Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <HSBuyer> CreateBuyerAndRelatedFunctionalResources(HSBuyer buyer, string accessToken, IOrderCloudClient oc)
            // if we're seeding then use the passed in oc client
            // to support multiple environments and ease of setup for new orgs
            // else used the configured client
            var token    = oc == null ? null : accessToken;
            var ocClient = oc ?? _oc;

            buyer.ID = buyer.ID ?? "{buyerIncrementor}";
            var ocBuyer = await ocClient.Buyers.CreateAsync(buyer, accessToken);

            var ocBuyerID = ocBuyer.ID;

            buyer.ID = ocBuyerID;

            // create base security profile assignment
            await ocClient.SecurityProfiles.SaveAssignmentAsync(new SecurityProfileAssignment
                BuyerID           = ocBuyerID,
                SecurityProfileID = CustomRole.HSBaseBuyer.ToString()
            }, token);

            // assign message sender
            await ocClient.MessageSenders.SaveAssignmentAsync(new MessageSenderAssignment
                MessageSenderID = "BuyerEmails",
                BuyerID         = ocBuyerID
            }, token);

            await ocClient.Incrementors.SaveAsync($"{ocBuyerID}-UserIncrementor",
                                                  new Incrementor { ID = $"{ocBuyerID}-UserIncrementor", LastNumber = 0, LeftPaddingCount = 5, Name = "User Incrementor" }, token);

            await ocClient.Incrementors.SaveAsync($"{ocBuyerID}-LocationIncrementor",
                                                  new Incrementor { ID = $"{ocBuyerID}-LocationIncrementor", LastNumber = 0, LeftPaddingCount = 4, Name = "Location Incrementor" }, token);

            await ocClient.Catalogs.SaveAssignmentAsync(new CatalogAssignment()
                BuyerID           = ocBuyerID,
                CatalogID         = ocBuyerID,
                ViewAllCategories = true,
                ViewAllProducts   = false
            }, token);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <EnvironmentSeedResponse> Seed(EnvironmentSeed seed)
            OcEnv requestedEnv = validateEnvironment(seed.OrderCloudSettings.Environment);

            if (requestedEnv.environmentName == OrderCloudEnvironments.Production.environmentName && seed.SellerOrgID == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot create a production environment via the environment seed endpoint. Please contact an OrderCloud Developer to create a production org.");

            // lets us handle requests to multiple api environments
            _oc = new OrderCloudClient(new OrderCloudClientConfig
                ApiUrl  = requestedEnv.apiUrl,
                AuthUrl = requestedEnv.apiUrl

            var portalUserToken = await _portal.Login(seed.PortalUsername, seed.PortalPassword);

            var sellerOrg = await GetOrCreateOrg(portalUserToken, requestedEnv.environmentName, seed.SellerOrgName, seed.SellerOrgID);

            var orgToken = await _portal.GetOrgToken(sellerOrg.Id, portalUserToken);

            await CreateDefaultSellerUsers(seed, orgToken);

            await CreateIncrementors(orgToken);         // must be before CreateBuyers
            await CreateMessageSenders(seed, orgToken); // must be before CreateBuyers and CreateSuppliers

            await CreateSecurityProfiles(orgToken);
            await CreateBuyers(seed, orgToken);
            await CreateConfigureAnonBuyer(seed, orgToken);

            await CreateApiClients(orgToken);
            await AssignSecurityProfiles(seed, orgToken);

            var apiClients = await GetApiClients(orgToken);

            await CreateXPIndices(orgToken);
            await CreateAndAssignIntegrationEvents(new string[] { apiClients.BuyerUiApiClient.ID }, apiClients.BuyerLocalUiApiClient.ID, orgToken, seed);
            await CreateSuppliers(seed, orgToken);

