            // set default tab
Exemplo n.º 30
        internal FulltextEvent(IDataRecord record, FulltextEventLoaderInfo loaderInfo)
            Contract.Requires(null != record, "The record must be valid.");
            Contract.Requires(null != loaderInfo, "The loaderInfo must be valid.");

            if (null != loaderInfo.TextDataOrdinal)
                _textData = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.TextDataOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.DatabaseIDOrdinal)
                _databaseID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.DatabaseIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.NTUserNameOrdinal)
                _nTUserName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.NTUserNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.NTDomainNameOrdinal)
                _nTDomainName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.NTDomainNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SPIDOrdinal)
                _sPID = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.SPIDOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.LoginNameOrdinal)
                _loginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.LoginNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.StartTimeOrdinal)
                _startTime = record.GetNullableDateTime(loaderInfo.StartTimeOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.EventSubClassOrdinal)
                _eventSubClass = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.EventSubClassOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SuccessOrdinal)
                _success = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.SuccessOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.ErrorOrdinal)
                _error = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.ErrorOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.TargetLoginNameOrdinal)
                _targetLoginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.TargetLoginNameOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.TargetLoginSidOrdinal)
                _targetLoginSid = (Byte[])record.GetValue(loaderInfo.TargetLoginSidOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.EventSequenceOrdinal)
                _eventSequence = record.GetNullableInt64(loaderInfo.EventSequenceOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.IsSystemOrdinal)
                _isSystem = record.GetNullableInt32(loaderInfo.IsSystemOrdinal.Value);
            if (null != loaderInfo.SessionLoginNameOrdinal)
                _sessionLoginName = record.GetNullableString(loaderInfo.SessionLoginNameOrdinal.Value);
Exemplo n.º 31
        public static string ValidateDisplayName(IDbConnection connection, string displayName, Int32?existingUserId)
            displayName = displayName.TrimToNull();

            if (displayName == null)
                throw DataValidation.RequiredError(fld.DisplayName.Name, fld.DisplayName.Title);

Exemplo n.º 32
        //private static object ConvertToT<T>(object Source)
        //    object theRet = Source;
        //    if (Source is string)
        //    {
        //        return (Source as string).ConvertToTargetType(typeof(T), Source);
        //    }
        //    return theRet;
        /// <summary>
        /// 将值转换成指定类型的值.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Source">源</param>
        /// <param name="type">指定类型</param>
        /// <param name="DefaultValue">没转换成功返回的值</param>
        /// <returns>指定类型的值,转换不成功返回default值.</returns>
        public static object ConvertToTargetType(this string Source, Type type, object DefaultValue)
            if (type == typeof(string))
            if (type == typeof(Boolean))
                Boolean theRet = Boolean.Parse(Source);
            if (type == typeof(byte))
                Byte theRet = Byte.Parse(Source);
            if (type == typeof(Char))
                Char theRet = Char.Parse(Source);
            if (type == typeof(DateTime))
                DateTime theRet = DateTime.Parse(Source);
            if (type == typeof(Decimal))
                Decimal theRet = Decimal.Parse(Source);
            if (type == typeof(Double))
                Double theRet = Double.Parse(Source);
            if (type == typeof(Int16))
                Int16 theRet = Int16.Parse(Source);

            if (type == typeof(Int32))
                Int32 theRet = Int32.Parse(Source);
            if (type == typeof(SByte))
                SByte theRet = SByte.Parse(Source);
            if (type == typeof(int))
                int theRet = int.Parse(Source);
            if (type == typeof(Single))
                Single theRet = Single.Parse(Source);

            if (type == typeof(String))
                String theRet = Source;
            if (type == typeof(UInt16))
                UInt16 theRet = UInt16.Parse(Source);

            if (type == typeof(UInt32))
                UInt32 theRet = UInt32.Parse(Source);
            if (type == typeof(UInt64))
                UInt64 theRet = UInt64.Parse(Source);
            if (type == typeof(Boolean?))
                Boolean?theRet = (Source != null && Source != "" && Source != string.Empty) ? (Boolean?)bool.Parse(Source) : null;
            if (type == typeof(byte?))
                Byte?theRet = (Source != null && Source != "" && Source != string.Empty) ? (Byte?)Byte.Parse(Source) : null;
            if (type == typeof(Char?))
                Char?theRet = (Source != null && Source != "" && Source != string.Empty) ? (Char?)Char.Parse(Source) : null;
            if (type == typeof(DateTime?))
                DateTime?theRet = (Source != null && Source != "" && Source != string.Empty) ? (DateTime?)DateTime.Parse(Source) : null;
            if (type == typeof(Decimal?))
                Decimal?theRet = (Source != null && Source != "" && Source != string.Empty) ? (Decimal?)Decimal.Parse(Source) : null;
            if (type == typeof(Double?))
                Double?theRet = (Source != null && Source != "" && Source != string.Empty) ? (Double?)Double.Parse(Source) : null;
            if (type == typeof(Int16?))
                Int16?theRet = (Source != null && Source != "" && Source != string.Empty) ? (Int16?)Int16.Parse(Source) : null;

