Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void MouseClick(ObjectClickEventArgs e)
            if (m_State == FittingsState.Configuring)
            if (m_State == FittingsState.Solved)
                IStarMap starMap = AstrometryContext.Current.StarMap;
                if (starMap != null)
                    int            x, y;
                    StarMapFeature feature = starMap.GetFeatureInRadius(e.Pixel.X, e.Pixel.Y, 5);
                    if (feature != null)
                        x = feature.GetCenter().X;
                        y = feature.GetCenter().Y;
                        x = e.Pixel.X;
                        y = e.Pixel.Y;

                    int searchArea = Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Shift ? 5 : 10;

                    PSFFit     psfFit;
                    ImagePixel pixelCent = starMap.GetPSFFit(x, y, searchArea, out psfFit);
                    if (pixelCent != null && pixelCent != ImagePixel.Unspecified)
                        PlateConstStarPair          selectedPair = null;
                        LeastSquareFittedAstrometry astrometry   = FittedAstrometryFromUserSelectedFitGrade();
                        if (astrometry != null)
                            foreach (PlateConstStarPair pair in astrometry.FitInfo.AllStarPairs)
                                if (Math.Abs(pair.x - pixelCent.X) < 2 &&
                                    Math.Abs(pair.y - pixelCent.Y) < 2)
                                    selectedPair = pair;

                        DrawHighResFeature(pixelCent, selectedPair, astrometry);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void NextFrame(int frameNo, IAstroImage astroImage, IStarMap starMap, LeastSquareFittedAstrometry astrometricFit)
            IsTrackedSuccessfully = false;

            ImagePixel centroid = AstrometryContext.Current.StarMap.GetCentroid(

            if (centroid != null)
                PSFFit psfFit;
                    centroid.X, centroid.Y, PSFFittingMethod.NonLinearFit, out psfFit);

                if (psfFit != null)
                    double ra, de;
                    astrometricFit.GetRADEFromImageCoords(psfFit.XCenter, psfFit.YCenter, out ra, out de);

                    double maxPosDiffArcSec =
                            astrometricFit.GetDistanceInArcSec(astrometricFit.Image.CenterXImage, astrometricFit.Image.CenterYImage,
                            astrometricFit.Image.CenterXImage + CoreAstrometrySettings.Default.PreMeasureSearchCentroidRadius, astrometricFit.Image.CenterYImage);

                    if (!double.IsNaN(TrackedObject.RAHours))
                        double posDif = 3600 * AngleUtility.Elongation(15 * TrackedObject.RAHours, TrackedObject.DEDeg, ra, de);
                        if (posDif > maxPosDiffArcSec)
                            // NOTE: Not a valid measurement
                            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("The target position is too far from the last measured position", posDif));

                    TrackedObject.RAHours = ra / 15.0;
                    TrackedObject.DEDeg = de;
                    TrackedObject.LastKnownX = psfFit.XCenter;
                    TrackedObject.LastKnownY = psfFit.YCenter;
                    TrackedObject.PSFFit = psfFit;

                    IsTrackedSuccessfully = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void NextFrame(int frameNo, IAstroImage astroImage, IStarMap starMap, LeastSquareFittedAstrometry astrometricFit)
            IsTrackedSuccessfully = false;

            ImagePixel centroid = AstrometryContext.Current.StarMap.GetCentroid(

            if (centroid != null)
                PSFFit psfFit;
                    centroid.X, centroid.Y, PSFFittingMethod.NonLinearFit, out psfFit);

                if (psfFit != null)
                    double ra, de;
                    astrometricFit.GetRADEFromImageCoords(psfFit.XCenter, psfFit.YCenter, out ra, out de);

                    double maxPosDiffArcSec =
                        astrometricFit.GetDistanceInArcSec(astrometricFit.Image.CenterXImage, astrometricFit.Image.CenterYImage,
                                                           astrometricFit.Image.CenterXImage + CoreAstrometrySettings.Default.PreMeasureSearchCentroidRadius, astrometricFit.Image.CenterYImage);

                    if (!double.IsNaN(TrackedObject.RAHours))
                        double posDif = 3600 * AngleUtility.Elongation(15 * TrackedObject.RAHours, TrackedObject.DEDeg, ra, de);
                        if (posDif > maxPosDiffArcSec)
                            // NOTE: Not a valid measurement
                            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("The target position is too far from the last measured position", posDif));

                    TrackedObject.RAHours    = ra / 15.0;
                    TrackedObject.DEDeg      = de;
                    TrackedObject.LastKnownX = psfFit.XCenter;
                    TrackedObject.LastKnownY = psfFit.YCenter;
                    TrackedObject.PSFFit     = psfFit;

                    IsTrackedSuccessfully = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void InitNewMatch(IStarMap imageFeatures, PyramidMatchType matchType, Dictionary <PSFFit, IStar> manualStars)
            m_StarMap = imageFeatures;

            if (manualStars != null)

            matchType = PyramidMatchType.PlateSolve;

            m_IsCalibration = matchType == PyramidMatchType.ConfigCalibration;

            Context.Initialize(m_RA0Deg, m_DE0Deg, m_CelestialStars, m_PyramidMinMag, m_PyramidMaxMag, m_DetermineAutoLimitMagnitude, m_ManualStarMatch);

            AstrometricFitDebugger.Init(m_FitSettings, m_PyramidMinMag, m_PyramidMaxMag, m_AstrometryMinMag, m_AstrometryMaxMag);
Exemplo n.º 5
		internal FieldAlignmentResult DoFieldAlignment(IStarMap starMap)
			return DoFieldAlignment(starMap, (FitInfo)null, false);
Exemplo n.º 6
		private bool CheckTriangleWithRatios(IStarMap starMap, CheckTriangleWithRatiosCallback callback, int i, int j, int k, double toleranceInArcSec)
			m_Feature_i = starMap.Features[i - 1];
			m_Feature_j = starMap.Features[j - 1];
			m_Feature_k = starMap.Features[k - 1];

			m_FeatureId_i = m_Feature_i.FeatureId;
			m_FeatureId_j = m_Feature_j.FeatureId;
			m_FeatureId_k = m_Feature_k.FeatureId;

			long idx_ij = (m_FeatureId_i << 32) + m_FeatureId_j;
			long idx_ik = (m_FeatureId_i << 32) + m_FeatureId_k;
			long idx_jk = (m_FeatureId_j << 32) + m_FeatureId_k;

