Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: Theme.cs Projeto: Epitomy/CMS
 /// <summary>
 /// Parses the object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="relativePaths">The relative paths.  <example>{"site1","themes","default"}</example></param>
 /// <returns>the remaining paths. <example>{"site1"}</example></returns>
 internal override IEnumerable<string> ParseObject(IEnumerable<string> relativePaths)
     var index = Array.LastIndexOf(relativePaths.Select(it => it.ToLower()).ToArray(), PATH_NAME.ToLower());
     relativePaths = relativePaths.Take(index + 2);
     this.Name = relativePaths.Last();
     return relativePaths.Take(relativePaths.Count() - 2);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static IEnumerable<byte> Replace(IEnumerable<byte> input, IEnumerable<byte> from, IEnumerable<byte> to)
     var fromEnumerator = from.GetEnumerator();
     int match = 0;
     foreach (var data in input)
         if (data == fromEnumerator.Current)
             if (fromEnumerator.MoveNext()) { continue; }
             foreach (byte d in to) { yield return d; }
             match = 0;
         if (0 != match)
             foreach (byte d in from.Take(match)) { yield return d; }
             match = 0;
         yield return data;
     if (0 != match)
         foreach (byte d in from.Take(match)) { yield return d; }
Exemplo n.º 3
        public List<RealtimeReview> filteRealtimeReview(TNS.Metadata.Query.QRealtimeReview condition, IEnumerable<RealtimeReview> result)
                result = result.Where(x => x.hotelId == condition.hotelId.ToString()).Select(x => x);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.checkin))
                    if (condition.isDateRange)
                        result = result.Where(i => i.startDate.ConvertToDateTime().CompareTo(condition.checkin.ConvertToDateTime()) >= 0).Select(i => i);
                        result = result.Where(i => i.startDate.ConvertToDateTime().CompareTo(condition.checkin.ConvertToDateTime()) == 0).Select(i => i);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition.checkout))
                    if (condition.isDateRange)
                        result = result.Where(x => x.endDate.ConvertToDateTime().CompareTo(condition.checkout.ConvertToDateTime()) <= 0).Select(x => x);
                    else {
                        result = result.Where(x => x.endDate.ConvertToDateTime().CompareTo(condition.checkout.ConvertToDateTime()) == 0).Select(x => x);

                result = result.Take(condition.itemsCount);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = ex.Message;
            return result.ToList();
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts from HSB.
        /// </summary>
        public static Color FromHsb(IEnumerable<byte> source)
            // http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSV%E8%89%B2%E7%A9%BA%E9%96%93
            var h = Utility.ToUInt16(source.Take(2)) / 182.04;
            var s = Utility.ToUInt16(source.Skip(2).Take(2)) / 655.35;
            var b = Utility.ToUInt16(source.Skip(4).Take(2)) / 655.35;

            // Convert to RGB
            var h_i = (int)(Math.Floor(h / 60) % 6);
            var f = (h / 60) - h_i;
            var p = (int)(b * (1 - s));
            var q = (int)(b * (1 - f * s));
            var t = (int)(b * (1 - (1 - f) * s));
            switch (h_i)
                case 0:
                    return Color.FromArgb((int)b, t, p);
                case 1:
                    return Color.FromArgb(q, (int)b, p);
                case 2:
                    return Color.FromArgb(p, (int)b, t);
                case 3:
                    return Color.FromArgb(p, q, (int)b);
                case 4:
                    return Color.FromArgb(t, p, (int)b);
                case 5:
                    return Color.FromArgb((int)b, p, q);
                    throw new Exception();
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void SplitDic(IEnumerable<int> dic, int step)
            //SplitList =new ConcurrentQueue<List<int>>();
               // ConcurrentQueue<List<int>> SplitList = new ConcurrentQueue<List<int>>();
            if (dic.Count() > step)
                IEnumerable<int> keyvaluelist = dic.Take(step);
                List<int> newdic = new List<int>();
                foreach (int s in keyvaluelist)
                SplitDic(dic.Skip(step), step);

                List<int> newdic = new List<int>();
                foreach (int s in dic)
            //return SplitList;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static IEnumerable<Tuple<SpecificationProperty, Maybe<Error>>> MapValuesImpl(
            IEnumerable<SpecificationProperty> specProps,
            IEnumerable<string> values,
            Func<IEnumerable<string>, System.Type, bool, Maybe<object>> converter)
            if (specProps.Empty() || values.Empty())
                yield break;
            var pt = specProps.First();
            var taken = values.Take(pt.Specification.GetMaxValueCount().Return(n => n, values.Count()));
            if (taken.Empty())
                yield break;

            yield return
                converter(taken, pt.Property.PropertyType, pt.Specification.ConversionType.IsScalar())
                        converted => Tuple.Create(pt.WithValue(Maybe.Just(converted)), Maybe.Nothing<Error>()),
                        Tuple.Create<SpecificationProperty, Maybe<Error>>(
                            pt, Maybe.Just<Error>(new BadFormatConversionError(NameInfo.EmptyName))));
            foreach (var value in MapValuesImpl(specProps.Skip(1), values.Skip(taken.Count()), converter))
                yield return value;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relativePaths">The relative paths. <example>{"site1","scripts","js.js"}</example></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// the remaining paths.<example>{"site1"}</example>
        /// </returns>
        public override IEnumerable<string> ParseObject(IEnumerable<string> relativePaths)
            //call base return {"site1","scripts"}
            relativePaths = base.ParseObject(relativePaths);

            return relativePaths.Take(relativePaths.Count() - 1);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            IEnumerable <Tile> tiles = null;

            using (var client = this.CreateClient())
                if (this.WorkspaceId != default)
                    tiles = client.Reports.GetTilesForWorkspace(workspaceId: this.WorkspaceId, dashboardId: this.DashboardId);
                    tiles = this.Scope == PowerBIUserScope.Individual ?
                            client.Reports.GetTiles(this.DashboardId) :

            if (this.Id != default)
                tiles = tiles?.Where(d => this.Id == d.Id);

            if (this.Skip.HasValue)
                tiles = tiles?.Skip(this.Skip.Value);

            if (this.First.HasValue)
                tiles = tiles?.Take(this.First.Value);

            this.Logger.WriteObject(tiles, true);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GorgonStreamOutLayout"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Name of the object.</param>
        /// <param name="elements">The input elements to assign to this layout.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the <paramref name="name"/>, or the <paramref name="elements"/> parameter is <b>null</b>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentEmptyException">Thrown when the <paramref name="name"/>, or the <paramref name="elements"/> parameter is empty.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown when an element with the same context, slot and index appears more than once in the <paramref name="elements"/> parameter.</exception>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// The <paramref name="elements"/> list can contain up to 64 elements. If the list is longer than 64 elements, then it will be truncated to 64.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public GorgonStreamOutLayout(string name, IEnumerable <GorgonStreamOutElement> elements)
            : base(name)
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                throw new ArgumentEmptyException(nameof(name));

            Name = name;

            // Make a copy so we don't allow changing of the original reference.
            _elements = elements?.Take(64).ToArray() ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(elements));

            if (_elements.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentEmptyException(nameof(elements));

            // Check for duplicated elements.
            for (int i = 0; i < _elements.Length; ++i)
                FindDuplicateElements(_elements, _elements[i], i, nameof(elements));

            Native = new D3D11.StreamOutputElement[_elements.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < _elements.Length; ++i)
                Native[i] = _elements[i].NativeElement;
 public static bool TeamFormationValid(IEnumerable<Position> positions)
     var startingPositions = positions.Take(11).ToList();
     return startingPositions.Count(x => x == Position.Goalkeeper) == 1
            && startingPositions.Count(x => x == Position.Defender) >= GameConstants.MinimumDefendersInStartingTeam
            && startingPositions.Count(x => x == Position.Forward) >= GameConstants.MinimumForwardsInStartingTeam;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public override IEnumerable<IUnit> PickNextTargets(IEnumerable<IUnit> candidateTargets)
     if (base.Unit.HealthPoints <= 150)
         return candidateTargets.Take(1);
         return candidateTargets;
        public IWordState Reduce(IEnumerable<IWordState> set, int len)
            if (len == 0)
                return new Chunk("");

            if (len == 1)
                return set.First();
                int pivot = len / 2;

                //var i1 = set.Take(pivot).ToList();
                //var i2 = set.Skip(pivot).ToList();

                //var t1 = new Task<IWordState>(() => Reduce(i1, pivot));
                //var t2 = new Task<IWordState>(() => Reduce(i2, pivot + len % 2));

                var firstHalf = Reduce(set.Take(pivot), pivot);
                var secondHalf = Reduce(set.Skip(pivot), pivot + len % 2);

                IWordState result = firstHalf.Combine(secondHalf);

                return result;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public ForecastEntry Forecast(IEnumerable<DataEntry> dataEntries, int period, dynamic strategyParameters)
            if (period - 1 < 0)
                return null;

            int numberOfPeriods = strategyParameters.PeriodCount;

            if (numberOfPeriods > dataEntries.Count())
                throw new ArgumentException("The number of periods can not be greater than the number of entries.");

            double value;

            if (dataEntries.Count() == 1 || period == 1)
                value = dataEntries.ElementAt(0).Value;
            else if (period < numberOfPeriods)
                value = dataEntries.ElementAt(period - 1).Value;
            else if (dataEntries.Count() > 1 && period <= dataEntries.Count() + 1)
                value =
                    dataEntries.Take(period - 1).Reverse().Take(numberOfPeriods).Reverse().Sum(entry => (entry.Value))/
                value = dataEntries.Reverse().Take(numberOfPeriods).Reverse().Sum(entry => (entry.Value))/

            return new ForecastEntry
                    Period = period,
                    DataEntry = period > dataEntries.Count() ? dataEntries.Last() : dataEntries.ElementAt(period - 1),
                    ForecastValue = value,
                    ConfidenceIntervalLow = value,
                    ConfidenceIntervalHigh = value,
                    IsHoldout = period > dataEntries.Count()*0.7 //holdout data is always 70 percent
Exemplo n.º 14
        public IList<Artifact> SearchArtifacts(IEnumerable<ArtifactSearch> searches)
            var result = new List<Artifact>(searches.Count());

            while (searches.Any())
                var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);

                request.Resource = "search/artifact/";
                request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
                request.OnBeforeDeserialization = BeforeSerialization;

                var response = Execute<ArtifactResponse>(request);

                if (response.ResponseStatus == ResponseStatus.Error)
                    throw new ApiClientTransportException(response.ErrorMessage, response.ErrorException);


                searches = searches.Skip(this._pageSize);

            return result;
        public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            if (this.Workspace != null)
                this.WorkspaceId = this.Workspace.Id;

            if (this.Id != default)
                this.Filter = $"id eq '{this.Id}'";

            if (this.Name != default)
                this.Filter = $"tolower(name) eq '{this.Name.ToLower()}'";

