Exemplo n.º 1
        public static QuestionViewModel Create(IRepository repository, int? templateId, int? callForProposalId)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");
            var viewModel = new QuestionViewModel
                Question = new Question(),
                QuestionTypes = repository.OfType<QuestionType>().GetAll(),
                Validators = repository.OfType<Validator>().GetAll()

            if (templateId != null && templateId != 0)
                viewModel.IsTemplate = true;
                viewModel.TemplateId = templateId;
            else if (callForProposalId != null && callForProposalId != 0)
                viewModel.IsCallForProposal = true;
                viewModel.CallForProposalId = callForProposalId;

            Check.Require(viewModel.IsTemplate || viewModel.IsCallForProposal, "Must have either a template or a call for proposal");

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static EmailTemplateListViewModel Create(IRepository repository, int? templateId, int? callForProposalId)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");
            var viewModel = new EmailTemplateListViewModel();

            if (templateId != null  && templateId != 0)
                viewModel.IsTemplate = true;
                viewModel.EmailTemplateList = repository.OfType<EmailTemplate>().Queryable.Where(a => a.Template != null && a.Template.Id == templateId);
                viewModel.TemplateId = templateId;
            else if (callForProposalId != null && callForProposalId != 0)
                viewModel.IsCallForProposal = true;
                viewModel.EmailTemplateList = repository.OfType<EmailTemplate>().Queryable.Where(a => a.CallForProposal != null && a.CallForProposal.Id == callForProposalId);
                viewModel.CallForProposalId = callForProposalId;
            viewModel.DescriptionDict = new Dictionary<EmailTemplateType, string>(7);
            viewModel.DescriptionDict.Add(EmailTemplateType.InitialCall, StaticValues.InitialCall);
            viewModel.DescriptionDict.Add(EmailTemplateType.ProposalApproved, StaticValues.ProposalApproved);
            viewModel.DescriptionDict.Add(EmailTemplateType.ProposalConfirmation, StaticValues.ProposalConfirmation);
            viewModel.DescriptionDict.Add(EmailTemplateType.ProposalDenied, StaticValues.ProposalDenied);
            viewModel.DescriptionDict.Add(EmailTemplateType.ReadyForReview, StaticValues.ReadyForReview);
            viewModel.DescriptionDict.Add(EmailTemplateType.ReminderCallIsAboutToClose, StaticValues.ReminderCallIsAboutToClose);
            viewModel.DescriptionDict.Add(EmailTemplateType.ProposalUnsubmitted, StaticValues.ProposalUnsubmitted);

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void LoadEmployees(IRepository repository)
            if (Employees == null)
                Employees = new Dictionary <string, IList <Employee> >();

            var schoolCodes = repository.OfType <Unit>().Queryable.Select(x => x.DeansOfficeSchoolCode).Distinct().ToArray();

            SchoolCodes = schoolCodes;  // For future use in checking what schools employees have been loaded for.

            var deptCodes =
                repository.OfType <Department>().Queryable.Where(
                    x => schoolCodes.Contains(x.DeansOfficeSchoolCode)).Select(y => y.Id).ToList();

            var allEmployees = repository.OfType <Employee>().GetAll();

            //MaxLastChangeDate = allEmployees.Select(x => x.LastChangeDate).Max();
            //LastRefreshed = DateTime.Now;

            foreach (var code in schoolCodes)
                // Add all employees who have a home department within the school:
                Employees.Add(code, allEmployees.Where(d => deptCodes.Contains(d.HomeDepartmentID)).OrderBy(x => x.FullName).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static NotificationTrackingViewModel Create(IRepository repository, string siteId, NotificationTracking notificationTracking = null, Person person = null, MailingList mailingList = null)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            var seminar = SiteService.GetLatestSeminar(siteId);

            var viewModel = new NotificationTrackingViewModel()
                NotificationTracking = notificationTracking ?? new NotificationTracking(),
                NotificationMethods  = repository.OfType <NotificationMethod>().GetAll(),
                NotificationTypes    = repository.OfType <NotificationType>().GetAll(),
                People       = new List <Person>(),
                AllPeople    = SiteService.GetLatestSeminar(siteId).SeminarPeople.Select(a => a.Person).ToList(),                 //seminarService.GetCurrent().SeminarPeople.Select(a=>a.Person).ToList(),
                SitePeople   = SiteService.LoadSite(siteId).People,
                Seminar      = seminar,
                MailingLists = seminar.MailingLists,
                MailingList  = mailingList

            if (person != null)

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a title code and date,
        /// return the salary scale that would have been in effect for the date provided.
        /// This is necessary when there are several salary scales for a given title code,
        /// and you do not know the salary scale's actual effective date.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="repository"></param>
        /// <param name="titleCode"></param>
        /// <param name="effectiveDate"></param>
        /// <returns>SalaryScale in effect for title code and date provided</returns>
        public static SalaryScale GetEffectiveSalaryScale(IRepository repository, string titleCode, DateTime effectiveDate)
            SalaryScale salaryScale = null;

            var queryable = repository.OfType <SalaryScale>().Queryable;

            var count = queryable.Where(x => x.TitleCode.Equals(titleCode)).Count();

            // Get the corresponding salary scale only if there's salary data available; otherwise, return null
            // and let the view handle displaying the "No Data Found" message.
            if (count > 0)
                if (count == 1)
                    // If there's only 1 salary scale set the return value to it:
                    salaryScale = queryable.Where(x => x.TitleCode.Equals(titleCode)).SingleOrDefault();
                    if (effectiveDate.Equals(new DateTime()))
                        effectiveDate = DateTime.Now;
                    // If there's multiple salary scales for the same title code, get the one
                    // whose effective date is equal to or less than the effectiveDate provided:

                    // First find the max effective date for the given title code that is equal to or less than the effectiveDate, i.e. date provided:
                    var maxEffectiveDateForDate =
                        queryable.Where(x => x.TitleCode.Equals(titleCode) && x.EffectiveDate <= effectiveDate).Max(x => x.EffectiveDate);

                    // Set the return value to the one whose effectiveDate matches the maximum effective date determined
                    // in the previous statement:
                    salaryScale = queryable
                                  .Where(x => x.TitleCode.Equals(titleCode) && x.EffectiveDate == maxEffectiveDateForDate)

                    //   var conjunction = Restrictions.Conjunction();
                    //   var criteria = NHibernateSessionManager.Instance.GetSession().CreateCriteria(typeof(SalaryScale));
                    //   criteria.CreateAlias("SalarySteps", "SalarySteps")
                    //.SetFetchMode("SalarySteps", FetchMode.Eager);
                    //   conjunction.Add(Restrictions.Eq("TitleCode", titleCode));
                    //   conjunction.Add(Restrictions.Eq("EffectiveDate", maxEffectiveDateForDate));
                    //   criteria.Add(conjunction);
                    //   var ss = criteria.List<SalaryScale>().FirstOrDefault();

                if (salaryScale != null)
                    salaryScale.SalarySteps = repository.OfType <SalaryStep>()
                                              .Where(s => s.TitleCode == salaryScale.TitleCode && s.EffectiveDate == salaryScale.EffectiveDate)
                                              .OrderBy(x => x.Annual)
            // Return the corresponding salary scale (or null if none were available for that title code).
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the lookups efficiently which are in the userLookupModel
 /// </summary>
 private static void SetLookups(UserLookupModel model, IRepository repository)
     model.Applications =
         repository.OfType <Application>().Queryable.OrderBy(x => x.Name).Select(
             x => new KeyValuePair <int, string>(x.Id, x.Name)).ToList();
     model.Units =
         repository.OfType <Unit>().Queryable.OrderBy(x => x.ShortName).Select(
             x => new KeyValuePair <int, string>(x.Id, x.ShortName)).ToList();
        public static WorkgroupAccountModel Create(IRepository repository, Workgroup workgroup, WorkgroupAccount workgroupAccount = null)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "repo null");
            Check.Require(workgroup != null, "workgroup null");

            var viewModel = new WorkgroupAccountModel {
                Workgroup = workgroup, WorkgroupAccount = workgroupAccount ?? new WorkgroupAccount()

            viewModel.WorkGroupPermissions = repository.OfType <WorkgroupPermission>().Queryable.Where(a => a.Workgroup == workgroup && (!a.IsAdmin || (a.IsAdmin && a.IsFullFeatured))).ToList();
            viewModel.Accounts             = workgroup.Organizations.SelectMany(x => x.Accounts).Distinct().ToList();

            viewModel.Approvers       = viewModel.WorkGroupPermissions.Where(x => x.Role.Id == Role.Codes.Approver).Select(x => x.User).Distinct().ToList();
            viewModel.AccountManagers = viewModel.WorkGroupPermissions.Where(x => x.Role.Id == Role.Codes.AccountManager).Select(x => x.User).Distinct().ToList();
            viewModel.Purchasers      = viewModel.WorkGroupPermissions.Where(x => x.Role.Id == Role.Codes.Purchaser).Select(x => x.User).Distinct().ToList();

            if (viewModel.WorkgroupAccount.Approver == null)
                var approver = repository.OfType <WorkgroupPermission>().Queryable.SingleOrDefault(
                    a =>
                    a.Workgroup == workgroup && a.Role.Id == Role.Codes.Approver && !a.IsAdmin &&
                if (approver != null)
                    viewModel.WorkgroupAccount.Approver = approver.User;

            if (viewModel.WorkgroupAccount.AccountManager == null)
                var approver = repository.OfType <WorkgroupPermission>().Queryable.SingleOrDefault(
                    a =>
                    a.Workgroup == workgroup && a.Role.Id == Role.Codes.AccountManager && !a.IsAdmin &&
                if (approver != null)
                    viewModel.WorkgroupAccount.AccountManager = approver.User;

            if (viewModel.WorkgroupAccount.Purchaser == null)
                var approver = repository.OfType <WorkgroupPermission>().Queryable.SingleOrDefault(
                    a =>
                    a.Workgroup == workgroup && a.Role.Id == Role.Codes.Purchaser && !a.IsAdmin &&
                if (approver != null)
                    viewModel.WorkgroupAccount.Purchaser = approver.User;

