Exemplo n.º 1
        public List <int> FindFacePoints(string image)

            if (this.faceDetectRects.Count != 1)
                string error = String.Format("Found {0} faces (not exactly 1!) in image {1}", this.faceDetectRects.Count, image);
                throw new System.Exception(error);

            EyeDetectResult eyeResult = this.eyeDetectResults[0];
            double          lx        = eyeResult.LeftEye.X;
            double          ly        = eyeResult.LeftEye.Y;
            double          rx        = eyeResult.RightEye.X;
            double          ry        = eyeResult.RightEye.Y;

            if (eyeResult is FaceFeatureResult)
                FaceFeatureResult faceResult = eyeResult as FaceFeatureResult;
                return(FaceAnchorPoints(lx, ly, rx, ry,
                                        (faceResult.LeftMouth.X + faceResult.RightMouth.X) / 2, (faceResult.LeftMouth.Y + faceResult.RightMouth.Y) / 2));
                return(FaceAnchorPoints(lx, ly, rx, ry));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private bool DoEyeDetect(Rect faceRect, out System.Windows.Point leftEye, out System.Windows.Point rightEye)
            leftEye  = new System.Windows.Point();
            rightEye = new System.Windows.Point();

            if (null == _facePixs)

            if (null == _eyeDetect)
                _eyeDetect = new EyeDetect();

            EyeDetectResult eyeResult = _eyeDetect.Detect(_facePixs, (int)_eyeDetectFaceRect.Width, (int)_eyeDetectFaceRect.Height);

            leftEye.X  = eyeResult.LeftEye.X * faceRect.Width / _eyeDetectFaceRect.Width + faceRect.X;
            leftEye.Y  = eyeResult.LeftEye.Y * faceRect.Height / _eyeDetectFaceRect.Height + faceRect.Y;
            rightEye.X = eyeResult.RightEye.X * faceRect.Width / _eyeDetectFaceRect.Width + faceRect.X;
            rightEye.Y = eyeResult.RightEye.Y * faceRect.Height / _eyeDetectFaceRect.Height + faceRect.Y;

Exemplo n.º 3
        //static void RunDetection(string filename, Rect rect, Point leftEye, Point rightEye, ref byte [] facePix, Rect faceRect)
        static void RunDetection(string filename, Rect rect, FaceDisp.FaceData faceData, ref byte [] facePix, Rect faceRect)
            EyeDetect eyeDetect       = new EyeDetect();
            int       byteCountPerPix = (int)(facePix.Length / faceRect.Width / faceRect.Height);

            bool isSuccess = eyeDetect.SetAlgorithm(_algo, _algoData);

            if (true == isSuccess)
                EyeDetectResult eyeResult = eyeDetect.Detect(facePix, (int)_faceDisplayWidth, (int)_faceDisplayWidth);

                _outStream.WriteLine("{0}", filename);
                _outStream.Write("{0} {1} {2} {3} ", (int)rect.X, (int)rect.Y, (int)rect.Width, (int)rect.Height);

                if (faceData.TrueLeftEye.X > 1.0)
                    Point leftEye  = FaceFeatureToScaledPoint(faceData.TrueLeftEye, rect);
                    Point rightEye = FaceFeatureToScaledPoint(faceData.TrueRightEye, rect);

                    _outStream.Write("{0:F3} {1:F3} {2:F3} {3:F3} ", leftEye.X, leftEye.Y, rightEye.X, rightEye.Y);
                    _outStream.Write("{0:F3} {1:F3} {2:F3} {3:F3} ", faceData.TrueLeftEye.X, faceData.TrueLeftEye.Y, faceData.TrueRightEye.X, faceData.TrueRightEye.Y);
                _outStream.Write("{0:F3} {1:F3} {2:F3} {3:F3} ", eyeResult.LeftEye.X / _faceDisplayWidth, eyeResult.LeftEye.Y / _faceDisplayWidth,
                                 eyeResult.RightEye.X / _faceDisplayWidth, eyeResult.RightEye.Y / _faceDisplayWidth);