            IEnumerable <Dashboard> dashboards = null;

            using (var client = this.CreateClient())
                if (this.WorkspaceId != default)
                    dashboards = this.Scope == PowerBIUserScope.Individual ?
                                 client.Reports.GetDashboardsForWorkspace(workspaceId: this.WorkspaceId) :
                                 client.Reports.GetDashboardsAsAdminForWorkspace(workspaceId: this.WorkspaceId, filter: this.Filter, top: this.First, skip: this.Skip);
                    dashboards = this.Scope == PowerBIUserScope.Individual ?
                                 client.Reports.GetDashboards() :
                                 client.Reports.GetDashboardsAsAdmin(filter: this.Filter, top: this.First, skip: this.Skip);

            if (this.Scope == PowerBIUserScope.Individual)
                if (this.Id != default)
                    dashboards = dashboards?.Where(d => this.Id == d.Id);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Name))
                    dashboards = dashboards?.Where(d => d.Name.Equals(this.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                if (this.Skip.HasValue)
                    dashboards = dashboards?.Skip(this.Skip.Value);

                if (this.First.HasValue)
                    dashboards = dashboards?.Take(this.First.Value);

            this.Logger.WriteObject(dashboards, true);
Exemplo n.º 16
    public static IEnumerable <BttvSharedEmote>?GetBttvEmotes(string channel, int count)
        IEnumerable <BttvSharedEmote>?emotes = GetBttvEmotes(channel);

        NormalizeCount(emotes, ref count);
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>   Determines if the set of specified RangeRequests represents a partial range or multiple range requests. </summary>
        /// <remarks>   ebrown, 2/14/2011. </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">    Thrown when rangeRequests are null. </exception>
        /// <param name="rangeRequests">    The set of range requests (typically returned by TryParseRangeRequests). </param>
        /// <param name="fileLength">       Total length of the file to which the requests apply. </param>
        /// <returns>   true if a set of range requests or the single range request is for a partial range, false if not. </returns>
        public static bool IsPartialOrMultipleRangeRequests(IEnumerable<RangeRequest> rangeRequests, long fileLength)
            if (null == rangeRequests) { throw new ArgumentNullException("rangeRequests"); }

            var first = rangeRequests.FirstOrDefault();
            return ((rangeRequests.Take(2).Count() > 1) || (0 != first.Start) || (fileLength != (first.End + 1)));
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates Exponential Moving Average (EMA) indicator
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Input signal</param>
        /// <param name="period">Number of periods</param>
        /// <param name="uisngavg">Start with Average or start with first element</param>
        /// <returns>Object containing operation results</returns>
        public static EMAResult EMA(IEnumerable<double> input, int period, bool usingavg=true)
            var returnValues = new List<double>();

            double multiplier = (2.0 / (period + 1));

            int start = usingavg ? period : 1;

            if ( input.Count() >= start)
                double initialEMA = usingavg ? input.Take(period).Average() : input.First();


                var copyInputValues = input.ToList();

                for (int i = start; i < copyInputValues.Count; i++)
                    var resultValue = (copyInputValues[i] - returnValues.Last()) * multiplier + returnValues.Last();


            var result = new EMAResult()
                Values = returnValues,
                StartIndexOffset = start - 1

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to convert this geometry shader to use a stream output.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="streamOutLayout">The stream output layout for the shader.</param>
        /// <param name="strides">[Optional] A list of strides that define the size of an element for each buffer.</param>
        /// <returns>A new <see cref="GorgonGeometryShader"/> that is capable of stream output.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the <paramref name="streamOutLayout"/> parameter is <b>null</b>.</exception>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// A base geometry shader must be converted to use stream output if an application wants to send data from the shader into a buffer.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// If the <paramref name="strides"/> parameter is supplied, then it will be limited to 4 items at most, any more than that and the list will be truncated.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public GorgonGeometryShader ToStreamOut(GorgonStreamOutLayout streamOutLayout, IEnumerable <int> strides = null)
            if (streamOutLayout == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(streamOutLayout));

            int[] strideList = strides?.Take(4).ToArray() ?? Array.Empty <int>();
            // Clone the byte code just in case we decide to destroy the original.
            var byteCode = new ShaderBytecode(D3DByteCode.Data);

            Graphics.Log.Print($"Converting '{Name}' to Stream-Out.", LoggingLevel.Verbose);

            var shader = new D3D11.GeometryShader(Graphics.D3DDevice, byteCode, streamOutLayout.Native, strideList, 0)
                DebugName = $"{Name}_ID3D11GeometryShader (SO)"
            var result = new GorgonGeometryShader(Graphics, Name + " (SO)", IsDebug, byteCode, shader)
                StreamOutLayout = streamOutLayout


Exemplo n.º 20
		bool TryEliminate (IEnumerable<string> methods, int chunkSize) {
			var count = methods.Count ();
			if (chunkSize < 1 || chunkSize > count)
				throw new Exception ("I can't do math.");

			var numChunks = (count + chunkSize - 1) / chunkSize;
			foreach (var i in EliminationOrder (numChunks)) {
				var firstIndex = i * chunkSize;
				var lastPlusOneIndex = (i + 1) * chunkSize;
				var methodsLeft = methods.Take (firstIndex).Concat (methods.Skip (lastPlusOneIndex));

				if (chunkSize == 1)
					Console.WriteLine ("Running without method at position {0}", firstIndex);
					Console.WriteLine ("Running without methods at positions {0} to {1}", firstIndex, lastPlusOneIndex - 1);
				var success = RunWithMethods (methodsLeft);
				Console.WriteLine ("Crashed: {0}", !success);

				if (!success) {
					Console.WriteLine ("Eliminating further from {0} methods.", methodsLeft.Count ());
					return EliminationStep (methodsLeft);

			return false;
Exemplo n.º 21
        public void Combine(World world, IEnumerable<Actor> newSelection, bool isCombine, bool isClick)
            if (isClick)
                var adjNewSelection = newSelection.Take(1);	/* TODO: select BEST, not FIRST */
                if (isCombine)
                if (isCombine)

            var voicedActor = actors.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Owner == world.LocalPlayer && a.IsInWorld && a.HasTrait<IVoiced>());
            if (voicedActor != null)

            foreach (var a in newSelection)
                foreach (var sel in a.TraitsImplementing<INotifySelected>())
            foreach (var ns in world.WorldActor.TraitsImplementing<INotifySelection>())
Exemplo n.º 22
 public override void PathBuild()
     _links = CategoryWithChild(CategoryId);
     //skip the last element so he is our link
     CategoryTree(_links.Take(_links.Count() - 1));
Exemplo n.º 23
        private static IEnumerable<Movie> MergeResults(IEnumerable<Movie> netflixResults, IEnumerable<Movie> rottenTomatoesResults)
            var movies = (from nf in netflixResults
                          from rt in rottenTomatoesResults
                          where nf.Title.ToUpper() == rt.Title.ToUpper()
                          select new Movie
                              Title = nf.Title,
                              Availability = nf.Availability.Union(rt.Availability).ToList(),
                              Cast = rt.Cast,
                              Key = new MovieKey { NetflixId = nf.ProviderMovieId, RottenTomatoesId = rt.ProviderMovieId },
                              MPAARating = rt.MPAARating,
                              ProviderMovieId = "MovieMon",
                              Source = "MovieMon",
                              RelatedClips = rt.RelatedClips,
                              Reviews = rt.Reviews,
                              RunTime = nf.RunTime,
                              Summary = nf.Summary,
                              Rating = rt.Rating,
                              RelatedImages = nf.RelatedImages

            var netflixMax = GetMax(netflixResults.Count());
            var rtMax = GetMax(rottenTomatoesResults.Count());
            var mergedMax = GetMax(movies.Count);

            Logger.InfoFormat("Merging additional results: added {0} from netflix and {1} from rotten tomatoes", netflixMax, rtMax);
            movies = movies.Take(mergedMax).ToList();
            var merged = movies.Union(netflixResults.Take(netflixMax)).ToList();
            merged = merged.Union(rottenTomatoesResults.Take(rtMax)).ToList();

            var filtered = merged.Distinct(new MovieComparer()).ToList();
            return filtered;
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the specified collection into the recent file list. Use this method when you need to initialize the RecentFileList 
        /// manually. This can be useful when you are using an own persistence implementation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Recent file items that exist before the Load method is called are removed.</remarks>
        /// <param name="recentFiles">The recent files.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The argument recentFiles must not be null.</exception>
        public void Load(IEnumerable<RecentFile> recentFiles)
            if (recentFiles == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(recentFiles)); }

Exemplo n.º 25
        private static double CalcVariance(IEnumerable<double> v1, double mean1, IEnumerable<double> v2, double mean2, int length)
            var zipped = v1.Take(length).Zip(v2.Take(length), (i1, i2) => new[] { i1, i2 });

            var sum = zipped.AsParallel().Sum(z => (z[0] - mean1) * (z[1] - mean2));

            return sum / (length - 1);
Exemplo n.º 26
 // TODO: Move drawing methods to a wrapper type that handles graphics only
 public void DrawRow(int top, IEnumerable<ConsolePixel> pixels)
     if (top >= _size.Height)
     SetCursorPosition(0, top);
     foreach (ConsolePixel pixel in pixels.Take(_size.Width))
Exemplo n.º 27
 int GetIndicatorCount(Row row, IEnumerable<string> columns)
     if (row.Level == "E" && row.Level == "M")
         columns = columns.Take(3);
     return columns.Where(c => CountableValues.Contains(row[c])).Count();
 public static QueryBodySyntax WithAllClauses(
     this QueryBodySyntax body,
     IEnumerable<SyntaxNode> allClauses)
     var clauses = SyntaxFactory.List(allClauses.Take(allClauses.Count() - 1).Cast<QueryClauseSyntax>());
     var selectOrGroup = (SelectOrGroupClauseSyntax)allClauses.Last();
     return body.WithClauses(clauses).WithSelectOrGroup(selectOrGroup);
 public override IEnumerable<IUnit> PickNextTargets(IEnumerable<IUnit> candidateTargets)
     if (this.Unit.HealthPoints <= 150)
         return candidateTargets.Take(1);
     return candidateTargets;
Exemplo n.º 30
        public virtual SyndicationFeed GetFeed(IEnumerable<Article> articles)
            SyndicationFeed feed = CreateFeed(articles.First().GetDate());
            feed.Authors.Add(new SyndicationPerson { Name = _config.Author });
            feed.Items = CreateItems(articles.Take(10));

            return feed;
 public IEnumerable<IUnit> PickNextTargets(IEnumerable<IUnit> candidateTargets)
     if (candidateTargets == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("targets", "Target list can not be null");
     return this.Unit.HealthPoints <= 150 ? candidateTargets.Take(1) : candidateTargets;
Exemplo n.º 32
 private NameSnippet CreateNameSnippet(IEnumerable<string> matches, int i, IMappingOptions mappingOptions)
     return new NameSnippet
                 First = String.Join(mappingOptions.SourceMemberNamingConvention.SeparatorCharacter, matches.Take(i).ToArray()),
                 Second = String.Join(mappingOptions.SourceMemberNamingConvention.SeparatorCharacter, matches.Skip(i).ToArray())
Exemplo n.º 33
        public static void InsertModlogRecords(IEnumerable<ModAction> log)
            using (var db = CreateConnection())
             using (var sql = db.CreateCommand())