Exemplo n.º 8
        public static ReportViewModel Create(IRepository repository, string siteId)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            var viewModel = new ReportViewModel {
                Seminars = repository.OfType <Seminar>().GetAll(), Seminar = SiteService.GetLatestSeminar(siteId), Site = siteId

            viewModel.Sites = repository.OfType <Site>().GetAll();

Exemplo n.º 9
        public static QuestionViewModel Create(IRepository repository)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            var viewModel = new QuestionViewModel()
                QuestionTypes = repository.OfType<QuestionType>().GetAll(),
                Validators = repository.OfType<Validator>().GetAll()

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static WorkgroupAccountModel Create(IRepository repository, Workgroup workgroup, WorkgroupAccount workgroupAccount = null)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "repo null");
            Check.Require(workgroup != null, "workgroup null");

            var viewModel = new WorkgroupAccountModel { Workgroup = workgroup, WorkgroupAccount = workgroupAccount ?? new WorkgroupAccount()};

            viewModel.WorkGroupPermissions = repository.OfType<WorkgroupPermission>().Queryable.Where(a => a.Workgroup == workgroup && (!a.IsAdmin || (a.IsAdmin && a.IsFullFeatured))).ToList();
            viewModel.Accounts = workgroup.Organizations.SelectMany(x => x.Accounts).Distinct().ToList();

            viewModel.Approvers = viewModel.WorkGroupPermissions.Where(x => x.Role.Id == Role.Codes.Approver).Select(x => x.User).Distinct().ToList();
            viewModel.AccountManagers = viewModel.WorkGroupPermissions.Where(x => x.Role.Id == Role.Codes.AccountManager).Select(x => x.User).Distinct().ToList();
            viewModel.Purchasers = viewModel.WorkGroupPermissions.Where(x => x.Role.Id == Role.Codes.Purchaser).Select(x => x.User).Distinct().ToList();

            if (viewModel.WorkgroupAccount.Approver == null)
                var approver = repository.OfType<WorkgroupPermission>().Queryable.SingleOrDefault(
                        a =>
                        a.Workgroup == workgroup && a.Role.Id == Role.Codes.Approver && !a.IsAdmin &&
                if (approver != null)
                    viewModel.WorkgroupAccount.Approver = approver.User;

            if (viewModel.WorkgroupAccount.AccountManager == null)
                var approver = repository.OfType<WorkgroupPermission>().Queryable.SingleOrDefault(
                        a =>
                        a.Workgroup == workgroup && a.Role.Id == Role.Codes.AccountManager && !a.IsAdmin &&
                if (approver != null)
                    viewModel.WorkgroupAccount.AccountManager = approver.User;

            if (viewModel.WorkgroupAccount.Purchaser == null)
                var approver = repository.OfType<WorkgroupPermission>().Queryable.SingleOrDefault(
                        a =>
                        a.Workgroup == workgroup && a.Role.Id == Role.Codes.Purchaser && !a.IsAdmin &&
                if (approver != null)
                    viewModel.WorkgroupAccount.Purchaser = approver.User;

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static UnitViewModel Create(IRepository repository)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            var viewModel = new UnitViewModel
                Unit    = new Unit(),
                Schools = repository.OfType <School>().Queryable.OrderBy(x => x.ShortDescription).ToList(),
                Units   = repository.OfType <Unit>().Queryable.OrderBy(x => x.ShortName).ToList()

Exemplo n.º 12
        public static void BeginReportRequest(IRepository repository, HonorsPostModel honorsModel, string userId)
            var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            var reportName = "/Commencement/Honors";

            parameters.Add("CollegeId", honorsModel.College.Id);
            parameters.Add("TermCode", honorsModel.TermCode);
            parameters.Add("Honors4590", honorsModel.Honors4590.ToString());
            parameters.Add("HighHonors4590", honorsModel.HighHonors4590.ToString());
            parameters.Add("HighestHonors4590", honorsModel.HighestHonors4590.ToString());
            parameters.Add("Honors90135", honorsModel.Honors90135.ToString());
            parameters.Add("HighHonors90135", honorsModel.HighHonors90135.ToString());
            parameters.Add("HighestHonors90135", honorsModel.HighestHonors90135.ToString());
            parameters.Add("Honors135", honorsModel.Honors135.ToString());
            parameters.Add("HighHonors135", honorsModel.HighHonors135.ToString());
            parameters.Add("HighestHonors135", honorsModel.HighestHonors135.ToString());

            var hr = honorsModel.Convert();
            hr.User = repository.OfType<vUser>().Queryable.FirstOrDefault(a => a.LoginId == userId);

            // start the transaction just so we can record the request
            using (var ts = new TransactionScope())
                // create the history object, plus this will also set the request date time

            // make the call to get the report, then save it and email the user
            using (var ts = new TransactionScope())
                // get the actual report itself
                hr.Contents = GetHonorsReport(parameters); //Get(reportName, parameters);

                // persist the object

                // email the user
                //var message = new MailMessage();
                //message.Subject = "Commencement - Honors Report Completed";
                //message.Body = "Your honors report request has completed.";
                //message.IsBodyHtml = true;

                //// settings are set in the web.config
                //var client = new SmtpClient();
        public static AdminRegisterForStudentViewModel Create(IRepository repository, RegistrationModel registrationModel)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");
            Check.Require(registrationModel != null, "registrationModel is required.");

            var viewModel = new AdminRegisterForStudentViewModel()
                RegistrationModel = registrationModel,
                Majors = repository.OfType<MajorCode>().GetAll(),
                Ceremonies = repository.OfType<Ceremony>().Queryable.Where(a=>a.TermCode == TermService.GetCurrent()).ToList(),

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static SessionViewModel Create(IRepository repository, int seminarId, Session session = null)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            var viewModel = new SessionViewModel
                Session      = session ?? new Session(),
                Seminar      = repository.OfType <Seminar>().GetNullableById(seminarId),
                SessionTypes = repository.OfType <SessionType>().GetAll()

            viewModel.SessionTypesList = new SelectList(viewModel.SessionTypes, "Id", "Name", viewModel.Session.SessionType == null ? string.Empty : viewModel.Session.SessionType.Id);

Exemplo n.º 15
        public static AdminHomeViewModel Create(IRepository repository)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            var viewModel = new AdminHomeViewModel()
                PendingApplications  = repository.OfType <Application>().Queryable.Where(a => a.IsPending).Count(),
                PeopleMissingPicture = repository.OfType <Person>().Queryable.Where(a => a.OriginalPicture == null).Count(),
                FirmsRequiringReview = repository.OfType <Firm>().Queryable.Where(a => a.Review).Count()

Exemplo n.º 16
        public static AuthorizedViewModel Create(IRepository repository, string userId, string siteId)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            // load the user
            var user = repository.OfType <User>().Queryable.FirstOrDefault(a => a.LoweredUserName == userId.ToLower());

            if (user == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unable to load user with id {0}", userId));

            var person = user.Person;

            // load seminar
            var seminar = SiteService.GetLatestSeminar(siteId);

