Exemplo n.º 1
        private void Register()
            if (_prefab != null)
                var meshRenderers = _prefab.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>();

                //========== Allows the building animation and material colors ==========//
                Shader     shader     = Shader.Find("MarmosetUBER");
                Renderer[] renderers  = _prefab.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(true);
                SkyApplier skyApplier = _prefab.EnsureComponent <SkyApplier>();
                skyApplier.renderers = renderers;
                skyApplier.anchorSky = Skies.Auto;

                //========== Allows the building animation and material colors ==========//

                // Add constructible
                var constructable = _prefab.EnsureComponent <Constructable>();
                constructable.allowedOnWall    = true;
                constructable.allowedOnGround  = false;
                constructable.allowedInSub     = true;
                constructable.allowedInBase    = true;
                constructable.allowedOnCeiling = false;
                constructable.allowedOutside   = false;
                constructable.model            = _prefab.FindChild("model");
                constructable.techType         = TechType;

                GameObjectHelpers.AddConstructableBounds(_prefab, new Vector3(0.4528692f, 0.6682342f, 0.03642998f),
                                                         new Vector3(0, -0.02660185f, 0.05301314f));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add all common components to a corner or rotate affordance.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void AddComponentsToAffordance(GameObject afford, Bounds bounds, HandlePrefabCollider colliderType,
                                                       CursorContextInfo.CursorAction cursorType, Vector3 colliderPadding, Transform parent, bool drawTetherWhenManipulating)
            if (colliderType == HandlePrefabCollider.Box)
                BoxCollider collider = afford.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
                collider.size   = bounds.size;
                collider.center = bounds.center;
                collider.size  += colliderPadding;
                SphereCollider sphere = afford.AddComponent <SphereCollider>();
                sphere.center  = bounds.center;
                sphere.radius  = bounds.extents.x;
                sphere.radius += GetMaxComponent(colliderPadding);

            // In order for the affordance to be grabbed using near interaction we need
            // to add NearInteractionGrabbable;
            var g = afford.EnsureComponent <NearInteractionGrabbable>();

            g.ShowTetherWhenManipulating = drawTetherWhenManipulating;

            var contextInfo = afford.EnsureComponent <CursorContextInfo>();

            contextInfo.CurrentCursorAction = cursorType;
            contextInfo.ObjectCenter        = parent;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override GameObject GetGameObject()
            //Instantiates a copy of the prefab that is loaded from the AssetBundle loaded above.
            GameObject _prefab = GameObject.Instantiate(Utils.Helper.Bundle.LoadAsset <GameObject>("DeepEngine_Kit.prefab"));

            _prefab.name = _ClassID;
            //Need a tech tag for most prefabs
            var techTag = _prefab.EnsureComponent <TechTag>();

            techTag.type = TechType;

            _prefab.EnsureComponent <LargeWorldEntity>().cellLevel = LargeWorldEntity.CellLevel.Global;
            _prefab.EnsureComponent <PrefabIdentifier>().ClassId   = _ClassID;
            _prefab.EnsureComponent <Pickupable>().isPickupable    = true;

            // Add fabricating animation
            var fabricatingA = _prefab.EnsureComponent <VFXFabricating>();

            fabricatingA.localMinY   = -0.1f;
            fabricatingA.localMaxY   = 0.6f;
            fabricatingA.posOffset   = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
            fabricatingA.eulerOffset = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
            fabricatingA.scaleFactor = 0.4f;

            //Update all shaders

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void Standardization_Physics()
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    Transform        axis = Axises [i];
                    CircleCollider2D cc2d = axis.gameObject.EnsureComponent <CircleCollider2D> ();
                    cc2d.radius         = .5f + chain_unit_height / Radius / 4f;
                    cc2d.usedByEffector = true;
                    Rigidbody2D r2d = axis.gameObject.EnsureComponent <Rigidbody2D> ();
                    r2d.isKinematic = true;
                    SurfaceEffector2D se2d = axis.gameObject.EnsureComponent <SurfaceEffector2D> ();
                    se2d.speed = Speed;

                BoxCollider2D bc2d = ChainPhysics.EnsureComponent <BoxCollider2D> ();
                bc2d.size = new Vector2(AxisDistance, Radius * 2f + chain_unit_height);
                ChainPhysics.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                ChainPhysics.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;
                ChainPhysics.transform.right         = p0 - p1;
                bc2d.usedByEffector = true;
                Rigidbody2D r2d = ChainPhysics.EnsureComponent <Rigidbody2D> ();
                r2d.isKinematic = true;
                SurfaceEffector2D se2d = ChainPhysics.EnsureComponent <SurfaceEffector2D> ();
                se2d.speed = Speed;
        private void Register()
            if (_prefab != null)
                var meshRenderers = _prefab.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>();

                //========== Allows the building animation and material colors ==========//
                Shader     shader     = Shader.Find("MarmosetUBER");
                Renderer[] renderers  = _prefab.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(true);
                SkyApplier skyApplier = _prefab.EnsureComponent <SkyApplier>();
                skyApplier.renderers = renderers;
                skyApplier.anchorSky = Skies.Auto;