            if (type == typeof(Int32?))
                Int32?theRet = (Source != null && Source != "" && Source != string.Empty) ? (Int32?)Int32.Parse(Source) : null;
            if (type == typeof(Int64?))
                Int64?theRet = (Source != null && Source != "" && Source != string.Empty) ? (Int64?)Int64.Parse(Source) : null;
            if (type == typeof(SByte?))
                SByte?theRet = (Source != null && Source != "" && Source != string.Empty) ? (SByte?)SByte.Parse(Source) : null;
            if (type == typeof(int?))
                int?theRet = (Source != null && Source != "" && Source != string.Empty) ? (int?)int.Parse(Source) : null;
            if (type == typeof(Single?))
                Single?theRet = (Source != null && Source != "" && Source != string.Empty) ? (Single?)Single.Parse(Source) : null;

            if (type == typeof(UInt16?))
                UInt16?theRet = (Source != null && Source != "" && Source != string.Empty) ? (UInt16?)UInt16.Parse(Source) : null;

            if (type == typeof(UInt32?))
                UInt32?theRet = (Source != null && Source != "" && Source != string.Empty) ? (UInt32?)UInt32.Parse(Source) : null;
            if (type == typeof(UInt64?))
                UInt64?theRet = (Source != null && Source != "" && Source != string.Empty) ? (UInt64?)UInt64.Parse(Source) : null;
Exemplo n.º 33
        /// <summary>
        ///     This Function checks if the given box can be contained in the container or not.
        ///     Flow:
        ///         It 1st checks for all the sub splitted containers of the given container individually that whether
        ///         they could occumulate the box or not.
        ///         Foreach container, it checks all the orientations X, Y or Z (if the rotations are allowed) for each box.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Container_Key">It is the key of the Container in which the box has to be placed,I used this key for accessing the container from dictionary data-structure.</param>
        /// <param name="box">Box which is to be contained in the given contianer.</param>
        /// <param name="Orientation_case">This parametre will help in splitting the Containers, There are total of 6 cases.</param>
        /// <param name="container_index">Exact index at which the box will be placed in the given container.</param>
        /// <param name="RotationX">Out pramatre showing if the box was rotated along X co-ordinate</param>
        /// <param name="RotationY">Out pramatre showing if the box was rotated along Y co-ordinate</param>
        /// <param name="RotationZ">Out pramatre showing if the box was rotated along Z co-ordinate</param>
        /// <returns>It returns the Origin of the container in which the box has to be placed. (If available)If not available, returns a point (-infinity, -infinity, -infinity)</returns>
        Point3D has_free_space(String Container_Key, Box box, out Int32?Orientation_case, out Int32?container_index, out Boolean?RotationX, out Boolean?RotationY, out Boolean?RotationZ)
            //could be placed in only touching the bottom
            if (box.BottomOnly)
                Int32 index = 0;
                foreach (Containers container in Split_Container_open_list[Container_Key])
                    //as the object is bottom only so it should be placed on xy-plane only
                    if (container.Origin.Z == 0.0F && container.volume() >= box.Volume()) //z-axis value should be zero.
                        //no rotation
                        if (container.Height >= box.Height && container.Length >= box.Length && container.Width >= box.Width)
                            RotationX        = false;
                            RotationY        = false;
                            RotationZ        = false;
                            container_index  = index;
                            Orientation_case = 0;

                        //if X rotation is allowed.
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsX && container.Width >= box.Height && container.Height >= box.Width && container.Length >= box.Length)
                            RotationX        = true;
                            RotationY        = false;
                            RotationZ        = false;
                            container_index  = index;
                            Orientation_case = 1;

                        // if Y rotation is allowed
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsY && container.Width >= box.Width && container.Length >= box.Height && container.Height >= box.Length)
                            RotationX        = false;
                            RotationY        = true;
                            RotationZ        = false;
                            container_index  = index;
                            Orientation_case = 2;

                        //if Z rotation is allowed
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsZ && container.Height >= box.Height && container.Width >= box.Length && container.Length >= box.Width)
                            RotationX        = false;
                            RotationY        = false;
                            RotationZ        = true;
                            container_index  = index;
                            Orientation_case = 3;
                        //along  yx-rotation
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsY && box.AllowedRotationsX)
                            if (container.Width >= box.Height && container.Length >= box.Width && container.Height >= box.Length)
                                RotationX        = true;
                                RotationY        = true;
                                RotationZ        = false;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 4;
                            else if (container.Width >= box.Length && container.Length >= box.Height && container.Height >= box.Width)
                                RotationX        = true;
                                RotationY        = true;
                                RotationZ        = false;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 5;

                        //along  xz-rotation
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsX && box.AllowedRotationsZ)
                            if (container.Width >= box.Height && container.Length >= box.Width && container.Height >= box.Length)
                                RotationX        = true;
                                RotationY        = false;
                                RotationZ        = true;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 4;
                            else if (container.Width >= box.Length && container.Length >= box.Height && container.Height >= box.Width)
                                RotationX        = true;
                                RotationY        = false;
                                RotationZ        = true;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 5;

