Exemplo n.º 1
 public void Setup(ParameterEditorSetupData data)
     m_parameter             = data.Parameter as IIntegerParameter;
     m_numericUpDown.Minimum = () => m_parameter.Min;
     m_numericUpDown.Maximum = () => m_parameter.Max;
     m_numericUpDown.Value   = m_parameter.Value;
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal static void Main()
            // The exit code of the sample application.
            int exitCode = 0;

                // Create a camera object that selects the first camera device found.
                // More constructors are available for selecting a specific camera device.
                using (Camera camera = new Camera())
                    * Accessing camera parameters                                           *

                    // Before accessing camera device parameters, the camera must be opened.

                    // Parameters are accessed using parameter lists. Parameter lists contain a set of parameter names
                    // analogous to enumerations of a programming language. Here, the parameter list PLCamera is used.
                    // PLCamera contains a list of parameter names of all camera device types. Additional device-specific
                    // parameter lists are available, e.g. PLUsbCamera for USB camera devices.

                    // DeviceVendorName, DeviceModelName, and DeviceFirmwareVersion are string parameters.
                    Console.WriteLine("Camera Device Information");
                    Console.WriteLine("Vendor           : {0}", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.DeviceVendorName].GetValue());
                    Console.WriteLine("Model            : {0}", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.DeviceModelName].GetValue());
                    Console.WriteLine("Firmware version : {0}", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.DeviceFirmwareVersion].GetValue());
                    Console.WriteLine("Camera Device Settings");

                    // Setting the AOI. OffsetX, OffsetY, Width, and Height are integer parameters.
                    // On some cameras, the offsets are read-only. If they are writable, set the offsets to min.
                    // Some parameters have restrictions. You can use GetIncrement/GetMinimum/GetMaximum to make sure you set a valid value.
                    // Here, we let pylon correct the value if needed.
                    camera.Parameters[PLCamera.Width].SetValue(202, IntegerValueCorrection.Nearest);
                    camera.Parameters[PLCamera.Height].SetValue(101, IntegerValueCorrection.Nearest);

                    Console.WriteLine("OffsetX          : {0}", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.OffsetX].GetValue());
                    Console.WriteLine("OffsetY          : {0}", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.OffsetY].GetValue());
                    Console.WriteLine("Width            : {0}", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.Width].GetValue());
                    Console.WriteLine("Height           : {0}", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.Height].GetValue());

                    // Set an enum parameter.
                    string oldPixelFormat = camera.Parameters[PLCamera.PixelFormat].GetValue(); // Remember the current pixel format.
                    Console.WriteLine("Old PixelFormat  : {0} ({1})", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.PixelFormat].GetValue(), oldPixelFormat);

                    // Set pixel format to Mono8 if available.
                    if (camera.Parameters[PLCamera.PixelFormat].TrySetValue(PLCamera.PixelFormat.Mono8))
                        Console.WriteLine("New PixelFormat  : {0} ({1})", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.PixelFormat].GetValue(), oldPixelFormat);

                    // Some camera models may have auto functions enabled. To set the gain value to a specific value,
                    // the Gain Auto function must be disabled first (if gain auto is available).
                    camera.Parameters[PLCamera.GainAuto].TrySetValue(PLCamera.GainAuto.Off); // Set GainAuto to Off if it is writable.

                    // Features, e.g. 'Gain', are named according to the GenICam Standard Feature Naming Convention (SFNC).
                    // The SFNC defines a common set of features, their behavior, and the related parameter names.
                    // This ensures the interoperability of cameras from different camera vendors.
                    // Cameras compliant with the USB3 Vision standard are based on the SFNC version 2.0.
                    // Basler GigE and Firewire cameras are based on previous SFNC versions.
                    // Accordingly, the behavior of these cameras and some parameters names will be different.
                    // The SFNC version can be used to handle differences between camera device models.
                    if (camera.GetSfncVersion() < sfnc2_0_0) // Handling for older cameras
                        // In previous SFNC versions, GainRaw is an integer parameter.
                        // GammaEnable is a boolean parameter.
                    else // Handling for newer cameras (using SFNC 2.0, e.g. USB3 Vision cameras)
                        // In SFNC 2.0, Gain is a float parameter.
                        // For USB cameras, Gamma is always enabled.