            // has this person been invited to the current seminar?
            var invited = seminar.Invitations.Any(a => a.Person.User.LoweredUserName == userId.ToLower());

            var viewModel = new AuthorizedViewModel()
                Seminar = seminar,
                // only load application that applies to current seminar
                Application   = user.Applications.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Seminar.Id == seminar.Id),
                SeminarPeople = person != null?person.SeminarPeople.Where(a => a.Seminar.Id != seminar.Id).ToList() : new List <SeminarPerson>(),
                                    SeminarPerson = person != null?person.SeminarPeople.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Seminar.Id == seminar.Id) : null,
                                                        Person  = person,
                                                        Invited = invited

        public static AdminExtraTicketPetitionViewModel Create(IRepository repository, ICeremonyService ceremonyService, IPetitionService petitionService, IPrincipal currentUser, TermCode termCode, int? ceremonyId, bool? viewAll)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            // set the default to false
            viewAll = viewAll ?? false;

            var ceremonies = ceremonyService.GetCeremonies(currentUser.Identity.Name, termCode);
            //var ceremonyIds = ceremonies.Select(a => a.Id).ToList();

            var viewModel = new AdminExtraTicketPetitionViewModel()
                                    Ceremonies = ceremonies,
                                    Ceremony = ceremonyId.HasValue ? repository.OfType<Ceremony>().GetNullableById(ceremonyId.Value) : null,
                                    ViewAll = viewAll.Value

            // has a ceremony been selected and does the current user have access
            if (ceremonyId.HasValue && ceremonyService.HasAccess(ceremonyId.Value, currentUser.Identity.Name))
                if (viewAll.Value)
                    viewModel.RegistrationParticipations = viewModel.Ceremony.RegistrationParticipations.Where(a => a.ExtraTicketPetition != null).ToList();
                    viewModel.RegistrationParticipations = petitionService.GetPendingExtraTicket(currentUser.Identity.Name, ceremonyId.Value, termCode);


            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static AddEditorViewModel Create(IRepository repository, Template template, CallForProposal callForProposal)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            var viewModel = new AddEditorViewModel()
                Template = template,
                CallForProposal = callForProposal,
                Users = repository.OfType<User>().Queryable.OrderBy(a => a.LastName).ToList()
            if (template != null)
                viewModel.IsTemplate = true;
                viewModel.TemplateId = template.Id;
            else if (callForProposal != null)
                viewModel.IsCallForProposal = true;
                viewModel.CallForProposalId = callForProposal.Id;

            Check.Require(viewModel.IsTemplate || viewModel.IsCallForProposal, "Must have either a template or a call for proposal");

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 19
        public static RequirementViewModel Create(IRepository repository, Project project)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");
            Check.Require(project != null, "project is required.");

            var viewModel = new RequirementViewModel
                                    Requirement = new Requirement(),
                                    Project = project,
                                    RequirementTypes = repository.OfType<RequirementType>().GetAll(),
                                    PriorityTypes = repository.OfType<PriorityType>().GetAll(),
                                    RequirementCategories = project.RequirementCategories.Where(a => a.IsActive).ToList()

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static IList <Department> GetAllForUser(IRepository repository, User user, bool isDepartmentUser, string sortPropertyName, bool isAscending)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            var departments = new List <Department>();

            if (isDepartmentUser)
                 * viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysisResults = repository.OfType<SalaryReviewAnalysis>()
                 *  .Queryable.Fetch(y => y.Employee)
                 *  .Where(x => referenceNumbers.Contains(x.ReferenceNumber))
                 *  .OrderBy(t => t.Employee.FullName)
                 *  .ToList();
                 * depts = user.Units.Select(unit => unit.PPSCode).ToList();
                // Works but accesses the database once for each department.
                //departments.AddRange(user.Units.Select(unit => repository.OfType<Department>()
                //    .Queryable
                //    .Where(d => d.Id.Equals(unit.PPSCode))
                //    .FirstOrDefault()));

                var units = user.Units.Select(u => u.PPSCode).ToArray();
                departments = repository.OfType <Department>()
                              .Where(x => units.Contains(x.Id))
                var schoolsForUser = user.Units.Select(x => x.DeansOfficeSchoolCode).Distinct().ToArray();

                departments =
                    repository.OfType <Department>().Queryable.Where(
                        x => schoolsForUser.Contains(x.DeansOfficeSchoolCode)).ToList();

            if (!isAscending)

Exemplo n.º 21
        public static User GetByEmployeeId(IRepository repository, string employeeId)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            return(repository.OfType <User>().
                   Where(r => r.EmployeeID == employeeId)
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static EmailsForCallSendViewModel Create(IRepository repository, CallForProposal callForProposal)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");
            var viewModel = new EmailsForCallSendViewModel {CallForProposal = callForProposal, Immediate = false};

            viewModel.EmailsForCallList = repository.OfType<EmailsForCall>().Queryable.Where(a => a.CallForProposal != null && a.CallForProposal == callForProposal);

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public static EmailQueueListViewModel Create(IRepository repository, CallForProposal callForProposal)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            var viewModel = new EmailQueueListViewModel{CallForProposal = callForProposal};
            viewModel.EmailQueues = repository.OfType<EmailQueue>().Queryable.Where(a => a.CallForProposal == callForProposal);

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 24
        public static ActiveSurveyViewModel Create(IRepository repository, bool isPublic)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            var viewModel = new ActiveSurveyViewModel { IsPublic = isPublic};
            viewModel.Surveys = repository.OfType<Survey>().Queryable.Where(a => a.IsActive);

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public static AdminStudentViewModel Create(IRepository repository, IMajorService majorService, ICeremonyService ceremonyService, TermCode termCode, string studentid, string lastName, string firstName, string majorCode, string college, string userId)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            // build a list of majors that the current user has assigned to their ceremonies
            var ceremonies = ceremonyService.GetCeremonies(userId, TermService.GetCurrent());
            var majors = ceremonies.SelectMany(a => a.Majors).Where(a => a.ConsolidationMajor == null && a.IsActive).ToList();
            var colleges = ceremonies.SelectMany(a => a.Colleges).Distinct().ToList();

            var viewModel = new AdminStudentViewModel()
                                    MajorCodes = majors,
                                    studentidFilter = studentid,
                                    lastNameFilter = lastName,
                                    firstNameFilter = firstName,
                                    majorCodeFilter = majorCode,
                                    Colleges = colleges

            var query = repository.OfType<Student>().Queryable.Where(a =>
                    a.TermCode == termCode
                    && (a.StudentId.Contains(string.IsNullOrEmpty(studentid) ? string.Empty : studentid.Trim()))
                    && (a.LastName.Contains(string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName) ? string.Empty : lastName.Trim()))
                    && (a.FirstName.Contains(string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName) ? string.Empty : firstName.Trim()))

            // get the list of students with optional filters
            var students = query.ToList();

            if (colleges.Count == 1)
                var coll = colleges.First();
                students = students.Where(a => a.StrColleges.Contains(coll.Id)).ToList();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(majorCode)) students = students.Where(a => a.StrMajorCodes.Contains(majorCode)).ToList();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(college)) students = students.Where(a => a.StrColleges.Contains(college)).ToList();

            // get all active registrations
            var reg = repository.OfType<RegistrationParticipation>().Queryable.Where(
                    a => a.Ceremony.TermCode == termCode).// && !a.Registration.Student.SjaBlock && !a.Registration.Cancelled).

            var regStudents = reg.Select(a => a.Registration.Student);

            viewModel.StudentRegistrationModels = new List<StudentRegistrationModel>();

            foreach(var s in students.Distinct().ToList())
                var reged = regStudents.Any(a => a == s);

                viewModel.StudentRegistrationModels.Add(new StudentRegistrationModel(s, reged));

            return viewModel;
        public static AutoApprovalViewModel Create(IRepository repository, string userName)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");
            Check.Require(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userName), "user name");

            var viewModel = new AutoApprovalViewModel
                AutoApproval = new AutoApproval {
                    IsActive = true, Expiration = DateTime.UtcNow.ToPacificTime().AddYears(1)

            var workgroups = repository.OfType <WorkgroupPermission>().Queryable.Where(a => a.Role != null && a.Role.Id == Role.Codes.Approver && a.User != null && a.User.Id == userName && (!a.IsAdmin || (a.IsAdmin && a.IsFullFeatured))).Select(b => b.Workgroup).Distinct().ToList();

            viewModel.Accounts = repository.OfType <WorkgroupAccount>().Queryable.Where(a => a.Approver != null && a.Approver.Id == userName && a.Account.IsActive).Select(b => b.Account).Distinct().ToList(); //workgroups.SelectMany(a => a.Accounts).Select(b => b.Account).Distinct().ToList();
            viewModel.Users    = workgroups.SelectMany(a => a.Permissions).Where(b => b.Role != null && b.Role.Id == Role.Codes.Requester).Select(c => c.User).Where(c => c.IsActive).Distinct().ToList();

Exemplo n.º 27
        public static QuestionSetLinkViewModel Create(IRepository repository, string loginId)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            // get the user's colleges
            var user = repository.OfType<User>().Queryable.Where(x => x.LoginID == loginId).FirstOrDefault();
            var colleges = (from x in user.Units
                            select x.School).ToList();

            var query = from x in repository.OfType<QuestionSet>().Queryable
                        where (x.SystemReusable
                            || colleges.Contains(x.School)
                            || x.UserReusable && x.User.LoginID == loginId)
                            && x.Name != StaticValues.QuestionSet_ContactInformation
                        select x;

            var viewModel = new QuestionSetLinkViewModel() { QuestionSets = query };