                //========== Allows the building animation and material colors ==========//

                // Add constructible
                var constructable = _prefab.EnsureComponent <Constructable>();
                constructable.allowedOnWall    = false;
                constructable.allowedOnGround  = true;
                constructable.allowedInSub     = false;
                constructable.allowedInBase    = false;
                constructable.allowedOnCeiling = false;
                constructable.allowedOutside   = true;
                constructable.model            = _prefab.FindChild("model");
                constructable.techType         = TechType;
                constructable.rotationEnabled  = true;

                // Add large world entity ALLOWS YOU TO SAVE ON TERRAIN
                var lwe = _prefab.AddComponent <LargeWorldEntity>();
                lwe.cellLevel = LargeWorldEntity.CellLevel.Global;

                _prefab.AddComponent <PlayerInteractionManager>();
                _prefab.AddComponent <FMOD_CustomLoopingEmitter>();
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up all of our objects/components, when we are ready to actually display text for the first time.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeText()
            // Make our own text object
            TextObject = new GameObject("BasicText" + (++index));
            TextFade   = TextObject.EnsureComponent <uGUI_TextFade>();          // The uGUI's helpful automatic fade component
            TextText   = TextFade?.text ?? TextObject.EnsureComponent <Text>(); // The text itself

            // This makes the text box fit the text (rather than the other way around)
            TextFitter = TextObject.EnsureComponent <ContentSizeFitter>();
            TextFitter.horizontalFit = ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize;
            TextFitter.verticalFit   = ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize;

            // This clones the in game "Press Any Button To Begin" message's font size, style, etc.
            TextText.font      = CloneFont ? uGUI.main.intro.mainText.text.font : Font;
            TextText.fontSize  = CloneSize ? uGUI.main.intro.mainText.text.fontSize : Size;
            TextText.fontStyle = CloneStyle ? uGUI.main.intro.mainText.text.fontStyle : Style;
            TextText.alignment = CloneAlign ? uGUI.main.intro.mainText.text.alignment : Align;
            TextText.alignment = CloneAlign ? uGUI.main.intro.mainText.text.alignment : Convert(Align);
            TextText.color    = CloneColor ? uGUI.main.intro.mainText.text.color : Color;
            TextText.material = CloneMaterial ? uGUI.main.intro.mainText.text.material : Material;

            // Sets it to SN's highest layer -- note it will not appear on top of the black "you are dead" overlay. To do that
            // requires setting it HIGHER than uGUI.main.overlays.overlays[0].graphic  -- which will make SN throw a sloppy exception
            // in the log, but will WORK.
            TextObject.transform.SetParent(uGUI.main.screenCanvas.transform, false); // Parents our text to the black overlay
            TextText.canvas.overrideSorting = true;                                  // Turn on canvas sort override so the layers will work
            TextObject.layer = 31;                                                   // Set to what seems to be Subnautica's highest layer
Exemplo n.º 7
    public GameObject Add(string textureName, Func<bool> isEnabled = null, Action onClick = null)
        GameObject go = new GameObject();
        UITexture buttonTexture = go.EnsureComponent<UITexture>();

        if (onClick != null)
            DaemonButton button = go.EnsureComponent<DaemonButton>();
            UIButton buttonUI = go.EnsureComponent<UIButton>();
            buttonUI.disabledColor = disabledColor;
            BoxCollider buttonBoxCollider = go.EnsureComponent<BoxCollider>();
            if (isEnabled != null)
                go.EnsureComponent<IsEnabled>().Predicate = isEnabled;
                bool enabled = isEnabled();
                buttonUI.isEnabled = enabled;
                //buttonBoxCollider.enabled = enabled;
            buttonBoxCollider.isTrigger = true;

            button.click += onClick;

        buttonTexture.mainTexture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/" + textureName);
        buttonTexture.autoResizeBoxCollider = true;
        buttonTexture.depth = 10;
        return go;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override GameObject GetGameObject()
            GameObject prefab = null;

                prefab = GameObject.Instantiate <GameObject>(_prefab);

                prefab.name = this.PrefabFileName;

                PrefabIdentifier prefabID = prefab.EnsureComponent <PrefabIdentifier>();
                prefabID.ClassId = this.ClassID;

                prefab.AddComponent <AnimationManager>();
                prefab.AddComponent <OxStationScreenController>();

                var techTag = prefab.EnsureComponent <TechTag>();
                techTag.type = TechType;
            catch (Exception e)

Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a prefab instance in the scene, in reaction to data being added to the data model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataModel">Object to spawn's data model.</param>
        /// <param name="prefabToInstantiate">Prefab to instantiate.</param>
        /// <param name="parentObject">Parent object under which the prefab should be.</param>
        /// <param name="objectName">Name of the object.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual GameObject CreatePrefabInstance(SyncSpawnedObject dataModel, GameObject prefabToInstantiate, GameObject parentObject, string objectName)
            GameObject instance = Instantiate(prefabToInstantiate, dataModel.Transform.Position.Value, dataModel.Transform.Rotation.Value);

            instance.transform.localScale = dataModel.Transform.Scale.Value;
            instance.transform.SetParent(parentObject.transform, false);
            instance.gameObject.name = objectName;

            dataModel.GameObject = instance;