            "description" : null,
                    "mod_id36" : "8937y",
                    "created_utc" : 1448759942.0,
                    "subreddit" : null,
                    "target_permalink" : "/r/politics/comments/3ulxdn/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/yyyyyyyy",
                    "details" : "confirm_ham",
                    "action" : "approvecomment",
                    "target_author" : "xxxxxxx",
                    "target_fullname" : "t1_cxfw7gj",
                    "sr_id36" : "2cneq",
                    "id" : "ModAction_2d05ebaa-9637-11e5-876e-0e44750760a5",
                    "mod" : "xxxxxx"
            sql.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO modlog (description,mod_id36,created_utc,subreddit,target_permalink,
                                                    redditId, mod)
                                            Values (@description,@mod_id36,@created_utc,@subreddit,@target_permalink,
                                                    @redditId, @mod;";

            var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            foreach (var action in log.Take(500))
               parameters.Add("@description", "");
               parameters.Add("@mod_id36", "");
               parameters.Add("@created_utc", action.TimeStamp.Value.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
               parameters.Add("@subreddit", Config.RedditSubreddit);
               parameters.Add("@target_permalink", action.TargetThing.Shortlink);
               parameters.Add("@details", action.Details);
               parameters.Add("@modaction", action.Action);
               parameters.Add("@target_author", action.TargetAuthor);
               parameters.Add("@target_fullname", action.TargetThingFullname);
               parameters.Add("@sr_id36", "");
               parameters.Add("@redditId", action.Id);
               parameters.Add("@mod", action.ModeratorName);

               foreach (var item in parameters)
                  var x = sql.CreateParameter();
                  x.ParameterName = item.Key;
                  x.Value = item.Value;

Exemplo n.º 34
 public static void SetPixels(this IPixelRenderer renderer, IEnumerable<Color> pixels)
     var rgbs = pixels
Exemplo n.º 35
 private IEnumerable<string> ApplyCapitalization(IEnumerable<string> words)
     switch (CapitalizationScheme)
         case Capitalization.PascalCase:
             return words.Select(CapitalizeFirstLetter);
         case Capitalization.CamelCase:
             return words.Take(1).Select(DecapitalizeFirstLetter).Concat(words.Skip(1).Select(CapitalizeFirstLetter));
         case Capitalization.FirstUpper:
             return words.Take(1).Select(CapitalizeFirstLetter).Concat(words.Skip(1).Select(DecapitalizeFirstLetter));
         case Capitalization.AllUpper:
             return words.Select(w => w.ToUpper());
         case Capitalization.AllLower:
             return words.Select(w => w.ToLower());
             throw new InvalidOperationException();
 public DescriptionAttributeAnnotationBase(AnnotationType annotationType, QualifiedSelection qualifiedSelection, VBAParser.AnnotationContext context, IEnumerable <string> attributeValues)
     : base(annotationType, qualifiedSelection, context, attributeValues?.Take(1).ToList())
     Description = AttributeValues?.FirstOrDefault();
     if ((Description?.StartsWith("\"") ?? false) && Description.EndsWith("\""))
         // strip surrounding double quotes
         Description = Description.Substring(1, Description.Length - 2);
Exemplo n.º 37
        public StatusesModel(IEnumerable <Status> list,
                             MessageService messageService) :
            base(list?.Take(0x20).Select((x, i) => new StatusModel(i, x, messageService)))
            for (int i = this.list.Count; i < 0x20; i++)
                this.list.Add(new StatusModel(i, new Status(), messageService));

            Messages            = messageService.Tags;
            this.messageService = messageService;
Exemplo n.º 38
        public IEnumerable <Component> GetComponentsByModule(string domainId, int moduleId, int snapshotId, string businessCriteria, int count)
            IEnumerable <Component> res = null;

            if (businessCriteria == "60016")
                res = TestUtility.GetSampleResult <Component>(@".\Data\Component60016ModSnap.json").ToList();
            if (count != -1)
                res = res?.Take(count);

Exemplo n.º 39
        public IEnumerable <Transaction> GetTransactions(string snapshotHref, string businessCriteria, int count)
            IEnumerable <Transaction> res = null;

            if (businessCriteria == "60016")
                res = TestUtility.GetSampleResult <Transaction>(@".\Data\Transactions60016Snap.json").ToList();
            if (count != -1)
                res = res?.Take(count);

        protected FlexibleAttributeValueAnnotationBase(AnnotationType annotationType, QualifiedSelection qualifiedSelection, VBAParser.AnnotationContext context, IEnumerable <string> parameters)
            : base(annotationType, qualifiedSelection, context)
            var flexibleAttributeValueInfo = FlexibleAttributeValueInfo(annotationType);

            if (flexibleAttributeValueInfo == null)
                Attribute       = string.Empty;
                AttributeValues = new List <string>();

            Attribute       = flexibleAttributeValueInfo.Value.attribute;
            AttributeValues = parameters?.Take(flexibleAttributeValueInfo.Value.numberOfValues).ToList() ?? new List <string>();
Exemplo n.º 41
        public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            if (this.Dataset != null)
                this.DatasetId = this.Dataset.Id;

            if (this.Workspace != null)
                this.WorkspaceId = this.Workspace.Id;

            IEnumerable <Table> tables = null;

            using (var client = this.CreateClient())
                if (this.WorkspaceId != default)
                    tables = client.Datasets.GetTables(this.DatasetId, this.WorkspaceId);
                    tables = client.Datasets.GetTables(this.DatasetId);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Name))
                tables = tables?.Where(d => d.Name.Equals(this.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            if (this.Skip.HasValue)
                tables = tables?.Skip(this.Skip.Value);

            if (this.First.HasValue)
                tables = tables?.Take(this.First.Value);

            this.Logger.WriteObject(tables, true);
Exemplo n.º 42
        protected TelemetryDataClientBase(
            ITracer tracer,
            IHttpClientWrapper httpClientWrapper,
            ICredentialsFactory credentialsFactory,
            IExtendedAzureResourceManagerClient azureResourceManagerClient,
            string queryUriFormat,
            TimeSpan queryTimeout,
            string telemetryDbType,
            IEnumerable <string> telemetryResourceIds)
            this.tracer                     = Diagnostics.EnsureArgumentNotNull(() => tracer);
            this.httpClientWrapper          = Diagnostics.EnsureArgumentNotNull(() => httpClientWrapper);
            this.credentialsFactory         = Diagnostics.EnsureArgumentNotNull(() => credentialsFactory);
            this.AzureResourceManagerClient = Diagnostics.EnsureArgumentNotNull(() => azureResourceManagerClient);
            this.queryUriFormat             = Diagnostics.EnsureStringNotNullOrWhiteSpace(() => queryUriFormat);
            this.Timeout                    = Diagnostics.EnsureArgumentInRange(() => queryTimeout, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(0), TimeSpan.FromHours(2));
            this.telemetryDbType            = telemetryDbType;

            int maximumNumberOfTelemetryResources = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MaximumNumberOfTelemetryResources"] ?? "300", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            this.TelemetryResourceIds = telemetryResourceIds?.Take(maximumNumberOfTelemetryResources).ToList() ?? new List <string>();

            this.retryPolicy = PolicyExtensions.CreateTransientHttpErrorPolicy(this.tracer, this.telemetryDbType);
        public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            if (this.Workspace != null)
                this.WorkspaceId = this.Workspace.Id;

            if (this.Id != default)
                this.Filter = $"id eq '{this.Id}'";

            if (this.Name != default)
                this.Filter = $"tolower(name) eq '{this.Name.ToLower()}'";

            IEnumerable <Report> reports = null;

            using (var client = this.CreateClient())
                if (this.WorkspaceId != default)
                    reports = this.Scope == PowerBIUserScope.Individual ?
                              client.Reports.GetReportsForWorkspace(this.WorkspaceId) :
                              client.Reports.GetReportsAsAdminForWorkspace(this.WorkspaceId, filter: this.Filter, top: this.First, skip: this.Skip);
                    reports = this.Scope == PowerBIUserScope.Individual ?
                              client.Reports.GetReports() :
                              client.Reports.GetReportsAsAdmin(filter: this.Filter, top: this.First, skip: this.Skip);

            // Bug in OData filter for ID, workaround is to use LINQ
            if (this.Id != default)
                reports = reports?.Where(r => this.Id == r.Id);

            if (this.Scope == PowerBIUserScope.Individual)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Name))
                    reports = reports?.Where(r => r.Name.Equals(this.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                if (this.Skip.HasValue)
                    reports = reports?.Skip(this.Skip.Value);

                if (this.First.HasValue)
                    reports = reports?.Take(this.First.Value);

            this.Logger.WriteObject(reports, true);
Exemplo n.º 44
 public static ReadOnlyMemory <T> TakeReadOnlyMemory <T>(this IEnumerable <T> src, int length)
 => src.Take(length).ToMemory();
Exemplo n.º 45
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CS2Patcher cs2Patch = new CS2Patcher {
                InstallDir = @"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Eden of Grisaia - Copy (2)",