			ImagePixel feature_i_Center = null;
			ImagePixel feature_j_Center = null;
			ImagePixel feature_k_Center = null;

			double dist_ij;
			if (!m_FeaturesDistanceCache.TryGetValue(idx_ij, out dist_ij))
				if (feature_i_Center == null) feature_i_Center = GetCenterOfFeature(starMap.GetFeatureById((int)m_FeatureId_i), starMap);
				if (feature_j_Center == null) feature_j_Center = GetCenterOfFeature(starMap.GetFeatureById((int)m_FeatureId_j), starMap);

			double dist_ik;
			if (!m_FeaturesDistanceCache.TryGetValue(idx_ik, out dist_ik))
				if (feature_i_Center == null) feature_i_Center = GetCenterOfFeature(starMap.GetFeatureById((int)m_FeatureId_i), starMap);
				if (feature_k_Center == null) feature_k_Center = GetCenterOfFeature(starMap.GetFeatureById((int)m_FeatureId_k), starMap);

			double dist_jk;
			if (!m_FeaturesDistanceCache.TryGetValue(idx_jk, out dist_jk))
				if (feature_j_Center == null) feature_j_Center = GetCenterOfFeature(starMap.GetFeatureById((int)m_FeatureId_j), starMap);
				if (feature_k_Center == null) feature_k_Center = GetCenterOfFeature(starMap.GetFeatureById((int)m_FeatureId_k), starMap);

			if (callback(i, j, k, feature_i_Center, feature_j_Center, feature_k_Center, toleranceInArcSec))
				// solution found
				return true;

			return false;			
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void NextFrame(int frameNo, IAstroImage astroImage, IStarMap starMap, LeastSquareFittedAstrometry astrometricFit)
            IsTrackedSuccessfully = false;
            int searchRadius = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Max(m_LastMovementPixels, CoreAstrometrySettings.Default.PreMeasureSearchCentroidRadius));

            PSFFit psfFit = null;

            int startingX = (int)TrackedObject.LastKnownX;
            int startingY = (int)TrackedObject.LastKnownY;

            if (m_RepeatedIntergationPositions * 4 < m_PastFrameNos.Count)
                var expectedPos = GetExpectedPosition(frameNo);
                if (expectedPos != null)
                    startingX = expectedPos.X;
                    startingY = expectedPos.Y;

            var nearbyFeatures = starMap.GetFeaturesInRadius(startingX, startingY, searchRadius).ToArray();

            var nonStarNearbyFeature = new List <StarMapFeature>();

            foreach (var feature in nearbyFeatures)
                var center = feature.GetCenter();
                var referenceStarFeatures = astrometricFit.FitInfo.AllStarPairs.Where(x => x.FitInfo.UsedInSolution).ToList();
                var refStar = referenceStarFeatures.FirstOrDefault(s => Math.Sqrt((s.x - center.X) * (s.x - center.X) + (s.y - center.Y) * (s.y - center.Y)) < 2);

                double raf, def;
                astrometricFit.GetRADEFromImageCoords(center.XDouble, center.YDouble, out raf, out def);
                var pastKnownStar = m_LastFrameStars.FirstOrDefault(s => AngleUtility.Elongation(s.RADeg, s.DEDeg, raf, def) * 3600.0 < 2);

                if (refStar == null && pastKnownStar == null)

            if (nonStarNearbyFeature.Count > 0)
                StarMapFeature closestFeature   = nonStarNearbyFeature[0];
                var            lastKnownCenter  = new ImagePixel(TrackedObject.LastKnownX, TrackedObject.LastKnownY);
                var            smallestDistance = lastKnownCenter.DistanceTo(closestFeature.GetCenter());

                for (int i = 1; i < nonStarNearbyFeature.Count; i++)
                    var distance = lastKnownCenter.DistanceTo(nonStarNearbyFeature[i].GetCenter());
                    if (distance < smallestDistance)
                        smallestDistance = distance;
                        closestFeature   = nonStarNearbyFeature[i];

                if (closestFeature != null)
                    var center = closestFeature.GetCenter();
                    AstrometryContext.Current.StarMap.GetPSFFit(center.X, center.Y, PSFFittingMethod.NonLinearFit, out psfFit);

            if (psfFit == null)
                // The expected location cannot be matched with any brighter feature so it is likely a faint object
                // with no brighter objects around. Lets find the brightest (faint) object in the are and use it
                ImagePixel centroid = AstrometryContext.Current.StarMap.GetCentroid(startingX, startingY, searchRadius);

                if (centroid != null)
                    AstrometryContext.Current.StarMap.GetPSFFit(centroid.X, centroid.Y, PSFFittingMethod.NonLinearFit, out psfFit);

            if (psfFit != null)
                double ra, de;
                astrometricFit.GetRADEFromImageCoords(psfFit.XCenter, psfFit.YCenter, out ra, out de);

                double maxPosDiffArcSec =
                    astrometricFit.GetDistanceInArcSec(astrometricFit.Image.CenterXImage, astrometricFit.Image.CenterYImage,
                                                       astrometricFit.Image.CenterXImage + Math.Max(m_LastMovementPixels, CoreAstrometrySettings.Default.MaxAllowedDefaultMotionInPixels), astrometricFit.Image.CenterYImage);

                if (!double.IsNaN(TrackedObject.RAHours))
                    double posDif = 3600 * AngleUtility.Elongation(15 * TrackedObject.RAHours, TrackedObject.DEDeg, ra, de);
                    if (posDif > maxPosDiffArcSec)
                        // NOTE: Not a valid measurement
                        Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("The target position is too far from the last measured position", posDif));

                TrackedObject.RAHours = ra / 15.0;
                TrackedObject.DEDeg   = de;

                if (TrackedObject.PSFFit != null)
                    m_LastMovementPixels = 1.2 * ImagePixel.ComputeDistance(TrackedObject.LastKnownX, psfFit.XCenter, TrackedObject.LastKnownY, psfFit.YCenter);
                TrackedObject.LastKnownX = psfFit.XCenter;
                TrackedObject.LastKnownY = psfFit.YCenter;
                TrackedObject.PSFFit     = psfFit;

                var lastKnownCenter = new ImagePixel(TrackedObject.LastKnownX, TrackedObject.LastKnownY);
                var thisFrameStars  = astrometricFit.FitInfo.AllStarPairs.Where(x => lastKnownCenter.DistanceTo(x.x, x.y) > 2 * psfFit.FWHM).ToList();
                if (thisFrameStars.Count > 0)
                    m_LastFrameStars = thisFrameStars.Select(x => new Star(x.StarNo, x.RADeg, x.DEDeg, x.Mag) as IStar).ToList();

                IsTrackedSuccessfully = true;

            if (psfFit != null && psfFit.XCenter > 0 && psfFit.YCenter > 0)
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override void MouseMove(Point location)
            IStarMap map = AstrometryContext.Current.StarMap;

            if (map == null)

            bool nearbyStarFound = false;

            AstrometricState state = AstrometryContext.Current.AstrometricState;

            if (state != null)
                if (state.AstrometricFit != null)
                    for (int radius = 1; radius < 8; radius++)
                        ImagePixel centroid = map.GetCentroid(location.X, location.Y, radius);
                        if (centroid == null)

                        foreach (PlateConstStarPair star in state.AstrometricFit.FitInfo.AllStarPairs)
                            if (Math.Abs(star.x - centroid.XDouble) < radius &&
                                Math.Abs(star.y - centroid.YDouble) < radius)
                                m_Object = star;

                                nearbyStarFound = true;