            // Set the data model on the various ISyncModelAccessor components of the spawned game obejct
            ISyncModelAccessor[] syncModelAccessors = instance.GetComponentsInChildren <ISyncModelAccessor>(true);
            if (syncModelAccessors.Length <= 0)
                // If no ISyncModelAccessor component exists, create a default one that gives access to the SyncObject instance
                ISyncModelAccessor defaultAccessor = instance.EnsureComponent <DefaultSyncModelAccessor>();

            for (int i = 0; i < syncModelAccessors.Length; i++)

            // Setup the transform synchronization
            TransformSynchronizer transformSynchronizer = instance.EnsureComponent <TransformSynchronizer>();

            transformSynchronizer.TransformDataModel = dataModel.Transform;

        public override GameObject GetGameObject()
            GameObject prefab = null;

                prefab = GameObject.Instantiate(_prefab);

                var container2 = GameObject.Instantiate(CreateStorage());
                container2.name             = "StorageContainerUnit";
                container2.transform.parent = prefab.transform;

                //========== Allows the building animation and material colors ==========//
                Shader     shader     = Shader.Find("MarmosetUBER");
                Renderer[] renderers  = prefab.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();
                SkyApplier skyApplier = prefab.EnsureComponent <SkyApplier>();
                skyApplier.renderers = renderers;
                skyApplier.anchorSky = Skies.Auto;

                //========== Allows the building animation and material colors ==========//

                // Add constructible
                var constructable = prefab.EnsureComponent <Constructable>();
                constructable.allowedOnWall           = false;
                constructable.allowedOnGround         = true;
                constructable.allowedInSub            = false;
                constructable.allowedInBase           = false;
                constructable.allowedOnCeiling        = false;
                constructable.allowedOutside          = true;
                constructable.model                   = prefab.FindChild("model");
                constructable.techType                = TechType;
                constructable.rotationEnabled         = true;
                constructable.allowedOnConstructables = Player.main.GetDepth() > 1;

                // Add large world entity ALLOWS YOU TO SAVE ON TERRAIN
                var lwe = prefab.AddComponent <LargeWorldEntity>();
                lwe.cellLevel = LargeWorldEntity.CellLevel.Global;

                //var beacon = prefab.AddComponent<Beacon>();

                //beacon.label = "DeepDriller";

                var center = new Vector3(0f, 1.579518f, 0f);
                var size   = new Vector3(2.669801f, 2.776958f, 2.464836f);

                GameObjectHelpers.AddConstructableBounds(prefab, size, center);

                prefab.AddComponent <PrefabIdentifier>().ClassId = this.ClassID;
                prefab.AddComponent <FMOD_CustomLoopingEmitter>();
                prefab.AddComponent <ExStorageDepotController>();
            catch (Exception e)

Exemplo n.º 11
        public override GameObject GetGameObject()
            GameObject prefab = null;

                prefab = GameObject.Instantiate(_prefab);

                var meshRenderers = prefab.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>();

                //========== Allows the building animation and material colors ==========//
                Shader     shader     = Shader.Find("MarmosetUBER");
                Renderer[] renderers  = prefab.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();
                SkyApplier skyApplier = prefab.EnsureComponent <SkyApplier>();
                skyApplier.renderers = renderers;
                skyApplier.anchorSky = Skies.Auto;

                //========== Allows the building animation and material colors ==========//

                // Add constructible
                var constructable = prefab.EnsureComponent <Constructable>();
                constructable.allowedOnWall    = false;
                constructable.allowedOnGround  = true;
                constructable.allowedInSub     = false;
                constructable.allowedInBase    = false;
                constructable.allowedOnCeiling = false;
                constructable.allowedOutside   = true;
                constructable.model            = prefab.FindChild("model");
                constructable.techType         = TechType;
                constructable.rotationEnabled  = true;

                // Add large world entity ALLOWS YOU TO SAVE ON TERRAIN
                var lwe = prefab.AddComponent <LargeWorldEntity>();
                lwe.cellLevel = LargeWorldEntity.CellLevel.Global;

                //var beacon = prefab.AddComponent<Beacon>();

                var center = new Vector3(0, 3.048428f, 0);
                var size   = new Vector3(4.821606f, 3.35228f, 4.941598f);

                GameObjectHelpers.AddConstructableBounds(prefab, size, center);

                //beacon.label = "DeepDriller";
                prefab.AddComponent <PrefabIdentifier>().ClassId = this.ClassID;
                prefab.AddComponent <FMOD_CustomLoopingEmitter>();
                prefab.AddComponent <FCSDeepDrillerController>();
            catch (Exception e)