            /*Stopwatch buf1w = new Stopwatch();
             * Stopwatch buf2w = new Stopwatch();
             * const int maxSize = 64 * 64 * 2;
             * IntPtr src = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(maxSize);
             * IntPtr dst = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(maxSize);
             * for (int i = 1; i <= 64; i++) {
             *      int size = i * i;
             *      for (int j = 0; j < 10000; j++) {
             *              Buffer.MemoryCopy(src.ToPointer(), dst.ToPointer(), size, size);
             *              Buffer451.MemoryCopy(src.ToPointer(), dst.ToPointer(), size, size);
             *      }
             * }
             * for (int i = 1; i <= 64; i++) {
             *      int size = i * i;
             *      for (int j = 0; j < 100000; j++) {
             *              buf1w.Start();
             *              Buffer.MemoryCopy(src.ToPointer(), dst.ToPointer(), size, size);
             *              buf1w.Stop();
             *              buf2w.Start();
             *              Buffer451.MemoryCopy(src.ToPointer(), dst.ToPointer(), size, size);
             *              buf2w.Stop();
             *      }
             * }
             * Marshal.FreeHGlobal(src);
             * Marshal.FreeHGlobal(dst);
             * Console.WriteLine(buf1w.ElapsedMilliseconds);
             * Console.WriteLine(buf2w.ElapsedMilliseconds);
             * byte[] src2 = new byte[maxSize];
             * byte[] dst2 = new byte[maxSize];
             * buf1w.Restart();
             * buf2w.Restart();
             * for (int i = 1; i <= 64; i++) {
             *      int size = i * i;
             *      for (int j = 0; j < 10000; j++) {
             *              Buffer.BlockCopy(src2, 0, dst2, 0, size);
             *              Array.Copy(src2, 0, dst2, 0, size);
             *      }
             * }
             * for (int i = 1; i <= 64; i++) {
             *      int size = i * i;
             *      for (int j = 0; j < 500000; j++) {
             *              buf1w.Start();
             *              Buffer.BlockCopy(src2, 0, dst2, 0, size);
             *              buf1w.Stop();
             *              buf2w.Start();
             *              Array.Copy(src2, 0, dst2, 0, size);
             *              buf2w.Stop();
             *      }
             * }
             * Console.WriteLine(buf1w.ElapsedMilliseconds);
             * Console.WriteLine(buf2w.ElapsedMilliseconds);
             * Console.ReadLine();*/
            JsonTest jtest = new JsonTest("");

            jtest.A = 100;
            jtest.B = 200;
            string   json             = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jtest, Formatting.Indented);
            JsonTest jtest2           = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonTest>(json);
            string   rawPath          = @"C:\Users\Onii-chan\Pictures\Sprites\Grisaia\Cs2\Raw2";
            string   hg3Path          = @"C:\Users\Onii-chan\Pictures\Sprites\Grisaia\Cs2\Hg3";
            string   outputPath       = @"C:\Users\Onii-chan\Pictures\Sprites\Grisaia\Cs2\Output2";
            string   outputPath2      = @"C:\Users\Onii-chan\Pictures\Sprites\Grisaia\Cs2\Output3";
            string   outputExpandPath = @"C:\Users\Onii-chan\Pictures\Sprites\Grisaia\Cs2\OutputExpand";
            string   output1          = "hg3-1";
            string   output2          = "hg3-2";

            int hg3Index = 0;

            var       hg3Cs2Files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(rawPath, "*.hg3");      //.SkipWhile(s => !s.EndsWith("click.hg3"));
            Stopwatch hwatch      = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch hwatch2     = new Stopwatch();

            /*foreach (string file in hg3Cs2Files) {
             *      Console.Write($"\r{hg3Index++}");
             *      hwatch.Start();
             *      HgxImage hg3Image = HgxImage.ExtractImages(file, outputPath, HgxOptions.None);
             *      hwatch.Stop();
             *      hwatch2.Start();
             *      using (var stream = File.OpenRead(file)) {
             *              HgxImage hg3Image2 = HgxImage.Extract(stream, file);
             *              hg3Image2.ExtractImages(stream, outputPath2, HgxOptions.None);
             *      }
             *      hwatch2.Stop();
             *      //hg3Image = HgxImage.ExtractImages(file, outputExpandPath, HgxOptions.Expand);
             *      //hg3Image.SaveJsonToDirectory(hg3Path);
             * }*/
            Console.WriteLine(hwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); hwatch.Reset();
            Console.WriteLine(hwatch2.ElapsedMilliseconds); hwatch2.Reset();
            string       grisaiaInstallDir = @"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\The Fruit of Grisaia";
            string       grisaiaExe        = Path.Combine(grisaiaInstallDir, "Grisaia.exe");
            string       grisaiaConfigInt  = Path.Combine(grisaiaInstallDir, "config.int");
            VCodes       grisaiaVCodes     = VCodes.Load(grisaiaExe);
            KifintLookup lookup            = KifintArchive.LoadLookup(KifintType.Image, grisaiaInstallDir, grisaiaVCodes.VCode2);

            CatDebug.SpeedTestHgx = true;
            using (KifintStream kifintStream = new KifintStream()) {
                hg3Index = 0;
                int top = Console.CursorTop;
                Console.CursorVisible = false;

                 * Console.WriteLine(hwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); hwatch.Reset();
                 * Console.WriteLine(hwatch2.ElapsedMilliseconds); hwatch2.Reset();*/
                foreach (KifintEntry entry in lookup)
                    if (entry.Extension != ".hg3")
                    HgxImage hg3Image = entry.ExtractHgxAndImages(kifintStream, output1, HgxOptions.None);
                    using (var stream = entry.ExtractToStream(kifintStream)) {
                        HgxImage hg3Image2 = entry.ExtractHgx(kifintStream);
                        hg3Image2.ExtractImages(stream, output2, HgxOptions.None);
                    //if (hg3Index % 25 == 0) {
                    Console.CursorTop = top;

                     * else {
                     *      Console.Write($"\r{hg3Index++}");
                     * }*/
                Console.CursorVisible = true;
            Console.WriteLine(hwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); hwatch.Reset();
            Console.WriteLine(hwatch2.ElapsedMilliseconds); hwatch2.Reset();
            var screen  = FesScreen.Extract(@"C:\Users\Onii-chan\Source\C#\TriggersTools\CatSystem2\samples\CatTesting\bin\Debug\fcgview.fes");
            var screen2 = FesScreen.Extract(@"C:\Programs\Tools\CatSystem2_v401\system\fes\cgview.fes");
            string    vc2           = string.Empty;
            Stopwatch watchNative   = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch watchManaged  = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch watchManaged2 = new Stopwatch();
            VCodes    vcodes        = VCodes.Load(@"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)\Grisaia2.bin.bak");

            /*using (var stream = File.OpenRead("config.fes")) {
             *      byte[] dat = new byte[20];
             *      stream.Position = stream.Length - 1;
             *      BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream);
             *      Console.WriteLine(stream.Read(dat, 0, dat.Length));
             *      Console.WriteLine(stream.Read(dat, 0, dat.Length));
             *      stream.Position = stream.Length - 1;
             *      reader.ReadUInt16();
             *      Console.ReadLine();
             * }*/
            vc2 = vcodes.VCode2;

            /*for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
             *      CatDebug.NativeBlowfish = true;
             *      watchNative.Start();
             *      vc2 = vcodes.VCode2;
             *      watchNative.Stop();
             *      CatDebug.NativeBlowfish = false;
             *      CatDebug.ManagedBlowfishRound = true;
             *      watchManaged.Start();
             *      vc2 = vcodes.VCode2;
             *      watchManaged.Stop();
             *      CatDebug.ManagedBlowfishRound = false;
             *      watchManaged2.Start();
             *      vc2 = vcodes.VCode2;
             *      watchManaged2.Stop();
             * }
             * Console.WriteLine(watchNative.ElapsedMilliseconds);
             * Console.WriteLine(watchManaged.ElapsedMilliseconds);
             * Console.WriteLine(watchManaged2.ElapsedMilliseconds);*/

            string       kajitsuDir    = @"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\The Fruit of Grisaia";
            string       kajitsuExe    = "Grisaia.exe";
            VCodes       kajitsoVCodes = VCodes.Load(Path.Combine(kajitsuDir, kajitsuExe));
            string       hg3Key        = "bg15n_d.hg3";
            KifintLookup images        = KifintArchive.LoadLookup(KifintType.Image, kajitsuDir, kajitsoVCodes.VCode2);
            Stopwatch    watch1        = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch    watch2        = new Stopwatch();

            CatDebug.SpeedTestHgx   = true;
            CatDebug.NativeBlowfish = true;
            //var entr = images[hg3Key];
            Stopwatch w1 = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch w2 = new Stopwatch();

            using (KifintStream kifintStream = new KifintStream()) {
                int index = 0;
                foreach (var entry in images.Take(25))
                    //if (entry.Length < 100000)
                    //	continue;
                    if (entry.Extension != ".hg3")
                    //if (entry.FileNameWithoutExtension != "yum011a")
                    //	continue;
                    //if (index % 25 == 0)
                    //	Console.Write($"\r{index}");

                    //int loops = 1;// Math.Max(Math.Min(2000, 5 * 26000000 / entry.Length), 5);
                    //Console.WriteLine($"{entry} Loops={loops}");

                    CatDebug.StreamExtract = false;
                    //for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++)
                    entry.ExtractHgxAndImages(kifintStream, "hg3", HgxOptions.None);                            //.CopyTo(Stream.Null);
                    //Console.WriteLine($"Extract: {w.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");

                    CatDebug.StreamExtract = true;
                    //for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++)
                    entry.ExtractHgxAndImages(kifintStream, "hg3", HgxOptions.None);                            //.CopyTo(Stream.Null);
                    //Console.WriteLine($" Stream: {w.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
                foreach (var entry in images)
                    //if (entry.Length < 100000)
                    //	continue;
                    if (entry.Extension != ".hg3")
                    //if (entry.FileNameWithoutExtension != "yum011a")
                    //	continue;
                    if (index % 25 == 0)

                    int loops = 1;                    // Math.Max(Math.Min(2000, 5 * 26000000 / entry.Length), 5);
                    //Console.WriteLine($"{entry} Loops={loops}");

                    CatDebug.StreamExtract = false;
                    //for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++)
                    entry.ExtractHgxAndImages(kifintStream, "hg3", HgxOptions.None);                            //.CopyTo(Stream.Null);
                    //Console.WriteLine($"Extract: {w.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");

                    CatDebug.StreamExtract = true;
                    //for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++)
                    entry.ExtractHgxAndImages(kifintStream, "hg3", HgxOptions.None);                            //.CopyTo(Stream.Null);
                    //Console.WriteLine($" Stream: {w.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
                Console.WriteLine($"Extract: {w1.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
                Console.WriteLine($" Stream: {w2.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");