                        if (nearbyStarFound)

                    if (!nearbyStarFound)
                        m_State = SelectObjectState.NoObject;
                        m_State = SelectObjectState.ObjectLocked;

                    if (m_AstrometricState.MeasuringState == AstrometryInFramesState.Ready)
                        double ra, de;
                        state.AstrometricFit.GetRADEFromImageCoords(location.X, location.Y, out ra, out de);

                        string moreInfo = string.Format("RA={0} DE={1}", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(ra / 15, "HHhMMmSS.Ts"), AstroConvert.ToStringValue(de, "+DD°MM'SS\""));
                        m_VideoController.DisplayCursorPositionDetails(location, moreInfo);
                    StarMapFeature nearbyFeature = map.GetFeatureInRadius(location.X, location.Y, 8);
                    nearbyStarFound = nearbyFeature != null && nearbyFeature.PixelCount > 4;

                m_VideoController.SetPictureBoxCursor(nearbyStarFound ? Cursors.Hand : (state.ManualStarIdentificationMode ? Cursors.Cross : Cursors.Default));
 public void InitNewFrame(IStarMap imageFeatures)
     m_StarMap = imageFeatures;
     // NOTE: The m_Solution will be reused until the DistanceBasedAstrometrySolver is recreated
Exemplo n.º 10
		internal FieldAlignmentResult DoFieldAlignmentFitFocalLength(IStarMap starMap)
			return DoFieldAlignment(starMap, (FitInfo)null, true);
Exemplo n.º 11
		private LeastSquareFittedAstrometry SolveStarPairs(
			IStarMap starMap,
			Dictionary<ImagePixel, IStar> matchedPairs,
			Dictionary<int, ulong> matchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes,
			ThreeStarFit.StarPair pair_i,
			ThreeStarFit.StarPair pair_j,
			ThreeStarFit.StarPair pair_k,
			double fittedFocalLength,
			PyramidEntry pyramidLog, 
            int? minMatchedStars = null)
			double RA0Deg, DE0Deg;

			ThreeStarFit coarseFit = new ThreeStarFit(m_PlateConfig, pair_i, pair_j, pair_k);
			if (!coarseFit.IsSolved)
				if (coarseFit.IsSingularity)
                    if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
					    Trace.WriteLine("ThreeStarFit.Var1 - Singularity");

					Dictionary<ImagePixel, IStar> threeStarDict = new Dictionary<ImagePixel, IStar>();

                        threeStarDict.Add(ImagePixel.CreateImagePixelWithFeatureId(0, 255, pair_i.XImage, pair_i.YImage), pair_i.Star);
                        threeStarDict.Add(ImagePixel.CreateImagePixelWithFeatureId(1, 255, pair_j.XImage, pair_j.YImage), pair_j.Star);
                        threeStarDict.Add(ImagePixel.CreateImagePixelWithFeatureId(2, 255, pair_k.XImage, pair_k.YImage), pair_k.Star);
                        if (pyramidLog != null) pyramidLog.FailureReason = PyramidEntryFailureReason.ThreeStarFitFailed;

                        if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
                            Trace.WriteLine("ThreeStarFit.Var2 - Failed with ArgumentException");

                        return null;

					DirectTransRotAstrometry threeStarSolution = 
						DirectTransRotAstrometry.SolveByThreeStars(m_PlateConfig, threeStarDict, 2);

					if (threeStarSolution == null)
						if (pyramidLog != null) pyramidLog.FailureReason = PyramidEntryFailureReason.ThreeStarFitFailed;

                        if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
						    Trace.WriteLine("ThreeStarFit.Var2 - Failed");
						return null;						
						RA0Deg = threeStarSolution.RA0Deg;
						DE0Deg = threeStarSolution.DE0Deg;
					if (pyramidLog != null) pyramidLog.FailureReason = PyramidEntryFailureReason.ThreeStarFitFailed;

                    if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
					    Trace.WriteLine("ThreeStarFit.Var1 - Failed");
					return null;					
				if (pyramidLog != null) pyramidLog.RegisterThreeStarFit(coarseFit);
				RA0Deg = coarseFit.RA0Deg;
				DE0Deg = coarseFit.DE0Deg;

		    if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
                foreach (int key in matchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes.Keys)
                    .WriteLine(string.Format("Star({0}) -> Feature({1})", matchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes[key], key));

            PlateConstantsSolver solver = new PlateConstantsSolver(m_PlateConfig);
			solver.InitPlateSolution(RA0Deg, DE0Deg);
		    foreach (ImagePixel feature in matchedPairs.Keys)
		        IStar star = matchedPairs[feature];
		        var kvp = matchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes.Single(x => x.Value == star.StarNo);
		        int featureId = kvp.Key;
                solver.AddStar(feature, star, featureId);

		    LeastSquareFittedAstrometry leastSquareFittedAstrometry = null;
			LeastSquareFittedAstrometry firstFit = null;
				// This is a linear regression when doing simple field alignment. We always use a Linear Fit
				leastSquareFittedAstrometry = solver.SolveWithLinearRegression(
					out firstFit);
			catch (DivideByZeroException)
			{ }

			if (leastSquareFittedAstrometry != null)
				if (pyramidLog != null) pyramidLog.RegisterLinearFit(leastSquareFittedAstrometry);

                if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
				    Trace.WriteLine("Checking possible solution. ");

				List<ulong> usedStarIds = leastSquareFittedAstrometry.FitInfo.AllStarPairs
					.Where(p => p.FitInfo.UsedInSolution)
					.Select(p => p.StarNo)

				int usedStars = usedStarIds.Count;

				matchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes = matchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes
					.Where(kvp => usedStarIds.Contains(kvp.Value))
					.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);

				List<double> residuals = 
						.Where(p => !p.FitInfo.ExcludedForHighResidual)
						.Select(p => p.FitInfo.ResidualArcSec)

				double secondLargeResidual = 0;

				if (residuals.Count > 0)
					residuals = residuals.OrderByDescending(r => r).ToList();
					secondLargeResidual = residuals.Count > 1 ? residuals[1] : residuals[0];

				double onePixDistArcSec = m_PlateConfig.GetDistanceInArcSec(0, 0, 1, 1);
				if (secondLargeResidual > onePixDistArcSec * CorePyramidConfig.Default.MaxAllowedResidualInPixelsInSuccessfulFit)
					if (pyramidLog != null) pyramidLog.FailureReason = PyramidEntryFailureReason.SecondLargestResidualIsTooLarge;

                    if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
						    "Failing preliminary solution because the second largest residual {0}\" is larger than {1}px",
						    secondLargeResidual.ToString("0.0"), CorePyramidConfig.Default.MaxAllowedResidualInPixelsInSuccessfulFit));

					return null;

                if (minMatchedStars.HasValue)
                    if (usedStars < minMatchedStars.Value)
						if (pyramidLog != null) pyramidLog.FailureReason = PyramidEntryFailureReason.InsufficientStarsForCalibration;

