/// <summary>
        ///     Sign in the user in using the user name and password
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName" />
        /// <param name="password" />
        /// <param name="isPersistent" />
        /// <param name="shouldLockout" />
        /// <returns />
        public override async Task <SignInStatus> PasswordSignInAsync(string userName, string password, bool isPersistent,
                                                                      bool shouldLockout)
            var db = new FortressDatabase();

            var result = await base.PasswordSignInAsync(userName, password, isPersistent, shouldLockout);

            if (result == SignInStatus.LockedOut)
                db.AddNewSignInEvent(userName, SignInStatus.LockedOut, false, Request.RemoteIpAddress);
                HttpContext.Current.Items.Add(FortressConstants.LockoutItemKey, true);
            db.AddNewSignInEvent(userName, result, false, Request.RemoteIpAddress);

        public override async Task <SignInStatus> TwoFactorSignInAsync(string provider, string code, bool isPersistent,
                                                                       bool rememberBrowser)
            var result = await base.TwoFactorSignInAsync(provider, code, isPersistent, rememberBrowser);

            var db = new FortressDatabase();

            db.AddNewSignInEvent(this.GetVerifiedUserId(), result, true, Request.RemoteIpAddress);
