Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void LinkArgNameToValue(string argName, string propName, int index)
            values[index] = null;

            string property = propName;

            string[] split    = propName.Split('.');
            string   lastProp = split[split.Length - 1];

            if (split.Length > 1)
                split = split.Take(split.Length - 1).ToArray();
                split = null;

            System.Action <object[]> action = (object[] o) => {
                IEmitter arg = Root.GetArgument(argName);
                if (Reflector.GetPropValue(arg, propName) == null)
                    //string a = argName + "......." + propName + " .. "+index;
                //object val = GetPropValue(arg, propName).ToString();
                //Debug.Log(String.Format("Argument object {0} has value {1}", propName, val.ToString()));
                SetValue(Reflector.GetPropValue(arg, propName), index);
            Root.ChangeArguments += () => {
                // Register the "Value update"-Lambda with the Root element's argument with this name.
                // Deregister old lambda from the element.
                // TODO: if argument changes, we should deregister the addedAction.
                IEmitter arg = Root.GetArgument(argName);
                if (split != null)
                    string   join        = string.Join(".", split);
                    IEmitter lastEmitter = Reflector.GetPropValue(arg, join) as IEmitter; // TODO: try harder to find emitter (not is only the last)
                    if (lastEmitter == null)
                        Debug.LogWarningFormat("Property '{1}' of '{0}' is not an emitter ({2}).", argName, join, propName);
                        arg      = lastEmitter;
                        property = lastProp;

                if (addedAction.ContainsKey(index))
                    arg.RemoveAction("On" + property + "Changed", addedAction[index]);
                addedAction[index] = arg.AddAction("On" + property + "Changed", action);