                FaceFeatureResult res = eyeResult as FaceFeatureResult;
                if (null != res)
                    if (faceData.Nose.X > 1.0)
                        Point nose       = FaceFeatureToScaledPoint(faceData.Nose, rect);
                        Point leftMouth  = FaceFeatureToScaledPoint(faceData.LeftMouth, rect);
                        Point rightMouth = FaceFeatureToScaledPoint(faceData.RightMouth, rect);

                        _outStream.Write("{0:F3} {1:F3} ", nose.X, nose.Y);
                        _outStream.Write("{0:F3} {1:F3} {2:F3} {3:F3} ", leftMouth.X, leftMouth.Y, rightMouth.X, rightMouth.Y);
                        _outStream.Write("{0:F3} {1:F3} ", faceData.Nose.X, faceData.Nose.Y);
                        _outStream.Write("{0:F3} {1:F3} {2:F3} {3:F3} ", faceData.LeftMouth.X, faceData.LeftMouth.Y, faceData.RightMouth.X, faceData.RightMouth.Y);
                    _outStream.Write("{0:F3} {1:F3} ", res.Nose.X / _faceDisplayWidth, res.Nose.Y / _faceDisplayWidth);
                    _outStream.Write("{0:F3} {1:F3} {2:F3} {3:F3} ", res.LeftMouth.X / _faceDisplayWidth, res.LeftMouth.Y / _faceDisplayWidth,
                                     res.RightMouth.X / _faceDisplayWidth, res.RightMouth.Y / _faceDisplayWidth);
                if (_maxTransformCount > 0)
                    _outStream.Write("{0:F3} {1:F3} {2:F3}", _transform.Theta, _transform.X, _transform.Y);
                _outStream.WriteLine("Detection failed on {0}", filename);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Detect eyes in each detected face. Note the eye detector runs only on the face detected
        /// portion  of a photo, so face detection must be run first.
        /// In this method the whole photo is passed to the eye detector togetehr with a face rect
        /// The eye detector extracts the face, scales it and converts to gryscale before runningthe detector
        /// If your calling code has already extracted and converted the input photo then
        /// it is much more efficient to call the eye Detect method that accepts this data
        /// </summary>
        private void RunEyeDetection()
            Bitmap     photoBitMap = (Bitmap)photoImage;
            Rectangle  rect        = new Rectangle(0, 0, photoBitMap.Width, photoBitMap.Height);
            BitmapData data        = photoBitMap.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

            int bytes = data.Stride * photoBitMap.Height;

            byte[] rgbValues = new byte[bytes];

            // Copy the RGB values into the array.
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(data.Scan0, rgbValues, 0, bytes);

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

            foreach (ScoredRect r in faceDetectRects)
                Rectangle faceRect = new Rectangle(r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height);

                // This is fairly inefficient as the the face must first be extracted and scaled before eye detecion is run

                EyeDetectResult eyeResult   = eyeDetect.Detect(rgbValues, photoBitMap.Width, photoBitMap.Height, data.Stride, faceRect);
                float           eyeRectLen  = eyeMark * faceRect.Width;
                float           eyeRectLen2 = eyeRectLen / 2.0F;

                // Save the rects that will be displayed
                leftEyeRects.Add(new RectangleF((float)eyeResult.LeftEye.X - eyeRectLen2,
                                                (float)eyeResult.LeftEye.Y - eyeRectLen2,
                                                eyeRectLen, eyeRectLen));
                rightEyeRects.Add(new RectangleF((float)eyeResult.RightEye.X - eyeRectLen2,
                                                 (float)eyeResult.RightEye.Y - eyeRectLen2,
                                                 eyeRectLen, eyeRectLen));