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 28
        public static MyTasksViewModel Create(IRepository repository, string loginId)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "repository is required.");

            var tasks = repository.OfType<Task>().Queryable.Where(a => a.Worker.LoginId == loginId && !a.Complete);
            var projects = tasks.Where(a => !a.Complete ).Select(a => a.Project).Distinct();

            var viewModel = new MyTasksViewModel() {Tasks = tasks, Projects = projects};

            return viewModel;
        public static TransferRequestViewModel Create(IRepository repository, RegistrationParticipation registrationParticipation, string username, TransferRequest transferRequest = null)
            var viewModel = new TransferRequestViewModel()
                    Ceremonies = repository.OfType<Ceremony>().Queryable.Where(a => a.TermCode == TermService.GetCurrent()),
                    RegistrationParticipation = registrationParticipation,
                    TransferRequest = transferRequest ?? new TransferRequest()

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 30
        public static EmailsForCallListViewModel Create(IRepository repository, int? templateId, int? callForProposalId)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");
            var viewModel = new EmailsForCallListViewModel();

            if (templateId != null && templateId != 0)
                viewModel.IsTemplate = true;
                viewModel.EmailsForCallList = repository.OfType<EmailsForCall>().Queryable.Where(a => a.Template != null && a.Template.Id == templateId);
                viewModel.TemplateId = templateId;
            else if (callForProposalId != null && callForProposalId != 0)
                viewModel.IsCallForProposal = true;
                viewModel.EmailsForCallList = repository.OfType<EmailsForCall>().Queryable.Where(a => a.CallForProposal != null && a.CallForProposal.Id == callForProposalId);
                viewModel.CallForProposalId = callForProposalId;

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 31
        public static CreateReportViewModel Create(IRepository repository, Item item)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            var viewModel = new CreateReportViewModel() {Item = item};
            viewModel.QuestionTypeNoAnswer =
                repository.OfType<QuestionType>().Queryable.Where(a => a.Name == QuestionTypeText.STR_NoAnswer).

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 32
        public static TermcodeViewModel Create(IRepository Repository)
            var viewModel = new TermcodeViewModel();

            var termCodes = Repository.OfType<TermCode>().Queryable.OrderByDescending(a => a.IsActive).ThenBy(a => a.Id);
            viewModel.AllTermCodes = termCodes.Select(a => new TermCodeUnion {IsActive = a.IsActive, IsInTermCode = true, Name = a.Name, TermCodeId = a.Id, RegistrationBegin = a.RegistrationBegin, RegistrationDeadline = a.RegistrationDeadline}).ToList();

            viewModel.VTermCodes = Repository.OfType<vTermCode>().Queryable.Where(a => a.StartDate >= DateTime.UtcNow.ToPacificTime()) .ToList();
            var count = 0;
            foreach (var vTermCode in viewModel.VTermCodes.Where(vTermCode => !viewModel.AllTermCodes.AsQueryable().Where(a => a.TermCodeId == vTermCode.Id).Any()))
                viewModel.AllTermCodes.Add(new TermCodeUnion(){IsActive = false, IsInTermCode = false, Name = vTermCode.Description, TermCodeId = vTermCode.Id});
                if (count >= 3)

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 33
        public static ApplicationViewModel Create(IRepository repository)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            var viewModel = new ApplicationViewModel
                Application = new Application(),
                Roles       = repository.OfType <Role>().Queryable.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList()

Exemplo n.º 34
        public static TemplateViewModel Create(IRepository repository, Template template = null)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            var viewModel = new TemplateViewModel
                Template          = template ?? new Template(),
                NotificationTypes = repository.OfType <NotificationType>().GetAll()

Exemplo n.º 35
        public static EmailStudentsViewModel Create(IRepository repository, ICeremonyService ceremonyService, string userId, List<string> templateNames )
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            var viewModel = new EmailStudentsViewModel()
                                    Ceremonies = ceremonyService.GetCeremonies(userId, TermService.GetCurrent()),
                                    TemplateTypes = repository.OfType<TemplateType>().Queryable.Where(a => templateNames.Contains(a.Name)).ToList()

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 36
        public static ExtendedPropertyViewModel Create(IRepository repository, ItemType itemType)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            var viewModel = new ExtendedPropertyViewModel()
                                    QuestionTypes = repository.OfType<QuestionType>().Queryable.Where(a => a.ExtendedProperty).ToList(),
                                    ItemType = itemType

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 37
        public static MessageViewModel Create(IRepository repository)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            var viewModel = new MessageViewModel {
                Message = new Message()

            viewModel.Applications = repository.OfType <Application>().Queryable.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();

Exemplo n.º 38
        public static SalaryScaleViewModel Create(IRepository repository, string titleCode, string effectiveDate, User user)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            var viewModel = new SalaryScaleViewModel
                SalaryScale = new SalaryScale(),
                Titles      = repository.OfType <Title>()
                              .OrderBy(t => t.AbbreviatedName)
                              // .ThenBy(t => t.TitleCode)

            viewModel.TitleCodes = viewModel.Titles
                                   .OrderBy(t => t.TitleCode)

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(titleCode))
                var searchDate = DateTime.Now;
                if (effectiveDate != null)
                    DateTime.TryParse(effectiveDate, out searchDate);
                var salaryScale = SalaryScale.GetEffectiveSalaryScale(repository, titleCode, searchDate);
                if (salaryScale != null)
                    viewModel.SalaryScale = salaryScale;
                viewModel.TitleCode = titleCode;

                var schoolsForUser = user.Units.Select(x => x.DeansOfficeSchoolCode).Distinct().ToArray();
                viewModel.CollegeAverages =
                    repository.OfType <CollegeAverage>().Queryable.Where(x => schoolsForUser.Contains(x.SchoolCode) && x.TitleCode == viewModel.TitleCode).

Exemplo n.º 39
        public static IList <User> GetAll(IRepository repository, User user, bool isDepartmentUser)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            // var units = new List<Unit>();
            List <int> unitIds;
            var        users = new List <User>();

            if (isDepartmentUser)
                // Get list of all user's departments assigned in Catbert:
                //units = user.Units.ToList();
                unitIds = user.Units.Select(unit => unit.Id).ToList();
                // Get distinct list of user's deans office schools based on Catbert school code(s):
                var schoolsForUser = user.Units.Select(x => x.DeansOfficeSchoolCode).Distinct().ToArray();

                // Get list of all departments in the user's deans office school(s):
                //units = repository.OfType<Unit>().Queryable.Where(x => schoolsForUser.Contains(x.DeansOfficeSchoolCode)).ToList();
                unitIds = repository.OfType <Unit>().Queryable.Where(x => schoolsForUser.Contains(x.DeansOfficeSchoolCode)).Select(x => x.Id).ToList();

            // we have to get the all users associated with those units:
            //TODO: Try implementing with LINQ and lambda expressions

            var criteria = NHibernateSessionManager.Instance.GetSession().CreateCriteria(typeof(User));

            criteria.CreateAlias("Units", "Units")
            .SetResultTransformer(new DistinctRootEntityResultTransformer());

            var conjunction = Restrictions.Conjunction();

            conjunction.Add(Restrictions.In("Units.Id", unitIds));

            return(criteria.List <User>().ToList());

            //foreach (var unit in units)
            //    users.AddRange(unit.Users);

            //    //departments.AddRange(user.Units.Select(unit => repository.OfType<Department>()
            //    //    .Queryable
            //    //    .Where(d => d.Id.Equals(unit.PPSCode))
            //    //    .FirstOrDefault()));

            //return users.Distinct().OrderBy(x => x.FullName).ToList();
        public static AdminEditStudentViewModel Create(IRepository repository, ICeremonyService ceremonyService, Student student, string userId)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            var viewModel = new AdminEditStudentViewModel()
                                    Student = student,
                                    Majors = repository.OfType<MajorCode>().Queryable.Where(a => a.IsActive).OrderBy(a => a.Name).ToList(),
                                    Ceremonies = ceremonyService.GetCeremonies(userId, TermService.GetCurrent())

            return viewModel;
        public static NotificationTrackingViewModel Create(IRepository repository, string siteId, NotificationTracking notificationTracking = null, Person person = null, MailingList mailingList = null)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            var seminar = SiteService.GetLatestSeminar(siteId);

            var viewModel = new NotificationTrackingViewModel(){
                                    NotificationTracking = notificationTracking ?? new NotificationTracking(),
                                    NotificationMethods = repository.OfType<NotificationMethod>().GetAll(),
                                    NotificationTypes = repository.OfType<NotificationType>().GetAll(),
                                    People = new List<Person>(),
                                    AllPeople = SiteService.GetLatestSeminar(siteId).SeminarPeople.Select(a => a.Person).ToList(),//seminarService.GetCurrent().SeminarPeople.Select(a=>a.Person).ToList(),
                                    SitePeople = SiteService.LoadSite(siteId).People,
                                    Seminar = seminar,
                                    MailingLists = seminar.MailingLists,
                                    MailingList = mailingList

            if (person != null) viewModel.People.Add(person);

