//Inorder to send the image from both cameras,images are encoded/compressed first using JPG compression
    //then the compressed data is converted into a string in Base64 format.

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
#if img2
        //encoding part:

        StringBuilder imgToSend = new StringBuilder("", 500000);
        //Bottom Cam encoding:
        RenderTexture.active = bottomImage;
        imageToSend.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, bottomImage.width, bottomImage.height), 0, 0);

        Byte[] bottom_cam_image_jpg    = ImageConversion.EncodeToJPG(imageToSend, 100);
        string bottom_cam_image_base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bottom_cam_image_jpg);

        //Front cam encoding
        RenderTexture.active = frontImage;
        imageToSend2.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, frontImage.width, frontImage.height), 0, 0);

        Byte[] front_cam_image_jpg = ImageConversion.EncodeToJPG(imageToSend2, 100);
        //Byte[] front_cam_image_jpg =imageToSend2.GetRawTextureData<Color32>()
        string front_cam_image_base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(front_cam_image_jpg);

        //sending the image data
#if self2
            imgMsg = new StringMsg(imgToSend.ToString());
            obj.GetComponent <ROS_Initialize>().ros.Publish(ImagePublisher.GetMessageTopic(), imgMsg);
            Debug.Log("Sending to topic: " + ImagePublisher.GetMessageTopic());
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.Log("Socket error" + e);
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
#if img
        //encoding part:
        StringBuilder imgToSend = new StringBuilder("", 500000);
        //bottom cam encoding
        RenderTexture.active = depthImage;
        imageToSend.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, depthImage.width, depthImage.height), 0, 0);
        Byte[] depth_cam_image_jpg    = ImageConversion.EncodeToJPG(imageToSend, 100);
        string depth_cam_image_base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(depth_cam_image_jpg);

        //front cam encoding
        RenderTexture.active = rgbImage;
        imageToSend2.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, rgbImage.width, rgbImage.height), 0, 0);

        Byte[] rgb_cam_image_jpg    = ImageConversion.EncodeToJPG(imageToSend2, 100);
        string rgb_cam_image_base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(rgb_cam_image_jpg);

        //sending the image data

#if self
            imgMsg = new StringMsg(imgToSend.ToString());
            obj.GetComponent <ROSInitializerSLAM>().rosSLAM.Publish(ImagePublisher.GetMessageTopic(), imgMsg);
            //Debug.Log("Sending to topic: " + ImagePublisher.GetMessageTopic());
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.Log("Socket error" + e);
Exemplo n.º 3
    /* Update function sends images from the cameras attached to the AUV, to the control algorithm. In order
     * to maintain sufficient communication frequency, images cannot be sent in their entirety. Therefore,
     * edge detection is performed on the images, to detect meaningful data.
    void Update()
        // Examine whether Lock is required
        Vector3 CurRot = transform.parent.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;

//		if(CurRot.x > 180.0f)
//			CurRot.x -= 360.0f;
//		if(CurRot.y > 180.0f)
//			CurRot.y -= 360.0f;
//		if(CurRot.z > 180.0f)
//			CurRot.z -= 360.0f;
//		CurRot *= 3.14f/180.0f;
//		Debug.Log (CurRot);
                #if UsePics
//		if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space))
//			firstSend = true;
//		Debug.Log (Time.deltaTime);
        if (!Lock)
            Lock = true;

            firstSend            = false;
            RenderTexture.active = bottomImage;
            imageToSend.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, bottomImage.width, bottomImage.height), 0, 0);
            StringBuilder pixelsToSend1 = new StringBuilder("", 500000);
            StringBuilder pixelsToSend2 = new StringBuilder("", 500000);
            StringBuilder pixelsToSend3 = new StringBuilder("", 500000);
            StringBuilder pixelsToSend4 = new StringBuilder("", 500000);
            StringBuilder pixelsToSend5 = new StringBuilder("", 500000);
            StringBuilder pixelsToSend6 = new StringBuilder("", 500000);
            int           cnt           = 0;
            Color32[]     allPixels     = imageToSend.GetPixels32();

            //Bottom Image R Component
            for (int i = 0; i < bottomImage.height; i++)
                bool prev      = false;
                bool noChanges = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < bottomImage.width; j++)
                    Color32 currentVal = allPixels [(ImageHeight - 1 - i) * bottomImage.width + j];
                    if ((currentVal.r > colThreshHigh && currentVal.g < colThreshLow && currentVal.b < colThreshLow) != prev)
                        noChanges = false;
                        prev      = !prev;
                if (noChanges)

            //Bottom Image G Component
            for (int i = 0; i < bottomImage.height; i++)
                bool prev      = false;
                bool noChanges = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < bottomImage.width; j++)
                    Color32 currentVal = allPixels [(ImageHeight - 1 - i) * bottomImage.width + j];
                    if ((currentVal.g > colThreshHigh && currentVal.r < colThreshLow && currentVal.b < colThreshLow) != prev)
                        noChanges = false;
                        prev      = !prev;
                if (noChanges)

