Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Add the given board space to the game data
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="space">Board space</param>
 public void AddBoardSpace(IBoardSpace space)
     //add board space to the next space in the board array if there is space
     if (!CheckFullSpaces())
         boardSpaces[spaces] = space;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void CreateBoard()
            IBoardSpace[] boardSpaces = new IBoardSpace[] { new GoSpace(), new FreeParkingSpace() };
            Board         board       = new Board(boardSpaces);

            // correct spaces stored and retrieved
            IBoardSpace space = board.GetSpace(0);

            Assert.IsTrue(space is GoSpace);
            space = board.GetSpace(1);
            Assert.IsTrue(space is FreeParkingSpace);
            // free parking starts with £0
            Assert.AreEqual(0, board.PeekFreeParking());
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Board_FreeParking()
            IBoardSpace[] boardSpaces = new IBoardSpace[40];
            Board         board       = new Board(boardSpaces);

            // free parking starts at £0
            Assert.AreEqual(0, board.PeekFreeParking());
            // add £50 to free parking
            Assert.AreEqual(50, board.PeekFreeParking());
            // add another £200 to free parking
            Assert.AreEqual(250, board.PeekFreeParking());

            // receive and empty free parking funds
            int funds = board.ReceiveFreeParking();

            Assert.AreEqual(250, funds);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, board.PeekFreeParking());
Exemplo n.º 4
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        GameObject       controller       = GameObject.Find("GameController");
        ControllerScript controllerScript = controller.GetComponent <ControllerScript>();
        PropertyTycoon   game             = controllerScript.game;

        space = game.GetBoardSpace(spaceID);