                        //along zy-rotation
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsZ && box.AllowedRotationsY)
                            if (container.Width >= box.Height && container.Length >= box.Width && container.Height >= box.Length)
                                RotationX        = false;
                                RotationY        = true;
                                RotationZ        = true;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 4;
                            else if (container.Width >= box.Length && container.Length >= box.Height && container.Height >= box.Width)
                                RotationX        = false;
                                RotationY        = true;
                                RotationZ        = true;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 5;
            else if (box.TopOnly)
                Int32 index = 0;
                foreach (Containers container in Split_Container_open_list[Container_Key])
                    //as the object is top only only so it should be placed on xy-plane +  only
                    if (container.Origin.Z + container.Height == ContainerList[Container_Key].Height && container.volume() >= box.Volume())
                        //no rotation
                        if (container.Height >= box.Height && container.Length >= box.Length && container.Width >= box.Width)
                            RotationX        = false;
                            RotationY        = false;
                            RotationZ        = false;
                            container_index  = index;
                            Orientation_case = 0;

                        //if X rotation is allowed.
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsX && container.Width >= box.Height && container.Height >= box.Width && container.Length >= box.Length)
                            RotationX        = true;
                            RotationY        = false;
                            RotationZ        = false;
                            container_index  = index;
                            Orientation_case = 1;

                        // if Y rotation is allowed
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsY && container.Width >= box.Width && container.Length >= box.Height && container.Height >= box.Length)
                            RotationX        = false;
                            RotationY        = true;
                            RotationZ        = false;
                            container_index  = index;
                            Orientation_case = 2;

                        //if Z rotation is allowed
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsZ && container.Height >= box.Height && container.Width >= box.Length && container.Length >= box.Width)
                            RotationX        = false;
                            RotationY        = false;
                            RotationZ        = true;
                            container_index  = index;
                            Orientation_case = 3;
                        //along  yx-rotation
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsY && box.AllowedRotationsX)
                            if (container.Width >= box.Height && container.Length >= box.Width && container.Height >= box.Length)
                                RotationX        = true;
                                RotationY        = true;
                                RotationZ        = false;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 4;
                            else if (container.Width >= box.Length && container.Length >= box.Height && container.Height >= box.Width)
                                RotationX        = true;
                                RotationY        = true;
                                RotationZ        = false;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 5;

                        //along  xz-rotation
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsX && box.AllowedRotationsZ)
                            if (container.Width >= box.Height && container.Length >= box.Width && container.Height >= box.Length)
                                RotationX        = true;
                                RotationY        = false;
                                RotationZ        = true;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 4;
                            else if (container.Width >= box.Length && container.Length >= box.Height && container.Height >= box.Width)
                                RotationX        = true;
                                RotationY        = false;
                                RotationZ        = true;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 5;

                        //along zy-rotation
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsZ && box.AllowedRotationsY)
                            if (container.Width >= box.Height && container.Length >= box.Width && container.Height >= box.Length)
                                RotationX        = false;
                                RotationY        = true;
                                RotationZ        = true;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 4;
                            else if (container.Width >= box.Length && container.Length >= box.Height && container.Height >= box.Width)
                                RotationX        = false;
                                RotationY        = true;
                                RotationZ        = true;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 5;
            //place the box whereever it is fissible
                Int32 index = 0;
                foreach (Containers container in Split_Container_open_list[Container_Key])
                    if (container.volume() >= box.Volume())
                        //no rotation
                        if (container.Height >= box.Height && container.Length >= box.Length && container.Width >= box.Width)
                            RotationX        = false;
                            RotationY        = false;
                            RotationZ        = false;
                            container_index  = index;
                            Orientation_case = 0;

                        //if X rotation is allowed.
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsX && container.Width >= box.Height && container.Height >= box.Width && container.Length >= box.Length)
                            RotationX        = true;
                            RotationY        = false;
                            RotationZ        = false;
                            container_index  = index;
                            Orientation_case = 1;

                        // if Y rotation is allowed
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsY && container.Width >= box.Width && container.Length >= box.Height && container.Height >= box.Length)
                            RotationX        = false;
                            RotationY        = true;
                            RotationZ        = false;
                            container_index  = index;
                            Orientation_case = 2;

                        //if Z rotation is allowed
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsZ && container.Height >= box.Height && container.Width >= box.Length && container.Length >= box.Width)
                            RotationX        = false;
                            RotationY        = false;
                            RotationZ        = true;
                            container_index  = index;
                            Orientation_case = 3;
                        //along  yx-rotation
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsY && box.AllowedRotationsX)
                            if (container.Width >= box.Height && container.Length >= box.Width && container.Height >= box.Length)
                                RotationX        = true;
                                RotationY        = true;
                                RotationZ        = false;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 4;
                            else if (container.Width >= box.Length && container.Length >= box.Height && container.Height >= box.Width)
                                RotationX        = true;
                                RotationY        = true;
                                RotationZ        = false;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 5;

                        //along  xz-rotation
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsX && box.AllowedRotationsZ)
                            if (container.Width >= box.Height && container.Length >= box.Width && container.Height >= box.Length)
                                RotationX        = true;
                                RotationY        = false;
                                RotationZ        = true;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 4;
                            else if (container.Width >= box.Length && container.Length >= box.Height && container.Height >= box.Width)
                                RotationX        = true;
                                RotationY        = false;
                                RotationZ        = true;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 5;