Exemplo n.º 12
        private void Awake()
            RadiationTrigger = new GameObject("RadiationTrigger");

            RadiationTrigger.transform.SetParent(transform, false);

            playerDistanceTracker = RadiationTrigger.EnsureComponent <PlayerDistanceTracker>();
            radiatePlayerInRange  = RadiationTrigger.EnsureComponent <RadiatePlayerInRange>();
            damagePlayerInRadius  = RadiationTrigger.EnsureComponent <DamagePlayerInRadius>();
			public override IEnumerator GetGameObjectAsync(IOut<GameObject> gameObject)
				CoroutineTask<GameObject> task = CraftData.GetPrefabForTechTypeAsync(TechType.SmallLocker);
				yield return task;
				var smallLockerPrefab = task.GetResult();
				GameObject prefab = GameObject.Instantiate(smallLockerPrefab);
				var storageAccess = prefab.EnsureComponent<VehicleStorageAccess>();
				storageAccess.textPrefab = GameObject.Instantiate(smallLockerPrefab.GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshProUGUI>());

				var container = prefab.EnsureComponent<StorageContainer>();
				container.width = Mod.config.LockerWidth;
				container.height = Mod.config.LockerHeight;
				container.container.Resize(Mod.config.LockerWidth, Mod.config.LockerHeight);

				var meshRenderers = prefab.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>();
				foreach (var meshRenderer in meshRenderers)
					meshRenderer.material.color = new Color(0, 0, 1);

				var label = prefab.FindChild("Label");

				var canvas = LockerPrefabShared.CreateCanvas(prefab.transform);
				storageAccess.background = LockerPrefabShared.CreateBackground(canvas.transform);
				storageAccess.icon = LockerPrefabShared.CreateIcon(storageAccess.background.transform, PrimaryColor, 15);
				storageAccess.text = LockerPrefabShared.CreateText(storageAccess.background.transform, storageAccess.textPrefab, PrimaryColor, -40, 10, "");
				storageAccess.seamothIcon = LockerPrefabShared.CreateIcon(storageAccess.background.transform, PrimaryColor, 80);
				storageAccess.seamothCountText = LockerPrefabShared.CreateText(storageAccess.background.transform, storageAccess.textPrefab, PrimaryColor, 55, 10, "none");
				storageAccess.exosuitIcon = LockerPrefabShared.CreateIcon(storageAccess.background.transform, PrimaryColor, 80);
				storageAccess.exosuitCountText = LockerPrefabShared.CreateText(storageAccess.background.transform, storageAccess.textPrefab, PrimaryColor, 55, 10, "none");

				storageAccess.seamothIcon.rectTransform.anchoredPosition += new Vector2(-23, 0);
				storageAccess.seamothCountText.rectTransform.anchoredPosition += new Vector2(-23, 0);
				storageAccess.exosuitIcon.rectTransform.anchoredPosition += new Vector2(23, 0);
				storageAccess.exosuitCountText.rectTransform.anchoredPosition += new Vector2(23, 0);

				if (Mod.config.UseAutosortMod)
					storageAccess.autosortCheckbox = CheckboxButton.CreateCheckbox(storageAccess.background.transform, PrimaryColor, storageAccess.textPrefab, "Autosort");
					storageAccess.autosortCheckbox.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, -104 + 19);

				storageAccess.enableCheckbox = CheckboxButton.CreateCheckbox(storageAccess.background.transform, PrimaryColor, storageAccess.textPrefab, "Enabled");
				storageAccess.enableCheckbox.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, -104);


#if SN1
				return prefab;
#elif BZ
Exemplo n.º 14
        public override GameObject GetGameObject()
            GameObject prefab = null;

                prefab = GameObject.Instantiate <GameObject>(_prefab);

                //========== Allows the building animation and material colors ==========//
                SkyApplier skyApplier = prefab.EnsureComponent <SkyApplier>();
                skyApplier.renderers = prefab.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();
                skyApplier.anchorSky = Skies.Auto;

                //========== Allows the building animation and material colors ==========//

                // Add constructible
                var constructable = prefab.EnsureComponent <Constructable>();
                constructable.allowedOnWall        = false;
                constructable.allowedOnGround      = true;
                constructable.allowedInSub         = false;
                constructable.allowedInBase        = false;
                constructable.allowedOnCeiling     = false;
                constructable.allowedOutside       = true;
                constructable.model                = prefab.FindChild("model");
                constructable.techType             = TechType;
                constructable.rotationEnabled      = true;
                constructable.forceUpright         = true;
                constructable.placeDefaultDistance = 10f;

                // Add large world entity ALLOWS YOU TO SAVE ON TERRAIN
                var lwe = prefab.AddComponent <LargeWorldEntity>();
                lwe.cellLevel = LargeWorldEntity.CellLevel.Global;

                //var beacon = prefab.AddComponent<Beacon>();

                var center = new Vector3(0, 3.106274f, 0);
                var size   = new Vector3(6.85554f, 6.670462f, 7.002856f);

