Exemplo n.º 1
 public void UpdateBounds(HurtBox[] hurtBoxes)
     foreach(HurtBox hurtBox in hurtBoxes) if (hurtBox.followXBounds || hurtBox.followYBounds) hurtBox.rendererBounds = GetBounds();
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a "hurtbox", which are used to determine locations of damage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bounds">The size of the rectangle to be created.</param>
        /// <param name="duration">how long the hurtbox persists.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public HurtBox createHurtBox(Entity creator, Rectangle bounds, Vector2 origin, int damage, int duration, float rotation = 0f)
            HurtBox h = new HurtBox(creator, bounds, origin, damage, duration, rotation);

            return h;
Exemplo n.º 3
    public Vector3 TestCollision(HurtBox[] hurtBoxes, HitConfirmType hitConfirmType)
        if (isHit && hitConfirmType == HitConfirmType.Hit) return Vector3.zero;
        foreach(HitBox hitbox in this.hitBoxes) if (hitbox.followXBounds || hitbox.followYBounds) hitbox.rendererBounds = GetBounds();
        /*Vector3 result = HitBoxesScript.TestCollision(this.hitBoxes, hurtBoxes, hitConfirmType, controlsScript.mirror);
        if (result == Vector3.zero) {
            foreach (HitBox hitBox in hitBoxes) {
                if (hitBox.state == 1) hitBox.state = 0;

        return HitBoxesScript.TestCollision(this.hitBoxes, hurtBoxes, hitConfirmType, controlsScript.mirror);
Exemplo n.º 4
    public Vector3 TestCollision(BlockArea blockableArea)
        HurtBox hurtBox = new HurtBox();
        hurtBox.position = blockableArea.position;
        hurtBox.shape = blockableArea.shape;
        hurtBox.rect = blockableArea.rect;
        hurtBox.followXBounds = blockableArea.followXBounds;
        hurtBox.followYBounds = blockableArea.followYBounds;
        hurtBox.radius = blockableArea.radius;
        hurtBox.offSet = blockableArea.offSet;

        // We use throw confirmation type so the engine doesn't register the state of the stroke hitbox as hit
        return HitBoxesScript.TestCollision(this.hitBoxes, new HurtBox[]{hurtBox}, HitConfirmType.Hit, controlsScript.mirror);
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Token: 0x06001F25 RID: 7973 RVA: 0x00087554 File Offset: 0x00085754
        private bool PassesFilters(HurtBox result)
            CharacterBody body = result.healthComponent.body;

            return(body && (!this.ignoreAir || !body.isFlying) && (!body.isFlying || float.IsInfinity(this.flierAltitudeTolerance) || this.flierAltitudeTolerance >= Mathf.Abs(result.transform.position.y - this.transform.position.y)));
Exemplo n.º 6
    public static Vector3 TestCollision(HitBox[] hitBoxes, HurtBox[] hurtBoxes, HitConfirmType hitConfirmType, int mirror)
        foreach (HitBox hitBox in hitBoxes) {
            if (hitBox.hide) continue;
            if (hitBox.collisionType == CollisionType.noCollider) continue;
            if (hitConfirmType == HitConfirmType.Throw && hitBox.collisionType != CollisionType.throwCollider) continue;
            if (hitConfirmType == HitConfirmType.Hit && hitBox.collisionType == CollisionType.throwCollider) continue;

            hitBox.state = 0;
            foreach (HurtBox hurtBox in hurtBoxes) {
                Vector3 hurtBoxPosition = hurtBox.position;
                Vector3 hitBoxPosition = hitBox.position.position;
                float dist = 0;
                bool collisionConfirm = false;

                if (!UFE.config.detect3D_Hits){
                    hurtBoxPosition.z = -1;
                    hitBoxPosition.z = -1;

                if (hurtBox.shape == HitBoxShape.circle){
                    if (hitBox.shape == HitBoxShape.circle){
                        dist = Vector3.Distance(hurtBoxPosition, hitBoxPosition);
                        if (dist <= hurtBox.radius + hitBox.radius) collisionConfirm = true;