            // populate default english translations into blob container name: settings.BlobSettings.ContainerNameTranslations or "ngx-translate" if setting is not defined
            // provide other language files to support multiple languages

            var englishTranslationsPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "Assets", "english-translations.json"));

            if (seed?.BlobSettings?.ConnectionString != null && seed?.BlobSettings?.ContainerNameTranslations != null)
                var translationsConfig = new BlobServiceConfig()
                    ConnectionString = seed.BlobSettings.ConnectionString,
                    Container        = seed.BlobSettings.ContainerNameTranslations,
                    AccessType       = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Container
                var translationsBlob = new OrderCloudIntegrationsBlobService(translationsConfig);
                await translationsBlob.Save("i18n/en.json", File.ReadAllText(englishTranslationsPath));

            return(new EnvironmentSeedResponse
                Comments = "Success! Your environment is now seeded. The following clientIDs & secrets should be used to finalize the configuration of your application. The initial admin username and password can be used to sign into your admin application",
                OrganizationName = sellerOrg.Name,
                OrganizationID = sellerOrg.Id,
                OrderCloudEnvironment = requestedEnv.environmentName,
                ApiClients = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>
                    ["Middleware"] = new
                        ClientID = apiClients.MiddlewareApiClient.ID,
                        ClientSecret = apiClients.MiddlewareApiClient.ClientSecret
                    ["Seller"] = new
                        ClientID = apiClients.AdminUiApiClient.ID
                    ["Buyer"] = new
                        ClientID = apiClients.BuyerUiApiClient.ID
Exemplo n.º 3
 public AvalaraController(AppSettings settings, IAvalaraCommand avalara, IResaleCertCommand resaleCertCommand, IOrderCloudClient oc)
     _avalara           = avalara;
     _resaleCertCommand = resaleCertCommand;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public HSCatalogCommand(AppSettings settings, IOrderCloudClient oc)
     _oc = oc;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public UserGroupAssignmentSyncCommand(AppSettings settings, LogQuery log, IOrderCloudClient oc) : base(settings, oc, log)
     _oc = oc;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public ShipmentCommand(AppSettings settings, IOrderCloudClient oc, ILineItemCommand lineItemCommand)
     _oc = oc;
     _lineItemCommand = lineItemCommand;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public ProductFacetSyncCommand(AppSettings settings, LogQuery log, IOrderCloudClient oc) : base(settings, oc, log)
     _oc = oc;
 public Functions(IOrderCloudClient oc)
     _oc = oc;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public ReportTemplateQuery(ICosmosStore <ReportTemplate> store, IOrderCloudClient oc)
     _store = store;
     _oc    = oc;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public SupportController(ICheckoutIntegrationCommand checkoutIntegrationCommand, IPostSubmitCommand postSubmitCommand, IZohoCommand zoho, IOrderCloudClient oc, ISupportAlertService supportAlertService, ISendgridService sendgrid)
     _checkoutIntegrationCommand = checkoutIntegrationCommand;
     _postSubmitCommand          = postSubmitCommand;
     _oc       = oc;
     _sendgrid = sendgrid;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public SmartyStreetsCommand(IOrderCloudClient oc, ISmartyStreetsService service)
     _service = service;
     _oc      = oc;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public async Task <SuperHSBuyer> Create(SuperHSBuyer superBuyer, string accessToken, IOrderCloudClient oc)
            var createdImpersonationConfig = new ImpersonationConfig();
            var createdBuyer = await CreateBuyerAndRelatedFunctionalResources(superBuyer.Buyer, accessToken, oc);

            var createdMarkup = await CreateMarkup(superBuyer.Markup, createdBuyer.ID, accessToken, oc);

            if (superBuyer?.ImpersonationConfig != null)
                createdImpersonationConfig = await SaveImpersonationConfig(superBuyer.ImpersonationConfig, createdBuyer.ID, accessToken, oc);
            return(new SuperHSBuyer()
                Buyer = createdBuyer,
                Markup = createdMarkup,
                ImpersonationConfig = createdImpersonationConfig
Exemplo n.º 13
        private async Task <ImpersonationConfig> SaveImpersonationConfig(ImpersonationConfig impersonation, string buyerID, string accessToken, IOrderCloudClient oc = null)
            // if we're seeding then use the passed in oc client
            // to support multiple environments and ease of setup for new orgs
            // else used the configured client
            var token    = oc == null ? null : accessToken;
            var ocClient = oc ?? _oc;

            var currentConfig = await GetImpersonationByBuyerID(buyerID);

            if (currentConfig != null && impersonation == null)
                await ocClient.ImpersonationConfigs.DeleteAsync(currentConfig.ID);

            else if (currentConfig != null)
                return(await ocClient.ImpersonationConfigs.SaveAsync(currentConfig.ID, impersonation, token));
                impersonation.BuyerID           = buyerID;
                impersonation.SecurityProfileID = Enum.GetName(typeof(CustomRole), CustomRole.HSBaseBuyer);
                impersonation.ID = $"hs_admin_{buyerID}";
                return(await ocClient.ImpersonationConfigs.CreateAsync(impersonation));
Exemplo n.º 14
        private async Task <BuyerMarkup> CreateMarkup(BuyerMarkup markup, string buyerID, string accessToken, IOrderCloudClient oc)
            // if we're seeding then use the passed in oc client
            // to support multiple environments and ease of setup for new orgs
            // else used the configured client
            var token    = oc == null ? null : accessToken;
            var ocClient = oc ?? _oc;