                        //along zy-rotation
                        else if (box.AllowedRotationsZ && box.AllowedRotationsY)
                            if (container.Width >= box.Height && container.Length >= box.Width && container.Height >= box.Length)
                                RotationX        = false;
                                RotationY        = true;
                                RotationZ        = true;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 4;
                            else if (container.Width >= box.Length && container.Length >= box.Height && container.Height >= box.Width)
                                RotationX        = false;
                                RotationY        = true;
                                RotationZ        = true;
                                container_index  = index;
                                Orientation_case = 5;

            // if still not available.
            Point3D invalid_point = new Point3D();

            invalid_point.X  = float.NegativeInfinity;
            invalid_point.Y  = float.NegativeInfinity;
            invalid_point.Z  = float.NegativeInfinity;
            RotationX        = null;
            RotationY        = null;
            RotationZ        = null;
            container_index  = null;
            Orientation_case = null;
Exemplo n.º 34
 public static Decimal?ToVisual(this Int32?value)
Exemplo n.º 35
        public static List <cReporteArticulosDevueltos> ReporteArticulosDevueltos(Int64?DocumentoDesde, Int64?DocumentoHasta, DateTime?FechaDesde, DateTime?FechaHasta, Int64?CodigoProveedor, String CodigoArticulo, Int32?Familia)
                //Declaramos la conexion hacia la base de datos
                using (SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(cConexion.CadenaConexion()))
                    //Nombre del procedimiento
                    string StoreProc = "uspResumenArticulosDevueltosCompras";
                    //Creamos el command para la insercion
                    SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand(StoreProc, Conn);
                    Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                    Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("FechaDesde", FechaDesde);
                    Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("FechaHasta", FechaHasta);
                    Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("DocumentoDesde", DocumentoDesde);
                    Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("DocumentoHasta", DocumentoHasta);
                    Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("CodigoProveedor", CodigoProveedor);
                    Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("CodigoArticulo", CodigoArticulo);
                    Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Familia", Familia);

                    //Ejecutamos el lector
                    SqlDataReader Reader = Cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    List <cReporteArticulosDevueltos> Lista = new List <cReporteArticulosDevueltos>();
                    while (Reader.Read())
                        cReporteArticulosDevueltos Resumen = new cReporteArticulosDevueltos();
                        Resumen.DocumentoID         = Reader.GetInt64(Reader.GetOrdinal("DocumentoID"));
                        Resumen.FechaCreacion       = Reader.GetDateTime(Reader.GetOrdinal("FechaCreacion"));
                        Resumen.FechaVencimiento    = Reader.GetDateTime(Reader.GetOrdinal("FechaVencimiento"));
                        Resumen.CodigoArticulo      = Reader.GetString(Reader.GetOrdinal("CodigoArticulo"));
                        Resumen.DescripcionArticulo = Reader.GetString(Reader.GetOrdinal("DescripcionArticulo"));
                        Resumen.DescripcionFamilia  = Reader.GetString(Reader.GetOrdinal("DescripcionFamilia"));
                        Resumen.NombreComercial     = Reader.GetString(Reader.GetOrdinal("NombreComercial"));
                        Resumen.CantidadFacturada   = Reader.GetDecimal(Reader.GetOrdinal("CantidadFacturada"));
                        Resumen.CantidadDevuelta    = Reader.GetDecimal(Reader.GetOrdinal("CantidadDevuelta"));
                        Resumen.FechaInicial        = Reader.IsDBNull(Reader.GetOrdinal("FechaInicial")) ? "" : Reader.GetValue(Reader.GetOrdinal("FechaInicial"));
                        Resumen.FechaFin            = Reader.IsDBNull(Reader.GetOrdinal("FechaFinal")) ? "" : Reader.GetValue(Reader.GetOrdinal("FechaFinal"));
                        Resumen.DocumentoDesde      = Reader.IsDBNull(Reader.GetOrdinal("DocumentoDesde")) ? "" : Reader.GetValue(Reader.GetOrdinal("DocumentoDesde"));
                        Resumen.DocumentoHasta      = Reader.IsDBNull(Reader.GetOrdinal("DocumentoHasta")) ? "" : Reader.GetValue(Reader.GetOrdinal("DocumentoHasta"));

                        //Agregamos el articulo a la lista
                    //Cerramos la conexion
                    //Retornamos la lista de clientes
            catch (SqlException Ex)
                throw Ex;
Exemplo n.º 36
 public static ITarifarioConceptoFacturableTope GetTarifarioTope(Int32?TarifarioConceptoFacturableTopeID, Int32?TarifarioConceptoFacturableID, Int32?Tope, Double?Valor, Boolean?Baja, Boolean RegistroNuevo)
     return((ITarifarioConceptoFacturableTope) new TarifarioConceptoFacturableTope()
         TarifarioConceptoFacturableTopeID = TarifarioConceptoFacturableTopeID,
         TarifarioConceptoFacturableID = TarifarioConceptoFacturableID,
         Tope = Tope,
         Valor = Valor,
         Baja = Baja,
         RegistroNuevo = RegistroNuevo
        public ActionResult MontarTelaTarefaKanban(Int32?id)
            // Controle Acesso
            if ((String)Session["Ativa"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "ControleAcesso"));
            Int32   idAss   = (Int32)Session["IdAssinante"];
            USUARIO usuario = new USUARIO();

            if ((USUARIO)Session["UserCredentials"] != null)
                usuario = (USUARIO)Session["UserCredentials"];
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "ControleAcesso"));