                        if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
						    "Failing preliminary solution because on {0} stars are used but {1} are required as a minimum for calibration.",
						    usedStars, CorePyramidConfig.Default.MinMatchedStarsForCalibration));

						return null;
				if (pyramidLog != null) pyramidLog.FailureReason = PyramidEntryFailureReason.LinearFitFailed;

			    if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
                    Debug.WriteLine("DistanceBasedContext.LeastSquareFittedAstrometry Failed!");

                    foreach (PlateConstStarPair pair in solver.Pairs)
                        .WriteLine(string.Format("{0} ({1}) -> Residuals: {2}\", {3}\"", pair.StarNo,
                                                      pair.FitInfo.UsedInSolution ? "Included" : "Excluded",


			if (leastSquareFittedAstrometry != null)
				leastSquareFittedAstrometry.FitInfo.FittedFocalLength = fittedFocalLength;
				if (pyramidLog != null) pyramidLog.RegisterFocalLength(fittedFocalLength);

			return leastSquareFittedAstrometry;
Exemplo n.º 12
		internal IAstrometricFit IsSuccessfulMatch(
			IStarMap starMap,
			int i, int j, int k,
			DistanceEntry ijEntry, DistanceEntry ikEntry, DistanceEntry jkEntry,
            ulong iStarNo, ulong starNo2, ulong starNo3, double fittedFocalLength, bool isRatioFittedFocalLength, double toleranceInArcSec)
			ImagePixel feature_i = GetCenterOfFeature(starMap.GetFeatureById(i), starMap);
			ImagePixel feature_j = GetCenterOfFeature(starMap.GetFeatureById(j), starMap);
			ImagePixel feature_k = GetCenterOfFeature(starMap.GetFeatureById(k), starMap);

			#region find the numbers of the three stars: i, j, k
			Trace.Assert(ijEntry.Star1.StarNo == iStarNo || ijEntry.Star2.StarNo == iStarNo);

            ulong jStarNo, kStarNo;
			if (ijEntry.Star1.StarNo == iStarNo)
				jStarNo = ijEntry.Star2.StarNo;
				if (ijEntry.Star2.StarNo == starNo2) kStarNo = starNo3; else kStarNo = starNo2;
				jStarNo = ijEntry.Star1.StarNo;
				if (ijEntry.Star1.StarNo == starNo2) kStarNo = starNo3; else kStarNo = starNo2;

			Trace.Assert(ikEntry.Star1.StarNo == kStarNo || ikEntry.Star2.StarNo == kStarNo);
			Trace.Assert(jkEntry.Star1.StarNo == kStarNo || jkEntry.Star2.StarNo == kStarNo);


			//if (DebugResolvedStars != null)
			//    uint ii = 0, jj = 0, kk = 0;
			//    if (DebugResolvedStars.TryGetValue(i + 1, out ii) &&
			//        DebugResolvedStars.TryGetValue(j + 1, out jj) &&
			//        DebugResolvedStars.TryGetValue(k + 1, out kk))
			//    {
			//        if (ii == iStarNo && jj == starNo2 && kk == starNo3)
			//        {
			//            Debugger.Break();
			//        }
			//        else
			//            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("PYRAMID: {0} = {1}, {2} = {3}, {4} = {5}",
			//                                        i, i == ii ? "YES" : "NO"
			//                                      , j, j == jj ? "YES" : "NO"
			//                                      , k, k == kk ? "YES" : "NO"));
			//    }
			//    else
			//        Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("PYRAMID: {0} = {1}, {2} = {3}, {4} = {5}",
			//                                        i, i == ii ? "YES" : "MISSING"
			//                                      , j, j == jj ? "YES" : "MISSING"
			//                                      , k, k == kk ? "YES" : "MISSING"));

            PyramidEntry pyramidLog = new PyramidEntry(i, j, k, feature_i, feature_j, feature_k, iStarNo, jStarNo, kStarNo);
            //// Note this is actually cheap way to confirm whether the 3 stars are good or not.
            //List<IStar> threeStars = m_CelestialAllStars.FindAll(s => s.StarNo == iStarNo || s.StarNo == jStarNo || s.StarNo == kStarNo);
            //if (threeStars.Count == 3)
            //    Dictionary<AstroPixel, IStar> threeStarDict = new Dictionary<AstroPixel, IStar>();

            //    IStar stari = threeStars.Find(s => s.StarNo == iStarNo);
            //    threeStarDict.Add(feature_i, stari);

            //    IStar starj = threeStars.Find(s => s.StarNo == jStarNo);
            //    threeStarDict.Add(feature_j, starj);

            //    IStar stark = threeStars.Find(s => s.StarNo == kStarNo);
            //    threeStarDict.Add(feature_k, stark);

            //    DirectTransRotAstrometry solution = DirectTransRotAstrometry.SolveByThreeStars(m_PlateConfig, threeStarDict);
            //    if (solution != null)
            //    {
            //        pyramidLog.RegisterPreliminaryThreeStarFit(solution);
            //    }

		    int locatedStars = 3;

            List<ulong> usedPyramidAngles = new List<ulong>();

			foreach (StarMapFeature feature in starMap.Features)
				if (feature.FeatureId == i) continue;
				if (feature.FeatureId == j) continue;
				if (feature.FeatureId == k) continue;

				long idx_ix = ((long)i << 32) + (long)feature.FeatureId;

				double dist_ix;
				ImagePixel feature_x = GetCenterOfFeature(feature, starMap);

				if (m_MatchedPairs.ContainsKey(feature_x)) continue;

				if (isRatioFittedFocalLength || !m_FeaturesDistanceCache.TryGetValue(idx_ix, out dist_ix))
					dist_ix = m_PlateConfig.GetDistanceInArcSec(feature_i.X, feature_i.Y, feature_x.X, feature_x.Y, fittedFocalLength);
					long idx_xi = ((long)feature.FeatureId << 32) + (long)i;

					if (!isRatioFittedFocalLength)
						m_FeaturesDistanceCache.Add(idx_ix, dist_ix);
						m_FeaturesDistanceCache.Add(idx_xi, dist_ix);

                Dictionary<ulonglong, DistanceEntry> iStarDists = m_StarsDistanceCache[iStarNo];
                foreach (ulonglong key in iStarDists.Keys)
					// We have found a distance that matches the current feature
				    ulong xStarNo = key.Lo;
					if (usedPyramidAngles.IndexOf(xStarNo) != -1) continue;

					DistanceEntry entry_ix = iStarDists[key];
					if (entry_ix.DistanceArcSec + toleranceInArcSec < dist_ix) continue;
					if (entry_ix.DistanceArcSec - toleranceInArcSec > dist_ix) continue;

                    Dictionary<ulonglong, DistanceEntry> xStarDists = m_StarsDistanceCache[xStarNo];

					#region Test the J-X pair
                    ulonglong jxKey = new ulonglong(xStarNo , jStarNo);