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 42
        public static AddEditorViewModel Create(IRepository repository, Ceremony ceremony)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");
            Check.Require(ceremony != null, "ceremony is required.");

            var viewModel = new AddEditorViewModel()
                                    Ceremony = ceremony,
                                    Users = repository.OfType<vUser>().Queryable.OrderBy(a => a.LastName).ToList()

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 43
        public static HelpTopicViewModel Create(IRepository repository, IPrincipal currentUser)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            var viewModel = new HelpTopicViewModel();
            viewModel.IsUserAuthorized = currentUser.IsInRole(RoleNames.Admin) || currentUser.IsInRole(RoleNames.User);
            viewModel.IsUserAdmin = currentUser.IsInRole(RoleNames.Admin);

                viewModel.HelpTopics = repository.OfType<HelpTopic>().Queryable;
            else if(viewModel.IsUserAuthorized)
                viewModel.HelpTopics = repository.OfType<HelpTopic>().Queryable.Where(a => a.IsActive);
                viewModel.HelpTopics = repository.OfType<HelpTopic>().Queryable.Where(a => a.AvailableToPublic && a.IsActive).OrderByDescending(a => a.NumberOfReads);

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 44
        public static ProjectViewModel Create(IRepository repository, string login)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            var worker = repository.OfType<Worker>().Queryable.Where(a => a.LoginId == login).First();

            var viewModel = new ProjectViewModel {
                Project = new Project(),
                StatusCodes = repository.OfType<StatusCode>().GetAll(),
                ProjectTypes = repository.OfType<ProjectType>().Queryable.Where(a=>a.IsActive).OrderBy(a=>a.Order).ToList(),
                PriorityTypes = repository.OfType<PriorityType>().Queryable.OrderBy(a=>a.Order).ToList(),
                Workgroups = worker.WorkgroupWorkers.Where(a=>a.Workgroup.IsActive).Select(a=>a.Workgroup).ToList(),

            var workers = new List<Worker>();
            foreach (var a in viewModel.Workgroups)
            viewModel.Workers = workers.Distinct().OrderBy(a => a.LastName).ToList();

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 45
        public static AdminPersonViewModel Create(IRepository repository, IFirmService firmService, string siteId, int?seminarId, Person person = null, string email = null)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            var seminar   = seminarId.HasValue ? repository.OfType <Seminar>().GetNullableById(seminarId.Value) : null;
            var viewModel = new AdminPersonViewModel()
                PersonViewModel = PersonViewModel.Create(repository, firmService, siteId, seminar, person, email),
                SeminarRoles    = repository.OfType <SeminarRole>().Queryable,
                RoomTypes       = repository.OfType <RoomType>().Queryable.Where(a => a.IsActive),
                SeminarId       = seminarId,
                Invited         = SiteService.GetLatestSeminar(siteId).Invitations.Where(a => a.Person == person).Any(),
                SiteId          = siteId

            // determine if last reg is the current seminar
            if (seminar != null)
                viewModel.IsCurrentSeminar = seminar.Id == SiteService.GetLatestSeminar(siteId).Id;

Exemplo n.º 46
        public static ChangeCeremonyViewModel Create(IRepository repository, Registration registration)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is not required.");
            Check.Require(registration != null, "Registration is not required.");

            var viewModel = new ChangeCeremonyViewModel()
                                    Ceremonies = repository.OfType<Ceremony>().Queryable.Where(a=>a.TermCode == TermService.GetCurrent()),
                                    Student = registration.Student,
                                    Registration = registration

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 47
        public static TemplateCreateViewModel Create(IRepository repository, Template template, Ceremony ceremony)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");
            Check.Require(ceremony != null, "ceremony is required.");

            var viewModel = new TemplateCreateViewModel()
                                    TemplateTypes = repository.OfType<TemplateType>().Queryable.OrderBy(a => a.Name),
                                    Template = template,
                                    Ceremony = ceremony

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 48
        public static AdminPersonViewModel Create(IRepository repository, IFirmService firmService, string siteId, int? seminarId, Person person = null, string email = null)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            var seminar = seminarId.HasValue ? repository.OfType<Seminar>().GetNullableById(seminarId.Value) : null;
            var viewModel = new AdminPersonViewModel()
                                    PersonViewModel = PersonViewModel.Create(repository, firmService, siteId, seminar, person, email),
                                    SeminarRoles = repository.OfType<SeminarRole>().Queryable,
                                    RoomTypes = repository.OfType<RoomType>().Queryable.Where(a=>a.IsActive),
                                    SeminarId = seminarId,
                                    Invited = SiteService.GetLatestSeminar(siteId).Invitations.Where(a => a.Person == person).Any(),
                                    SiteId = siteId

            // determine if last reg is the current seminar
            if (seminar != null)
                viewModel.IsCurrentSeminar = seminar.Id == SiteService.GetLatestSeminar(siteId).Id;


            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 49
        public static SessionPersonViewModel Create(IRepository repository, Session session, SeminarPerson seminarPerson = null)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            var seminar = repository.OfType <Seminar>().GetNullableById(session.Seminar.Id);

            var viewModel = new SessionPersonViewModel()
                SeminarPeople = seminar.SeminarPeople,
                Session       = session,
                SeminarPerson = seminarPerson ?? new SeminarPerson()

Exemplo n.º 50
        public static SessionPersonViewModel Create(IRepository repository, Session session, SeminarPerson seminarPerson = null)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");

            var seminar = repository.OfType<Seminar>().GetNullableById(session.Seminar.Id);

            var viewModel = new SessionPersonViewModel()
                                    SeminarPeople = seminar.SeminarPeople,
                                    Session = session,
                                    SeminarPerson = seminarPerson ?? new SeminarPerson()

            return viewModel;
Exemplo n.º 51
        // This method contains the logic, which resolves the originating department
        // based on the user provided.  Currently it's set to the user's home department.
        public static Department GetOriginatingDepartmentForUser(IRepository repository, string value)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            Department retval = null;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) == false)
                var user = repository.OfType <UCDEmployee>().Queryable.Where(x => x.EmployeeID.Equals(value)).FirstOrDefault();
                if (user != null)
                    retval = user.HomeDepartment;

Exemplo n.º 52
        /// <summary>
        /// This will populate an Employee drop-down list based on a user and if they're a department user.
        /// It will return all employees in the user's unit(s) if they're a department user, otherwise all
        /// employees in the user's deans office school(s).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="repository"></param>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <param name="isDepartmentUser"></param>
        /// <param name="sortPropertyName"></param>
        /// <param name="isAscending"></param>
        /// <returns>Employees list containing all employees in the user's unit(s) if they're a department user, otherwise all employees in the user's deans office school(s).</returns>
        public static IList <Employee> GetAllForUser(IRepository repository, User user, bool?isDepartmentUser, string sortPropertyName, bool isAscending)
            List <String> depts;

            //employeeSalaryComparisonModel.DepartmentsList = Department.GetAllForUser(Repository, user, isDepartmentUser, "Name", true);
            // A null value for isDepartmentUser parameter defaults to false:
            if ((bool)(isDepartmentUser ?? false))
                // Get list of all user's departments assigned in Catbert:
                depts = user.Units.Select(unit => unit.PPSCode).ToList();
                // Get distinct list of user's deans office schools based on Catbert school code(s):
                var schoolsForUser = user.Units.Select(x => x.DeansOfficeSchoolCode).Distinct().ToArray();

                // Get list of all departments in the user's deans office school(s):
                depts = repository.OfType <Department>().Queryable.Where(x => schoolsForUser.Contains(x.DeansOfficeSchoolCode)).Select(x => x.Id).ToList();

            return(GetAll(sortPropertyName, isAscending, null, null, depts.ToArray()));
Exemplo n.º 53
        public static ProfileViewModel Create(IRepository repository, IFirmService firmService, string userId, string site)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");
            Check.Require(firmService != null, "firmService is required.");

            var user = repository.OfType <User>().Queryable.Where(a => a.LoweredUserName == userId.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();

            Check.Require(user != null, "user is required.");

            var person = user.Person;

            Check.Require(person != null, "person is required.");

            var seminarPerson = person.GetLatestRegistration(site);

            var viewModel = new ProfileViewModel()
                Firm          = seminarPerson.Firm,
                SeminarPerson = seminarPerson,
                Person        = person