                    * Parameter access status                                               *

                    // Each parameter is either readable or writable or both.
                    // Depending on the camera's state, a parameter may temporarily not be readable or writable.
                    // For example, a parameter related to external triggering may not be available when the camera is in free run mode.
                    // Additionally, parameters can be read-only by default.
                    Console.WriteLine("OffsetX readable        : {0}", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.OffsetX].IsReadable);
                    Console.WriteLine("TriggerSoftware writable: {0}", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.TriggerSoftware].IsWritable);

                    * Empty parameters                                                      *

                    // Camera models have different parameter sets available. For example, GammaEnable is not part of USB camera device
                    // parameters. If a requested parameter does not exist, an empty parameter object will be returned to simplify handling.
                    // Therefore, an additional existence check is not necessary.
                    // An empty parameter is never readable or writable.
                    Console.WriteLine("GammaEnable writable    : {0}", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.GammaEnable].IsWritable);
                    Console.WriteLine("GammaEnable readable    : {0}", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.GammaEnable].IsReadable);
                    Console.WriteLine("GammaEnable empty       : {0}", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.GammaEnable].IsEmpty);

                    * Try or GetValueOrDefault methods                                      *

                    // Several parameters provide Try or GetValueOrDefault methods. These methods are provided because
                    // a parameter may not always be available, either because the camera device model does not support the parameter
                    // or because the parameter is temporarily disabled (due to other parameter settings).
                    camera.Parameters[PLCamera.GammaEnable].TrySetValue(true); // If the GammaEnable parameter is writable, enable it.

                    // Toggle CenterX to change the availability of OffsetX.
                    // If CenterX is readable, get the value. Otherwise, return false.
                    bool centerXValue = camera.Parameters[PLCamera.CenterX].GetValueOrDefault(false);
                    Console.WriteLine("CenterX                 : {0}", centerXValue);
                    Console.WriteLine("OffsetX writable        : {0}", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.OffsetX].IsWritable);
                    camera.Parameters[PLCamera.CenterX].TrySetValue(!centerXValue); // Toggle CenterX if CenterX is writable.
                    Console.WriteLine("CenterX                 : {0}", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.CenterX].GetValueOrDefault(false));
                    Console.WriteLine("OffsetX writable        : {0}", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.OffsetX].IsWritable);
                    camera.Parameters[PLCamera.CenterX].TrySetValue(centerXValue); // Restore the value of CenterX if CenterX is writable.

                    // Important: The Try and the GetValueOrDefault methods are usually related to the access status (IsWritable or IsReadable) of a parameter.
                    // For more information, check the summary of the methods.

                    // There are additional methods available that provide support for setting valid values.
                    // Set the width and correct the value to the nearest valid increment.
                    camera.Parameters[PLCamera.Width].SetValue(202, IntegerValueCorrection.Nearest);
                    // Set the width and correct the value to the nearest valid increment if the width parameter is readable and writable.
                    camera.Parameters[PLCamera.Width].TrySetValue(202, IntegerValueCorrection.Nearest);
                    // One of the following pixel formats should be available:
                    string[] pixelFormats = new string[]
                    camera.Parameters[PLCamera.PixelFormat].SetValue(pixelFormats);    //Set the first valid pixel format in the list.
                    camera.Parameters[PLCamera.PixelFormat].TrySetValue(pixelFormats); //Set the first valid pixel format in the list if PixelFormat is writable.
                    Console.WriteLine("New PixelFormat  : {0}", camera.Parameters[PLCamera.PixelFormat].GetValue());

                    * Optional: Accessing camera parameters without using a parameter list  *

                    // Accessing parameters without using a parameter list can be necessary in rare cases,
                    // e.g. if you want to set newly added camera parameters that are not added to a parameter list yet.
                    // It is recommended to use parameter lists if possible to avoid using the wrong parameter type and
                    // to avoid spelling errors.