					DistanceEntry entry_jx;
					if (!xStarDists.TryGetValue(jxKey, out entry_jx)) continue;

					long idx_jx = ((long)j << 32) + (long)feature.FeatureId;
					double dist_jx;
					if (isRatioFittedFocalLength || !m_FeaturesDistanceCache.TryGetValue(idx_jx, out dist_jx))
						dist_jx = m_PlateConfig.GetDistanceInArcSec(feature_j.X, feature_j.Y, feature_x.X, feature_x.Y, fittedFocalLength);
						long idx_xj = ((long)feature.FeatureId << 32) + (long)j;

						if (!isRatioFittedFocalLength)
							m_FeaturesDistanceCache.Add(idx_jx, dist_jx);
							m_FeaturesDistanceCache.Add(idx_xj, dist_jx);

					if (entry_jx.DistanceArcSec + toleranceInArcSec < dist_jx) continue;
					if (entry_jx.DistanceArcSec - toleranceInArcSec > dist_jx) continue;

					#region Test the K-X pair
                    ulonglong kxKey = new ulonglong(xStarNo, kStarNo);
					DistanceEntry entry_kx;
					if (!xStarDists.TryGetValue(kxKey, out entry_kx)) continue;

					long idx_kx = ((long)k << 32) + (long)feature.FeatureId;
					double dist_kx;
					if (isRatioFittedFocalLength || !m_FeaturesDistanceCache.TryGetValue(idx_kx, out dist_kx))
						dist_kx = m_PlateConfig.GetDistanceInArcSec(feature_k.X, feature_k.Y, feature_x.X, feature_x.Y, fittedFocalLength);
						long idx_xk = ((long)feature.FeatureId << 32) + (long)k;

						if (!isRatioFittedFocalLength)
							m_FeaturesDistanceCache.Add(idx_kx, dist_kx);
							m_FeaturesDistanceCache.Add(idx_xk, dist_kx);

					if (entry_kx.DistanceArcSec + toleranceInArcSec < dist_kx) continue;
					if (entry_kx.DistanceArcSec - toleranceInArcSec > dist_kx) continue;

					// If we are here, then we have found another star

					IStar xStar = entry_kx.Star1.StarNo == xStarNo ? entry_kx.Star1 : entry_kx.Star2;

					Trace.Assert(xStar.StarNo != iStarNo);
					Trace.Assert(xStar.StarNo != jStarNo);
					Trace.Assert(xStar.StarNo != kStarNo);

					if (RegisterRecognizedPair(feature_x, xStar, feature.FeatureId))

					//Console.WriteLine(string.Format("      {0} ({1}) {2}\" {3}\" {4}\"", xStarNo, feature.FeatureId, dist_ix.ToString("0.0"), dist_jx.ToString("0.0"), dist_kx.ToString("0.0")));

			if (locatedStars >= CorePyramidConfig.Default.MinPyramidAlignedStars)
				ThreeStarFit.StarPair pair_i = new ThreeStarFit.StarPair(feature_i.X, feature_i.Y);
				ThreeStarFit.StarPair pair_j = new ThreeStarFit.StarPair(feature_j.X, feature_j.Y);
				ThreeStarFit.StarPair pair_k = new ThreeStarFit.StarPair(feature_k.X, feature_k.Y);

				if (ijEntry.Star1.StarNo == iStarNo)
					pair_i.RADeg = ijEntry.Star1.RADeg;
					pair_i.DEDeg = ijEntry.Star1.DEDeg;
					pair_i.Star = ijEntry.Star1;

					pair_j.RADeg = ijEntry.Star2.RADeg;
					pair_j.DEDeg = ijEntry.Star2.DEDeg;
					pair_j.Star = ijEntry.Star2;

					Trace.Assert(ijEntry.Star1.StarNo == iStarNo);
					Trace.Assert(ijEntry.Star2.StarNo == jStarNo);

					RegisterRecognizedPair(feature_i, ijEntry.Star1, i);
					RegisterRecognizedPair(feature_j, ijEntry.Star2, j);
					pair_i.RADeg = ijEntry.Star2.RADeg;
					pair_i.DEDeg = ijEntry.Star2.DEDeg;
					pair_i.Star = ijEntry.Star2;

					pair_j.RADeg = ijEntry.Star1.RADeg;
					pair_j.DEDeg = ijEntry.Star1.DEDeg;
					pair_j.Star = ijEntry.Star1;

					Trace.Assert(ijEntry.Star2.StarNo == iStarNo);
					Trace.Assert(ijEntry.Star1.StarNo == jStarNo);

					RegisterRecognizedPair(feature_i, ijEntry.Star2, i);
					RegisterRecognizedPair(feature_j, ijEntry.Star1, j);

				if (ikEntry.Star1.StarNo == kStarNo)
					pair_k.RADeg = ikEntry.Star1.RADeg;
					pair_k.DEDeg = ikEntry.Star1.DEDeg;
					pair_k.Star = ikEntry.Star1;

					Trace.Assert(ikEntry.Star1.StarNo == kStarNo);
					RegisterRecognizedPair(feature_k, ikEntry.Star1, k);
					pair_k.RADeg = ikEntry.Star2.RADeg;
					pair_k.DEDeg = ikEntry.Star2.DEDeg;
					pair_k.Star = ikEntry.Star2;

					Trace.Assert(ikEntry.Star2.StarNo == kStarNo);

					RegisterRecognizedPair(feature_k, ikEntry.Star2, k);

				if (m_AmbiguousMatches.Count > 0 &&
					locatedStars - m_AmbiguousMatches.Count >= CorePyramidConfig.Default.MinPyramidAlignedStars)
					// If we have sufficient number of stars and ambiguous stars (close doubles that satisfy more than one solution)
					// then remove all ambiguous stars before proceeding
					foreach (ImagePixel matchedPixel in m_AmbiguousMatches)
						IStar matchedStar = m_MatchedPairs[matchedPixel];

						int featureToRemove = -1;
						foreach (int featureId in m_MatchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes.Keys)
							if (m_MatchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes[featureId] == matchedStar.StarNo)
								featureToRemove = featureId;


                if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
				    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Attempting DistanceBasedContext.LeastSquareFittedAstrometry ({0}={1}; {2}={3}; {4}={5})", i, iStarNo, j, jStarNo, k, kStarNo));
                return SolveStarPairs(
					starMap, m_MatchedPairs, m_MatchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes, pair_i, pair_j, pair_k,					

                foreach(ImagePixel pixel in m_MatchedPairs.Keys)
                    IStar star = m_MatchedPairs[pixel];
                    foreach(int featureId in m_MatchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes.Keys)
                        if (m_MatchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes[featureId] == star.StarNo)
                            if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
                                .WriteLine(string.Format("({0}, {1}) - StarNo: {2}; FeatureId: {3}", pixel.X, pixel.Y, star.StarNo, featureId));



			return null;
Exemplo n.º 13
		internal IAstrometricFit IsSuccessfulMatch(
			IStarMap starMap,
			int i, int j, int k,
			DistanceEntry ijEntry, DistanceEntry ikEntry, DistanceEntry jkEntry,
            ulong iStarNo, ulong starNo2, ulong starNo3, double toleranceInArcSec)
			return IsSuccessfulMatch(
				starMap, i, j, k, 
				ijEntry, ikEntry, jkEntry, 
				iStarNo, starNo2, starNo3,
				m_PlateConfig.EffectiveFocalLength, false, toleranceInArcSec);
Exemplo n.º 14
		private ImagePixel GetCenterOfFeature(StarMapFeature feature, IStarMap starMap)
			ImagePixel center = feature.GetCenter();
            if (center == null)
				return ImagePixel.Unspecified;