        //public IList<Title> TitleCodesList { get; set; }

        //public static EmployeeSalaryComparisonViewModel Create(IRepository repository)
        //    return EmployeeSalaryComparisonViewModel.Create(repository, null);

        public static EmployeeSalaryComparisonViewModel Create(IRepository repository, User user, bool isDepartmentUser, SalaryScaleViewModel salaryScaleViewModel)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            var anyDepartment = new Department()
                Name = "Any", DepartmentNumber = "Any"
            var anyTitle = new Title()
                AbbreviatedName = "Any", PayrollTitle = "Any", TitleCode = "Any"
            var anyEmployee = new Employee()
                FullName = "Any", EmployeeID = "0"

            if (salaryScaleViewModel == null)
                salaryScaleViewModel = Models.SalaryScaleViewModel.Create(repository);

            var viewModel = new EmployeeSalaryComparisonViewModel
                IsDepartmentUser              = isDepartmentUser,
                SalaryScaleViewModel          = salaryScaleViewModel,
                Employee                      = new Employee(),
                Employees                     = new List <Employee>(),
                SelectedDepartments           = new List <Department>(),
                SelectedTitles                = new List <Title>(),
                SelectedDepartmentCodesString = string.Empty,
                SelectedTitleCodesString      = string.Empty,
                SelectedEmployee              = anyEmployee,
                SelectedEmployeeId            = string.Empty

            if (salaryScaleViewModel.Titles.Count == 0)
                viewModel.TitlesList = repository.OfType <Title>()
                                       .OrderBy(t => t.TitleCode)
                viewModel.TitlesList = salaryScaleViewModel.Titles;

            if (user == null)
                user = Core.Domain.User.GetByLoginId(repository, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);
            viewModel.User = user;

            var allSchoolDepartments = Department.GetAllForUser(repository, user, false, "Name", true);
            IList <Department> usersDepartmentsList;

            if (isDepartmentUser)
                var usersUnits = user.Units.Select(u => u.PPSCode).ToArray();

                usersDepartmentsList = allSchoolDepartments
                                       .Where(x => usersUnits.Contains(x.Id))
                usersDepartmentsList = allSchoolDepartments;
            viewModel.DepartmentsList = usersDepartmentsList;

            // This will return a list of employees with their IsDepartmentEmployee set appropriately if isDepartmentUser == true.
            var allSchoolEmployees = Employee.GetAllForEmployeeTable(repository, user, isDepartmentUser, "FullName", true, null, null, allSchoolDepartments.Select(x => x.Id).ToArray());

            //var allSchoolEmployees = SchoolEmployees.GetAllForSchoolCodes(repository,
            //                                                             allSchoolDepartments.Select(
            //                                                                 x => x.DeansOfficeSchoolCode).Distinct().
            //                                                                 ToArray());
            viewModel.AllSchoolEmployees = allSchoolEmployees;

            // Assign only those with IsDepartmentEmployee == true to Employees select list or ALL school employees is non-department user, i.e. deans office.
            viewModel.EmployeesList = isDepartmentUser ? allSchoolEmployees.Where(x => x.IsDepartmentEmployee == true).ToList() : allSchoolEmployees;


Exemplo n.º 55
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the main get employees method used for populating Employees data table:
        /// It takes into consideration IsDepartmentUser and the logged in user
        /// when building the Employees list.
        /// It will put the non-department employees at the bottom of the list
        /// if the sort order is FullName or HomeDepartment.
        /// It is also used by _ExportToExcel indirectly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="repository"></param>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <param name="isDepartmentUser"></param>
        /// <param name="sortPropertyName"></param>
        /// <param name="isAscending"></param>
        /// <param name="titleCodes"></param>
        /// <param name="pkEmployee"></param>
        /// <param name="departmentIds"></param>
        /// <returns>Employees list with non-department employees at the bottom of the list if the sort order is FullName or HomeDepartment.</returns>
        public static IList <Employee> GetAllForEmployeeTable(IRepository repository, User user, bool isDepartmentUser, string sortPropertyName, bool isAscending, string[] titleCodes, string pkEmployee, string[] departmentIds)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            if (isDepartmentUser && String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortPropertyName) == false && sortPropertyName.Equals("FullName"))
                sortPropertyName = "FullName";  // Default sort by FullName
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortPropertyName))
                sortPropertyName = "FullName";

            var depts = departmentIds;
            IList <Employee> employees;

            if (depts != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(depts[0]))
                // Get employees list based on filter parameters provided:
                employees = GetAll(sortPropertyName, isAscending, titleCodes, pkEmployee, depts);
                var schoolsForUser = user.Units.Select(x => x.DeansOfficeSchoolCode).Distinct().ToArray();

                // Get list of all departments in the user's deans office school(s):
                depts =
                    repository.OfType <Department>().Queryable.Where(
                        x => schoolsForUser.Contains(x.DeansOfficeSchoolCode)).
                    Select(x => x.Id).ToArray();

                // Get employees based on deans office school departments and any other filter parameters provided:
                employees = GetAll(sortPropertyName, isAscending, titleCodes, pkEmployee, depts);

            //// This will be the sorted employee list returned:
            //List<Employee> retval = null;

            //if (isDepartmentUser)
            //    // Then set the employee's IsDepartmentEmployee so that the View can determine
            //    // how to display or blank out the Name, department and comments from non-departmental employees:
            //    var nullList = new List<Employee>();
            //    retval = new List<Employee>();

            //    foreach (var employee in employees)
            //    {
            //        try
            //        {
            //            employee.IsDepartmentEmployee = true;
            //            if (!ComputeIsDepartmentEmployee(user, employee))
            //            {
            //                // Set the employee's IsDepartmentEmployee to
            //                // allow view to decide how to "blank out" fields.

            //                employee.IsDepartmentEmployee = false;

            //                if (sortPropertyName.Equals("FullName") || sortPropertyName.Equals("HomeDepartment") || sortPropertyName.Equals("Title"))
            //                {
            //                    // if sorted by FullName, add these employees to their own array.
            //                    nullList.Add(employee);
            //                }
            //                else
            //                {
            //                    // otherwise just add them to the return array.
            //                    retval.Add(employee);
            //                }
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                // add them as-is to the return array.
            //                retval.Add(employee);
            //            }
            //        }
            //        catch (System.Exception ex)
            //        {
            //            System.Console.Out.WriteLine(ex.InnerException);
            //        }
            //    }

            //    if (sortPropertyName.Equals("FullName"))
            //    {
            //        // sort by FullName
            //        retval.Sort();
            //        if (!isAscending)
            //        {
            //            retval.Reverse();
            //        }
            //        retval.AddRange(nullList);
            //    }
            //    else if (sortPropertyName.Equals("HomeDepartment"))
            //    {
            //        // Sort by Departments, then by FullNames within individual departments:
            //        retval.Sort(isAscending
            //                        ? Employee.sortHomeDepartmentAscending()
            //                        : Employee.sortHomeDepartmentDescending());
            //        retval.AddRange(nullList);
            //    }
            //    else if (sortPropertyName.Equals("Title"))
            //    {
            //        retval.Sort(isAscending ? Employee.sortTitleAscending() : Employee.sortTitleDescending());
            //        retval.AddRange(nullList);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        retval.AddRange(nullList);
            //    }
            //    // Otherwise, return the employees list as-is:
            //    retval = employees as List<Employee>;
            //return retval;
            return(SetIsDepartmentEmployeeAndSort(employees, user, isDepartmentUser, sortPropertyName, isAscending));
Exemplo n.º 56
        public static SalaryReviewAnalysisViewModel Create(IRepository repository, bool isDepartmentUser, User user, SalaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            //bool isDepartmentUserBool =
            // Boolean.TryParse(isDepartmentUser, out isDepartmentUserBool) ? isDepartmentUserBool : false;

            var viewModel = new SalaryReviewAnalysisViewModel
                SalaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel =
                SelectedEmployee        = salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.SelectedEmployee,
                SelectedUser            = salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.SelectedUser,
                SelectedReferenceNumber =
                CreationDateString = salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.CreationDateString,
                SalaryReviewAnalysisSearchExpression =

                SalaryReviewAnalysis = new SalaryReviewAnalysis(),

                IsDepartmentUser = isDepartmentUser,

                FilteredEmployees = new List <Employee>(),

                FilteredUsers = User.GetAll(repository, user, isDepartmentUser),

                ProposedTitles = repository.OfType <Title>()
                                 .OrderBy(t => t.TitleCode)

            var            allSchoolDepartments = Department.GetAllForUser(repository, user, false, "Name", true);
            IList <String> usersDepartmentsList;

            if (isDepartmentUser)
                var usersUnits = user.Units.Select(u => u.PPSCode).ToArray();

                usersDepartmentsList = allSchoolDepartments
                                       .Where(x => usersUnits.Contains(x.Id))
                                       .Select(u => u.Id)
                usersDepartmentsList = allSchoolDepartments.Select(x => x.Id).ToArray();