            // Carrega listas
            if (Session["ListaTarefa"] == null)
                listaMaster            = baseApp.GetByUser(usuario.USUA_CD_ID);
                Session["ListaTarefa"] = listaMaster;

            if (id == null)
                ViewBag.Listas = listaMaster;
                ViewBag.Listas = baseApp.GetByUser(usuario.USUA_CD_ID).Where(x => x.TARE_DT_REALIZADA == null).ToList();

            ViewBag.Title = "Tarefas";

            // Indicadores
            ViewBag.Tarefas           = listaMaster.Count;
            ViewBag.Tipos             = new SelectList(baseApp.GetAllTipos(idAss), "TITR_CD_ID", "TITR_NM_NOME");
            ViewBag.TarefasPendentes  = baseApp.GetTarefaStatus(usuario.USUA_CD_ID, 1).Count;
            ViewBag.TarefasEncerradas = baseApp.GetTarefaStatus(usuario.USUA_CD_ID, 2).Count;

            List <SelectListItem> status = new List <SelectListItem>();

            status.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Text = "Pendente", Value = "1"
            status.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Text = "Suspensa", Value = "2"
            status.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Text = "Cancelada", Value = "3"
            status.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Text = "Encerrada", Value = "4"
            ViewBag.Status = new SelectList(status, "Value", "Text");

            // Mensagem
            if ((Int32)Session["MensTarefa"] == 1)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", ERP_Condominio_Resources.ResourceManager.GetString("M0016", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

            // Abre view
            Session["MensTarefa"] = 0;
            objeto = new TAREFA();
            objeto.TARE_DT_CADASTRO = DateTime.Today.Date;
Exemplo n.º 38
 DataTable IHREmployeeSalaryInfoHistoryFacade.GetDT(Int32?currentPage, Int32?pageSize, String sortExpression, String filterExpression, DatabaseOperationType option)
     return(DataAccessFactory.CreateHREmployeeSalaryInfoHistoryDataAccess().GetDT(currentPage, pageSize, sortExpression, filterExpression, option));
Exemplo n.º 39
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void ReceiveResponse(INextLayer nextLayer, Exchange exchange, Response response)
            if ((exchange.OscoapContext == null) && (response.Oscoap == null))
                base.ReceiveResponse(nextLayer, exchange, response);

            // do not continue fetching blocks if canceled
            if (exchange.Request.IsCancelled)
                // reject (in particular for Block+Observe)
                if (response.Type != MessageType.ACK)
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("Rejecting blockwise transfer for canceled Exchange");
                    EmptyMessage rst = EmptyMessage.NewRST(response);
                    SendEmptyMessage(nextLayer, exchange, rst);
                    // Matcher sets exchange as complete when RST is sent

            if (!response.HasOption(OptionType.Block1) && !response.HasOption(OptionType.Block2))
                // There is no block1 or block2 option, therefore it is a normal response
                exchange.Response = response;
                base.ReceiveResponse(nextLayer, exchange, response);

            BlockOption block1 = response.Block1;

            if (block1 != null)
                // TODO: What if request has not been sent blockwise (server error)
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    log.Debug("Response acknowledges block " + block1);

                BlockwiseStatus status = exchange.OSCOAP_RequestBlockStatus;
                if (!status.Complete)
                    // TODO: the response code should be CONTINUE. Otherwise deliver
                    // Send next block
                    Int32 currentSize = 1 << (4 + status.CurrentSZX);
                    Int32 nextNum     = status.CurrentNUM + currentSize / block1.Size;
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("Send next block num = " + nextNum);
                    status.CurrentNUM = nextNum;
                    status.CurrentSZX = block1.SZX;
                    Request nextBlock = GetNextRequestBlock(exchange.Request, status);
                    if (nextBlock.Token == null)
                        nextBlock.Token = response.Token; // reuse same token
                    exchange.CurrentRequest = nextBlock;
                    base.SendRequest(nextLayer, exchange, nextBlock);
                    // do not deliver response
                else if (!response.HasOption(OptionType.Block2))
                    // All request block have been acknowledged and we receive a piggy-backed
                    // response that needs no blockwise transfer. Thus, deliver it.
                    base.ReceiveResponse(nextLayer, exchange, response);
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("Response has Block2 option and is therefore sent blockwise");

            BlockOption block2 = response.Block2;

            if (block2 != null)
                BlockwiseStatus status = FindResponseBlockStatus(exchange, response);

                if (block2.NUM == status.CurrentNUM)
                    // We got the block we expected :-)
                    Int32?obs = response.Observe;
                    if (obs.HasValue)
                        status.Observe = obs.Value;

                    // notify blocking progress

                    if (status.IsRandomAccess)
                        // The client has requested this specifc block and we deliver it
                        exchange.Response = response;
                        base.ReceiveResponse(nextLayer, exchange, response);
                    else if (block2.M)
                        if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                            log.Debug("Request the next response block");