            return starMap.GetCentroid(center.X, center.Y, (int)CoreAstrometrySettings.Default.SearchArea);
Exemplo n.º 15
		internal FieldAlignmentResult DoFieldAlignment(IStarMap starMap, Dictionary<StarMapFeature, IStar> manualPairs)
			m_ManualPairs = manualPairs;
			return DoFieldAlignment(starMap, (FitInfo)null, false);
Exemplo n.º 16
		internal FieldAlignmentResult DoFieldAlignment(IStarMap starMap, double fittedFocalLength)
			m_PlateConfig.EffectiveFocalLength = fittedFocalLength;
			return DoFieldAlignment(starMap, (FitInfo)null, false);
Exemplo n.º 17
		internal bool LoopThroghFeatureTriangles(IStarMap starMap, double toleranceInArcSec, CheckTriangleWithRatiosCallback callback)
			return LoopThroghFeatureTriangles(starMap, toleranceInArcSec, null, callback);
Exemplo n.º 18
		internal FieldAlignmentResult DoFieldAlignment(
			IStarMap starMap, 
			FitInfo previousFit, 
			bool fitFocalLength)
			Trace.Assert(m_CelestialPyramidStars != null, "m_CelestialPyramidStars hasn't been set! Initialize() not called or called twice?");
			Trace.Assert(m_Settings.PyramidDistanceToleranceInPixels > 0);
			double toleranceInArcSec = m_PlateConfig.GetDistanceInArcSec(m_Settings.PyramidDistanceToleranceInPixels);
			m_PreviousFit = previousFit;

			m_StarMap = starMap;

			if (m_DetermineAutoLimitMagnitude)
				Trace.Assert(previousFit == null || previousFit.DetectedLimitingMagnitude != 0);
				double detectedLimitingMagnitude = double.NaN;
				if (previousFit != null &&
					detectedLimitingMagnitude = previousFit.DetectedLimitingMagnitude;

				if (!(double.IsNaN(detectedLimitingMagnitude) && double.IsNaN(m_DetectedLimitingMagnitude)) &&
					detectedLimitingMagnitude != m_DetectedLimitingMagnitude)
					m_DetectedLimitingMagnitude = detectedLimitingMagnitude;
					if (double.IsNaN(m_DetectedLimitingMagnitude))
						m_CelestialPyramidStars = m_CelestialAllStars;

                        if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
						    Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Now using all {0} loaded stars as alignment stars", m_CelestialPyramidStars.Count));
						m_CelestialPyramidStars = m_CelestialAllStars
							.Where(s => s.Mag <= m_DetectedLimitingMagnitude)

                        if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceVerbose())
						    Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Limitting alignment stars to {0} start up to mag {1:0.0}", m_CelestialPyramidStars.Count, m_DetectedLimitingMagnitude));

			m_AbortSearch = false;
                m_OperationNotifier.SendNotification(new OperationNotifications(NotificationType.SearchStarted, null));
				if (CorePyramidConfig.Default.ForceAlwaysUsePyramidWithRatios ||

                    if (CoreAstrometrySettings.Default.UseQuickAlign)
                        if (LoopThroghFeatureTriangles(starMap, toleranceInArcSec, CheckTrianglesWithRatiosByMagnitude))
                            return new FieldAlignmentResult() { Solution = m_Solution, ImprovedSolution = m_ImprovedSolution, Solver = m_SolutionSolver, MatchedTriangle = m_MatchedTriangle };
                        if (LoopThroghFeatureTriangles(starMap, toleranceInArcSec, CheckTriangleWithRatios))
                            return new FieldAlignmentResult() { Solution = m_Solution, ImprovedSolution = m_ImprovedSolution, Solver = m_SolutionSolver, MatchedTriangle = m_MatchedTriangle };

                    if (CoreAstrometrySettings.Default.UseQuickAlign)
                        if (LoopThroghFeatureTriangles(starMap, toleranceInArcSec, CheckTriangleByMagnitude))
                            return new FieldAlignmentResult() { Solution = m_Solution, ImprovedSolution = m_ImprovedSolution, Solver = m_SolutionSolver, MatchedTriangle = m_MatchedTriangle };
                        if (LoopThroghFeatureTriangles(starMap, toleranceInArcSec, CheckTriangle))
                            return new FieldAlignmentResult() { Solution = m_Solution, ImprovedSolution = m_ImprovedSolution, Solver = m_SolutionSolver, MatchedTriangle = m_MatchedTriangle };

				return null;
                m_OperationNotifier.SendNotification(new OperationNotifications(NotificationType.SearchFinished, null));
Exemplo n.º 19
		private bool LoopThroghFeatureTriangles(
			IStarMap starMap, 
			double toleranceInArcSec, 
			CheckTriangleCallback callback, 
			CheckTriangleWithRatiosCallback callbackWithRatios)
			if (m_PreviousFit != null)
			    if (TryMatchingPairsFromPreviousFit(starMap))
                    // Successfull fit from star to feature matching inferred from the previous fit was successfull
                    if (ImproveAndRetestSolution(0, 0, 0, true))
                        return true;
                        Trace.WriteLine("Could improve solution from previous fit");
			        Trace.WriteLine("Could not match stars from previous fit");

			if (m_ManualPairs != null &&
				// Successfull fit from star to feature matching inferred from the previous fit was successfull
                if (ImproveAndRetestSolution(0, 0, 0))
					return true;

			int n = starMap.FeaturesCount;

			if (m_Settings.PyramidOptimumStarsToMatch < n)
				// TODO: Need to extract only the largest m_Settings.PyramidOptimumStarsToMatch features.

			int total = n * (n - 1) * (n - 2) / 6;
			int counter = 0;
			int maxCombinationsBeforeFail = CorePyramidConfig.Default.MaxNumberOfCombinations;

			Stopwatch timeTaken = new Stopwatch();

			bool delayWarningSent = false;

//            if (DebugResolvedStars != null)
//            {
//                int numInmagRegion, numPyramidStars;

//                GetNumStarsInRegionAndPyramidSet(
//                    m_PyramidMinMag, m_PyramidMaxMag,
//                    out numInmagRegion, out numPyramidStars);