            //Bottom Image B Component
            for (int i = 0; i < bottomImage.height; i++)
                bool prev      = false;
                bool noChanges = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < bottomImage.width; j++)
                    Color32 currentVal = allPixels [(ImageHeight - 1 - i) * bottomImage.width + j];
                    if ((currentVal.b > colThreshHigh && currentVal.r < colThreshLow && currentVal.g < colThreshLow) != prev)
                        noChanges = false;
                        prev      = !prev;
                if (noChanges)
            //			for(int i=0; i<bottomImage.width*bottomImage.height; i++) {
            //				Color32 pixel = allPixels [i];
            //				if (pixel.r > colThresh) {
            //					pixelsToSend1.Append(cnt.ToString ("00000")).Append(":");
            //				}
            //				cnt++;
            //			}

            cnt = 0;
            RenderTexture.active = frontImage;
            imageToSend2.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, frontImage.width, frontImage.height), 0, 0);

            allPixels = imageToSend2.GetPixels32();
            //Front Image R Component
            for (int i = 0; i < frontImage.height; i++)
                bool prev      = false;
                bool noChanges = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < frontImage.width; j++)
                    Color32 currentVal = allPixels [(ImageHeight - 1 - i) * frontImage.width + j];
                    if ((currentVal.r > colThreshHigh && currentVal.g < colThreshLow && currentVal.b < colThreshLow) != prev)
                        noChanges = false;
                        prev      = !prev;
                if (noChanges)

            //Front Image G Component
            for (int i = 0; i < frontImage.height; i++)
                bool prev      = false;
                bool noChanges = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < frontImage.width; j++)
                    Color32 currentVal = allPixels [(ImageHeight - 1 - i) * frontImage.width + j];
                    if ((currentVal.g > colThreshHigh && currentVal.r < colThreshLow && currentVal.b < colThreshLow) != prev)
                        noChanges = false;
                        prev      = !prev;
                if (noChanges)
            //Front Image B Component
            for (int i = 0; i < frontImage.height; i++)
                bool prev      = false;
                bool noChanges = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < frontImage.width; j++)
                    Color32 currentVal = allPixels [(ImageHeight - 1 - i) * frontImage.width + j];
                    if ((currentVal.b > colThreshHigh && currentVal.r < colThreshLow && currentVal.g < colThreshLow) != prev)
                        noChanges = false;
                        prev      = !prev;
                if (noChanges)

            //			for(int i=0; i<frontImage.width*frontImage.height; i++) {
            //				Color32 pixel = allPixels [i];
            //				if (pixel.r > colThresh) {
            //					pixelsToSend2.Append(cnt.ToString ("00000")).Append(":");
            //				}
            //				cnt++;
            //			}

//			Debug.Log(pixelsToSend1.Length + " " + pixelsToSend1);
//			Debug.Log("Bottom Cam" + pixelsToSend1.Length + " " + pixelsToSend1.ToString());

//			pixelsToSend1.Append ("!").Append (pixelsToSend3);
            try {
                        #if notSelf
                //				theWriter.WriteLine(pixelsToSend1.Length.ToString("000000"));
                //				theWriter.Flush();
//			pixelsToSend1.Insert(0, pixelsToSend1.Length.ToString("00000000") + " ");
                imgMsg = new StringMsg(pixelsToSend1.ToString());
                obj.GetComponent <ROS_Initialize> ().ros.Publish(ImagePublisher.GetMessageTopic(), imgMsg);

//			theWriter.WriteLine(pixelsToSend1);//.ToString().Substring(0, 2000));//.ToString().Substring(0, 1022));
                //				theWriter.Flush();
                //				theWriter.WriteLine(pixelsToSend1.ToString().Substring(0, 2048));
                //				theWriter.WriteLine(pixelsToSend1);
                //				Debug.Log(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pixelsToSend1.ToString()).Length);
                //				theStream.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pixelsToSend1.ToString()), 0, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pixelsToSend1.ToString()).Length);
//			theWriter.Flush();

//			Debug.Log(pixelsToSend1.Length + " " + pixelsToSend1);

//			Debug.Log(pixelsToSend2.Length + " " + pixelsToSend2);
//				Debug.Log("Front Cam" + pixelsToSend2.Length + " " + pixelsToSend2.ToString());

//				Debug.Log(pixelsToSend3.Length + " " + pixelsToSend3);
//				Debug.Log(pixelsToSend3.Length + " " + pixelsToSend3.ToString());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.Log("Socket error" + e);

            //			pixelsToSend2 = "";
            cnt = 0;
            //			foreach (Color32 pixel in imageToSend.GetPixels32()) {
            //				if (pixel.r > colThresh) {
            ////					pixelsToSend2 = pixelsToSend2 + " " + (cnt / bottomImage.width).ToString ("000") + " " +
            ////						(cnt % bottomImage.height).ToString ("000") + ":";
            //					Debug.Log (cnt);
            //				}
            //				cnt++;
            //			}
            //			try {
            //				#if notSelf
            //				theWriter.WriteLine(imageToSend.GetPixels32()[0]);
            //				theWriter.Flush();
            //				theWriter.WriteLine(":");
            //				theWriter.Flush();
            //				Debug.Log("afaeeagaggaegggggggggggggggggg " + imageToSend.GetPixels32()[0]);
            //				#endif
            ////				Debug.Log(pixelsToSend1.Length + pixelsToSend1);
            //			} catch (Exception e) {
            //				Debug.Log ("Socket error" + e);
            //			}