            /*for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
             *      CatDebug.ManagedBlowfishRound = true;
             *      watch1.Reset();
             *      watch2.Reset();
             *      for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
             *              watch1.Start();
             *              imageLookup[hg3Key].ExtractHg3AndImages("hg3", HgxOptions.None);
             *              watch1.Stop();
             *              watch2.Start();
             *              using (var stream = KifintArchive.ExtractToStream(new KifintStream(), imageLookup[hg3Key]))
             *                      HgxImage.ExtractImages(stream, hg3Key, "hg3", HgxOptions.None);
             *              watch2.Stop();
             *      }
             *      Console.WriteLine(watch1.ElapsedMilliseconds);
             *      Console.WriteLine(watch2.ElapsedMilliseconds);
             *      CatDebug.ManagedBlowfishRound = false;
             *      watch1.Reset();
             *      watch2.Reset();
             *      for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
             *              watch1.Start();
             *              imageLookup[hg3Key].ExtractHg3AndImages("hg3", HgxOptions.None);
             *              watch1.Stop();
             *              watch2.Start();
             *              using (var stream = KifintArchive.ExtractToStream(new KifintStream(), imageLookup[hg3Key]))
             *                      HgxImage.ExtractImages(stream, hg3Key, "hg3", HgxOptions.None);
             *              watch2.Stop();
             *      }
             *      Console.WriteLine(watch1.ElapsedMilliseconds);
             *      Console.WriteLine(watch2.ElapsedMilliseconds);
             * }*/
            images = null;

            using (KifintStream kifintStream = new KifintStream()) {
                KifintLookup movies;

                //CatDebug.NativeBlowfish = true;
                CatDebug.ManagedBlowfishRound = true;
                movies = KifintArchive.LoadLookup(KifintType.Movie, @"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia", vc2);
                foreach (KifintEntry movie in movies)
                    //movie.ExtractToFile(kifintStream, "mov.mpg");

                //CatDebug.NativeBlowfish = true;
                CatDebug.ManagedBlowfishRound = false;
                movies = KifintArchive.LoadLookup(KifintType.Movie, @"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia", vc2);
                foreach (KifintEntry movie in movies)
                    //movie.ExtractToFile(kifintStream, "mov.mpg");

                //CatDebug.NativeBlowfish = false;
                CatDebug.ManagedBlowfishRound = false;
                movies = KifintArchive.LoadLookup(KifintType.Movie, @"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia", vc2);
                foreach (KifintEntry movie in movies)
                    //movie.ExtractToFile(kifintStream, "mov.mpg");

                /*CatDebug.NativeBlowfish = true;
                 * movies = KifintArchive.LoadLookup(KifintType.Movie, @"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia", vc2);
                 * GC.Collect();
                 * watchNative.Restart();
                 * foreach (KifintEntry movie in movies) {
                 *      using (var fs = File.Create("mov.mpg"))
                 *              KifintArchive.ExtractToStream(kifintStream, movie, fs);
                 * }
                 * Console.WriteLine(watchNative.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                 * CatDebug.NativeBlowfish = false;
                 * movies = KifintArchive.LoadLookup(KifintType.Movie, @"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia", vc2);
                 * GC.Collect();
                 * watchManaged.Restart();
                 * foreach (KifintEntry movie in movies) {
                 *      using (var fs = File.Create("mov.mpg"))
                 *              KifintArchive.ExtractToStream(kifintStream, movie, fs);
                 * }
                 * Console.WriteLine(watchManaged.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                 * GC.Collect();*/
            Random    random    = new Random();
            const int rngLength = 1024 * 64;

            byte[] rngBytesOrigin = new byte[rngLength];
            byte[] rngBytes       = new byte[rngLength];
            byte[] rngUints       = new byte[rngLength];
            byte[] rngBytesAdd    = new byte[rngLength];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(rngBytesOrigin, 0, rngBytes, 0, rngLength);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(rngBytesOrigin, 0, rngUints, 0, rngLength);
            unchecked {
                    fixed(byte *pRngBytesAdd = rngBytesAdd)
                    fixed(byte *pRngBytes = rngUints)
                        uint *pRngUintsAdd = (uint *)pRngBytesAdd;
                        uint *pRngUints    = (uint *)pRngBytes;

                        for (int i = 0; i < rngLength / 4; i++)
                            pRngUints[i] += pRngUintsAdd[i];

                        /*for (int i = 0; i < rngLength; i++) {
                         *      pRngBytes[i] += pRngBytesAdd[i];
                         * }*/
                    for (int i = 0; i < rngLength; i++)
                        rngBytes[i] += rngBytesAdd[i];

            /*for (int i = 0; i < rngLength; i++) {
             *      if (rngBytes[i] != rngUints[i])
             *              Console.WriteLine(i);
             * }*/
            bool isEqual = rngBytes.SequenceEqual(rngUints);

            /*string vcode22 = VCodes.FindVCode2(@"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)\Grisaia2.bin.bak");
             * Kifint.DecryptLookup(KifintType.Image, @"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia", vcode22);
             * Kifint.DecryptLookup(KifintType.Image, @"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia", vcode22, csBlowfish: true);
             * var ll = Kifint.DecryptLookup(KifintType.Image, @"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia", vcode22);
             * var lll = Kifint.DecryptLookup(KifintType.Image, @"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia", vcode22, csBlowfish: true);
             * for (int i = 0; i < ll.Count; i++) {
             * }*/
            HgxImage.ExtractImages("sys_flipped.hg3", "imgv", HgxOptions.Flip).SaveJsonToDirectory("imgv");
            HgxImage.ExtractImages("sys_flipped.hg3", "imgnv", HgxOptions.None).SaveJsonToDirectory("imgnv");
            //HgxImage.ExtractImages("img_flipped.hg3", "img2", HgxOptions.None).SaveJsonToDirectory("img2");
            //HgxImage.ExtractImages("img_notflipped.hg3", "img2", HgxOptions.None).SaveJsonToDirectory("img2");
            IEnumerable <string> hg3Files = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)\image", "*.hg3");
            //hg3Files = hg3Files.Take(100);
            int take = 100;

            try {
                foreach (string hg3File in hg3Files.Take(10))
                    HgxImage.ExtractImages(hg3File, "img", HgxOptions.None);

                /*Stopwatch hg3Watch = HgxImage.ProcessImageWatch; hg3Watch.Reset();
                 * for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                 *      foreach (string hg3File in hg3Files.Take(take))
                 *              HgxImage.ExtractImages(hg3File, "img", false);
                 *      Console.WriteLine(hg3Watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); hg3Watch.Reset();
                 * }*/
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
            HgxImage.ExtractImages(@"C:\Programs\Tools\CatSystem2_v401\tool\img_test2.hg3", ".", HgxOptions.None);
            //StringsScraper.BinaryScrape("cs2_open.exe", "strings/null/cs2", 0x5B6458, 0x5B7558);
            //StringsScraper.BinarySearch("cs2_open.exe", "page");
            //foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Programs\Tools\CatSystem2_v401\system\scene", "*.cst")) {
            foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)\scene", "*.cst"))
                CstScene scene2 = CstScene.Extract(file);
                foreach (ISceneLine line in scene2)
                    if (line.Type == SceneLineType.Page)

            /*using (FileStream fp = File.OpenRead("mc.exe")) {
             *      BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fp);
             *      while (!fp.IsEndOfStream()) {
             *              ushort type = reader.ReadUInt16();
             *              if (type == 0x0301) {
             *                      Console.WriteLine($"{fp.Position:X8}");
             *              }
             *      }
             * }*/
            //byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes("mc.exe");
            //for (int i = 0; i <)
            //StringsScraper.BinarySearch("mc.exe", "page");
            CstScene scene = CstScene.Extract(@"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)\scene\ama_006.cst");

            foreach (ISceneLine line in scene)
                if (line.Type == SceneLineType.Command)
                    var command = (ISceneCommand)line;
            //var h = LoadLibrary(@"C:\Users\Onii-chan\AppData\Local\Temp\TriggersToolsGames\CatSystem2\asmodean.dll");
            var hg3 = HgxImage.ExtractImages(@"C:\Programs\Tools\CatSystem2_v401\system\image\sys_confirm.hg3", ".", HgxOptions.None);

            grisaiaInstallDir = @"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)";
            grisaiaExe        = Path.Combine(grisaiaInstallDir, "Grisaia2.bin.bak");
            grisaiaConfigInt  = Path.Combine(grisaiaInstallDir, "config.int");
            grisaiaVCodes     = VCodes.Load(grisaiaExe);
            //KifintLookup lookup = Kifint.DecryptLookup(KifintType.Config, grisaiaInstallDir, grisaiaVCodes.VCode2);

            /*File.Copy("startup2.xml", "startup.xml", true);
             * var patcher = new ResolveXmlCommentErrorsPatch("startup.xml");
             * var patcher2 = new CS2XmlDebugPatch("startup.xml", true, "TriggersTools.CatSystem2.Patcher.Resources.CS2");
             * patcher.Patch();
             * patcher2.Patch();
             * Console.WriteLine("FINISHED");
             * Console.ReadLine();
             * for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
             *      Stopwatch swatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
             *      //var vcodes = VCodes.Load(@"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)\Grisaia2.bin");
             *      string exeFile = CatUtils.FindCatExecutable(@"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)");
             *      Console.WriteLine(swatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
             *      Console.WriteLine(exeFile ?? string.Empty);
             * }
             * Console.ReadLine();*/
            //vcodes.Save(@"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)\Grisaia2.bin");
            //File.WriteAllText("vcodes.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(vcodes, Formatting.Indented));
            //vcodes.KeyCode = vcodes.KeyCode;
            //vcodes.KeyCode = new byte[4] { 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1 };
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) {
                BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(ms);
                BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(ms);
                ms.Position = 0;
                byte[] buffer = reader.ReadBytes(4);
                int[]  ints   = new int[1];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, ints, 0, 4);
            //ushort us = 1;
            byte[] bs = { 1, 0 };
            byte[] decompressedA;
            //byte[] decompressedB;
            var hg3Img = HgxImage.ExtractImages(@"C:\Programs\Tools\CatSystem2_v401\psds\BA01_1.hg3",
                                                "hg3", HgxOptions.None);

            Console.OutputEncoding = CatUtils.ShiftJIS;

            /*ZTPatcher zt2 = new ZTPatcher {
             *      InstallDir = ".",
             * };
             * zt2.Patch();
             * WGCPatcher wgc2 = new WGCPatcher {
             *      InstallDir = ".",
             * };
             * wgc2.Patch();*/
            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("strings/wgc/binary.txt");
            lines = File.ReadAllLines("strings/zt/binary.txt");
            //StringsScraper.BinarySearch("WGC.exe", "img_jpg");//256C28, 256C8C