        // dynamic text based on type of board space
        // assumes you're using Text Mesh Pro UGUI component
        if (space.GetType() == typeof(GoSpace))
            GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = spaceID + "\n\nGo!";
            Debug.Log("Found a go space");
        else if (space.GetType() == typeof(JailSpace))
            GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "Just Visiting / Jail Space";
        else if (space.GetType() == typeof(FreeParkingSpace))
            GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "Free Parking";
        else if (space.GetType() == typeof(PropertySpace))
            // cast and get property object and display name
            PropertySpace propertySpace = (PropertySpace)space;
            IProperty     property      = propertySpace.GetProperty();
            GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = spaceID + "\n\n\n" + property.GetPropertyName();
        else if (space.GetType() == typeof(InstructionSpace))
            // cast and get instruction object and display description
            InstructionSpace instructionSpace = (InstructionSpace)space;
            string           description      = instructionSpace.GetDescription();
            GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = spaceID + "\n\n" + description;
Exemplo n.º 5
        // making a default property tycoon game with 6 players
        public PropertyTycoon()
            // board hard coded from spreadsheet
            IBoardSpace[] spaces = new IBoardSpace[40];
            spaces[0]  = new GoSpace();
            spaces[1]  = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Crapper Street", 60, Colour.Brown, new int[] { 2, 10, 30, 90, 160, 250 }));
            spaces[2]  = new InstructionSpace("Pot Luck", new DrawCardAction(CardType.PotLuck));
            spaces[3]  = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Gangsters Paradise", 60, Colour.Brown, new int[] { 4, 20, 60, 180, 320, 450 }));
            spaces[4]  = new InstructionSpace("Income Tax £200", new PayAction(200, Recipient.Bank));
            spaces[5]  = new PropertySpace(new Station("Brighton Station", 200));
            spaces[6]  = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Weeping Angel", 100, Colour.Blue, new int[] { 6, 30, 90, 270, 400, 550 }));
            spaces[7]  = new InstructionSpace("Opportunity Knocks", new DrawCardAction(CardType.OpportunityKnocks));
            spaces[8]  = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Potts Avenue", 100, Colour.Blue, new int[] { 6, 30, 90, 270, 400, 550 }));
            spaces[9]  = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Nardole Drive", 120, Colour.Blue, new int[] { 8, 40, 100, 300, 450, 600 }));
            spaces[10] = new JailSpace();
            spaces[11] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Skywalker Drive", 140, Colour.Purple, new int[] { 10, 50, 150, 450, 625, 750 }));
            spaces[12] = new PropertySpace(new Utility("Tesla Power Co", 150));
            spaces[13] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Wookie Hole", 140, Colour.Purple, new int[] { 10, 50, 150, 450, 625, 750 }));
            spaces[14] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Rey Lane", 160, Colour.Purple, new int[] { 12, 60, 180, 500, 700, 900 }));
            spaces[15] = new PropertySpace(new Station("Hove Station", 200));
            spaces[16] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Cooper Drive", 200, Colour.Orange, new int[] { 14, 70, 200, 550, 750, 950 }));
            spaces[17] = new InstructionSpace("Pot Luck", new DrawCardAction(CardType.PotLuck));
            spaces[18] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Wolowitz Street", 180, Colour.Orange, new int[] { 14, 70, 200, 550, 750, 950 }));
            spaces[19] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Penny Lane", 200, Colour.Orange, new int[] { 16, 80, 220, 600, 800, 1000 }));
            spaces[20] = new FreeParkingSpace();
            spaces[21] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Yue Fei Square", 220, Colour.Red, new int[] { 18, 90, 250, 700, 875, 1050 }));
            spaces[22] = new InstructionSpace("Opportunity Knocks", new DrawCardAction(CardType.OpportunityKnocks));
            spaces[23] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Mulan Rouge", 220, Colour.Red, new int[] { 18, 90, 250, 700, 875, 1050 }));
            spaces[24] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Han Xin Gardens", 240, Colour.Red, new int[] { 20, 100, 300, 750, 925, 1100 }));
            spaces[25] = new PropertySpace(new Station("Falmer Station", 200));
            spaces[26] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Kirk Close", 260, Colour.Yellow, new int[] { 22, 110, 330, 800, 975, 1150 }));
            spaces[27] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Picard Avenue", 260, Colour.Yellow, new int[] { 22, 110, 330, 800, 975, 1150 }));
            spaces[28] = new PropertySpace(new Utility("Edison Water", 150));
            spaces[29] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Crusher Creek", 280, Colour.Yellow, new int[] { 22, 120, 360, 850, 1025, 1200 }));
            spaces[30] = new InstructionSpace("Go To Jail", new GoToJailAction(10));
            spaces[31] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Sirat Mews", 300, Colour.Green, new int[] { 26, 130, 390, 900, 1100, 1275 }));
            spaces[32] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Ghengis Crescent", 300, Colour.Green, new int[] { 26, 130, 390, 900, 1100, 1275 }));
            spaces[33] = new InstructionSpace("Pot Luck", new DrawCardAction(CardType.PotLuck));
            spaces[34] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Ibis Close", 320, Colour.Green, new int[] { 28, 150, 450, 1000, 1200, 1400 }));
            spaces[35] = new PropertySpace(new Station("Lewes Station", 200));
            spaces[36] = new InstructionSpace("Opportunity Knocks", new DrawCardAction(CardType.OpportunityKnocks));
            spaces[37] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Hawking Way", 350, Colour.DeepBlue, new int[] { 35, 175, 500, 1100, 1300, 1500 }));
            spaces[38] = new InstructionSpace("Super Tax £100", new PayAction(100, Recipient.Bank));
            spaces[39] = new PropertySpace(new DevelopableLand("Turing Heights", 400, Colour.DeepBlue, new int[] { 50, 200, 600, 1400, 1700, 2000 }));

            this.board = new Board(spaces);