//                Trace.Assert(numInmagRegion > 3);
//                Trace.Assert(numPyramidStars > 3); 			
//            }

			if (m_ManualPairs != null && m_ManualPairs.Count <= 3)
				if (m_ManualPairs.Count == 1)
                    int fixedFeatureIndex = m_ManualPairs.Keys.ToList()[0].FeatureId + 1;
					for (int k = 2; k <= n; k++)
						for (int j = 1; j < k; j++)
                            var rv = CheckCombination(fixedFeatureIndex, j, k, starMap, toleranceInArcSec, callback, callbackWithRatios,
								timeTaken, ref counter, ref delayWarningSent, maxCombinationsBeforeFail, total, n);
							if (rv != null) return rv.Value;
				else if (m_ManualPairs.Count == 2)
					int fixedFeatureIndex1 = m_ManualPairs.Keys.ToList()[0].FeatureId + 1;
                    int fixedFeatureIndex2 = m_ManualPairs.Keys.ToList()[1].FeatureId + 1;
					for (int k = 1; k <= n; k++)
                        var rv = CheckCombination(fixedFeatureIndex1, fixedFeatureIndex2, k, starMap, toleranceInArcSec, callback, callbackWithRatios,
							timeTaken, ref counter, ref delayWarningSent, maxCombinationsBeforeFail, total, n);
						if (rv != null) return rv.Value;
                else if (m_ManualPairs.Count == 3)
                    var m_FeatureId_i = m_ManualPairs.Keys.ToList()[0].FeatureId;
                    var m_FeatureId_j = m_ManualPairs.Keys.ToList()[1].FeatureId;
                    var m_FeatureId_k = m_ManualPairs.Keys.ToList()[2].FeatureId;
                    ulong starNo1 = m_ManualPairs.Values.ToList()[0].StarNo;
                    ulong starNo2 = m_ManualPairs.Values.ToList()[1].StarNo;
                    ulong starNo3 = m_ManualPairs.Values.ToList()[2].StarNo;

                    int fixedFeatureIndex1 = m_FeatureId_i + 1;
                    int fixedFeatureIndex2 = m_FeatureId_j + 1;
                    int fixedFeatureIndex3 = m_FeatureId_k + 1;

                    var ijEntry = m_DistancesByMagnitude.FirstOrDefault(x => (x.Star1.StarNo == starNo1 && x.Star2.StarNo == starNo2) || (x.Star1.StarNo == starNo2 && x.Star2.StarNo == starNo1));
                    var ikEntry = m_DistancesByMagnitude.FirstOrDefault(x => (x.Star1.StarNo == starNo1 && x.Star2.StarNo == starNo3) || (x.Star1.StarNo == starNo3 && x.Star2.StarNo == starNo1));
                    var jkEntry = m_DistancesByMagnitude.FirstOrDefault(x => (x.Star1.StarNo == starNo3 && x.Star2.StarNo == starNo2) || (x.Star1.StarNo == starNo2 && x.Star2.StarNo == starNo3));

                    m_Solution = IsSuccessfulMatch(m_StarMap, fixedFeatureIndex1, fixedFeatureIndex2, fixedFeatureIndex3, ijEntry, ikEntry, jkEntry,
                               starNo1, starNo2, starNo3, toleranceInArcSec);

                    if (m_Solution != null)
                        if (ImproveAndRetestSolution(fixedFeatureIndex1, fixedFeatureIndex2, fixedFeatureIndex3))
                            m_MatchedTriangle = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}:{5}:[{3}/{4}]", fixedFeatureIndex1, fixedFeatureIndex2, fixedFeatureIndex3, counter, total, n);
                            return true;

		    for (int k = 3; k <= n; k++)
				for (int j = 2; j < k; j++)
					for (int i = 1; i < j; i++)
						var rv = CheckCombination(i, j, k, starMap, toleranceInArcSec, callback, callbackWithRatios, 
							timeTaken, ref counter, ref delayWarningSent, maxCombinationsBeforeFail, total, n);
						if (rv != null) return rv.Value;

			return false;
        public void InitNewMatch(IStarMap imageFeatures, PyramidMatchType matchType, Dictionary<PSFFit, IStar> manualStars)
            m_StarMap = imageFeatures;

            if (manualStars != null)

            matchType = PyramidMatchType.PlateSolve;

            m_IsCalibration = matchType == PyramidMatchType.ConfigCalibration;

            Context.Initialize(m_CelestialStars, m_PyramidMinMag, m_PyramidMaxMag, m_DetermineAutoLimitMagnitude, m_ManualStarMatch);

            #if ASTROMETRY_DEBUG
            AstrometricFitDebugger.Init(m_FitSettings, m_PyramidMinMag, m_PyramidMaxMag, m_AstrometryMinMag, m_AstrometryMaxMag);
Exemplo n.º 21
		private bool? CheckCombination(int i, int j, int k, 
			IStarMap starMap,
			double toleranceInArcSec,
			CheckTriangleCallback callback,
			CheckTriangleWithRatiosCallback callbackWithRatios,
			Stopwatch timeTaken,
			ref int counter,
			ref bool delayWarningSent,
			int maxCombinationsBeforeFail,
			int total,
			int n)
			if (i == j || i == k || j == k) return null;


			if (DebugResolvedStars != null)
				if (!DebugResolvedStars.ContainsKey(i)) return null;
				if (!DebugResolvedStars.ContainsKey(j)) return null;
				if (!DebugResolvedStars.ContainsKey(k)) return null;

				if (DebugExcludeStars != null)
					if (DebugExcludeStars.ContainsKey(i)) return null;
					if (DebugExcludeStars.ContainsKey(j)) return null;
					if (DebugExcludeStars.ContainsKey(k)) return null;
                        Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Trying triangle {0}-{1}-{2}", i, j, k));

			if (counter >= maxCombinationsBeforeFail)
				return false;

			if (m_AbortSearch) return false;

			if (counter % 5000 == 0)
                m_OperationNotifier.SendNotification(new OperationNotifications(NotificationType.SearchProgressed, null));

			if (!delayWarningSent &&
				timeTaken.ElapsedMilliseconds > m_Settings.PyramidTimeoutInSeconds * 100 &&
				timeTaken.ElapsedMilliseconds > 5000)
                m_OperationNotifier.SendNotification(new OperationNotifications(NotificationType.SearchTakingLonger, timeTaken.ElapsedMilliseconds));
				delayWarningSent = true;

			if (timeTaken.ElapsedMilliseconds > m_Settings.PyramidTimeoutInSeconds * 1000)
				if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceError())
					Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Timeout of {0}sec reached at {1}-{2}-{3}", m_Settings.PyramidTimeoutInSeconds, i, j, k));
				return false;

			if (callbackWithRatios != null)
				if (CheckTriangleWithRatios(starMap, callbackWithRatios, i, j, k, toleranceInArcSec))
					if (ImproveAndRetestSolution(i, j, k))
						m_MatchedTriangle = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}:{5}:[{3}/{4}]", i, j, k, counter, total, n);
						return true;

				if (CheckTriangle(starMap, callback, i, j, k, toleranceInArcSec))
					if (ImproveAndRetestSolution(i, j, k))
						m_MatchedTriangle = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}:{5}:[{3}/{4}]", i, j, k, counter, total, n);
						return true;

			return null;
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void NextFrame(int frameNo, IAstroImage astroImage, IStarMap starMap, LeastSquareFittedAstrometry astrometricFit)
            IsTrackedSuccessfully = false;