            /*BinaryRange[] rangess = {
             *      new BinaryRange(0x211DD4, 0x211DEC),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x211E54, 0x211FA8),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x212078, 0x212138),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x212154, 0x2121A0),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x2122F0, 0x212204),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x212304, 0x2123C4),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x2123D8, 0x2123F4),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x21C300, 0x21C31C),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x25BAF8, 0x25BD20),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x25BD60, 0x25BD90),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x25BDD0, 0x25BDF4),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x25BE90, 0x25BFC0),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x25C00C, 0x25C118),
             * };
             * StringsScraper.BinaryScrape("WGC.exe", "strings/wgc", rangess); //2120A0
             * Console.ReadLine();
             * StringsScraper.BinaryScrape("ztpack.exe", "strings/zt", 0x344AC, 0x345F8);*/

            /*var resInfo = new ResourceInfo("cs2_open_en.exe");
             * File.Copy("cs2_open_en.exe", "cs2_open_en2.exe", true);
             * Thread.Sleep(400);
             * resInfo.Save("cs2_open_en2.exe");
             * var menuRes = new MenuResource("cs2_open.exe", 105, 1041);
             * var dialogRes = new DialogResource("cs2_open.exe", 201, 1041);
             * var menu = (MenuTemplate) menuRes.Template;
             * var dialog = (DialogExTemplate) dialogRes.Template;
             * dialog.Caption = "Hello World!";
             * dialog.Controls[0].CaptionId = "OK WORLD!";
             * dialog.Controls[1].HelpId = 25;
             * menu.MenuItems[0].MenuString = "Hello World!";
             * menu.MenuItems.Add(new MenuTemplateItemPopup {
             *      MenuString = "Popup",
             *      MenuItems = {
             *              new MenuTemplateItemCommand {
             *                      IsSeparator = true,
             *              },
             *              new MenuTemplateItemCommand {
             *                      MenuString = "Do Nothing",
             *                      MenuId = 2555,
             *              },
             *      },
             * });
             * //IntPtr ptr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(null);
             * //File.Copy("cs2_open.exe", "cs2_open2.exe", true);
             * Thread.Sleep(400);
             * Resource.SaveTo("cs2_open_en2.exe", new Resource[] { menuRes, dialogRes });*/

            /*CS2Patcher cs2Patcher = new CS2Patcher {
             *      InstallDir = ".",
             * };
             * Console.WriteLine(cs2Patcher.Patch());
             * Console.WriteLine("FINISHED");
             * WGCPatcher wgc = new WGCPatcher {
             *      InstallDir = ".",
             * };
             * Console.WriteLine(wgc.Patch());
             * Console.WriteLine("FINISHED");
             * Console.ReadLine();*/
            //ResourceInfo reInfo = new ResourceInfo();
            //reInfo.Load(@"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)\Grisaia2.bin.bak");

             * /*using (var s = File.OpenRead(@"C:\Programs\Tools\CatSystem2_v401\psds\CS2用_キャラクター立ち絵2.psd")) {
             *      BinaryReverseReader2 reader = new BinaryReverseReader2(s);
             *      while (!s.IsEndOfStream()) {
             *              int sh = reader.ReadInt32();
             *              if (sh == 930)
             *                      Console.WriteLine($"{s.Position:X8}");
             *      }
             * }*/

            /*	Console.OutputEncoding = CatUtils.ShiftJIS;
             * Document psd = new Document(@"C:\Programs\Tools\CatSystem2_v401\psds\CS2用_キャラクター立ち絵.psd");
             * psd.SaveXml("psd.xml", false);
             * foreach (var layer in psd.Layers) {
             *      Console.WriteLine(layer.Name);
             * }*/
            //Document psd2 = new Document(@"C:\Programs\Tools\CatSystem2_v401\tool\img_test.psd");
            //psd2.SaveXml("psd.xml", false);
            //Document psd2 = new Document(@"C:\Programs\Tools\CatSystem2_v401\tool\img_test.psd");
            //StringsScraper.BinarySearch("WGC.exe", "選択されたファイルをリストから");
            //StringsScraper.BinaryScrape("WGC.exe", "strings/wgc", 0x211000, 0x212F00);
            //StringsScraper.BinaryScrape("WGC.exe", "strings/wgc", 0x256000, 0x1000000);
            //StringsScraper.BinarySearch("WGC.exe", "mode");//21220C
            //string vcode = VCodes.FindVCode(@"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)\Grisaia2.bin.bak");
            string vcode2 = VCodes.FindVCode2(@"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)\Grisaia2.bin.bak");
            var    hg     = HgxImage.ExtractImages(@"C:\Programs\Tools\CatSystem2_v401\tool\img_test2.hg3", ".", HgxOptions.None);

            hg = HgxImage.Extract(@"C:\Programs\Tools\CatSystem2_v401\system\image\sys_confirm.hg3");
            //int iiii = int.Parse("FFFFFFFF", NumberStyles.HexNumber);
            hg = HgxImage.Extract(@"C:\Programs\Games\Frontwing\Labyrinth of Grisaia - Copy (2)\image\Tmic1cs_6.hg3");
            byte[] zt = File.ReadAllBytes("zt.zt");

            /*using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) {
             *      BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(ms);
             *      writer.Write(zt.Take(0x110).ToArray());
             *      writer.Write(zt.Skip(0x110).Take(0x194 - 0x110).ToArray());
             *      ms.Position = 0;
             *      writer.Write(405);
             *      writer.Write(0);
             *      writer.Write()
             *      ms.Position = 404;
             *      writer.Write((byte) 0);
             *      writer.Write(zt.Skip(404).ToArray());
             *      //ms.Position = 0x110;
             *      //writer.Write(123233);
             *      zt = ms.ToArray();
             * }*/
            //File.WriteAllBytes("zt2.zt", zt);
            var ztpackage = ZtPackage.ExtractFiles("zt.zt", "ztout");


            /*using (FileStream fs = File.Create("out.zt")) {
             *      long offset = 0x100000194;
             *      BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(fs);
             *      writer.Write(zt.Take(0x194).ToArray());
             *      fs.Position = offset;
             *      writer.Write(zt.Skip(0x194).ToArray());
             * }*/

            /*CS2Patcher cs2 = new CS2Patcher {
             *      InstallDir = ".",
             * };
             * //Console.WriteLine(cs2.Patch("cs2_open.exe", "cs2_open_en.exe"));
             * Console.WriteLine(cs2.Patch());
             * Console.WriteLine("FINISHED");
             * Console.ReadLine();*/
            /*using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText("ranges_out.txt")) {
             *      List<int> starts = new List<int>();
             *      List<int> ends = new List<int>();
             *      Regex regex = new Regex(@"\t\t// 0x(?'start'[A-Fa-f0-9]+), 0x(?'end'[A-Fa-f0-9]+)");
             *      foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines("ranges.txt")) {
             *              Match match = regex.Match(line);
             *              if (match.Success) {
             *                      starts.Add(int.Parse(match.Groups["start"].Value, NumberStyles.HexNumber));
             *                      ends.Add(int.Parse(match.Groups["end"].Value, NumberStyles.HexNumber));
             *                      if (starts.Last() >= ends.Last())
             *                              throw new Exception();
             *              }
             *      }
             *      for (int i = 0; i < starts.Count; i++) {
             *              int start1 = starts[i];
             *              int end1 = ends[i];
             *              if (start1 >= end1)
             *                      throw new Exception();
             *              for (int j = 0; j < starts.Count; j++) {
             *                      if (i == j)
             *                              continue;
             *                      int start2 = starts[j];
             *                      int end2 = ends[j];
             *                      if (start1 >= start2 && start1 <= end2)
             *                              throw new Exception();
             *                      if (end1 >= start2 && end1 <= end2)
             *                              throw new Exception();
             *              }
             *      }
             *      starts.Sort();
             *      ends.Sort();
             *      for (int i = 0; i < starts.Count; i++) {
             *              int start = starts[i];
             *              int end = ends[i];
             *              writer.WriteLine($"new BinaryRange(0x{start:X6}, 0x{end:X6}),");
             *      }
             *      writer.Flush();
             * }
             * Console.WriteLine("FINISHED");
             * Console.ReadLine();
             * CS2Patcher cs2 = new CS2Patcher {
             *      Executable = "cs2_open.exe",
             * };
             * Console.WriteLine(cs2.Patch());
             * Console.WriteLine("FINISHED");
             * Console.ReadLine();*/
            /*var ranges = new BinaryRange[] {
             *      new BinaryRange(0x58CFA0, 0x58CFC0),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x590960, 0x590B7C),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x590C14, 0x590C38),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x590CA0, 0x590D9C),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x590E14, 0x591120),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x591160, 0x5911BC),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5911FC, 0x59122C),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x59126C, 0x59144C),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5914F4, 0x59158C),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5915E8, 0x59164C),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5917B0, 0x5917E8),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x591864, 0x591890),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x591944, 0x5919CC),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5919F0, 0x591AE0),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x591B04, 0x591BA0),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x591BD4, 0x591C64),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x591C88, 0x591D18),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x591D3C, 0x591DD0),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x591FD8, 0x592000),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5920E8, 0x59211C),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x59259C, 0x59263C),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5962C4, 0x596334),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x596368, 0x596388),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5963B8, 0x59645C),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x596638, 0x5967A4),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x596970, 0x596C44),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x596F9C, 0x597334),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x597380, 0x59754C),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x59797C, 0x597AF8),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x597C20, 0x597D84),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x597DB0, 0x597E10),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x597E78, 0x597FB4),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x597FC8, 0x5980EC),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x598130, 0x5981C0),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x598270, 0x598328),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x598370, 0x5988B4),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x598988, 0x598B14),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x598BA8, 0x598C04),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x598DEC, 0x598F20),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x598F34, 0x5990CC),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x599204, 0x599220),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5992AC, 0x599384),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5993E0, 0x599470),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x599500, 0x5997C0),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5AFC20, 0x5AFC48),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5AFD00, 0x5AFE24),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5B02EC, 0x5B03D0),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5B0814, 0x5B0880),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5B0A48, 0x5B0AAC),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5B25E8, 0x5B27D0),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5B2844, 0x5B28DC),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5B2BC8, 0x5B2BD8),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5B3480, 0x5B34B8),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5B3578, 0x5B35B4),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5B4324, 0x5B4420),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5B4518, 0x5B4534),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5B464C, 0x5B4850),
             *      new BinaryRange(0x5B4FB4, 0x5B50D4),
             * };*/
            /*Console.OutputEncoding = CatUtils.ShiftJIS;
             * StringsScraper.ResourceScrape("cs2_open.exe", "strings/cs2");
             * Console.WriteLine("FINISHED");
             * Console.ReadLine();*/
            //StringsScraper.BinaryScrape("cs2_open.exe", "strings/cs2", ranges);
            //StringsScraper.BinarySearch("cs2_open.exe", "--全て表示--");//596368
            //StringsScraper.BinaryScrape("cs2_open.exe", "strings/cs2", 0x596368, 0x596388);
            // 0x5990E0, 0x5990E4 (?)

