public void ChangeSeverity(
        string projectId  = "YOUR-PROJECT-ID",
        string incidentId = "")
        // Create client
        IncidentServiceClient incidentServiceClient =

        // Update the severity.
        Incident incidentChange = new Incident()
            Name     = new IncidentName(projectId, incidentId).ToString(),
            Severity = Severity.Minor,

        // Tell the API which fields to update.
        FieldMask mask = new FieldMask()
            Paths = { "severity" }

        // Call the API to update the incident.
        var incident =
            incidentServiceClient.UpdateIncident(incidentChange, mask);

        Console.WriteLine("Changed severity of {0}.", incident.Name);
Exemplo n.º 2
    public Signal CreateIncidentWithSignal(string projectId = "YOUR-PROJECT-ID")
        // Create client
        IncidentServiceClient incidentServiceClient =

        // Manually create a signal.
        Signal newSignal = new Signal()
            Title       = "Red button pushed.",
            Content     = "Somebody pushed the red button!",
            ContentType = "text/plain",

        // Call the API to create the signal.
        string parent = new ProjectName(projectId).ToString();
        Signal signal = incidentServiceClient.CreateSignal(parent, newSignal);

        Console.WriteLine("Created signal {0}.", signal.Name);

        // Manually create an incident.
        Incident newIncident = new Incident()
            Title    = "Somebody pushed the red button!",
            Synopsis = new Synopsis()
                Author = new User()
                    Email = "*****@*****.**",
                Content     = "Nobody should ever push the red button.",
                ContentType = "text/plain",
                UpdateTime  = DateTime.UtcNow.ToTimestamp()
            Severity = Severity.Major,
            Stage    = Stage.Unspecified
        // Call the API to create the incident.
        Incident incident =
            incidentServiceClient.CreateIncident(newIncident, parent);

        Console.WriteLine("Created incident {0}.", incident.Name);

        // Call the API to bind the signal to the incident.
        // TODO: Remove the name hack.
        signal.Name     = signal.Name.Replace("/-/", $"/{projectId}/");
        signal.Incident = incident.Name.Replace("/-/", $"/{projectId}/");
        signal.Title    = "Yellow button pushed!";
        FieldMask mask = new FieldMask()
            Paths = { "title", "incident" }

        signal = incidentServiceClient.UpdateSignal(signal, mask);
    public string CreateSignal(string projectId = "YOUR-PROJECT-ID")
        // Create client
        IncidentServiceClient incidentServiceClient = IncidentServiceClient.Create();
        // Describe the signal.
        Signal signal = new Signal()
            Title       = "Red button pushed.",
            Content     = "Somebody pushed the red button!",
            ContentType = "text/plain"
        // Call the API to create the signal.
        string parent   = new ProjectName(projectId).ToString();
        Signal response = incidentServiceClient.CreateSignal(parent, signal);

        Console.WriteLine("Created signal {0}.", response.Name);
Exemplo n.º 4
    public void ChangeStageAtomically(
        string projectId  = "YOUR-PROJECT-ID",
        string incidentId = "")
        // Create client
        IncidentServiceClient incidentServiceClient =

        for (int retry = 0; true; ++retry)
                // Observe the current state of the incident.
                Incident incident = incidentServiceClient.GetIncident(
                    new IncidentName(projectId, incidentId).ToString());
                Incident incidentChange = new Incident()
                    // TODO: Remove the name hack.
                    Name = incident.Name.Replace("/-/", $"/{projectId}/"),
                    // Use the ETag to prevent race conditions.  Only update the
                    // incident if it hasn't changed since we observed it.
                    Etag  = incident.Etag,
                    Stage = Stage.Detected
                // Tell the API which fields to update.
                FieldMask mask = new FieldMask()
                    Paths = { "stage" }
                // Call the API to update the incident.
                incident = incidentServiceClient.UpdateIncident(
                    incidentChange, mask);
                Console.WriteLine("Changed stage of {0}.", incident.Name);
            catch (Grpc.Core.RpcException e)
                when(retry < 3 && e.StatusCode == Grpc.Core.StatusCode.Aborted)
                    // Somebody else must have updated the incident at the same
                    // time!  Try again.
    public string AnnotateIncident(
        string projectId  = "YOUR-PROJECT-ID",
        string incidentId = "")
        // Create client
        IncidentServiceClient incidentServiceClient =

        // Describe the annotation.
        Annotation newAnnotation = new Annotation()
            Content = "The red button was found in a depressed state."
        string parent = new IncidentName(projectId, incidentId).ToString();

        // Call the API to create the annotation.
        Annotation annotation =
            incidentServiceClient.CreateAnnotation(parent, newAnnotation);

        Console.WriteLine("Created annotation {0}.", annotation.Name);