Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Post(UUID assetID, UUID ownerID, string userAssetURL)
                // Post the item from the local AssetCache onto the remote asset server
                // and place an entry in m_assetMap

            m_log.Debug("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Posting object " + assetID + " to asset server " + userAssetURL);
            AssetBase asset = m_scene.AssetService.Get(assetID.ToString());
            if (asset != null)
                Dictionary<UUID, AssetType> ids = new Dictionary<UUID, AssetType>();
                HGUuidGatherer uuidGatherer = new HGUuidGatherer(this, m_scene.AssetService, string.Empty);
                uuidGatherer.GatherAssetUuids(asset.FullID, (AssetType)asset.Type, ids, m_scene);
                foreach (UUID uuid in ids.Keys)
                    asset = m_scene.AssetService.Get(uuid.ToString());
                    if (asset == null)
                        m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Could not find asset {0}", uuid);
                        PostAsset(userAssetURL, asset);

                 // maybe all pieces got there...
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Successfully posted item {0} to asset server {1}", assetID, userAssetURL);

                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Something wrong with asset {0}, it could not be found", assetID);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public override bool HandleIncomingSceneObject(SceneObjectGroup so, Vector3 newPosition)
            UUID OwnerID = so.OwnerID;

            if (Scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.IsBanned(OwnerID))
                    "[HG TRANSFER MODULE]: Denied prim crossing of {0} {1} into {2} for banned avatar {3}",
                    so.Name, so.UUID, Scene.Name, so.OwnerID);


            // FIXME: We must make it so that we can use SOG.IsAttachment here.  At the moment it is always null!
            if (!so.IsAttachmentCheckFull())
                return(base.HandleIncomingSceneObject(so, newPosition));

            // Equally, we can't use so.AttachedAvatar here.
            if (OwnerID == UUID.Zero || Scene.UserManagementModule.IsLocalGridUser(OwnerID))
                return(base.HandleIncomingSceneObject(so, newPosition));

            // foreign user
            AgentCircuitData aCircuit = Scene.AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuitData(OwnerID);

            if (aCircuit != null)
                if ((aCircuit.teleportFlags & (uint)Constants.TeleportFlags.ViaHGLogin) == 0)
                    // We have already pulled the necessary attachments from the source grid.
                    base.HandleIncomingSceneObject(so, newPosition);
                    if (aCircuit.ServiceURLs != null && aCircuit.ServiceURLs.ContainsKey("AssetServerURI"))
                        SceneObjectGroup defso = so;
                            string.Format("HG UUID Gather for attachment {0} for {1}", defso.Name, aCircuit.Name),
                            () =>
                            string url = aCircuit.ServiceURLs["AssetServerURI"].ToString();
                            //                            m_log.DebugFormat(
                            //                                "[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Incoming attachment {0} for HG user {1} with asset service {2}",
                            //                                so.Name, so.AttachedAvatar, url);

                            IDictionary <UUID, sbyte> ids = new Dictionary <UUID, sbyte>();
                            HGUuidGatherer uuidGatherer   = new HGUuidGatherer(Scene.AssetService, url, ids);

                            while (!uuidGatherer.Complete)
                                int tickStart = Util.EnvironmentTickCount();

                                //                                m_log.DebugFormat(
                                //                                    "[HG ENTITY TRANSFER]: Gathered attachment asset uuid {0} for object {1} for HG user {2} took {3} ms with asset service {4}",
                                //                                    nextUuid, so.Name, so.OwnerID, Util.EnvironmentTickCountSubtract(tickStart), url);

                                int ticksElapsed = Util.EnvironmentTickCountSubtract(tickStart);

                                if (ticksElapsed > 30000)
                                        "[HG ENTITY TRANSFER]: Removing incoming scene object jobs for HG user {0} as gather of {1} from {2} took {3} ms to respond (> {4} ms)",
                                        so.OwnerID, so.Name, url, ticksElapsed, 30000);


                            //                            m_log.DebugFormat(
                            //                                "[HG ENTITY TRANSFER]: Fetching {0} assets for attachment {1} for HG user {2} with asset service {3}",
                            //                                ids.Count, so.Name, so.OwnerID, url);

                            foreach (UUID id in ids.Keys)
                                int tickStart = Util.EnvironmentTickCount();


                                int ticksElapsed = Util.EnvironmentTickCountSubtract(tickStart);