            // 0x599500, 0x5997C0
            // 0x5993E0, 0x599470
            // 0x5992AC, 0x599384
            // 0x599204, 0x599220
            // 0x598F34, 0x5990CC
            // 0x598DEC, 0x598F20
            // 0x598BA8, 0x598C04
            // 0x598988, 0x598B14
            // 0x598370, 0x5988B4
            // 0x598270, 0x598328
            // 0x598130, 0x5981C0
            // 0x597FC8, 0x5980EC
            // 0x597E78, 0x597FB4
            // 0x597DB0, 0x597E10
            // 0x597C20, 0x597D84
            // 0x59797C, 0x597AF8
            // 0x597380, 0x59754C
            // 0x596F9C, 0x597334
            // 0x596970, 0x596C44
            // 0x596638, 0x5967A4
            // 0x5963B8, 0x59645C
            // 0x596368, 0x596388
            // 0x5962C4, 0x596334
            // 0x59259C, 0x59263C
            // 0x5920E8, 0x59211C
            // 0x591FD8, 0x592000
            // 0x591D3C, 0x591DD0
            // 0x591C88, 0x591D18
            // 0x591BD4, 0x591C64
            // 0x591B04, 0x591BA0
            // 0x5919F0, 0x591AE0
            // 0x591944, 0x5919CC
            // 0x591864, 0x591890
            // 0x5917B0, 0x5917E8
            // 0x5915E8, 0x59164C
            // 0x5914F4, 0x59158C
            // 0x59126C, 0x59144C
            // 0x5911FC, 0x59122C
            // 0x591160, 0x5911BC
            // 0x590E14, 0x591120
            // 0x590CA0, 0x590D9C
            // 0x590C14, 0x590C38
            // 0x590960, 0x590B7C
            // 0x58CFA0, 0x58CFC0

            // 0x5B4FB4, 0x5B50D4
            // 0x5B464C, 0x5B4850
            // 0x5B4518, 0x5B4534
            // 0x5B4324, 0x5B4420
            // 0x5B3578, 0x5B35B4
            // 0x5B3480, 0x5B34B8
            // 0x5B2BC8, 0x5B2BD8
            // 0x5B2844, 0x5B28DC
            // 0x5B25E8, 0x5B27D0
            // 0x5B0A48, 0x5B0AAC
            // 0x5B0814, 0x5B0880
            // 0x5B02EC, 0x5B03D0
            // 0x5AFD00, 0x5AFE24
            // 0x5AFC20, 0x5AFC48

            // 0x, 0x
            // 0x, 0x
            // 0x, 0x
            // 0x, 0x
            // 0x, 0x
            // 0x, 0x
            // 0x, 0x
            // 0x, 0x
            // 0x, 0x
            // 0x, 0x
            // 0x, 0x
            // 0x, 0x
            // 0x, 0x
            // 0x, 0x

            /*StringsScraper.BinaryScrape("mc.exe", "strings/mc", 0x1AEE8, 0x1B1F4);
             * Console.Read();
             * Environment.Exit(0);*/
            //StringsScraper.BinarySearch("fes.exe", "画面スクリプト(fes)コンバータ fes.exe\n");
            //StringsScraper.BinaryScrape("fes.exe", "strings/fes", 0x3D828, 0x3DC68);

            /*ACPatcher ac = new ACPatcher {
             *      InstallDir = ".",
             * };
             * Console.WriteLine(ac.Patch());
             * //Console.ReadLine();
             * //Console.Clear();
             * MCPatcher mc = new MCPatcher {
             *      InstallDir = ".",
             * };
             * Console.WriteLine(mc.Patch());
             * //Console.ReadLine();
             * //Console.Clear();
             * FESPatcher fes = new FESPatcher {
             *      InstallDir = ".",
             * };
             * Console.WriteLine(fes.Patch());*/
            //WGCPatcher wgc = new WGCPatcher {
            //	InstallDir = ".",
Exemplo n.º 46
        /// <summary>
        /// Overridden ProcessRecord method.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            switch (ParameterSetName)
            case "infoonly":
                if (ProcessId != -1)
                    WriteObject(QueryThreadInformation(ProcessId), true);
                    WriteObject(QueryThreadInformation(), true);

            case "current":
                WriteObject(GetCurrentThread(Access, PseudoHandle));

            case "all":
                IEnumerable <NtThread> threads = NtThread.GetThreads(Access, FromSystem);
                if (FilterScript == null && First <= 0)
                    WriteObject(threads, true);
                    using (var ths = new DisposableList <NtThread>(threads))
                        threads = ths;
                        if (FilterScript != null)
                            threads = threads.Where(t => ArbitraryFilter(t, FilterScript));
                        if (First > 0)
                            threads = threads.Take(First);

                        WriteObject(threads.Select(t => t.Duplicate()).ToArray(), true);

            case "pid":
                using (NtProcess process = NtProcess.Open(ProcessId, ProcessAccessRights.MaximumAllowed))
                    WriteObject(process.GetThreads(), true);

            case "tid":
                if (ProcessId != -1)
                    WriteObject(NtThread.Open(ProcessId, ThreadId, Access));
                    WriteObject(NtThread.Open(ThreadId, Access));

            case "next":
                WriteObject(NextThread?.GetNextThread(Process, Access) ?? Process.GetFirstThread(Access));
        public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            if (this.Workspace != null)
                this.WorkspaceId = this.Workspace.Id;

                this.Logger.WriteDebug($"Using {nameof(this.Workspace)} object to get {nameof(this.WorkspaceId)} parameter. Value: {this.WorkspaceId}");

            if (this.Id != default)
                this.Filter = $"id eq '{this.Id}'";

            if (this.Name != default)
                this.Filter = $"tolower(name) eq '{this.Name.ToLower()}'";

            IEnumerable <Dataflow> dataflows = null;

            using (var client = this.CreateClient())
                if (this.WorkspaceId != default)
                    dataflows = this.Scope == PowerBIUserScope.Organization ?
                                client.Dataflows.GetDataflowsAsAdminForWorkspace(this.WorkspaceId, filter: this.Filter, top: this.First, skip: this.Skip) :
                else if (this.Scope == PowerBIUserScope.Organization)
                    // No workspace id - Works only for organization scope
                    dataflows = client.Dataflows.GetDataflowsAsAdmin(filter: this.Filter, top: this.First, skip: this.Skip);

            // In individual scope - filter the results locally
            if (this.Scope == PowerBIUserScope.Individual)
                if (this.Id != default)
                    dataflows = dataflows?.Where(d => this.Id == d.Id);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Name))
                    dataflows = dataflows?.Where(d => d.Name.Equals(this.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                if (this.Skip.HasValue)
                    dataflows = dataflows?.Skip(this.Skip.Value);

                if (this.First.HasValue)
                    dataflows = dataflows?.Take(this.First.Value);

            this.Logger.WriteObject(dataflows, true);
Exemplo n.º 48
 public static T[] TakeArray <T>(this IEnumerable <T> src, int length)
 => src.Take(length).ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 49
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TruncatedCollection{T}"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">The collection to be truncated.</param>
 /// <param name="pageSize">The page size.</param>
 public TruncatedCollection(IEnumerable <T> source, int pageSize)
     : base(source.Take(checked (pageSize + 1)))
Exemplo n.º 50
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the specified request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The request.</param>
        /// <returns>Task{ItemsResult}.</returns>
        protected QueryResult <BaseItemDto> GetResult(GetItemsByName request)
            var dtoOptions = GetDtoOptions(AuthorizationContext, request);

            User     user = null;
            BaseItem parentItem;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.UserId))
                user       = UserManager.GetUserById(request.UserId);
                parentItem = string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.ParentId) ? LibraryManager.GetUserRootFolder() : LibraryManager.GetItemById(request.ParentId);
                parentItem = string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.ParentId) ? LibraryManager.RootFolder : LibraryManager.GetItemById(request.ParentId);

            IList <BaseItem> items;

            var excludeItemTypes = request.GetExcludeItemTypes();
            var includeItemTypes = request.GetIncludeItemTypes();
            var mediaTypes       = request.GetMediaTypes();

            var query = new InternalItemsQuery(user)
                ExcludeItemTypes = excludeItemTypes,
                IncludeItemTypes = includeItemTypes,
                MediaTypes       = mediaTypes,
                DtoOptions       = dtoOptions

            Func <BaseItem, bool> filter = i => FilterItem(request, i, excludeItemTypes, includeItemTypes, mediaTypes);

            if (parentItem.IsFolder)
                var folder = (Folder)parentItem;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.UserId))
                    items = request.Recursive ?
                            folder.GetRecursiveChildren(user, query).ToList() :
                            folder.GetChildren(user, true).Where(filter).ToList();
                    items = request.Recursive ?
                            folder.GetRecursiveChildren(filter) :
                items = new[] { parentItem }.Where(filter).ToList();

            var extractedItems = GetAllItems(request, items);

            var filteredItems = FilterItems(request, extractedItems, user);

            filteredItems = LibraryManager.Sort(filteredItems, user, request.GetOrderBy());

            var ibnItemsArray = filteredItems.ToList();

            IEnumerable <BaseItem> ibnItems = ibnItemsArray;

            var result = new QueryResult <BaseItemDto>
                TotalRecordCount = ibnItemsArray.Count

            if (request.StartIndex.HasValue || request.Limit.HasValue)
                if (request.StartIndex.HasValue)
                    ibnItems = ibnItems.Skip(request.StartIndex.Value);

                if (request.Limit.HasValue)
                    ibnItems = ibnItems.Take(request.Limit.Value);

            var tuples = ibnItems.Select(i => new Tuple <BaseItem, List <BaseItem> >(i, new List <BaseItem>()));

            var dtos = tuples.Select(i => DtoService.GetItemByNameDto(i.Item1, dtoOptions, i.Item2, user));

            result.Items = dtos.Where(i => i != null).ToArray();

Exemplo n.º 51
 public BasePostModel(PostType type, string text, IEnumerable <string> attachments)
     Type        = type;
     Text        = text;
     Attachments = attachments?.Take(10).ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 52
        /// <summary>
        /// Get an enumerator that returns all of the files that match the wildcards that
        /// are in any of the directories to be searched.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An IEnumerable that returns all matching files one by one.</returns>
        /// <remarks>The enumerator that is returned finds files using a lazy algorithm that
        /// searches directories incrementally as matches are consumed.</remarks>
        public IEnumerable <FileInfo> Matches(FileSortOptions sortOrder, TimeSpan minFileAge, int maxNumberOfFiles)
            // Set the search options depending on directory matches
            SearchOption searchOpt = SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly;

            if (IncludeSubDirs)
                searchOpt = SearchOption.AllDirectories;