            // to move from xp to contentdocs, that logic will go here instead of a patch
            var updatedBuyer = await ocClient.Buyers.PatchAsync(buyerID, new PartialBuyer()
                xp = new { MarkupPercent = markup.Percent }
            }, token);

            return(new BuyerMarkup()
                Percent = (int)updatedBuyer.xp.MarkupPercent
 public OrderCloudUserAuthHandler(IOptionsMonitor <OrderCloudUserAuthOptions> options, ILoggerFactory logger, UrlEncoder encoder, ISystemClock clock, IOrderCloudClient ocClient)
     : base(options, logger, encoder, clock)
     _ocClient = ocClient;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public WebhookController(IOrderCloudClient oc)
     _oc = oc;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public HSReportCommand(IOrderCloudClient oc, ReportTemplateQuery template)
     _oc       = oc;
     _template = template;
 public ReceiveRecentPurchaseOrdersJob(IOrderCloudClient oc, IPurchaseOrderDetailDataRepo purchaseOrderDetailDataRepo)
     _oc = oc;
     _purchaseOrderDetailDataRepo = purchaseOrderDetailDataRepo;
Exemplo n.º 19
 public HSBuyerCommand(AppSettings settings, IOrderCloudClient oc)
     _settings = settings;
     _oc       = oc;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public BuyerController(IHSBuyerCommand command, IOrderCloudClient oc)
     _command = command;
     _oc      = oc;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public BuyerLocationController(ILocationPermissionCommand locationPermissionCommand, IHSBuyerLocationCommand buyerLocationCommand, IOrderCloudClient oc)
     _buyerLocationCommand      = buyerLocationCommand;
     _locationPermissionCommand = locationPermissionCommand;
     _oc = oc;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public SupplierApiClientHelper(AppSettings settings, IOrderCloudClient oc)
     _settings = settings;
     _oc       = oc;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public HSExchangeRatesService(IOrderCloudClient oc, IExchangeRatesCommand exchangeRatesCommand)
     _oc = oc;
     _exchangeRatesCommand = exchangeRatesCommand;
Exemplo n.º 24
 public SendgridService(AppSettings settings, IOrderCloudClient ocClient, ISendGridClient client)
     _oc       = ocClient;
     _client   = client;
     _settings = settings;
 public LocationPermissionCommand(IOrderCloudClient oc)
     _oc = oc;
Exemplo n.º 26
 public SupplierController(IHeadstartSupplierCommand command, IOrderCloudClient oc, AppSettings settings) : base(settings)
     _command = command;
     _oc      = oc;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public ReceiveRecentLineItemsJob(IOrderCloudClient oc, ILineItemDetailDataRepo lineItemDetailDataRepo)
     _oc = oc;
     _lineItemDetailDataRepo = lineItemDetailDataRepo;
 public CheckoutIntegrationCommand(IAvalaraCommand avalara, IExchangeRatesCommand exchangeRates, IOrderCloudClient orderCloud, IEasyPostShippingService shippingService, AppSettings settings)
     _avalara         = avalara;
     _exchangeRates   = exchangeRates;
     _oc              = orderCloud;
     _shippingService = shippingService;
     _settings        = settings;
     _profiles        = new HSShippingProfiles(_settings);
Exemplo n.º 29
 public OrderSubmitCommand(IOrderCloudClient oc, AppSettings settings, ICreditCardCommand card)
     _oc       = oc;
     _settings = settings;
     _card     = card;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public ReceiveRecentSalesOrdersJob(IOrderCloudClient oc, ISalesOrderDetailDataRepo salesOrderDetailDataRepo)
     _oc = oc;
     _salesOrderDetailDataRepo = salesOrderDetailDataRepo;