                        Request request = exchange.Request;
                        Int32   num     = block2.NUM + 1;
                        Int32   szx     = block2.SZX;
                        Boolean m       = false;

                        Request block = new Request(request.Method);
                        // NON could make sense over SMS or similar transports
                        block.Type        = request.Type;
                        block.Destination = request.Destination;
                        block.SetOption(new BlockOption(OptionType.Block2, num, szx, m));
                        // we use the same token to ease traceability (GET without Observe no longer cancels relations)
                        block.Token = response.Token;
                        // make sure not to use Observe for block retrieval

                        status.CurrentNUM = num;

                        exchange.CurrentRequest = block;
                        base.SendRequest(nextLayer, exchange, block);
                        if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                            log.Debug("We have received all " + status.BlockCount + " blocks of the response. Assemble and deliver.");
                        Response assembled = new Response(response.StatusCode);
                        AssembleMessage(status, assembled, response);
                        assembled.Type = response.Type;

                        // set overall transfer RTT
                        assembled.RTT = (DateTime.Now - exchange.Timestamp).TotalMilliseconds;

                        // Check if this response is a notification
                        Int32 observe = status.Observe;
                        if (observe != BlockwiseStatus.NoObserve)
                            assembled.AddOption(Option.Create(OptionType.Observe, observe));
                            // This is necessary for notifications that are sent blockwise:
                            // Reset block number AND container with all blocks
                            exchange.OSCOAP_ResponseBlockStatus = null;

                        if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                            log.Debug("Assembled response: " + assembled);
                        exchange.Response = assembled;
                        base.ReceiveResponse(nextLayer, exchange, assembled);
                    // ERROR, wrong block number (server error)
                    // TODO: This scenario is not specified in the draft.
                    // Currently, we reject it and cancel the request.
                    if (log.IsWarnEnabled)
                        log.Warn("Wrong block number. Expected " + status.CurrentNUM + " but received " + block2.NUM + ". Reject response; exchange has failed.");
                    if (response.Type == MessageType.CON)
                        EmptyMessage rst = EmptyMessage.NewRST(response);
                        base.SendEmptyMessage(nextLayer, exchange, rst);
                    exchange.Request.IsCancelled = true;
Exemplo n.º 40
 public static Int32 ND(object val, Int32?default_val)
     return(ND(val, default_val ?? 0));
Exemplo n.º 41
 public void Delete(Int32?ID)
     base.SetParameter(EmployeeHierarchyMap.ID, ID);
Exemplo n.º 42
 DataTable IPRMSupplierItemMapHistoryFacade.GetDT(Int32?currentPage, Int32?pageSize, String sortExpression, String filterExpression, DatabaseOperationType option)
     return(DataAccessFactory.CreatePRMSupplierItemMapHistoryDataAccess().GetDT(currentPage, pageSize, sortExpression, filterExpression, option));
Exemplo n.º 43
 IList <MDDMSOwnerTypeEntity> IMDDMSOwnerTypeFacade.GetIL(Int32?currentPage, Int32?pageSize, String sortExpression, String filterExpression, DatabaseOperationType option)
     return(DataAccessFactory.CreateMDDMSOwnerTypeDataAccess().GetIL(currentPage, pageSize, sortExpression, filterExpression, option));
        public TEMPLATE CheckExist(TEMPLATE item, Int32?idAss)
            TEMPLATE volta = _baseRepository.CheckExist(item, idAss);

Exemplo n.º 45
 public EmployeeHierarchyDetail Get(Int32?ID)
     base.SetParameter(EmployeeHierarchyMap.ID, ID);
     return(new EmployeeHierarchyDetail(GetReader(EmployeeHierarchyMap.ProcedureGet), m_map));
 public List <TEMPLATE> GetAllItensAdm(Int32?idAss)
            public SelectConnectorProductAttributeSettingCommand(IDbConnection connection, IDbTransaction transaction = null, Int32?commandTimeout = null)
                _command             = connection.CreateCommand();
                _command.CommandText = "[dbo].[SelectConnectorProductAttributeSetting]";

                if (commandTimeout.HasValue)
                    _command.CommandTimeout = commandTimeout.Value;

                _command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                _command.Transaction = transaction;

                _connectorProductAttributeIDParameter               = _command.CreateParameter();
                _connectorProductAttributeIDParameter.DbType        = DbType.Int32;
                _connectorProductAttributeIDParameter.Direction     = ParameterDirection.Input;
                _connectorProductAttributeIDParameter.ParameterName = "@ConnectorProductAttributeID";
                _connectorProductAttributeIDParameter.Size          = 4;

                _codeParameter               = _command.CreateParameter();
                _codeParameter.DbType        = DbType.String;
                _codeParameter.Direction     = ParameterDirection.Input;
                _codeParameter.ParameterName = "@Code";
                _codeParameter.Size          = 256;
Exemplo n.º 48
            public static string ValidateUsername(IDbConnection connection, string username, Int32?existingUserId)
                username = username.TrimToNull();

                if (username == null)
                    throw DataValidation.RequiredError(fld.Username.Name, fld.Username.Title);

                if (!IsValidUsername(username))
                    throw new ValidationError("InvalidUsername", "Username",
                                              "Usernames should start with letters, only contain letters and numbers!");

                var existing = GetUser(connection,
                                       new Criteria(fld.Username) == username |
                                       new Criteria(fld.Username) == username.Replace('I', 'İ'));

                if (existing != null && existingUserId != existing.UserId)
                    throw new ValidationError("UniqueViolation", "Username",
                                              "A user with same name exists. Please choose another!");