            List <PotLuck> potLuckCards = new List <PotLuck>
                new PotLuck("You inherit £100", new ReceiveMoneyAction(100, Sender.Bank)),
                new PotLuck("You have won 2nd prize in a beauty contest, collect £20", new ReceiveMoneyAction(20, Sender.Bank)),
                new PotLuck("Go back to Crapper Street", new MoveToAction(1, false)),
                new PotLuck("Student loan refund. Collect £20", new ReceiveMoneyAction(20, Sender.Bank)),
                new PotLuck("Bank error in your favour. Collect £200", new ReceiveMoneyAction(200, Sender.Bank)),
                new PotLuck("Pay bill for text books of £100", new PayAction(100, Recipient.Bank)),
                new PotLuck("Mega late night taxi bill pay £50", new PayAction(50, Recipient.Bank)),
                new PotLuck("Advance to go", new MoveToAction(0, true)),
                new PotLuck("From sale of Bitcoin you get £50", new ReceiveMoneyAction(50, Sender.Bank)),
                new PotLuck("Pay a £10 fine or take opportunity knocks", new ChoiceAction(new PayAction(10, Recipient.FreeParking),
                                                                                          new DrawCardAction(CardType.OpportunityKnocks))),
                new PotLuck("Pay insurance fee of £50", new PayAction(50, Recipient.FreeParking)),
                new PotLuck("Savings bond matures, collect £100", new ReceiveMoneyAction(100, Sender.Bank)),
                new PotLuck("Go to jail. Do not pass GO, do not collect £200", new GoToJailAction(30)),
                new PotLuck("Received interest on shares of £25", new ReceiveMoneyAction(25, Sender.Bank)),
                new PotLuck("It's your birthday. Collect £10 from each player", new ReceiveMoneyAction(10, Sender.Players)),
                new PotLuck("Get out of jail free", new ReceiveJailFreeAction())

            List <OpportunityKnocks> opKnocksCards = new List <OpportunityKnocks>()
                new OpportunityKnocks("Bank pays you dividend of £50", new ReceiveMoneyAction(50, Sender.Bank)),
                new OpportunityKnocks("You have won a lip sync battle. Collect £100", new ReceiveMoneyAction(100, Sender.Bank)),
                new OpportunityKnocks("Advance to Turing Heights", new MoveToAction(39, true)),
                new OpportunityKnocks("Advance to Han Xin Gardens. If you pass GO, collect £200", new MoveToAction(25, true)),
                new OpportunityKnocks("Fined £15 for speeding", new PayAction(15, Recipient.FreeParking)),
                new OpportunityKnocks("Pay university fees of £150", new PayAction(150, Recipient.Bank)),
                new OpportunityKnocks("Take a trip to Hove station. If you pass GO collect £200", new MoveToAction(15, true)),
                new OpportunityKnocks("Loan matures, collect £150", new ReceiveMoneyAction(150, Sender.Bank)),
                new OpportunityKnocks("You are assessed for repairs, £40/house, £115/hotel", new PayRepairsAction(40, 115)),
                new OpportunityKnocks("Advance to GO", new MoveToAction(0, true)),
                new OpportunityKnocks("You are assessed for repairs, £25/house, £100/hotel", new PayRepairsAction(25, 100)),
                new OpportunityKnocks("Go back 3 spaces", new MoveNSpacesAction(3, false)),
                new OpportunityKnocks("Advance to Skywalker Drive. If you pass GO collect £200", new MoveToAction(12, true)),
                new OpportunityKnocks("Go to jail. Do not pass GO, do not collect £200", new GoToJailAction(10)),
                new OpportunityKnocks("Drunk in charge of a skateboard. Fine £20", new PayAction(20, Recipient.FreeParking)),
                new OpportunityKnocks("Get out of jail free", new ReceiveJailFreeAction())

            // randomly shuffle the pot luck cards into a pile
            List <PotLuck> shuffledPotLucks = Shuffle(potLuckCards);

            this.potLuckPile = new Queue <PotLuck>(shuffledPotLucks);

            // randomly shuffle opportunity knocks cards into a pile
            List <OpportunityKnocks> shuffledOpKnocks = Shuffle(opKnocksCards);

            this.opportunityKnocksPile = new Queue <OpportunityKnocks>(shuffledOpKnocks);

            // 6 test players
            this.players = new IPlayer[]
                new HumanPlayer("Bob", Token.Boot),
                new HumanPlayer("Sarah", Token.Smartphone),
                new HumanPlayer("Hannah", Token.Cat),
                new HumanPlayer("Sam", Token.Hatstand),
                new HumanPlayer("Daniel", Token.Spoon),
                new HumanPlayer("Polly", Token.Goblet)

            this.currentPlayer    = 0;
            this.playerTakingTurn = players[currentPlayer];
            this.auction          = null;