                GameObjectHelpers.AddConstructableBounds(prefab, size, center);

                //beacon.label = "DeepDriller";
                prefab.AddComponent <PrefabIdentifier>().ClassId = this.ClassID;
                prefab.AddComponent <TechTag>().type             = TechTypeID;
                prefab.AddComponent <FMOD_CustomLoopingEmitter>();
                prefab.AddComponent <FCSDeepDrillerController>();
            catch (Exception e)

        public override IEnumerator GetGameObjectAsync(IOut <GameObject> gameObject)
            if (processedPrefab == null)
                CoroutineTask <GameObject> task = CraftData.GetPrefabForTechTypeAsync(TechType.SeaglideFragment);
                yield return(task);

                GameObject prefab = GameObject.Instantiate(task.GetResult());

                MeshRenderer[]        meshRenderers        = prefab.GetAllComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>();
                SkinnedMeshRenderer[] skinnedMeshRenderers = prefab.GetAllComponentsInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
                Color powerGlideColour = new Color(PowerglideEquipable.PowerglideColourR, PowerglideEquipable.PowerglideColourG, PowerglideEquipable.PowerglideColourB);

                foreach (MeshRenderer mr in meshRenderers)
                    // MeshRenderers have the third-person mesh, apparently?
                    if (mr.name.Contains("SeaGlide_01_damaged"))
                        mr.material.color = powerGlideColour;

                foreach (SkinnedMeshRenderer smr in skinnedMeshRenderers)
                    if (smr.name.Contains("SeaGlide_geo"))
                        smr.material.color = powerGlideColour;

                PrefabIdentifier prefabIdentifier = prefab.GetComponent <PrefabIdentifier>();
                prefabIdentifier.ClassId = this.ClassID;
                prefab.GetComponent <LargeWorldEntity>().cellLevel = LargeWorldEntity.CellLevel.VeryFar;
                prefab.EnsureComponent <TechTag>().type            = this.TechType;

                Pickupable pickupable = prefab.GetComponent <Pickupable>();
                pickupable.isPickupable = false;

                ResourceTracker resourceTracker = prefab.EnsureComponent <ResourceTracker>();
                resourceTracker.prefabIdentifier = prefabIdentifier;
                typeof(ResourceTracker).GetField("techType", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(resourceTracker, this.TechType);
                //resourceTracker.techType = this.TechType;
                resourceTracker.overrideTechType = TechType.Fragment;
                resourceTracker.rb         = prefab.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                resourceTracker.pickupable = pickupable;

                processedPrefab = prefab;
                ModPrefabCache.AddPrefab(processedPrefab, false); // This doesn't actually do any caching, but it does disable the prefab without "disabling" it - the prefab doesn't show up in the world [as with SetActive(false)]
                // but it can still be instantiated. [unlike with SetActive(false)]

Exemplo n.º 16
        internal void Register()

            _prefab = HydroponicHarvestersModelPrefab.BottlePrefab;

            if (_prefab == null)
                QuickLogger.Error("FloraKleen prefab is null");

            GameObjectHelpers.AddConstructableBounds(_prefab, new Vector3(0.1969692f, 0.25098f, 0.1916926f), new Vector3(0, -0.01675579f, 0));

            QuickLogger.Debug("Added Constructable Bounds");

            //Make the rigid body isKinematic so it doesnt shake the cyclops
            var rb = _prefab.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();

            rb.isKinematic = true;
            QuickLogger.Debug("Added Rigid Body");

            // Make the object drop slowly in water
            var wf = _prefab.EnsureComponent <WorldForces>();

            wf.underwaterGravity = 0;
            wf.underwaterDrag    = 10f;
            wf.enabled           = true;
            QuickLogger.Debug("Ensuring World Forces");

            // Add fabricating animation
            var fabricatingA = _prefab.EnsureComponent <VFXFabricating>();

            fabricatingA.localMinY   = -0.1f;
            fabricatingA.localMaxY   = 0.6f;
            fabricatingA.posOffset   = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
            fabricatingA.eulerOffset = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
            fabricatingA.scaleFactor = 1.0f;
            QuickLogger.Debug("Ensuring VFXFabricating");

            //// Set proper shaders (for crafting animation)
            var renderer = _prefab.GetComponentInChildren <Renderer>();

            QuickLogger.Debug("Getting Renderer");

            // Update sky applier
            var applier = _prefab.EnsureComponent <SkyApplier>();

            applier.renderers = new Renderer[] { renderer };
            applier.anchorSky = Skies.Auto;
            QuickLogger.Debug("Ensuring SkyApplier");
Exemplo n.º 17
        public override GameObject GetGameObject()
            GameObject obj = new GameObject("SharkBattery");

            Battery batt = obj.EnsureComponent <Battery>();

            batt._capacity = 1000f;

            obj.EnsureComponent <Pickupable>();
            obj.EnsureComponent <TechTag>().type = TechType;