                    // When accessing parameters, the name and the type must usually be known beforehand.
                    // The following syntax can be used to access any camera device parameter.
                    // Adjust the parameter name ("BrandNewFeature") and the parameter type (IntegerName, EnumName, FloatName, etc.)
                    // according to the parameter that you want to access.
                    camera.Parameters[(IntegerName)"BrandNewFeature"].TrySetToMaximum(); // TrySetToMaximum is called for demonstration purposes only.

                    // This is another alternative to access a parameter without using a parameter list
                    // shown for completeness only
                    IIntegerParameter brandNewFeature = camera.Parameters["BrandNewFeature"] as IIntegerParameter;
                    // brandNewFeature will be null if it is not present because it cannot be casted to IIntegerParameter
                    if (brandNewFeature != null)

                    // Enumeration values are plain strings.
                    // Similar to the example above, the pixel format is set to Mono8, this time without using a parameter list.
                    if (camera.Parameters[(EnumName)"PixelFormat"].TrySetValue("Mono8"))
                        Console.WriteLine("New PixelFormat  : {0}", camera.Parameters[(EnumName)"PixelFormat"].GetValue());

                    // Restore the old pixel format.

                    // Close the camera.
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e.Message);
                exitCode = 1;

            // Comment the following two lines to disable waiting on exit.
            Console.Error.WriteLine("\nPress enter to exit.");

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void Test()
            Random                 random            = new Random(0);
            Func <string>          randomString      = () => "test" + random.NextDouble().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            Func <Id <Parameter> > randomParameterId = () =>
                byte[] bytes = new byte[16];
                return(Id <Parameter> .FromGuid(new Guid(bytes))); //Not really a guid but should be unique enough for this test

            List <DecimalData>                 decimals          = new List <DecimalData>();
            List <IntegerData>                 integers          = new List <IntegerData>();
            List <EnumerationData>             enums             = new List <EnumerationData>();
            List <EnumerationData>             hiddenEnums       = new List <EnumerationData>();
            List <DynamicEnumerationData>      dynamicEnums      = new List <DynamicEnumerationData>();
            List <LocalDynamicEnumerationData> localDynamicEnums = new List <LocalDynamicEnumerationData>();
            List <LocalizedStringData>         localizedStrings  = new List <LocalizedStringData>();
            List <OtherData> others = new List <OtherData>();

            TypeSet t = new TypeSet();

            Action CheckContents = () =>
                foreach (var x in decimals)
                    CheckIs(t, x.TypeId, dec: true);
                    Assert.That(t.GetTypeName(x.TypeId), Is.EqualTo(x.Name));

                    IParameter parameter = CheckBasicMake(randomString(), randomParameterId(), randomString(), t, x.TypeId, null, true); //This type shouldn't care about document
                    Assert.That(parameter, Is.InstanceOf <IDecimalParameter>());
                    IDecimalParameter p = parameter as IDecimalParameter;
                    Assert.That(p.Min, Is.EqualTo(x.Min));
                    Assert.That(p.Max, Is.EqualTo(x.Max));
                foreach (var x in integers)
                    CheckIs(t, x.TypeId, integer: true);
                    Assert.That(t.GetTypeName(x.TypeId), Is.EqualTo(x.Name));

                    IParameter parameter = CheckBasicMake(randomString(), randomParameterId(), randomString(), t, x.TypeId, null, true); //This type shouldn't care about document
                    Assert.That(parameter, Is.InstanceOf <IIntegerParameter>());
                    IIntegerParameter p = parameter as IIntegerParameter;
                    Assert.That(p.Min, Is.EqualTo(x.Min));
                    Assert.That(p.Max, Is.EqualTo(x.Max));
                foreach (var x in enums)
                    CheckIs(t, x.TypeId, enumeration: true);
                    Assert.That(t.GetTypeName(x.TypeId), Is.EqualTo(x.Name));

                        IParameter parameter = CheckBasicMake(randomString(), randomParameterId(), randomString(), t, x.TypeId, null, true); //This type shouldn't care about document
                        Assert.That(parameter, Is.InstanceOf <IEnumParameter>());
                        IEnumParameter p = parameter as IEnumParameter;
                        Assert.That(p.Options, Is.EquivalentTo(x.Elements.Select(a => a.Guid)));

