protected override void FillTab()
            Pawn pawnForHealth = PawnForHealth;

            if (pawnForHealth == null)
                Log.Error("Health tab found no selected pawn to display.");
            Corpse corpse        = base.SelThing as Corpse;
            bool   showBloodLoss = corpse == null || corpse.Age < 60000;

            HealthCardUtility.DrawPawnHealthCard(new Rect(0f, 20f, size.x, size.y - 20f), pawnForHealth, ShouldAllowOperations(), showBloodLoss, base.SelThing);
        protected override void FillTab()
            Pawn pawnForHealth = this.PawnForHealth;

            if (pawnForHealth == null)
                Log.Error("Health tab found no selected pawn to display.");
                Corpse corpse        = base.SelThing as Corpse;
                bool   showBloodLoss = corpse == null || corpse.Age < 60000;
                Rect   outRect       = new Rect(0f, 20f, base.size.x, (float)(base.size.y - 20.0));
                HealthCardUtility.DrawPawnHealthCard(outRect, pawnForHealth, this.ShouldAllowOperations(), showBloodLoss, base.SelThing);