Exemplo n.º 18
        public override GameObject GetGameObject()
            //Instantiates a copy of the prefab that is loaded from the AssetBundle loaded above.
            GameObject _prefab = GameObject.Instantiate(Utils.Helper.Bundle.LoadAsset <GameObject>("DeepEngine.prefab"));

            _prefab.name = Constant.ClassID;
            //Need a tech tag for most prefabs
            var techTag = _prefab.AddComponent <TechTag>();

            techTag.type = TechType;

            _prefab.EnsureComponent <LargeWorldEntity>().cellLevel = LargeWorldEntity.CellLevel.Global;
            _prefab.EnsureComponent <PrefabIdentifier>().ClassId   = ClassID;

            //Collider for the turbine pole and builder tool
            var collider = _prefab.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();

            collider.center = new Vector3(-0.1f, 1.2f, 00f);
            collider.size   = new Vector3(3f, 2.35f, 2f);

            //Update all shaders

            // Add constructable - This prefab normally isn't constructed.
            Constructable constructible = _prefab.AddComponent <Constructable>();

            constructible.constructedAmount       = 1;
            constructible.allowedInBase           = false;
            constructible.allowedInSub            = false;
            constructible.allowedOutside          = true;
            constructible.allowedOnCeiling        = false;
            constructible.allowedOnGround         = true;
            constructible.allowedOnWall           = false;
            constructible.allowedOnConstructables = false;
            constructible.techType             = this.TechType;
            constructible.rotationEnabled      = true;
            constructible.placeDefaultDistance = 6f;
            constructible.placeMinDistance     = 0.5f;
            constructible.placeMaxDistance     = 15f;
            constructible.surfaceType          = VFXSurfaceTypes.metal;
            constructible.model        = _prefab.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
            constructible.forceUpright = true;

            var deepEngineAnim   = _prefab.AddComponent <DeepEngineAnim>();
            var deepEngineAction = _prefab.AddComponent <DeepEngineAction>();

Exemplo n.º 19
        public override GameObject GetGameObject()
            GameObject obj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cylinder);

            obj.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * 0.1f;
            var wf = obj.EnsureComponent <WorldForces>();

            wf.useRigidbody            = obj.EnsureComponent <Rigidbody>();
            wf.useRigidbody.useGravity = false;

            obj.EnsureComponent <TechTag>().type = TechType;
            obj.EnsureComponent <Pickupable>();

Exemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Bind a Unity Collision event to a ViewModel command.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="t">The view that owns the binding</param>
 /// <param name="eventType">The collision event to bind to.</param>
 /// <returns>The collision binding class that allows chaining extra options.</returns>
 public static IObservable <Collision> OnCollisionObservable(this GameObject t, CollisionEventType eventType)
     if (eventType == CollisionEventType.Enter)
         return(t.EnsureComponent <ObservableCollisionEnterBehaviour>().OnCollisionEnterAsObservable());
     else if (eventType == CollisionEventType.Exit)
         return(t.EnsureComponent <ObservableCollisionExitBehaviour>().OnCollisionExitAsObservable());
         return(t.EnsureComponent <ObservableCollisionStayBehaviour>().OnCollisionStayAsObservable());
Exemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Bind a Unity Collision event to a ViewModel command.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="t">The view that owns the binding</param>
 /// <param name="eventType">The collision event to bind to.</param>
 /// <returns>The collision binding class that allows chaining extra options.</returns>
 public static IObservable <Collider2D> OnTrigger2DObservable(this GameObject t, CollisionEventType eventType)
     if (eventType == CollisionEventType.Enter)
         return(t.EnsureComponent <ObservableTriggerEnter2DBehaviour>().OnTriggerEnter2DAsObservable());
     else if (eventType == CollisionEventType.Exit)
         return(t.EnsureComponent <ObservableTriggerExit2DBehaviour>().OnTriggerExit2DAsObservable());
         return(t.EnsureComponent <ObservableTriggerStay2DBehaviour>().OnTriggerStay2DAsObservable());
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// This game uses its own shader system and as such the shaders from UnityEditor do not work and will leave you with a black object unless in direct sunlight.
        /// Note: When copying prefabs from the game itself this is already setup and is only needed when importing new prefabs to the game.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameObject"></param>
        private static void ApplySubnauticaShaders(GameObject gameObject)
            Shader          shader    = Shader.Find("MarmosetUBER");
            List <Renderer> Renderers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>().ToList();

            foreach (Renderer renderer in Renderers)
                foreach (Material material in renderer.materials)
                    //get the old emission before overwriting the shader
                    Texture emissionTexture = material.GetTexture("_EmissionMap");

                    //overwrites your prefabs shader with the shader system from the game.
                    material.shader = shader;

                    //These enable the item to emit a glow of its own using Subnauticas shader system.
                    material.SetFloat(ShaderPropertyID._EnableGlow, 1f);
                    material.SetTexture(ShaderPropertyID._Illum, emissionTexture);
                    material.SetColor(ShaderPropertyID._GlowColor, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f));