                    //Check set parameter creation
                        IParameter parameter = CheckBasicMake(randomString(), randomParameterId(), randomString(), t, ParameterType.ValueSetType.Of(x.TypeId), null, true); //This type shouldn't care about document
                        Assert.That(parameter, Is.InstanceOf <ISetParameter>());
                        ISetParameter p = parameter as ISetParameter;
                        Assert.That(p.Options, Is.EquivalentTo(x.Elements.Select(a => a.Guid)));
                foreach (var x in dynamicEnums)
                    CheckIs(t, x.TypeId, dynamicEnum: true);
                    Assert.That(t.GetTypeName(x.TypeId), Is.EqualTo(x.Name));
                    IParameter parameter = CheckBasicMake(randomString(), randomParameterId(), randomString(), t, x.TypeId, null, true); //This type shouldn't care about document
                    Assert.That(parameter, Is.InstanceOf <IDynamicEnumParameter>());
                    IDynamicEnumParameter p = parameter as IDynamicEnumParameter;
                    Assert.That(p.Local, Is.False);
                foreach (var x in localDynamicEnums)
                    CheckIs(t, x.TypeId, localDynamicEnum: true);
                    Assert.That(t.GetTypeName(x.TypeId), Is.EqualTo(x.Name));
                    object     document  = new object();
                    IParameter parameter = CheckBasicMake(randomString(), randomParameterId(), randomString(), t, x.TypeId, document, true);
                    Assert.That(parameter, Is.InstanceOf <IDynamicEnumParameter>());
                    IDynamicEnumParameter p = parameter as IDynamicEnumParameter;
                    Assert.That(p.Local, Is.True);
                foreach (var x in localizedStrings)
                    CheckIs(t, x.TypeId, localizedString: true);
                    Assert.That(t.GetTypeName(x.TypeId), Is.EqualTo(x.Name));
                    object     document  = new object();
                    IParameter parameter = CheckBasicMake(randomString(), randomParameterId(), randomString(), t, x.TypeId, document, false);
                    Assert.That(parameter, Is.InstanceOf <ILocalizedStringParameter>());
                foreach (var x in others)
                    CheckIs(t, x.TypeId);
                    Assert.That(t.GetTypeName(x.TypeId), Is.EqualTo(x.Name));
                    string     name      = randomString();
                    var        id        = randomParameterId();
                    var        def       = randomString();
                    object     document  = new object();
                    IParameter parameter = CheckBasicMake(name, id, def, t, x.TypeId, document, true);
                    Assert.That(x.LastGeneratorParameters, Is.Not.Null);
                    Assert.That(x.LastGeneratorParameters.name, Is.EqualTo(name));
                    Assert.That(x.LastGeneratorParameters.id, Is.EqualTo(id));
                    Assert.That(x.LastGeneratorParameters.defaultValue, Is.EqualTo(def));
                    Assert.That(x.LastGeneratorParameters.document, Is.EqualTo(document));
                    Assert.That(x.LastGeneratorParameters.createdParameter, Is.EqualTo(parameter));
                    x.LastGeneratorParameters = null;

                Assert.That(t.VisibleDecimals, Is.EquivalentTo(decimals));
                Assert.That(t.VisibleDynamicEnums, Is.EquivalentTo(dynamicEnums));
                CheckEnumsMatch(t.VisibleEnums, enums);
                Assert.That(t.VisibleIntegers, Is.EquivalentTo(integers));
                Assert.That(t.VisibleLocalDynamicEnums, Is.EquivalentTo(localDynamicEnums));
                Assert.That(t.VisibleLocalizedStrings, Is.EquivalentTo(localizedStrings));

                var expected = decimals.Select(x => x.TypeId).
                               Concat(integers.Select(x => x.TypeId)).
                               Concat(enums.Select(x => x.TypeId)).
                               Concat(dynamicEnums.Select(x => x.TypeId)).
                               Concat(localDynamicEnums.Select(x => x.TypeId)).
                               Concat(localizedStrings.Select(x => x.TypeId)).
                               Concat(others.Select(x => x.TypeId)).
                               Concat(enums.Select(x => ParameterType.ValueSetType.Of(x.TypeId))).
                               Concat(hiddenEnums.Select(x => x.TypeId)).          //AllTypes includes hidden types
                               Concat(hiddenEnums.Select(x => ParameterType.ValueSetType.Of(x.TypeId))).