 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the MaxCount property
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="maxCount">MaxCount property</param>
 /// <returns>this instance</returns>
 public GetFeedSubmissionListRequest WithMaxCount(Int32?maxCount)
     this.maxCountField = maxCount;
        public async Task <IPagingModelResponse <OrderInfo> > GetOrdersAsync(Int32 pageSize = 0, Int32 pageNumber = 0, Int32?customerID = null, Int32?employeeID = null, Int32?shipperID = null)
            Logger?.LogInformation("{0} has been invoked", nameof(GetOrdersAsync));

            var response = new PagingModelResponse <OrderInfo>();

                response.PageSize   = pageSize;
                response.PageNumber = pageNumber;

                var query = SalesRepository.GetOrders(pageSize, pageNumber, customerID, employeeID, shipperID);

                response.ItemCount = await query.CountAsync();

                response.Model = await query.Paging(pageSize, pageNumber).ToListAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.SetError(ex, Logger);

Exemplo n.º 51
 public ITextEdit CreateEdit(EditOptions options, Int32?reiteratedVersionNumber, Object editTag)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 52
        public object Insert(Int64 pIDCRIFile, Int32?pintDateTicket, Int16?psintObjectId, Int32?pintDate, String pchrState, String pchrInfo, Int16?psintTeam, DateTime?pdtmLoaded)

            Columns.IDCRIFile     = pIDCRIFile;
            Columns.intDateTicket = pintDateTicket;
            Columns.sintObjectId  = psintObjectId;
            Columns.intDate       = pintDate;
            Columns.chrState      = pchrState;
            Columns.chrInfo       = pchrInfo;
            Columns.sintTeam      = psintTeam;
            Columns.dtmLoaded     = pdtmLoaded;

            object lResult = Apply(TConnectionSQL.ExecuteType.ExecuteScalar);

Exemplo n.º 53
 /// <summary>
 /// 给当前实体赋值
 /// </summary>
 protected override void SetValues(WeiSha.Data.IRowReader reader)
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_Id)))
         this._No_Id = reader.GetInt32(_.No_Id);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_Ttl)))
         this._No_Ttl = reader.GetString(_.No_Ttl);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_Context)))
         this._No_Context = reader.GetString(_.No_Context);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_IsShow)))
         this._No_IsShow = reader.GetBoolean(_.No_IsShow);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_IsTop)))
         this._No_IsTop = reader.GetBoolean(_.No_IsTop);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_CrtTime)))
         this._No_CrtTime = reader.GetDateTime(_.No_CrtTime);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_StartTime)))
         this._No_StartTime = reader.GetDateTime(_.No_StartTime);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_EndTime)))
         this._No_EndTime = reader.GetDateTime(_.No_EndTime);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.Acc_Id)))
         this._Acc_Id = reader.GetInt32(_.Acc_Id);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.Acc_Name)))
         this._Acc_Name = reader.GetString(_.Acc_Name);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_Organ)))
         this._No_Organ = reader.GetString(_.No_Organ);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.Org_ID)))
         this._Org_ID = reader.GetInt32(_.Org_ID);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.Org_Name)))
         this._Org_Name = reader.GetString(_.Org_Name);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_Page)))
         this._No_Page = reader.GetString(_.No_Page);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_Interval)))
         this._No_Interval = reader.GetString(_.No_Interval);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_Range)))
         this._No_Range = reader.GetInt32(_.No_Range);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_OpenCount)))
         this._No_OpenCount = reader.GetInt32(_.No_OpenCount);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_Width)))
         this._No_Width = reader.GetInt32(_.No_Width);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_Height)))
         this._No_Height = reader.GetInt32(_.No_Height);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_BgImage)))
         this._No_BgImage = reader.GetString(_.No_BgImage);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_Linkurl)))
         this._No_Linkurl = reader.GetString(_.No_Linkurl);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_Timespan)))
         this._No_Timespan = reader.GetInt32(_.No_Timespan);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_StudentSort)))
         this._No_StudentSort = reader.GetString(_.No_StudentSort);
     if ((false == reader.IsDBNull(_.No_Type)))
         this._No_Type = reader.GetInt32(_.No_Type);
 public List <TEMPLATE> GetAllItensCampanha(Int32?idCampanha, Int32?idAss)
     return(_baseRepository.GetAllItensCampanha(idCampanha, idAss));
 DataTable IMDSalaryDeducationCategoryFacade.GetDT(Int32?currentPage, Int32?pageSize, String sortExpression, String filterExpression, DatabaseOperationType option)
     return(DataAccessFactory.CreateMDSalaryDeducationCategoryDataAccess().GetDT(currentPage, pageSize, sortExpression, filterExpression, option));
 public List <TEMPLATE> ExecuteFilter(String nome, String conteudo, String sigla, Int32?idAss)
     return(_baseRepository.ExecuteFilter(nome, conteudo, sigla, idAss));
        IList <HREmployeeVisaInfomationEntity> IHREmployeeVisaInfomationDataAccess.GetIL(Int32?currentPage, Int32?pageSize, String sortExpression, String filterExpression, DatabaseOperationType option)
                const string SP = "dbo.HREmployeeVisaInfomation_GET";