            //This applies the games sky lighting to the object when in the game but also only really works combined with the above code as well.
            SkyApplier skyApplier = gameObject.EnsureComponent <SkyApplier>();

            skyApplier.renderers = Renderers.ToArray();
            skyApplier.anchorSky = Skies.Auto;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void Rescan()
            foreach (Collider collider in baseGameObject.GetComponents <Collider>())
                int cInstanceID = collider.GetInstanceID();

                if (!ColliderBases.Keys.Contains(cInstanceID))
                    GameObject childContainer = new GameObject($"childContainer_{childCount}");

                    childContainer.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
                    childContainer.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                    childContainer.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

                    var dcb = childContainer.EnsureComponent <DrawColliderBounds>();

                    dcb.cInstanceID = cInstanceID;
                    dcb.collider    = collider;
                    collider.SetColliderInfo(ref dcb.colliderInfo);

                    ColliderBases.Add(cInstanceID, new ColliderDraw()
                        Container    = childContainer,
                        ColliderBase = new ColliderInfo(collider),
                        DCB          = dcb

                    Main.Instance.OutputWindow_Log($"Collider drawing instance added to this [ID: {cInstanceID}] collider. Type: {dcb.colliderInfo.ColliderType}");

Exemplo n.º 24
        public void Awake()
            baseGameObject = GetComponentInParent <DrawObjectBounds>().transform.parent.gameObject;

            pointer = gameObject.CreatePointerLine(PointerType.Collider);

            foreach (Collider collider in baseGameObject.GetComponents <Collider>())
                int cInstanceID = collider.GetInstanceID();

                GameObject childContainer = new GameObject($"childContainer_{childCount}");

                childContainer.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
                childContainer.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                childContainer.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

                var dcb = childContainer.EnsureComponent <DrawColliderBounds>();

                dcb.cInstanceID = cInstanceID;
                dcb.collider    = collider;
                collider.SetColliderInfo(ref dcb.colliderInfo);

                ColliderBases.Add(cInstanceID, new ColliderDraw()
                    Container    = childContainer,
                    ColliderBase = new ColliderInfo(collider),
                    DCB          = dcb

                Main.Instance.OutputWindow_Log($"Collider drawing instance added to this gameobject: [{baseGameObject.name}], collider ID:[{cInstanceID}], Type: [{dcb.colliderInfo.ColliderType}]");

        private void Awake()
            Transform parent = transform.parent;

            transformBase = new TransformInfo(parent);

            if (parent.GetType().Equals(typeof(RectTransform)))
                gameObject.CreateLineContainers(ref lineContainers, ContainerType.Rectangle, 0.008f, Color.green, false);

                gameObject.CreateLineContainers(ref lineContainers, ContainerType.Box, 0.008f, Color.green, false);

                Vector3 newSize = LineHelper.CompensateSizefromScale(new Vector3(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f), transform.parent.localScale);

                lineContainers.DrawBox(Vector3.zero, newSize);



            if (gameObject.GetComponentInParent <Collider>() != null)
                GameObject colliderContainerBase = gameObject.GetOrAddVisualBase(BaseType.Collider);
                colliderContainerBase.EnsureComponent <DrawColliderControl>();
Exemplo n.º 26
        protected virtual void OnValidate()

            label.EnsureComponent <TextMeshPro>();
            gameObject.EnsureComponent <ToolTipConnector>();
        private static IEnumerator SpawnCreature(WaterPark waterPark, WaterParkCreature parkCreature, ItemsContainer container)
            CoroutineTask <GameObject> task = CraftData.GetPrefabForTechTypeAsync(parkCreature.pickupable.GetTechType(), false);

            yield return(task);

            GameObject prefab = task.GetResult();

            GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab);

            Pickupable pickupable = gameObject.EnsureComponent <Pickupable>();

            TaskResult <Pickupable> taskResult = new TaskResult <Pickupable>();
            yield return(pickupable.PickupAsync(taskResult, false));

            pickupable = taskResult.Get();

            yield break;
        /// <summary>
        /// Util method for drawing a consistent constraints section.
        /// Use this method in a component inspector for linking to a constraint manager.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameObject">Game object the constraint manager is attached to.</param>
        /// <param name="managerEnabled">Serialized property for enabling the manager - needs to be of type bool.</param>
        /// <param name="managerRef">Serialized property of the constraint manager component link - needs to be type of ConstraintManager.</param>
        /// <param name="isExpanded">Flag for indicating if the constraint foldout was previously collapsed or expanded.</param>
        /// <returns>Current state of expanded or collapsed constraint foldout. Returns true if expanded / contents visible.</returns>
        static public bool DrawConstraintManagerFoldout(GameObject gameObject, SerializedProperty managerEnabled, SerializedProperty managerRef, bool isExpanded)
            isExpanded = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(isExpanded, "Constraints", true);

            if (isExpanded)
                GUI.enabled = managerEnabled.boolValue;
                // Make sure we're having at least one constraint manager available.
                // Usually this should be ensured by the component requirement. However
                // for components that had this requirement added after they were serialized
                // this won't work out of the box.
                gameObject.EnsureComponent <ConstraintManager>();
                var constraintManagers = gameObject.GetComponents <ConstraintManager>();

                int selected = 0;

                string[] options = new string[constraintManagers.Length];

                int manualSelectionCount = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < constraintManagers.Length; ++i)
                    var manager = constraintManagers[i];
                    if (managerRef.objectReferenceValue == manager)
                        selected = i;