                    }else if (hitBox.shape == HitBoxShape.rectangle){
                        float mirrorDiff = mirror > 0 ? hitBox.rect.width : 0f;
                        Rect hitBoxRectanglePosition = new Rect(((hitBox.rect.x + mirrorDiff) * mirror) + hitBoxPosition.x,
                                                                hitBox.rect.y + hitBoxPosition.y,
                                                                hitBox.rect.width, hitBox.rect.height);
                        if (hitBox.followXBounds){
                            hitBoxRectanglePosition.x = hitBox.rendererBounds.x - (hitBox.rect.width/2);
                            hitBoxRectanglePosition.width = (hitBox.rendererBounds.width + hitBox.rect.width) - hitBox.rendererBounds.x;
                        if (hitBox.followYBounds){
                            hitBoxRectanglePosition.y = hitBox.rendererBounds.y - (hitBox.rect.height/2);
                            hitBoxRectanglePosition.height = (hitBox.rendererBounds.height + hitBox.rect.height) - hitBox.rendererBounds.y;

                        dist = distancePointToRectangle(hurtBoxPosition, hitBoxRectanglePosition);
                        if (dist <= hurtBox.radius) collisionConfirm = true;
                }else if (hurtBox.shape == HitBoxShape.rectangle){
                    Rect hurtBoxRectanglePosition;
                    if (hitBox.shape == HitBoxShape.circle){
                        float mirrorDiff = mirror < 0 ? hurtBox.rect.width : 0f;
                        hurtBoxRectanglePosition = new Rect(((hurtBox.rect.x + mirrorDiff) * mirror) + hurtBoxPosition.x,
                                                            hurtBox.rect.y + hurtBoxPosition.y,
                                                            hurtBox.rect.width, hurtBox.rect.height);
                        if (hurtBox.followXBounds){
                            hurtBoxRectanglePosition.x = hurtBox.rendererBounds.x - (hurtBox.rect.width/2);
                            hurtBoxRectanglePosition.width = (hurtBox.rendererBounds.width + hurtBox.rect.width) - hurtBox.rendererBounds.x;
                        if (hurtBox.followYBounds){
                            hurtBoxRectanglePosition.y = hurtBox.rendererBounds.y - (hurtBox.rect.height/2);
                            hurtBoxRectanglePosition.height = (hurtBox.rendererBounds.height + hurtBox.rect.height) - hurtBox.rendererBounds.y;

                        dist = distancePointToRectangle(hitBoxPosition, hurtBoxRectanglePosition);
                        if (dist <= hitBox.radius) collisionConfirm = true;

                    }else if (hitBox.shape == HitBoxShape.rectangle){
                        float mirrorDiff = mirror < 0 ? hurtBox.rect.width : 0f;
                        hurtBoxRectanglePosition = new Rect(((hurtBox.rect.x + mirrorDiff) * mirror) + hurtBoxPosition.x,
                                                            hurtBox.rect.y + hurtBoxPosition.y,
                                                            hurtBox.rect.width, hurtBox.rect.height);

                        mirrorDiff = mirror > 0 ? hitBox.rect.width : 0f;
                        Rect hitBoxRectanglePosition = new Rect(((hitBox.rect.x + mirrorDiff) * - mirror) + hitBoxPosition.x,
                                                           hitBox.rect.y + hitBoxPosition.y,
                                                           hitBox.rect.width, hitBox.rect.height);
                        if (hitBox.followXBounds){
                            hitBoxRectanglePosition.x = hitBox.rendererBounds.x - (hitBox.rect.width/2);
                            hitBoxRectanglePosition.width = (hitBox.rendererBounds.width + hitBox.rect.width) - hitBox.rendererBounds.x;
                        if (hitBox.followYBounds){
                            hitBoxRectanglePosition.y = hitBox.rendererBounds.y - (hitBox.rect.height/2);
                            hitBoxRectanglePosition.height = (hitBox.rendererBounds.height + hitBox.rect.height) - hitBox.rendererBounds.y;

                        if (hurtBox.followXBounds){
                            hurtBoxRectanglePosition.x = hurtBox.rendererBounds.x - (hurtBox.rect.width/2);
                            hurtBoxRectanglePosition.width = (hurtBox.rendererBounds.width + hurtBox.rect.width) - hurtBox.rendererBounds.x;
                        if (hurtBox.followYBounds){
                            hurtBoxRectanglePosition.y = hurtBox.rendererBounds.y - (hurtBox.rect.height/2);
                            hurtBoxRectanglePosition.height = (hurtBox.rendererBounds.height + hurtBox.rect.height) - hurtBox.rendererBounds.y;