            PSFFit psfFit = null;

            if (m_RepeatedIntergationPositions * 4 < m_PastFrameNos.Count)
                var expectedPos = GetExpectedPosition(frameNo);
                if (expectedPos != null)
                    AstrometryContext.Current.StarMap.GetPSFFit(expectedPos.X, expectedPos.Y, PSFFittingMethod.NonLinearFit, out psfFit);

            if (psfFit == null)
                var brightestFeature = starMap.GetFeatureInRadius((int)TrackedObject.LastKnownX, (int)TrackedObject.LastKnownY, CoreAstrometrySettings.Default.PreMeasureSearchCentroidRadius);

                if (brightestFeature != null)
                    var center = brightestFeature.GetCenter();
                    var referenceStarFeatures = astrometricFit.FitInfo.AllStarPairs.Where(x => x.FitInfo.UsedInSolution).ToList();
                    var refStar = referenceStarFeatures.FirstOrDefault(s => Math.Sqrt((s.x - center.X) * (s.x - center.X) + (s.y - center.Y) * (s.y - center.Y)) < 2);
                    if (refStar == null)
                        // The brightest feature is not a reference star, so we assume it is our object
                        AstrometryContext.Current.StarMap.GetPSFFit(center.X, center.Y, PSFFittingMethod.NonLinearFit, out psfFit);

            if (psfFit == null)
                ImagePixel centroid = AstrometryContext.Current.StarMap.GetCentroid(

                if (centroid != null)
                    AstrometryContext.Current.StarMap.GetPSFFit(centroid.X, centroid.Y, PSFFittingMethod.NonLinearFit, out psfFit);

            if (psfFit != null)
                double ra, de;
                astrometricFit.GetRADEFromImageCoords(psfFit.XCenter, psfFit.YCenter, out ra, out de);

                double maxPosDiffArcSec =
                        astrometricFit.GetDistanceInArcSec(astrometricFit.Image.CenterXImage, astrometricFit.Image.CenterYImage,
                        astrometricFit.Image.CenterXImage + CoreAstrometrySettings.Default.PreMeasureSearchCentroidRadius, astrometricFit.Image.CenterYImage);

                if (!double.IsNaN(TrackedObject.RAHours))
                    double posDif = 3600 * AngleUtility.Elongation(15 * TrackedObject.RAHours, TrackedObject.DEDeg, ra, de);
                    if (posDif > maxPosDiffArcSec)
                        // NOTE: Not a valid measurement
                        Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("The target position is too far from the last measured position", posDif));

                TrackedObject.RAHours = ra / 15.0;
                TrackedObject.DEDeg = de;
                TrackedObject.LastKnownX = psfFit.XCenter;
                TrackedObject.LastKnownY = psfFit.YCenter;
                TrackedObject.PSFFit = psfFit;

                IsTrackedSuccessfully = true;

            if (psfFit != null && psfFit.XCenter > 0 && psfFit.YCenter > 0)
Exemplo n.º 23
		private bool TryMatchingPairsFromPreviousFit(IStarMap starMap)
			ThreeStarFit.StarPair[] pairs = new ThreeStarFit.StarPair[3];
			Dictionary<ImagePixel, IStar> matchedPairs = new Dictionary<ImagePixel, IStar>();
            Dictionary<int, ulong> matchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes = new Dictionary<int, ulong>();

			int idx = 0;
			foreach (PlateConstStarPair pair in m_PreviousFit.AllStarPairs)
				if (pair.FitInfo.ExcludedForHighResidual) continue;
                StarMapFeature ftr = starMap.GetFeatureInRadius((int)pair.x, (int)pair.y, (int)CoreAstrometrySettings.Default.SearchArea);
				if (ftr != null)
					ImagePixel center = starMap.GetCentroid(
                        (int)pair.x, (int)pair.y, (int)CoreAstrometrySettings.Default.SearchArea);
					IStar star = null;

					foreach (IStar s in m_CelestialPyramidStars)
						if (s.StarNo == pair.StarNo)
							star = s;

					if (star != null &&
						center != null &&
						if (idx < 3)
							pairs[idx] = new ThreeStarFit.StarPair(center.X, center.Y);
							pairs[idx].RADeg = star.RADeg;
							pairs[idx].DEDeg = star.DEDeg;
							pairs[idx].Star = star;

						matchedPairs.Add(center, star);
						matchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes.Add(ftr.FeatureId, star.StarNo);

			// Shortcurcuit to FeautreId - StarNo detection
			if (matchedPairs.Count >= m_Settings.MinimumNumberOfStars)
                // When there was a previous fit and we have sufficient stars from the current star map
                // then don't require % of the bright features to approve the solution. Do it as a calibration fit (not too precise)
                LeastSquareFittedAstrometry fit = SolveStarPairs(
                    starMap, matchedPairs,
                    pairs[0], pairs[1], pairs[2], m_PreviousFit.FittedFocalLength, null, 

                if (fit != null)
                    m_Solution = fit;
                    m_MatchedPairs = matchedPairs;
                    m_MatchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes = matchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes;
                    return true;

			return false;
Exemplo n.º 24
 public void InitNewFrame(IStarMap imageFeatures)
     m_StarMap = imageFeatures;
     // NOTE: The m_Solution will be reused until the DistanceBasedAstrometrySolver is recreated
Exemplo n.º 25
		private bool TryMatchingPairsFromManualPairs(IStarMap starMap)
			ThreeStarFit.StarPair[] pairs = new ThreeStarFit.StarPair[3];
			Dictionary<ImagePixel, IStar> matchedPairs = new Dictionary<ImagePixel, IStar>();
            Dictionary<int, ulong> matchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes = new Dictionary<int, ulong>();

			int idx = 0;
			foreach (StarMapFeature feature in m_ManualPairs.Keys)
				IStar star = m_ManualPairs[feature];
				ImagePixel center = feature.GetCenter();

                StarMapFeature ftr = starMap.GetFeatureInRadius((int)center.X, (int)center.Y, (int)CoreAstrometrySettings.Default.SearchArea);
				if (ftr != null)
					if (!matchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes.ContainsKey(ftr.FeatureId))
						if (idx < 3)
							pairs[idx] = new ThreeStarFit.StarPair(center.X, center.Y);
							pairs[idx].RADeg = star.RADeg;
							pairs[idx].DEDeg = star.DEDeg;
							pairs[idx].Star = star;

						matchedPairs.Add(center, star);
						matchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes.Add(ftr.FeatureId, star.StarNo);

			if (matchedPairs.Count >= m_Settings.MinimumNumberOfStars)
                // When there was a previous fit and we have sufficient stars from the current star map
                // then don't require % of the bright features to approve the solution. Do it as a calibration fit (not too precise)
                LeastSquareFittedAstrometry fit = SolveStarPairs(
                    starMap, matchedPairs,
                    pairs[0], pairs[1], pairs[2], m_PlateConfig.EffectiveFocalLength, null, 

                if (fit != null)
                    m_Solution = fit;
                    m_MatchedPairs = matchedPairs;
                    m_MatchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes = matchedFeatureIdToStarIdIndexes;
                    return true;

			return false;