Exemplo n.º 1
        // Create a model from an ONNX 1.2 file
        public static async Task <CustomVisionModel> CreateONNXModel(StorageFile file)
            LearningModel learningModel = null;

                learningModel = await LearningModel.LoadFromStorageFileAsync(file);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            var inputFeatures = learningModel.InputFeatures;
            ImageFeatureDescriptor inputImageDescription = inputFeatures?.FirstOrDefault(feature => feature.Kind == LearningModelFeatureKind.Image) as ImageFeatureDescriptor;
            uint inputImageWidth = 0, inputImageHeight = 0;

            if (inputImageDescription != null)
                inputImageHeight = inputImageDescription.Height;
                inputImageWidth  = inputImageDescription.Width;

            return(new CustomVisionModel()
                _learningModel = learningModel,
                _session = new LearningModelSession(learningModel),
                InputImageWidth = (int)inputImageWidth,
                InputImageHeight = (int)inputImageHeight
        public void debugModelIO()
            string _inName, _outName;

            foreach (var inputF in _learningModel.InputFeatures)
                Debug.WriteLine($"input | kind:{inputF.Kind}, name:{inputF.Name}, type:{inputF.GetType()}");
                int i = 0;
                ImageFeatureDescriptor  imgDesc = inputF as ImageFeatureDescriptor;
                TensorFeatureDescriptor tfDesc  = inputF as TensorFeatureDescriptor;
                _inWidth  = (uint)(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[3] : imgDesc.Width);
                _inHeight = (uint)(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[2] : imgDesc.Height);
                _inName   = inputF.Name;

                Debug.WriteLine($"N: {(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[0] : 1)}, " +
                                $"Channel: {(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[1].ToString() : imgDesc.BitmapPixelFormat.ToString())}, " +
                                $"Height:{(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[2] : imgDesc.Height)}, " +
                                $"Width: {(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[3] : imgDesc.Width)}");
            foreach (var outputF in _learningModel.OutputFeatures)
                Debug.WriteLine($"output | kind:{outputF.Kind}, name:{outputF.Name}, type:{outputF.GetType()}");
                int i = 0;
                ImageFeatureDescriptor  imgDesc = outputF as ImageFeatureDescriptor;
                TensorFeatureDescriptor tfDesc  = outputF as TensorFeatureDescriptor;
                _outWidth  = (uint)(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[3] : imgDesc.Width);
                _outHeight = (uint)(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[2] : imgDesc.Height);
                _outName   = outputF.Name;

                Debug.WriteLine($"N: {(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[0] : 1)}, " +
                                $"Channel: {(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[1].ToString() : imgDesc.BitmapPixelFormat.ToString())}, " +
                                $"Height:{(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[2] : imgDesc.Height)}, " +
                                $"Width: {(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[3] : imgDesc.Width)}");
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the labels and model and initialize WinML
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task LoadModelAsync(string modelFileName)
                m_binding       = null;
                m_model         = null;
                m_session       = null;
                _isReadyForEval = false;

                    // Start stopwatch

                    // Load Model
                    StorageFile modelFile = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri($"ms-appx:///Assets/{modelFileName}.onnx"));

                    m_model = await LearningModel.LoadFromStorageFileAsync(modelFile);

                    // Stop stopwatch

                    // Setting preferred inference device given user's intent
                    m_inferenceDeviceSelected = _useGPU ? LearningModelDeviceKind.DirectXHighPerformance : LearningModelDeviceKind.Cpu;
                    m_session = new LearningModelSession(m_model, new LearningModelDevice(m_inferenceDeviceSelected));

                    // Debugging logic to see the input and output of ther model and retrieve dimensions of input/output variables
                    // ### DEBUG ###
                    foreach (var inputF in m_model.InputFeatures)
                        Debug.WriteLine($"input | kind:{inputF.Kind}, name:{inputF.Name}, type:{inputF.GetType()}");
                        int i = 0;
                        ImageFeatureDescriptor  imgDesc = inputF as ImageFeatureDescriptor;
                        TensorFeatureDescriptor tfDesc  = inputF as TensorFeatureDescriptor;
                        m_inWidth  = (uint)(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[3] : imgDesc.Width);
                        m_inHeight = (uint)(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[2] : imgDesc.Height);
                        m_inName   = inputF.Name;

                        Debug.WriteLine($"N: {(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[0] : 1)}, " +
                                        $"Channel: {(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[1].ToString() : imgDesc.BitmapPixelFormat.ToString())}, " +
                                        $"Height:{(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[2] : imgDesc.Height)}, " +
                                        $"Width: {(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[3] : imgDesc.Width)}");
                    foreach (var outputF in m_model.OutputFeatures)
                        Debug.WriteLine($"output | kind:{outputF.Kind}, name:{outputF.Name}, type:{outputF.GetType()}");
                        int i = 0;
                        ImageFeatureDescriptor  imgDesc = outputF as ImageFeatureDescriptor;
                        TensorFeatureDescriptor tfDesc  = outputF as TensorFeatureDescriptor;
                        m_outWidth  = (uint)(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[3] : imgDesc.Width);
                        m_outHeight = (uint)(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[2] : imgDesc.Height);
                        m_outName   = outputF.Name;

                        Debug.WriteLine($"N: {(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[0] : 1)}, " +
                                        $"Channel: {(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[1].ToString() : imgDesc.BitmapPixelFormat.ToString())}, " +
                                        $"Height:{(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[2] : imgDesc.Height)}, " +
                                        $"Width: {(imgDesc == null ? tfDesc.Shape[3] : imgDesc.Width)}");
                    // ### END OF DEBUG ###

                    // Create output frame
                    _outputFrame = new VideoFrame(BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, (int)m_outWidth, (int)m_outHeight);

                    Debug.WriteLine($"Elapsed time: {_perfStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

                    _isReadyForEval = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    NotifyUser($"error: {ex.Message}", NotifyType.ErrorMessage);
                    Debug.WriteLine($"error: {ex.Message}");
 /// <summary>
 /// Crop image given a imageVariableDescription
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inputVideoFrame"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IAsyncOperation <VideoFrame> CenterCropImageAsync(VideoFrame inputVideoFrame, ImageFeatureDescriptor imageVariableDescription)
     return(CenterCropImageAsync(inputVideoFrame, imageVariableDescription.Width, imageVariableDescription.Height));