            // This will return a list of employees with their IsDepartmentEmployee set appropriately if isDepartmentUser == true.
            var allSchoolEmployees = Employee.GetAllForEmployeeTable(repository, user, isDepartmentUser, "FullName", true, null, null, allSchoolDepartments.Select(x => x.Id).ToArray());

            // Assign only those with IsDepartmentEmployee == true to Employees select list or ALL school employees is non-department user, i.e. deans office.
            viewModel.FilteredEmployees = isDepartmentUser ? allSchoolEmployees.Where(x => x.IsDepartmentEmployee == true).ToList() : allSchoolEmployees;

            // viewModel.FilteredSalaryReviewAnalysis should only contain reference numbers for
            // Analysis that are visible to the User, meaning created by someone in the user's units:

            // Returns a list of reviewers that are within the Catbert user's units:
            var reviewerNames = viewModel.FilteredUsers.Select(x => x.FullName).ToArray();

            // This query will get those salary review analysis created by anyone in the filtered users list,
            // but we probably want a list of those salary review analysis created that have an originating
            // department in the usersDepartmentsList
            //viewModel.FilteredSalaryReviewAnalysis = repository.OfType<SalaryReviewAnalysis>()
            //    .Queryable
            //    .Where(x => reviewerNames.Contains(x.InitiatedByReviewerName))
            //    .OrderBy(y => y.ReferenceNumber)
            //    .ToList();

            // This query will get those salary review analysis created that have an originating
            // department in the usersDepartmentsList
            viewModel.FilteredSalaryReviewAnalysis = repository.OfType <SalaryReviewAnalysis>()
                                                     .Where(x => usersDepartmentsList.Contains(x.OriginatingDepartment.Id))
                                                     .OrderBy(y => y.ReferenceNumber)

            var searchParamsModel = viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel;

            if (searchParamsModel.SalaryReviewAnalysisSearchExpression == null ||
                (searchParamsModel.HasCreateDateOnly && !searchParamsModel.HasCreateDate))
                // Load all based on viewModel.FilteredSalaryReviewAnalysis reference numbers:
                var referenceNumbers = viewModel.FilteredSalaryReviewAnalysis.Select(x => x.ReferenceNumber).ToArray();

                //TODO: Figure out how to make this a Linq query that does an inner join instead calling the db SELECT N+1 times:  FIXED by adding .Fetch(y => y.Employee) and container.Register(Component.For<IQueryExtensionProvider>().ImplementedBy<NHibernateQueryExtensionProvider>().Named("queryExtensions")); to the ComponentRegstrar class.

                viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysisResults = repository.OfType <SalaryReviewAnalysis>()
                                                        .Queryable.Fetch(y => y.Employee)
                                                        .Where(x => referenceNumbers.Contains(x.ReferenceNumber))
                                                        .OrderBy(t => t.Employee.FullName)
                // Load all based on search criteria:
                viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysisResults = repository.OfType <SalaryReviewAnalysis>()
                                                        .Queryable.Fetch(x => x.Employee)
                                                        .OrderBy(t => t.Employee.FullName)

Exemplo n.º 57
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a repository, employee ID, proposed title (optional) and user
        /// or repository, reference number, and user,
        /// Create a Salary Analysis Editor View model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="repository">Database IRepository context</param>
        /// <param name="selectedEmployeeId">Employee ID of the employee for which to perform a new salary review analysis upon</param>
        /// <param name="proposedTitle">The proposed title to be used in conjunction with performing for a reclassification review; otherwise, null when performing an equity review</param>
        /// <param name="referenceNumber">The Salary Review Analysis reference number to be used for looking up an existing analysis</param>
        /// <param name="user">The logged in user either creating a new or viewing an existing analysis.  Used for determining which college average(s) to display on the associated Salary Scale</param>
        /// <returns>A SalaryReviewAnalysisEditorViewModel populated according to the parameters provided</returns>
        public static SalaryReviewAnalysisEditorViewModel Create(IRepository repository, string selectedEmployeeId, string proposedTitle, string referenceNumber, User user)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            var viewModel = new SalaryReviewAnalysisEditorViewModel
                ProposedTitles = repository.OfType <Title>()
                                 .OrderBy(t => t.AbbreviatedName)
                                 // .ThenBy(t => t.TitleCode)

                //SelectionTypes = repository.OfType<SelectionType>()
                //.Where(x => x.ShortType != "Step")
                //.OrderBy(s => s.SortOrder)

                ReportDate = DateTime.Today

            var salaryScaleViewModel = new SalaryScaleViewModel();

            SalaryReviewAnalysis salaryReviewAnalysis = null;
            SalaryScale          salaryScale          = null;
            string titleCode = null;  // This title code is used in conjunction with determining colleges averages.

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceNumber) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedEmployeeId))
                // Assumes either an employee ID or reference number was provided.
                // We should always get here unless someone bypassed the menu page and entered a URL directly into
                // a web browser with some or all parameters missing.
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceNumber))
                    // Then an employee ID and proposed title for reclassification (optional) was provided
                    viewModel.ReportDate       = DateTime.Today;
                    viewModel.SelectedEmployee = repository.OfType <Employee>()
                                                 .Where(e => e.id.Equals(selectedEmployeeId))

                    salaryReviewAnalysis = new SalaryReviewAnalysis {
                        DateInitiated = DateTime.Today
                    var scenarios = new List <Scenario>();
                    var scenario  = new Scenario
                        SalaryReviewAnalysis = salaryReviewAnalysis,
                        ScenarioNumber       = 1,
                        SelectionType        = "None",
                        PercentIncrease      = 0,
                        Approved             = false,
                        SalaryAmount         = viewModel.SelectedEmployee.PayRate
                    salaryReviewAnalysis.Scenarios = scenarios;
                    viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysis = salaryReviewAnalysis;

                    viewModel.SraEmployee = new SRAEmployee(viewModel.SelectedEmployee);

                    salaryScale = new SalaryScale();

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(proposedTitle) == false && !viewModel.SelectedEmployee.TitleCode.Equals(proposedTitle))
                        // Then the optional proposed title was provided so this is a reclassification review.
                        titleCode = proposedTitle;

                        viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysis.IsReclass = true;

                        viewModel.ProposedTitle = repository.OfType <Title>()
                                                  .Where(p => p.TitleCode.Equals(proposedTitle))

                        //salaryScale = repository.OfType<SalaryScale>()
                        //    .Queryable
                        //    .Where(r => r.TitleCode == proposedTitle)
                        //    .FirstOrDefault();
                        salaryScale = SalaryScale.GetEffectiveSalaryScale(repository, proposedTitle, DateTime.Today);

                        viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysis.Title = viewModel.ProposedTitle;
                        // Else this is a standard equity review.
                        titleCode = viewModel.SelectedEmployee.TitleCode;

                        //salaryScale = repository.OfType<SalaryScale>()
                        //    .Queryable
                        //    .Where(r => r.TitleCode == viewModel.SelectedEmployee.TitleCode)
                        //    .FirstOrDefault();
                        salaryScale = SalaryScale.GetEffectiveSalaryScale(repository, viewModel.SelectedEmployee.TitleCode, DateTime.Today);

                        viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysis.Title = viewModel.SelectedEmployee.Title;
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceNumber))
                    // Reference number is present so try getting existing review by reference number:
                    viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysis = repository.OfType <SalaryReviewAnalysis>()
                                                     .Where(x => x.ReferenceNumber.Equals(referenceNumber))

                    if (viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysis != null)
                        titleCode = viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysis.SalaryScale.TitleCode;

                        viewModel.SraEmployee = viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysis.Employee;

                        viewModel.ProposedTitle = (viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysis.IsReclass ? viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysis.Title : null);

                        salaryScale = SalaryScale.GetEffectiveSalaryScale(repository, viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysis.SalaryScale.TitleCode, viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysis.SalaryScale.EffectiveDate);

                if (salaryScale != null)
                    // Determine the user's school(s)
                    var schoolsForUser = user.Units.Select(x => x.DeansOfficeSchoolCode).Distinct().ToArray();
                    // and populate the corresponding college averages:
                    salaryScaleViewModel.CollegeAverages =
                        repository.OfType <CollegeAverage>().Queryable.Where(x => schoolsForUser.Contains(x.SchoolCode) && x.TitleCode == titleCode).

                    var employeesSchoolCode = viewModel.SraEmployee.HomeDepartment.SchoolCode;
                    var collegeAverage      =
                        salaryScaleViewModel.CollegeAverages.Where(x => x.SchoolCode.Equals(employeesSchoolCode)).Select(x => x.CollegeAverageAnnual).