                if (eyeResult is FaceFeatureResult)
                    FaceFeatureResult faceResult = eyeResult as FaceFeatureResult;
                    noseRects.Add(new RectangleF((float)faceResult.Nose.X - eyeRectLen2,
                                                 (float)faceResult.Nose.Y - eyeRectLen2,
                                                 eyeRectLen, eyeRectLen));
                    leftMouthRects.Add(new RectangleF((float)faceResult.LeftMouth.X - eyeRectLen2,
                                                      (float)faceResult.LeftMouth.Y - eyeRectLen2,
                                                      eyeRectLen, eyeRectLen));
                    rightMouthRects.Add(new RectangleF((float)faceResult.RightMouth.X - eyeRectLen2,
                                                       (float)faceResult.RightMouth.Y - eyeRectLen2,
                                                       eyeRectLen, eyeRectLen));
            TimeSpan detectTime = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - start.Ticks);

            textBoxEyeDetect.Text = detectTime.Milliseconds.ToString();

Exemplo n.º 5
        public void PrintResults()
            for (int f = 0; f < faceDetectRects.Count; f++)
                ScoredRect      r = faceDetectRects[f];
                EyeDetectResult e = eyeDetectResults[f];
                Console.Write("Detect {0} {1} {2} {3}  ", r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height);
                Console.Write("Eye {0} {1} {2} {3}  ", e.LeftEye.X, e.LeftEye.Y, e.RightEye.X, e.RightEye.Y);
                if (e is FaceFeatureResult)
                    FaceFeatureResult faceResult = e as FaceFeatureResult;
                    Console.Write("Nose {0} {1}  ", faceResult.Nose.X, faceResult.Nose.Y);
                    Console.Write("Mouth {0} {1} {2} {3}  ", faceResult.LeftMouth.X, faceResult.LeftMouth.Y, faceResult.RightMouth.X, faceResult.RightMouth.Y);

Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a photo by displaying detected faces
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mainCanvas">Main canvas reference</param>
        /// <param name="filename">Full path name to image file</param>
        /// <param name="faceRectList">Detected location of faces</param>
        /// <param name="borderWidth">Border width to use around faces</param>
        /// <param name="faceIdList">Id's to use for each detected face </param>
        /// <returns>Number of faces displayed</returns>
        private int InitializeInternal(BackgroundCanvas mainCanvas, string filename, List <Rect> faceRectList,
                                       int borderWidth, List <int> faceIdList)
            _faceRectList = faceRectList;
            _mainCanvas   = mainCanvas;
            _pathName     = filename;
            _fileName     = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_pathName);

            Dpu.ImageProcessing.Image[] dataPixs = CreateMainBitMap(filename);

            _border = new Border();

            RenderTransform = new ScaleTransform(1.0, 1.0);;

            _childImage             = new Image();
            _childImage.Source      = _bitmap;
            _border.Child           = _childImage;
            _border.BorderThickness = new Thickness(borderWidth);
            _border.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Black;
            _border.Background      = Brushes.White;


            double    xScale            = _bitmap.PixelWidth / _originalRect.Width;
            double    yScale            = _bitmap.PixelHeight / _originalRect.Height;
            bool      doEyeDetect       = false;
            EyeDetect eyeDetect         = null;
            Rect      displayFaceRect   = new Rect(0, 0, _faceDisplayWidth, _faceDisplayWidth);
            Rect      eyeDetectFaceRect = displayFaceRect;

            if (_leftEyeList == null)
                doEyeDetect = true;
                eyeDetect   = new EyeDetect();
                eyeDetect.SetAlgorithm(_mainCanvas.OptionDialog.EyeDetectAlgo, _mainCanvas.OptionDialog.EyeDetectPathName);
                if (_mainCanvas.OptionDialog.EyeDetectAlgo == EyeDetect.AlgorithmEnum.NN)
                    eyeDetectFaceRect = new Rect(0, 0, 41, 41);

            _outlineRectList = new List <Rectangle>();
            _faceList        = new List <Face>();

            for (int iRect = 0; iRect < faceRectList.Count; ++iRect)
                Rectangle outlineRect = new Rectangle();