                                if (ticksElapsed > 30000)
                                        "[HG ENTITY TRANSFER]: Removing incoming scene object jobs for HG user {0} as fetch of {1} from {2} took {3} ms to respond (> {4} ms)",
                                        so.OwnerID, id, url, ticksElapsed, 30000);


                            base.HandleIncomingSceneObject(defso, newPosition);

                            defso        = null;
                            aCircuit     = null;
                            uuidGatherer = null;

                            //                            m_log.DebugFormat(
                            //                                "[HG ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Completed incoming attachment {0} for HG user {1} with asset server {2}",
                            //                                so.Name, so.OwnerID, url);

Exemplo n.º 3
        // private void Dump(Dictionary<UUID, bool> lst)
        // {
        //     m_log.Debug("XXX -------- UUID DUMP ------- XXX");
        //     foreach (KeyValuePair<UUID, bool> kvp in lst)
        //         m_log.Debug(" >> " + kvp.Key + " (texture? " + kvp.Value + ")");
        //     m_log.Debug("XXX -------- UUID DUMP ------- XXX");
        // }


        #region Public interface

        public void Get(UUID assetID, UUID ownerID, string userAssetURL)
            // Get the item from the remote asset server onto the local AssetCache
            // and place an entry in m_assetMap

            m_log.Debug("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Fetching object " + assetID + " from asset server " + userAssetURL);
            AssetBase asset = FetchAsset(userAssetURL, assetID); 

            if (asset != null)
                // OK, now fetch the inside.
                Dictionary<UUID, AssetType> ids = new Dictionary<UUID, AssetType>();
                HGUuidGatherer uuidGatherer = new HGUuidGatherer(this, m_scene.AssetService, userAssetURL);
                uuidGatherer.GatherAssetUuids(asset.FullID, (AssetType)asset.Type, ids, m_scene);
                if (ids.ContainsKey(assetID))
                foreach (UUID uuid in ids.Keys)
                    FetchAsset(userAssetURL, uuid);

                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Successfully fetched asset {0} from asset server {1}", asset.ID, userAssetURL);

                m_log.Warn("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Could not fetch asset from remote asset server " + userAssetURL);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Post(UUID assetID, UUID ownerID, string userAssetURL)
            m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Starting to send asset {0} with children to asset server {1}", assetID, userAssetURL);

            // Find all the embedded assets

            AssetBase asset = m_scene.AssetService.Get(assetID.ToString());
            if (asset == null)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Something wrong with asset {0}, it could not be found", assetID);

            HGUuidGatherer uuidGatherer = new HGUuidGatherer(m_scene.AssetService, string.Empty);

            // Check which assets already exist in the destination server

            string url = userAssetURL;
            if (!url.EndsWith("/") && !url.EndsWith("="))
                url = url + "/";

            string[] remoteAssetIDs = new string[uuidGatherer.GatheredUuids.Count];
            int i = 0;
            foreach (UUID id in uuidGatherer.GatheredUuids.Keys)
                remoteAssetIDs[i++] = url + id.ToString();

            bool[] exist = m_scene.AssetService.AssetsExist(remoteAssetIDs);

            var existSet = new HashSet<string>();
            i = 0;
            foreach (UUID id in uuidGatherer.GatheredUuids.Keys)
                if (exist[i])

            // Send only those assets which don't already exist in the destination server

            bool success = true;

            foreach (UUID uuid in uuidGatherer.GatheredUuids.Keys)
                if (!existSet.Contains(uuid.ToString()))
                    asset = m_scene.AssetService.Get(uuid.ToString());
                    if (asset == null)
                        m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Could not find asset {0}", uuid);
                            success &= PostAsset(userAssetURL, asset);
                        catch (Exception e)
                                    "[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Failed to post asset {0} (type {1}, length {2}) referenced from {3} to {4} with exception  ", 
                                    asset.ID, asset.Type, asset.Data.Length, assetID, userAssetURL), 

                            // For debugging purposes for now we will continue to throw the exception up the stack as was already happening.  However, after
                            // debugging we may want to simply report the failure if we can tell this is due to a failure
                            // with a particular asset and not a destination network failure where all asset posts will fail (and
                            // generate large amounts of log spam).
                            throw e;
                        "[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Didn't post asset {0} referenced from {1} because it already exists in asset server {2}", 
                        uuid, assetID, userAssetURL);

            if (!success)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Problems sending asset {0} with children to asset server {1}", assetID, userAssetURL);
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Successfully sent asset {0} with children to asset server {1}", assetID, userAssetURL);
Exemplo n.º 5
        // TODO: unused
        // private void Dump(Dictionary<UUID, bool> lst)
        // {
        //     m_log.Debug("XXX -------- UUID DUMP ------- XXX");
        //     foreach (KeyValuePair<UUID, bool> kvp in lst)
        //         m_log.Debug(" >> " + kvp.Key + " (texture? " + kvp.Value + ")");
        //     m_log.Debug("XXX -------- UUID DUMP ------- XXX");
        // }


