Exemplo n.º 1
        public static ISegment GetPV1(string patientClassCode, Spia.PathologyReportModel.Model.Provider referringProvider, string performingLabNataSiteNumber)
            ISegment PV1 = Creator.Segment("PV1");

            PV1.Field(1).AsString = "1";
            PV1.Field(2).AsString = patientClassCode;

            //IField PatientLocation = Creator.Field();
            //PatientLocation.Component(1).AsString = "Ward1";
            //PatientLocation.Component(2).AsString = "RoomE8";
            //PatientLocation.Component(3).AsString = "Bed10";
            //PatientLocation.Component(4).SubComponent(1).AsString = "ADHAHOSP";
            //PatientLocation.Component(5).SubComponent(2).AsString = "2.16.840.1.113883.19.5";
            //PatientLocation.Component(5).SubComponent(3).AsString = "ISO";

            foreach (var Id in referringProvider.IdentifierList)
                var    IdentiferTypeInfo = HL7v2IdentifierSupport.GetIdentiferCode(Id, $"NATA{performingLabNataSiteNumber}");
                IField Field             = Creator.Field();
                Field.Component(1).AsString  = IdentiferTypeInfo.Value;
                Field.Component(2).AsString  = referringProvider.Name.Family;
                Field.Component(3).AsString  = referringProvider.Name.Given ?? "";
                Field.Component(6).AsString  = referringProvider.Name.Title ?? "";
                Field.Component(9).AsString  = IdentiferTypeInfo.AssigingAuthority;
                Field.Component(10).AsString = "L";
                Field.Component(13).AsString = IdentiferTypeInfo.TypeCode ?? "";

                //PV1-8: Definition: This field contains the referring physician information. Multiple names and identifiers for the same
                //physician may be sent. The field sequences are not used to indicate multiple referring doctors. The legal name must be sent
                //in the first sequence. If the legal name is not sent, then a repeat delimiter must be sent in the first sequence. Depending on
                //local agreements, either the ID or the name may be absent from this field. Refer to User-defined Table 0010 - Physician ID for suggested values

                //PV1-9: In the Australian setting this field is used to identify the target provider for this message.
                //A location specific ID is used and the field should not repeat as each message is unique for the target provider.
                //Where available the Medicare provider number is used as this provides for a location specific identifier. Messages
                //should be routed based on this field and only the first repeat is used.
                if (Id.Type == PathologyReportModel.Model.IdentifierType.MedicareProviderNumber)

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void LoadButtonHandler()
            if (ServiceContainer.GetService <IDataController <SerializableField> >(out var loader))
                if (ServiceContainer.GetService <IDatabase <ItemDescription> >(out var database))
                    if (loader.Load(out var data))
                        _restartCopyField = data.ToField(database);
                        _gameField        = (IField <ItemDescription>)_restartCopyField.Clone();

                        _fieldIsLoaded = true;



                        _isReadyToInput = true;