                using (DbCommand cmd = Database.GetStoredProcCommand(SP))
                    AddOptionParameter(cmd, option);
                    AddPageSizeParameter(cmd, pageSize);
                    AddCurrentPageParameter(cmd, currentPage);
                    AddSortExpressionParameter(cmd, sortExpression);
                    AddFilterExpressionParameter(cmd, filterExpression);

                    using (IDataReader reader = Database.ExecuteReader(cmd))
                        IList <HREmployeeVisaInfomationEntity> list = CreateEntityBuilder <HREmployeeVisaInfomationEntity>().BuildEntities(reader);

                        if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
                            if ((reader.NextResult()) && (reader.Read()))
                                list[0].TotalRowCount = reader.GetInt32(0);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetOrderTaxStatusesAsync(Int32?pageSize = 10, Int32?pageNumber = 1, String name = null)
            var response = new ListModelResponse <OrderTaxStatusViewModel>() as IListModelResponse <OrderTaxStatusViewModel>;

                response.PageSize   = (Int32)pageSize;
                response.PageNumber = (Int32)pageNumber;

                response.Model = await Task.Run(() =>
                           .GetOrderTaxStatuses(response.PageSize, response.PageNumber, name)
                           .Select(item => item.ToViewModel())

                response.Info = String.Format("Total of records: {0}", response.Model.Count());
            catch (Exception ex)
                response.DidError     = true;
                response.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;

Exemplo n.º 59
        public static List <cReporteResumenFactura> ResumenCompras(Int64?DocumentoDesde,
                                                                   String TipoDocumento)
                //Declaramos la conexion hacia la base de datos
                using (SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(cConexion.CadenaConexion()))
                    //Nombre del procedimiento
                    string StoreProc = "uspResumenCompras";
                    //Creamos el command para la insercion
                    SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand(StoreProc, Conn);
                    Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                    Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("FechaDesde", FechaDesde);
                    Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("FechaHasta", FechaHasta);
                    Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("ProveedorDesde", ProveedorDesde);
                    Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("ProveedorHasta", ProveedorHasta);
                    Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("FamiliaID", FamiliaID);
                    Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("DocumentoDesde", DocumentoDesde);
                    Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("DocumentoHasta", DocumentoHasta);
                    Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("TipoDocumento", TipoDocumento);

                    //Ejecutamos el lector
                    SqlDataReader Reader = Cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    List <cReporteResumenFactura> Lista = new List <cReporteResumenFactura>();
                    while (Reader.Read())
                        cReporteResumenFactura Factura = new cReporteResumenFactura();
                        Factura.ID            = Reader.GetInt64(Reader.GetOrdinal("DocumentoID"));
                        Factura.ClienteID     = Reader.GetString(Reader.GetOrdinal("NombreComercial"));
                        Factura.FechaCreacion = Reader.GetDateTime(Reader.GetOrdinal("FechaCreacion"));
                        Factura.EstatusID     = Reader.GetString(Reader.GetOrdinal("Estatus"));
                        Factura.TotalGeneral  = Reader.GetDecimal(Reader.GetOrdinal("TotalGeneral"));
                        //Factura.DescuentoTotal = Reader.GetDecimal(Reader.GetOrdinal("DescuentoTotal"));
                        Factura.ImpuestosTotal = Reader.GetDecimal(Reader.GetOrdinal("ImpuestosTotal"));
                        Factura.SubTotal       = Reader.GetDecimal(Reader.GetOrdinal("SubTotal"));
                        //Factura.Costo = Reader.GetDecimal(Reader.GetOrdinal("Costo"));
                        //Factura.VendedorID = Reader.IsDBNull(Reader.GetOrdinal("NombreVendedor")) ? "" : Reader.GetString(Reader.GetOrdinal("NombreVendedor"));
                        Factura.FechaInicial = Reader.IsDBNull(Reader.GetOrdinal("FechaInicial")) ? "" : Reader.GetValue(Reader.GetOrdinal("FechaInicial"));
                        Factura.FechaFin     = Reader.IsDBNull(Reader.GetOrdinal("FechaFin")) ? "" : Reader.GetValue(Reader.GetOrdinal("FechaFin"));

                        //Agregamos el articulo a la lista
                    //Cerramos la conexion
                    //Retornamos la lista de clientes
            catch (SqlException Ex)
                throw Ex;
Exemplo n.º 60
 public DataSet loadCompanyReviewDivisionList(Int32?companyID, Int32?divisionID, String companyCriteria, String divisionCriteria, String employeeLNCriteria, String employeeFNCriteria, Int32 userID)
     return(this.divisionRepository.loadCompanyReviewDivisionList(companyID, divisionID, companyCriteria, divisionCriteria, employeeLNCriteria, employeeFNCriteria, userID));