        #region Public interface

        public void Get(UUID assetID, UUID ownerID, string userAssetURL)
            // Get the item from the remote asset server onto the local AssetService

            AssetMetadata meta = FetchMetadata(userAssetURL, assetID);
            if (meta == null)

            // The act of gathering UUIDs downloads some assets from the remote server
            // but not all...
            HGUuidGatherer uuidGatherer = new HGUuidGatherer(m_scene.AssetService, userAssetURL);

            m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Preparing to get {0} assets", uuidGatherer.GatheredUuids.Count);
            bool success = true;
            foreach (UUID uuid in uuidGatherer.GatheredUuids.Keys)
                if (FetchAsset(userAssetURL, uuid) == null)
                    success = false;

            // maybe all pieces got here...
            if (!success)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Problems getting item {0} from asset server {1}", assetID, userAssetURL);
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Successfully got item {0} from asset server {1}", assetID, userAssetURL);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Post(UUID assetID, UUID ownerID, string userAssetURL)
            m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Starting to send asset {0} with children to asset server {1}", assetID, userAssetURL);

            // Find all the embedded assets

            AssetBase asset = m_scene.AssetService.Get(assetID.ToString());
            if (asset == null)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Something wrong with asset {0}, it could not be found", assetID);

            Dictionary<UUID, sbyte> ids = new Dictionary<UUID, sbyte>();
            HGUuidGatherer uuidGatherer = new HGUuidGatherer(m_scene.AssetService, string.Empty);
            uuidGatherer.GatherAssetUuids(asset.FullID, asset.Type, ids);

            // Check which assets already exist in the destination server

            string url = userAssetURL;
            if (!url.EndsWith("/") && !url.EndsWith("="))
                url = url + "/";

            string[] remoteAssetIDs = new string[ids.Count];
            int i = 0;
            foreach (UUID id in ids.Keys)
                remoteAssetIDs[i++] = url + id.ToString();

            bool[] exist = m_scene.AssetService.AssetsExist(remoteAssetIDs);

            var existSet = new HashSet<string>();
            i = 0;
            foreach (UUID id in ids.Keys)
                if (exist[i])

            // Send only those assets which don't already exist in the destination server

            bool success = true;

            foreach (UUID uuid in ids.Keys)
                if (!existSet.Contains(uuid.ToString()))
                    asset = m_scene.AssetService.Get(uuid.ToString());
                    if (asset == null)
                        m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Could not find asset {0}", uuid);
                        success &= PostAsset(userAssetURL, asset);
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Didn't post asset {0} because it already exists in asset server {1}", uuid, userAssetURL);

            if (!success)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Problems sending asset {0} with children to asset server {1}", assetID, userAssetURL);
                m_log.DebugFormat("[HG ASSET MAPPER]: Successfully sent asset {0} with children to asset server {1}", assetID, userAssetURL);
Exemplo n.º 7
        // TODO: unused
        // private void Dump(Dictionary<UUID, bool> lst)
        // {
        //     m_log.Debug("XXX -------- UUID DUMP ------- XXX");
        //     foreach (KeyValuePair<UUID, bool> kvp in lst)
        //         m_log.Debug(" >> " + kvp.Key + " (texture? " + kvp.Value + ")");
        //     m_log.Debug("XXX -------- UUID DUMP ------- XXX");
        // }


        #region Public interface

        public void Get(UUID assetID, UUID ownerID, string userAssetURL)
            // Get the item from the remote asset server onto the local AssetService

            AssetMetadata meta = FetchMetadata(userAssetURL, assetID);
            if (meta == null)

            // The act of gathering UUIDs downloads the assets from the remote server
            Dictionary<UUID, AssetType> ids = new Dictionary<UUID, AssetType>();
            HGUuidGatherer uuidGatherer = new HGUuidGatherer(m_scene.AssetService, userAssetURL);
            uuidGatherer.GatherAssetUuids(assetID, (AssetType)meta.Type, ids);