            DirectoryInfo          diTop = new DirectoryInfo(m_path);
            IEnumerable <FileInfo> files = null;

            foreach (string filter in m_filterList)
                IEnumerable <FileInfo> tmpFiles = null;

                DateTime timeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow;

                // Only send files which are at least minFileAge old
                if (minFileAge != TimeSpan.Zero)
                    timeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(minFileAge);

                if (sortOrder == FileSortOptions.None)
                    tmpFiles = from file in diTop.EnumerateFiles(filter, searchOpt)
                               where file.CreationTimeUtc < timeStamp
                               select file;
                else if (sortOrder == FileSortOptions.CreationTimeUtcAscending)
                    // LINQ query to sort by CreationTime
                    tmpFiles = from file in diTop.EnumerateFiles(filter, searchOpt)
                               where file.CreationTimeUtc < timeStamp
                               orderby file.CreationTimeUtc ascending
                               select file;
                else if (sortOrder == FileSortOptions.CreationTimeUtcDescending)
                    tmpFiles = from file in diTop.EnumerateFiles(filter, searchOpt)
                               where file.CreationTimeUtc < timeStamp
                               orderby file.CreationTimeUtc descending
                               select file;
                else if (sortOrder == FileSortOptions.FileNameAscending)
                    tmpFiles = from file in diTop.EnumerateFiles(filter, searchOpt)
                               where file.CreationTimeUtc < timeStamp
                               orderby file.Name ascending
                               select file;
                else if (sortOrder == FileSortOptions.FileNameDescending)
                    tmpFiles = from file in diTop.EnumerateFiles(filter, searchOpt)
                               where file.CreationTimeUtc < timeStamp
                               orderby file.Name descending
                               select file;

                // Remove unwanted files
                if (!IncludeEmptyFiles)
                    tmpFiles = from file in tmpFiles where file.Length > 0 select file;

                if (!IncludeHiddenFiles)
                    tmpFiles = from file in tmpFiles where !file.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Hidden) select file;

                if (!IncludeReadOnlyFiles)
                    tmpFiles = from file in tmpFiles where !file.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.ReadOnly) select file;

                if (!IncludeSystemFiles)
                    tmpFiles = from file in tmpFiles where !file.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.System) select file;

                if (!IncludeTemporatyFiles)
                    tmpFiles = from file in tmpFiles where !file.Attributes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Temporary) select file;

                // Concatenate the files
                if (files != null)
                    files = files.Concat(tmpFiles);
                    files = tmpFiles;

            if (maxNumberOfFiles == -1)
Exemplo n.º 53
 public ExpandableListFull(IEnumerable <T> list, int pageSize)
     this.PageSize        = pageSize;
     this.HasMoreElements = list.Count() > pageSize;
     this.List            = list.Take(pageSize);
Exemplo n.º 54
        public override ProcedureBase GetTrampolineDestination(IEnumerable <RtlInstructionCluster> rdr, IRewriterHost host)
            var dasm = rdr.Take(8).ToArray();

            if (dasm.Length < 8)

            //ImmediateOperand immOp;
            //MemoryOperand memOp;

            throw new NotImplementedException();

             * //addi r12,r0,0000
             * instr = dasm[0].Instructions[0];
             * if (instr.Mnemonic != Mnemonic.addi)
             *  return null;
             * //oris r12,r12,0006
             * instr = dasm.DisassembleInstruction();
             * if (instr.Mnemonic != Mnemonic.oris)
             *  return null;
             * immOp = (ImmediateOperand) instr.op3;
             * uint aFuncDesc = immOp.Value.ToUInt32() << 16;
             * //lwz r12,nnnn(r12)
             * instr = dasm.DisassembleInstruction();
             * if (instr.Mnemonic != Mnemonic.lwz)
             *  return null;
             * memOp = (MemoryOperand)instr.op2;
             * int offset = memOp.Offset.ToInt32();
             * aFuncDesc = (uint)(aFuncDesc + offset);
             * //std r2,40(r1)
             * instr = dasm.DisassembleInstruction();
             * if (instr.Mnemonic != Mnemonic.std)
             *  return null;
             * //lwz r0,0(r12)
             * // Have a pointer to a trampoline
             * instr = dasm.DisassembleInstruction();
             * if (instr.Mnemonic != Mnemonic.lwz)
             *  return null;
             * //lwz r2,4(r12)
             * instr = dasm.DisassembleInstruction();
             * if (instr.Mnemonic != Mnemonic.lwz)
             *  return null;
             * // mtctr r0
             * instr = dasm.DisassembleInstruction();
             * if (instr.Mnemonic != Mnemonic.mtctr)
             *  return null;
             * // bcctr 14,00
             * instr = dasm.DisassembleInstruction();
             * if (instr.Mnemonic != Mnemonic.bcctr)
             *  return null;
             * // Read the function pointer from the function descriptor.
             * offset = (int)aFuncDesc - (int)rdr.Address.ToUInt32();
             * rdr.Offset = rdr.Offset + offset;
             * var aFn = rdr.ReadUInt32();
             * return null;
        public void Begin()
            if (CancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            FilePaths = SearchExtensions.SelectMany(searchPattern => Directory.EnumerateFiles(SearchDirectory, searchPattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly));
            //FilePaths = Directory.EnumerateFiles(SearchDirectory, SearchExtension, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

            if (FilePaths == null)
                throw new Exception("No files to process!");

            byte[]         bytes   = new byte[] { };
            ANS1PrivateKey ans1Key = null;
            StringBuilder  output  = new StringBuilder();

            List <string> filesToDelete = new List <string>();

            IEnumerable <string> pathBatch = FilePaths.Take(BatchSize);

            while (pathBatch.Any() && !CancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                foreach (string file in pathBatch)
                    bytes = GetEncodedBytes(file);

                    if (bytes == null)
                    else if (bytes == EmptyByteArray)
                        if (DeleteFiles)

                    using (ans1Key = new ANS1PrivateKey(bytes))


                        if (ExportOnlyPQ)
                            PrivateKeySerializer.WritePQDocument(output, ans1Key);
                            PrivateKeySerializer.WriteXMLDocument(output, ans1Key);

                        bytes = null;

                        if (DeleteFiles)

                File.AppendAllText(OutputFilename, output.ToString());
                bytes = null;

                if (DeleteFiles && filesToDelete.Any())
                    foreach (string file in filesToDelete)

                FilePaths = FilePaths.Skip(BatchSize);
                pathBatch = FilePaths.Take(BatchSize);
Exemplo n.º 56
 /// <summary>
 ///   Returns whether the sequence contains a certain amount of elements.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name = "T">The type of the elements of the input sequence.</typeparam>
 /// <param name = "source">The source for this extension method.</param>
 /// <param name = "count">The amount of elements the sequence should contain.</param>
 /// <returns>True when the sequence contains the specified amount of elements, false otherwise.</returns>
 public static bool HasCountOf <T>(this IEnumerable <T> source, int count)
     return(source.Take(count + 1).Count() == count);
 public IEnumerable <Clothes> GetPopularByLastMonth(int count)
Exemplo n.º 58
        public override async Task WriteAsync(TemplateScopeContext scope, PageBlockFragment block, CancellationToken token)
            if (block.Argument.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new NotSupportedException("'each' block requires the collection to iterate");

            var cache = (EachArg)scope.Context.Cache.GetOrAdd(block.ArgumentString, _ => ParseArgument(scope, block));

            var collection = cache.Source.Evaluate(scope, out var syncResult, out var asyncResult)
                ? (IEnumerable)syncResult
                : (IEnumerable)(await asyncResult);

            var index = 0;

            if (collection != null)
                if (cache.Where != null || cache.OrderBy != null || cache.OrderByDescending != null ||
                    cache.Skip != null || cache.Take != null)
                    var filteredResults = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();
                    foreach (var element in collection)
                        // Add all properties into scope if called without explicit in argument
                        var scopeArgs = !cache.HasExplicitBinding && CanExportScopeArgs(element)
                            ? element.ToObjectDictionary()
                            : new Dictionary <string, object>();

                        scopeArgs[cache.Binding] = element;
                        scopeArgs[nameof(index)] = AssertWithinMaxQuota(index++);
                        var itemScope = scope.ScopeWithParams(scopeArgs);

                        if (cache.Where != null)
                            var result = await cache.Where.EvaluateToBoolAsync(itemScope);

                            if (!result)


                    IEnumerable <Dictionary <string, object> > selectedResults = filteredResults;

                    var comparer = (IComparer <object>)Comparer <object> .Default;
                    if (cache.OrderBy != null)
                        var i = 0;
                        selectedResults = selectedResults.OrderBy(scopeArgs =>
                            scopeArgs[nameof(index)] = i++;
                        }, comparer);
                    else if (cache.OrderByDescending != null)
                        var i = 0;
                        selectedResults = selectedResults.OrderByDescending(scopeArgs =>
                            scopeArgs[nameof(index)] = i++;
                        }, comparer);

                    if (cache.Skip != null)
                        var skip = cache.Skip.Evaluate(scope).ConvertTo <int>();
                        selectedResults = selectedResults.Skip(skip);

                    if (cache.Take != null)
                        var take = cache.Take.Evaluate(scope).ConvertTo <int>();
                        selectedResults = selectedResults.Take(take);

                    index = 0;
                    foreach (var scopeArgs in selectedResults)
                        var itemScope = scope.ScopeWithParams(scopeArgs);
                        itemScope.ScopedParams[nameof(index)] = index++;
                        await WriteBodyAsync(itemScope, block, token);
                    foreach (var element in collection)
                        // Add all properties into scope if called without explicit in argument
                        var scopeArgs = !cache.HasExplicitBinding && CanExportScopeArgs(element)
                            ? element.ToObjectDictionary()
                            : new Dictionary <string, object>();

                        scopeArgs[cache.Binding] = element;
                        scopeArgs[nameof(index)] = AssertWithinMaxQuota(index++);
                        var itemScope = scope.ScopeWithParams(scopeArgs);

                        await WriteBodyAsync(itemScope, block, token);

            if (index == 0)
                await WriteElseAsync(scope, block.ElseBlocks, token);
Exemplo n.º 59
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the only element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence is empty or contains more than one element.
        /// </summary>
        public static TSource TheOneOrDefault <TSource>(this IEnumerable <TSource> source)
            var elements = source.Take(2).ToArray();

            return((elements.Length == 1) ? elements[0] : default(TSource));
Exemplo n.º 60
 public static IEnumerable <T> SkipLast <T>(this IEnumerable <T> This, int count)
     return(This.Take(This.Count() - count));