                    viewModel.CriteriaList           = SalaryReviewAnalysis.GetCriteriaList(repository, salaryScale, collegeAverage);
                    salaryScaleViewModel.SalaryScale = salaryScale;
            viewModel.SalaryScaleViewModel = salaryScaleViewModel;

        public static SalaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel Create(IRepository repository, SalaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel)
            var viewModel = new SalaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel();

            if (salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel != null)
                viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysisSearchExpression = PredicateBuilder.True <SalaryReviewAnalysis>();

                if (salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.SelectedEmployee != null && String.IsNullOrEmpty(salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.SelectedEmployee.id) == false)
                    viewModel.SelectedEmployee  = salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.SelectedEmployee;
                    viewModel.HasEmployee       = true;
                    viewModel.HasCreateDateOnly = false;

                    viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysisSearchExpression =
                            p => p.Employee.PkEmployee == viewModel.SelectedEmployee.id);

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.SelectedEmployeeId) == false)
                    viewModel.SelectedEmployeeId = salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.SelectedEmployeeId;
                    viewModel.HasEmployeeId      = true;
                    viewModel.HasCreateDateOnly  = false;

                    viewModel.SelectedEmployee = repository.OfType <Employee>()
                                                 .Queryable.Where(r => r.id == viewModel.SelectedEmployeeId)

                    viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysisSearchExpression =
                            p => p.Employee.PkEmployee == viewModel.SelectedEmployeeId);

                if (salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.SelectedUser != null && salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.SelectedUser.Id != 0)
                    viewModel.SelectedUser      = salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.SelectedUser;
                    viewModel.HasUser           = true;
                    viewModel.HasCreateDateOnly = false;

                    viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysisSearchExpression =
                            p => p.InitiatedByReviewerName.Equals(viewModel.SelectedUser.FullName));

                if (salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.SelectedUserId != null && salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.SelectedUserId != 0)
                    viewModel.SelectedUserId    = salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.SelectedUserId;
                    viewModel.HasUserId         = true;
                    viewModel.HasCreateDateOnly = false;

                    viewModel.SelectedUser = repository.OfType <User>()
                                             .Queryable.Where(r => r.Id == viewModel.SelectedUserId)

                    viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysisSearchExpression =
                            p => p.InitiatedByReviewerName.Equals(viewModel.SelectedUser.FullName));

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.SelectedReferenceNumber))
                    viewModel.SelectedReferenceNumber = salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.SelectedReferenceNumber;
                    viewModel.HasReferenceNumber      = true;
                    viewModel.HasCreateDateOnly       = false;

                    viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysisSearchExpression =
                            p => p.ReferenceNumber.Equals(viewModel.SelectedReferenceNumber));

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.CreationDateString))
                    // if createDate != today then true
                    var createDate = new DateTime();

                    if (DateTime.TryParse(salaryReviewAnalysisSearchParamsModel.CreationDateString, out createDate))
                        viewModel.CreationDateString = createDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(viewModel.CreationDateString) == false && DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy").Equals(viewModel.CreationDateString) == false)
                        viewModel.HasCreateDate = true;

                        createDate = Convert.ToDateTime(viewModel.CreationDateString);

                        viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysisSearchExpression = viewModel.SalaryReviewAnalysisSearchExpression.And(p => p.DateInitiated == createDate);

Exemplo n.º 59
        public static ApplicationViewModel Create(IRepository repository, IFirmService firmService, string userId, string siteId, Application application = null, bool seminarTerms = false)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            var viewModel = new ApplicationViewModel
                Application = application ?? new Application(),
                // always get the latest
                Seminar = SiteService.GetLatestSeminar(siteId),
                //Commodities = repository.OfType<Commodity>().Queryable.Where(a=>a.IsActive).OrderBy(a=>a.Name).ToList(),
                Countries            = repository.OfType <Country>().GetAll(),
                CommunicationOptions = repository.OfType <CommunicationOption>().GetAll(),
                SeminarTerms         = seminarTerms

            // load commodities
            var commodities = repository.OfType <Commodity>().Queryable.Where(a => a.IsActive).OrderBy(a => a.Name).ToList();

            viewModel.Commodities = commodities;

            // load the firm types
            var firmTypes = repository.OfType <FirmType>().Queryable.Where(a => a.IsActive).OrderBy(a => a.Name).ToList();

            viewModel.FirmTypes = firmTypes;

            var user = repository.OfType <User>().Queryable.FirstOrDefault(a => a.LoweredUserName == userId.ToLower());

            if (user == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unable to load user with userid {0}.", userId));

            // populate the application with person info
            var person = user.Person;

            // if person is not null, there should be at least one registration (seminar person)
            if (person != null)
                viewModel.PersonId = person.Id;

                viewModel.Application.FirstName = person.FirstName;
                viewModel.Application.MI        = person.MI;
                viewModel.Application.LastName  = person.LastName;
                viewModel.Application.BadgeName = person.BadgeName;

                viewModel.Application.CommunicationOption       = person.CommunicationOption;
                viewModel.Application.ContactInformationRelease = person.ContactInformationRelease;

                // get latest seminar information
                var reg = person.GetLatestRegistration(siteId);
                if (reg != null)
                    viewModel.Application.JobTitle = reg.Title;

                // copy assistant information
                var assistant = person.Contacts.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ContactType.Id == 'A');

                if (assistant != null)
                    viewModel.Application.AssistantEmail     = assistant.Email;
                    viewModel.Application.AssistantFirstName = assistant.FirstName;
                    viewModel.Application.AssistantLastName  = assistant.LastName;
                    viewModel.Application.AssistantPhone     = assistant.Phone;

                var seminarPeople = person.GetLatestRegistration(siteId);
                if (seminarPeople != null)
                    viewModel.Application.Firm = seminarPeople.Firm;

                viewModel.Application.FirmPhone    = person.Phone;
                viewModel.Application.FirmPhoneExt = person.PhoneExt;

                var address = person.Addresses.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AddressType.Id == 'B');
                if (address != null)
                    viewModel.Application.FirmAddressLine1 = address.Line1;
                    viewModel.Application.FirmAddressLine2 = address.Line2;
                    viewModel.Application.FirmCity         = address.City;
                    viewModel.Application.FirmState        = address.State;
                    viewModel.Application.FirmZip          = address.Zip;
                    viewModel.Application.Country          = address.Country;

            viewModel.HasPhoto = user.Person != null && user.Person.MainProfilePicture != null;

            // get the firms and add the "Other" option
            //var firms = new List<Firm>(firmService.GetAllFirms());
            //firms = firms.Where(a=>!a.Review && a.Name != "Other (Not Listed)").OrderBy(a=>a.Name).ToList();

            var tmpFirms = firmService.GetAllFirms();
            var firms    = new List <Firm>();

            firms.Add(tmpFirms.First(a => a.Name == "Other (Not Listed)"));
            firms.AddRange(tmpFirms.Where(a => !a.Review && a.Name != "Other (Not Listed)").OrderBy(a => a.Name).ToList());

            viewModel.Firms = firms;

Exemplo n.º 60
        public static PersonViewModel Create(IRepository repository, IFirmService firmService, string site, Seminar seminar = null, Person person = null, string email = null, Firm firm = null)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository must be supplied");

            var viewModel = new PersonViewModel()
                Person    = person ?? new Person(),
                Addresses = repository.OfType <AddressType>().Queryable.Select(a => new Address()
                    AddressType = a
                Contacts = repository.OfType <ContactType>().Queryable.Select(a => new Contact()
                    ContactType = a
                Countries                                         = repository.OfType <Country>().GetAll(),
                CommunicationOptions                              = repository.OfType <CommunicationOption>().GetAll(),
                SeminarPerson                                     = person != null?person.GetLatestRegistration(site) : null,
                                                      Email       = email,
                                                      Seminar     = seminar,
                                                      Commodities = repository.OfType <Commodity>().Queryable.Where(a => a.IsActive).ToList(),
                                                      Firm        = firm ?? new Firm()

            if (firm == null && viewModel.SeminarPerson != null)
                viewModel.Firm = viewModel.SeminarPerson.Firm;

            // find any addresses and replace them into the list
            if (person != null)
                foreach (var a in person.Addresses)
                    var addr = viewModel.Addresses.Where(b => b.AddressType == a.AddressType).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (addr != null)


                foreach (var a in person.Contacts)
                    var ct = viewModel.Contacts.Where(b => b.ContactType == a.ContactType).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (ct != null)


            // reorder so always in the same order
            viewModel.Addresses = viewModel.Addresses.OrderBy(a => a.AddressType.Id).ToList();
            viewModel.Contacts  = viewModel.Contacts.OrderBy(a => a.ContactType.Id).ToList();

            // get the firms and add the "Other" option
            var firms = new List <Firm>(firmService.GetAllFirms());

            firms.Add(new Firm()
                Name = "Other (Not Listed)"

            viewModel.Firms = firms;
            if (viewModel.Person.User != null)
                viewModel.UserName = viewModel.Person.User.UserName;