                Assert.That(t.AllTypes, Is.EquivalentTo(expected));

            ParameterType          modifiedType     = null;
            Action <ParameterType> modifiedCallback = x => { Assert.That(modifiedType, Is.Null); modifiedType = x; };

            t.Modified += modifiedCallback;

            CheckDecimals(decimals, t, CheckContents, ref modifiedType);

            CheckIntegers(integers, t, CheckContents, ref modifiedType);

            CheckEnums(enums, t, CheckContents, ref modifiedType, false);

            CheckEnums(hiddenEnums, t, CheckContents, ref modifiedType, true);

            CheckDynamicEnums(dynamicEnums, t, CheckContents, ref modifiedType);

            CheckLocalDynamicEnums(localDynamicEnums, t, CheckContents, ref modifiedType);

            CheckLocalizedStrings(localizedStrings, t, CheckContents, ref modifiedType);

            CheckOthers(others, t, CheckContents, ref modifiedType);
Exemplo n.º 4
         * @fn		public bool fn_OpenCam()
         * @brief	카메라 Open.
         * @return	성공 여부.
         * @param	void
         * @remark
         * - 카메라 버퍼 셋팅   : 8192 byte
         * - 타임아웃          : 1000 ms
         * - Connection Lost 감지.
         * - Exposure Time Parameter 얻음.
         * - Grab Event Set
         * @author	선경규(Kyeong Kyu - Seon)
         * @date	2020/4/5  17:19
        public bool fn_OpenCam()
            bool bRet = false;

            if (!_bConnect)
                    if (_camera == null)
                        _camera = new Camera(DeviceType.GigE, CameraSelectionStrategy.FirstFound);
                        _camera.CameraOpened += Configuration.AcquireContinuous;
                        fn_WriteLog(this.Title + " : OpenCam_Cam Created.", UserEnum.EN_LOG_TYPE.ltVision);
                    if (!_camera.IsOpen)
                        fn_WriteLog(this.Title + " : OpenCam_Cam Open OK.", UserEnum.EN_LOG_TYPE.ltVision);
                        fn_WriteLog(this.Title + " : OpenCam_Cam is Already Opened.", UserEnum.EN_LOG_TYPE.ltVision);
                    _camera.Parameters[PLTransportLayer.HeartbeatTimeout].TrySetValue(1000, IntegerValueCorrection.Nearest);  // 1000 ms timeout
                    _camera.ConnectionLost += fn_CamConnLost;
#if !DEBUG
                    double.TryParse(_camera.Parameters["Width"].ToString(), out _Width);
                    double.TryParse(_camera.Parameters["Height"].ToString(), out _Height);

                    _paramExposureRaw = _camera.Parameters[PLCamera.ExposureTimeRaw];
                    _paramGainRaw     = _camera.Parameters[PLCamera.GainRaw];

                    //_paramExposure = _camera.Parameters[PLCamera.ExposureTime];
                    //_paramGain     = _camera.Parameters[PLCamera.Gain];
                    //_paramGain     = _camera.Parameters[PLCamera.GainAbs];

                    _camera.StreamGrabber.ImageGrabbed += OnImageGrabed;

                    _bConnect = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    fn_WriteLog(this.Title + " : OpenCam_Exception " + ex.Message, UserEnum.EN_LOG_TYPE.ltVision);
                    if (_camera != null)
                        _camera.ConnectionLost -= fn_CamConnLost;
                    _camera   = null;
                    _bConnect = false;
                //fn_WriteLog(this.Title + " : OpenCam_Camera Already Connected.", UserEnum.EN_LOG_TYPE.ltVision);