Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult CreatePost()
            var user = _workContextAccessor.GetContext().CurrentUser;

            if (user == null)
                // we should never be here, because the AuthorizeAttribute should
                // take care of anonymous users.
                return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult(T("Sign In to  manage your saved addresses.").Text));

            var newAddress = new AddressEditViewModel();

            if (!TryUpdateModel(newAddress) || !ValidateVM(newAddress))
                // added the assignment of the lists because in case of error in the validation the properties are not populated
                newAddress.ShippingCountries = _addressConfigurationService.CountryOptions(AddressRecordType.ShippingAddress);
                newAddress.BillingCountries  = _addressConfigurationService.CountryOptions(AddressRecordType.BillingAddress);

                newAddress.Errors.Add(T("It was impossible to validate your address.").Text);
            // Convert the values of Country, City, and Province to strings and ids for
            // the AddressRecord.
            // save record
            _nwazetCommunicationService.AddAddress(newAddress.AddressRecord, user);
            _notifier.Information(T("Address created successfully."));
            return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = newAddress.AddressRecord.Id }));
        public ActionResult CreatePost()
            var user = _workContextAccessor.GetContext().CurrentUser;

            if (user == null)
                // we should never be here, because the AuthorizeAttribute should
                // take care of anonymous users.
                return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult(T("Sign In to  manage your saved addresses.").Text));

            var newAddress = new AddressEditViewModel();

            if (!TryUpdateModel(newAddress))
                newAddress.Errors.Add(T("It was impossible to validate your address.").Text);
            _nwazetCommunicationService.AddAddress(newAddress.AddressRecord, user);
            _notifier.Information(T("Address created successfully."));
            return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = newAddress.AddressRecord.Id }));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult IndexPOST(CheckoutViewModel model)
            // Depending on whether shipping is required or not, the validation of what has been
            // input changes, because if there is no shipping there's no need for the shipping
            // address.
            var user = _workContextAccessor.GetContext().CurrentUser;

            if (!_checkoutHelperService.UserMayCheckout(user, out ActionResult redirect))
                if (redirect != null)
            // check if the user is trying to reset the selected addresses to select different
            // ones.
            if (model.ResetAddresses)
                // reset shipment to redo the calculation correctly,
                // removing from the total the shipment that will have to be reselected
                _shoppingCart.ShippingOption = null;

                // Put the model we validated in TempData so it can be reused in the next action.
                TempData["CheckoutViewModel"] = model;
            model.ShippingRequired = IsShippingRequired(); //we'll reuse this
            // Ensure address types are initialized correctly
            model.BillingAddressVM.AddressType = AddressRecordType.BillingAddress;
            model.BillingAddressVM.AddressRecord.AddressType = AddressRecordType.BillingAddress;
            if (model.ShippingAddressVM != null)
                model.ShippingAddressVM.AddressType = AddressRecordType.ShippingAddress;
                model.ShippingAddressVM.AddressRecord.AddressType = AddressRecordType.ShippingAddress;
            // validate
            var validationSuccess = ValidateVM(model);

            if (!validationSuccess)
                // don't move on, but rather leave the user on this form
                model.BillingAddressVM = CreateVM(AddressRecordType.BillingAddress, model.BillingAddressVM);
                if (model.ShippingRequired)
                    model.ShippingAddressVM = CreateVM(AddressRecordType.ShippingAddress, model.ShippingAddressVM);
                if (user != null)
                    // also load the list of existing addresses for them
                    model.ListAvailableBillingAddress =
                    // we are only going to load the shipping addresses if shipping is required
                    if (model.ShippingRequired)
                        model.ListAvailableShippingAddress =
            // in case validation is successful, if a user exists, try to store the
            // addresses they just configured.
            if (user != null)
                if (model.BillingAddressVM != null && model.BillingAddressVM.AddressRecord != null)
                    var countryTP = _addressConfigurationService.GetCountry(model.BillingAddressVM.CountryId);
                    model.BillingAddressVM.Country = _contentManager.GetItemMetadata(countryTP).DisplayText;

                    if (model.BillingAddressVMListAddress > 0)
                        model.BillingAddressVM.AddressRecord.Id = model.BillingAddressVMListAddress;
                    _nwazetCommunicationService.AddAddress(model.BillingAddressVM.AddressRecord, user);
                if (model.ShippingAddressVM != null && model.ShippingAddressVM.AddressRecord != null)
                    var countryTP = _addressConfigurationService.GetCountry(model.ShippingAddressVM.CountryId);
                    model.ShippingAddressVM.Country = _contentManager.GetItemMetadata(countryTP).DisplayText;
                    if (model.ShippingAddressVMListAddress > 0)
                        model.ShippingAddressVM.AddressRecord.Id = model.ShippingAddressVMListAddress;
                    _nwazetCommunicationService.AddAddress(model.ShippingAddressVM.AddressRecord, user);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.PhonePrefix) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Phone))
                    _nwazetCommunicationService.SetPhone(model.PhonePrefix, model.Phone, user);
            // In case validation is successful, depending on whether shipping is required, we
            // should redirect to a different action/step.
            // If shipping is required, we should redirect to an action that lets the user select
            // their preferred shipping method. If only one method is configured, the user should
            // still be made to go through that step. The selection of the list of available methods
            // can make use of the address the user has selected for shipping.
            // If no shipping is required we can move on to reviewing the order.
            // At this stage, since we also have the correct address, we can correctly compute TAX
            // TODO: compute VAT
            // Put the model we validated in TempData so it can be reused in the next action.
            TempData["CheckoutViewModel"] = model;
            if (IsShippingRequired())
                // Set values into the ShoppingCart storage
                var country = _addressConfigurationService
                _shoppingCart.Country = _contentManager.GetItemMetadata(country).DisplayText;
                _shoppingCart.ZipCode = model.ShippingAddressVM.PostalCode;