                    // popups will only show unique elements
                    // in case of auto selection we don't care which one we're selecting as the behavior will be the same.
                    // in case of manual selection users might want to differentiate which constraintmanager they are referring to.
                    if (manager.AutoConstraintSelection == true)
                        options[i] = manager.GetType().Name + " (auto)";
                        options[i] = manager.GetType().Name + " (manual " + manualSelectionCount + ")";

                using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope())
                    selected = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Constraint Manager", selected, options, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));
                    ConstraintManager selectedConstraintManager = constraintManagers[selected];
                    managerRef.objectReferenceValue = selectedConstraintManager;
                    if (GUILayout.Button("Go to component"))
                        Highlighter.Highlight("Inspector", $"ComponentId: {selectedConstraintManager.GetInstanceID()}");

                GUI.enabled = true;

Exemplo n.º 29
        protected virtual void Start()
            // Make sure we have all the components in the scene we need.
            if (WorldAnchorManager.Instance == null)
                Debug.LogError("This script expects that you have a WorldAnchorManager component in your scene.");

            if (WorldAnchorManager.Instance != null)
                // If we are not starting out with actively placing the object, give it a World Anchor
                if (!IsBeingPlaced)
                    WorldAnchorManager.Instance.AttachAnchor(gameObject, SavedAnchorFriendlyName);


            interpolator = PlaceParentOnTap
                ? ParentGameObjectToPlace.EnsureComponent <Interpolator>()
                : gameObject.EnsureComponent <Interpolator>();

            if (IsBeingPlaced)
Exemplo n.º 30
        private static IEnumerator AddItemToAlterraGen(TechType parkCreatureTechType, IFCSStorage container)
            CoroutineTask <GameObject> task = CraftData.GetPrefabForTechTypeAsync(parkCreatureTechType, false);

            yield return(task);

            GameObject prefab = task.GetResult();


            while (!container.CanBeStored(1, parkCreatureTechType))
                yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(1));

            GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab);

            Pickupable pickupable = gameObject.EnsureComponent <Pickupable>();

            TaskResult <Pickupable> taskResult = new TaskResult <Pickupable>();
            yield return(pickupable.PickupAsync(taskResult, false));

            pickupable = taskResult.Get();
            container.AddItemToContainer(new InventoryItem(pickupable));

            yield break;
Exemplo n.º 31
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void ApplyEffect(GameObject soundEmittingObject)
            if (!isActiveAndEnabled)

            AudioSource audioSource = soundEmittingObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>();

            if (audioSource == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("The specified emitter does not have an attached AudioSource component.");

            // Audio occlusion is performed using a low pass filter.
            AudioLowPassFilter lowPass = soundEmittingObject.EnsureComponent <AudioLowPassFilter>();

            lowPass.enabled = true;

            // In the real world, chaining multiple low-pass filters will result in the
            // lowest of the cutoff frequencies being the highest pitches heard.
            lowPass.cutoffFrequency = Mathf.Min(lowPass.cutoffFrequency, CutoffFrequency);

            // Unlike the cutoff frequency, volume pass-through is cumulative.
            audioSource.volume *= VolumePassThrough;
Exemplo n.º 32
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
     cube.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform;
     cube.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 3f, 0);
     cube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, .25f, 0f);
     cube.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = new Color(.6f, 0f, 0f, .5f);
     cube.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.shader = Shader.Find("Transparent/Cutout/Soft Edge Unlit");
     cube.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion();
Exemplo n.º 33
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        this.transform.rotation = Random.rotation;

        if (Target == null)
            Target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");

        TargetRotationHelper = new GameObject("RotationHelper");
        TargetRotationHelper.transform.parent = this.transform;

        //this.EnsureComponent<ImpactDamage>().Damage = Damage;

        rigidbody.useGravity = false;
Exemplo n.º 34
    void Start()
        GameObject outline = new GameObject();
        outline.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform;
        outline.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        outline.name = Name;

        _sprite = outline.EnsureComponent<UISprite>();
        _sprite.atlas = Resources.Load<GameObject>("GUI/Atlas").GetComponent<UIAtlas>();
        _sprite.spriteName = "Radiance";
        _sprite.type = UISprite.Type.Filled;
        _sprite.fillDirection = UISprite.FillDirection.Radial360;
        _sprite.invert = Clockwise;
        _sprite.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
        _sprite.width = Diameter;
        _sprite.height = Diameter;
        _sprite.depth = Depth;
        _sprite.color = Color;

        _totalPerimeterPercentage = (DegreeEnd - DegreeStart) / 360f;