                Rect rect = faceRectList[iRect];
                outlineRect.Width  = rect.Width * xScale;
                outlineRect.Height = rect.Height * yScale;
                SetLeft(outlineRect, rect.X * xScale + _border.BorderThickness.Left);
                SetTop(outlineRect, rect.Y * yScale + _border.BorderThickness.Top);
                outlineRect.Stroke     = Brushes.Blue;
                outlineRect.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                outlineRect.Opacity    = 1.0;


                Image faceImage   = new Image();
                Point targetLeft  = new Point(0, 0);
                Point targetRight = new Point(0, _faceDisplayWidth);

                BitmapSource newbitMap = SelectAndNormalizeBitmap(dataPixs,
                                                                  new Point(rect.X, rect.Y), new Point(rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y),
                                                                  new Point(0, 0), new Point(_faceDisplayWidth, 0), displayFaceRect);

                int   eyeId    = FindEyes(_leftEyeList, _rightEyeList, rect);
                Point leftEye  = new Point(0, 0);
                Point rightEye = new Point(0, 0);

                if (eyeId >= 0)
                    leftEye  = _leftEyeList[eyeId];
                    rightEye = _rightEyeList[eyeId];
                else if (doEyeDetect == true)
                    byte[] faceEyeDetect;
                    int    faceDetectPixCount = (int)(eyeDetectFaceRect.Width * eyeDetectFaceRect.Height);

                    faceEyeDetect = SelectAndNormalizePatch(dataPixs,
                                                            new Point(rect.X, rect.Y), new Point(rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y),
                                                            new Point(0, 0), new Point(eyeDetectFaceRect.Width, 0), eyeDetectFaceRect);

                    faceEyeDetect = ConvertToGreyScale(faceEyeDetect, faceEyeDetect.Length / faceDetectPixCount);

                    EyeDetectResult eyeResult = eyeDetect.Detect(faceEyeDetect,
                                                                 (int)eyeDetectFaceRect.Width, (int)eyeDetectFaceRect.Height);
                    leftEye.X  = eyeResult.LeftEye.X * rect.Width / eyeDetectFaceRect.Width + rect.X;
                    leftEye.Y  = eyeResult.LeftEye.Y * rect.Height / eyeDetectFaceRect.Height + rect.Y;
                    rightEye.X = eyeResult.RightEye.X * rect.Width / eyeDetectFaceRect.Width + rect.X;
                    rightEye.Y = eyeResult.RightEye.Y * rect.Height / eyeDetectFaceRect.Height + rect.Y;
                // else This is case where eye list is supplied an dthis face was not found - do not add this face

                BitmapSource normBitMap = SelectAndNormalizeBitmap(dataPixs,
                                                                   leftEye, rightEye,
                                                                   _mainCanvas.OptionDialog.NormalizeLeftEyeLocation, _mainCanvas.OptionDialog.NormalizeRightEyeLocation,

                if (null != newbitMap && null != normBitMap)
                    int faceID;
                    if (null != faceIdList && iRect < faceIdList.Count)
                        faceID = faceIdList[iRect];
                        faceID = mainCanvas.CreateNewObjectID();
                    Face face = new Face(mainCanvas, filename, faceID, normBitMap, newbitMap, iRect, this);
                    if (null != normBitMap)
                        leftEye.X  = (leftEye.X - rect.X) * _faceDisplayWidth / rect.Width;
                        leftEye.Y  = (leftEye.Y - rect.Y) * _faceDisplayWidth / rect.Height;
                        rightEye.X = (rightEye.X - rect.X) * _faceDisplayWidth / rect.Width;
                        rightEye.Y = (rightEye.Y - rect.Y) * _faceDisplayWidth / rect.Height;

                        face.LeftEye  = leftEye;
                        face.RightEye = rightEye;
                    //Face is is not used remove the rect