                        if (hurtBoxRectanglePosition.Overlaps(hitBoxRectanglePosition)) collisionConfirm = true;

                if (collisionConfirm) {
                    if (hitConfirmType == HitConfirmType.Hit) {
                        hitBox.state = 1;
                    return (hurtBoxPosition + hitBoxPosition)/2;

        foreach (HitBox hitBox in hitBoxes) {
            if (hitBox.state == 1) hitBox.state = 0;
        return Vector3.zero;
Exemplo n.º 7
            public void FixedUpdate()
                if (NetworkServer.active)
                    while (enemyFollowers.Count < stack)
                        GameObject enemyFollower = Object.Instantiate(enemyFollowerPrefab, body.corePosition, Quaternion.identity);
                        enemyFollower.GetComponent <GenericOwnership>().ownerObject = gameObject;
                        enemyFollowers.Add(enemyFollower.GetComponent <MysticsItemsSpotterController>());
                    while (enemyFollowers.Count > stack)
                        MysticsItemsSpotterController enemyFollower = enemyFollowers.Last();
                cooldown -= Time.fixedDeltaTime;
                if (cooldown <= 0f)
                    cooldown = cooldownMax;

                    if (NetworkServer.active)
                        bullseyeSearch.teamMaskFilter = TeamMask.allButNeutral;
                        Ray ray = CameraRigController.ModifyAimRayIfApplicable(new Ray
                            origin    = body.inputBank.aimOrigin,
                            direction = body.inputBank.aimDirection
                        }, body.gameObject, out _);
                        bullseyeSearch.searchOrigin      = ray.origin;
                        bullseyeSearch.searchDirection   = ray.direction;
                        bullseyeSearch.viewer            = body;
                        bullseyeSearch.maxDistanceFilter = 200f;
                        List <HurtBox> enemies = bullseyeSearch.GetResults().ToList();

                        foreach (MysticsItemsSpotterController enemyFollower in enemyFollowers)

                        if (enemies.Count > 0)
                            Util.PlaySound("Play_item_proc_spotter", gameObject);
                            foreach (MysticsItemsSpotterController enemyFollower in enemyFollowers)
                                GameObject newTarget = null;
                                while (newTarget == null && enemies.Count > 0)
                                    int     index            = Mathf.FloorToInt(enemies.Count * (Random.value * 0.99f));
                                    HurtBox newTargetHurtBox = enemies.ElementAt(index);
                                    if (newTargetHurtBox.healthComponent && newTargetHurtBox.healthComponent.body)
                                        CharacterBody newTargetBody = newTargetHurtBox.healthComponent.body;
                                        if (!newTargetBody.HasBuff(buffDef))
                                            newTarget = newTargetBody.gameObject;
                                if (newTarget)
                            cooldown = cooldownIfNoEnemiesFound;
Exemplo n.º 8
 // Token: 0x06001F27 RID: 7975 RVA: 0x000876D0 File Offset: 0x000858D0
 private void SetTarget(HurtBox hurtBox)
     this.lastFoundHurtBox       = hurtBox;
     this.lastFoundTransform     = ((hurtBox != null) ? hurtBox.transform : null);
     this.targetComponent.target = this.lastFoundTransform;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public Hit(HurtBox box, Single distance)
     this.distance = distance;
     this.box      = box;
 // Token: 0x0600318A RID: 12682 RVA: 0x00090218 File Offset: 0x0008E418
 private static bool IsHurt(HurtBox hurtBox)
     return(hurtBox.healthComponent.alive && hurtBox.healthComponent.health < hurtBox.healthComponent.fullHealth);
 // Token: 0x06003189 RID: 12681 RVA: 0x000D571F File Offset: 0x000D391F
 private bool NotAlreadyHealingTarget(HurtBox hurtBox)
     return(!HealBeamController.HealBeamAlreadyExists(base.gameObject, hurtBox));
Exemplo n.º 12
 protected void InitializeComponents()
     Rigidbody2D = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     HurtBox     = GetComponentInChildren <HurtBox>();
Exemplo n.º 13
 public override void _Ready()
     this.hurtBox = this.GetNode <HurtBox>("./HurtBox");
     this.hurtBox.OnHurtHandler = this.UpdateHealth;