Exemplo n.º 1
        private void PrintGraph()
            Encoders.AddEncoder <JpegEncoder>();
            Encoders.AddEncoder <PngEncoder>();

            GraphViewModel graphVM = ViewModelLocator.GraphDataStatic;

            ExtendedImage extendedImage = graphVM.GraphToImage();

            Grid          printGrid          = new Grid();
            RowDefinition printRowDefinition = new RowDefinition();


            Image image = new Image()
                Source = extendedImage.ToBitmap()


            PrintDocument printDocument = new PrintDocument();

            printDocument.PrintPage += (s, args) =>
                args.PageVisual   = printGrid;
                args.HasMorePages = false;
            printDocument.Print("SnagL Graph");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static WriteableBitmap GetBitmapSource(ExtendedImage image)
            // Waits for the bitmap to be loaded if it needs so.
            if (!image.IsFilled)
                if (!image.IsLoading)

                ManualResetEvent resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

                EventHandler onLoaded = new EventHandler((o, e) =>

                image.LoadingCompleted += onLoaded;


                image.LoadingCompleted -= onLoaded;

            // Converts the bitmap.
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void AssignImage(ExtendedImage image)
            Contract.Requires(image != null);

            _isLoadingImage = false;

            if (image.IsFilled)

                WriteableBitmap imageBitmap = image.ToBitmap();

                if (image.IsAnimated && AnimationMode != AnimationMode.None)

                    List <ImageBase> frames = new List <ImageBase>();
                    frames.AddRange(image.Frames.OfType <ImageBase>());

                    foreach (ImageBase frame in frames)
                        if (frame != null && frame.IsFilled)
                            _frames.Add(new KeyValuePair <ImageBase, WeakReference>(frame, new WeakReference(_framerefs[_framerefs.Count - 1])));


                    if (_image != null)
                        _image.Source = imageBitmap;
        public void Execute()
                var m = new ServiceManager <GetImageCompletedEventArgs>(delegate(BodyArchitectAccessServiceClient client1, EventHandler <GetImageCompletedEventArgs> operationCompleted)
                    using (OperationContextScope ocs = new OperationContextScope(client1.InnerChannel))
                        OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageHeaders.Add(MessageHeader.CreateHeader("SessionId", "http://MYBASERVICE.TK/", ApplicationState.Current.SessionData.Token.SessionId));
                        OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageHeaders.Add(MessageHeader.CreateHeader("PictureId", "http://MYBASERVICE.TK/", picture.PictureIdk__BackingField));
                        OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageHeaders.Add(MessageHeader.CreateHeader("Hash", "http://MYBASERVICE.TK/", picture.Hashk__BackingField));
                        client1.GetImageCompleted -= operationCompleted;
                        client1.GetImageCompleted += operationCompleted;
                m.OperationCompleted += (s, a) =>
                    if (a.Error != null)
                        PictureCacheItem item = new PictureCacheItem(null, picture.PictureIdk__BackingField, picture.Hashk__BackingField);
                        PicturesCache.Instance.Notify(new PictureInfoDTO()
                            PictureIdk__BackingField = picture.PictureIdk__BackingField, Hashk__BackingField = picture.Hashk__BackingField
                    else if (a.Result != null)
                        MemoryStream  stream = new MemoryStream(a.Result.Result);
                        ExtendedImage desert = new ExtendedImage();
                        desert.LoadingFailed += delegate(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
                            PictureCacheItem item = new PictureCacheItem(null, picture.PictureIdk__BackingField, picture.Hashk__BackingField);
                            PicturesCache.Instance.Notify(new PictureInfoDTO()
                                PictureIdk__BackingField = picture.PictureIdk__BackingField, Hashk__BackingField = picture.Hashk__BackingField
                        desert.LoadingCompleted += delegate
                                var image             = desert.ToBitmap();
                                PictureCacheItem item = new PictureCacheItem(image, picture.PictureIdk__BackingField, picture.Hashk__BackingField);
                                //if (OperationCompleted != null)
                                //    OperationCompleted(this, EventArgs.Empty);
                            }, null);

            catch (Exception)
                PictureCacheItem item = new PictureCacheItem(null, picture.PictureIdk__BackingField, picture.Hashk__BackingField);
                PicturesCache.Instance.Notify(new PictureInfoDTO()
                    PictureIdk__BackingField = picture.PictureIdk__BackingField, Hashk__BackingField = picture.Hashk__BackingField
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static ImageSource SaveThumbnail(ThumbnailOptions options)
            // Make sure this method runs in the UI thread.
            if (!Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.CheckAccess())
                return(Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke <ImageSource>(() =>
                    return SaveThumbnail(options);

            // Gets the images.
            WriteableBitmap preferedImage = GetBitmapSource(options.PreferedMedia);
            WriteableBitmap fallbackImage = GetBitmapSource(options.FallbackMedia);

            // Determines which image needs to be saved.
            WriteableBitmap targetImage = preferedImage;

            if (preferedImage == null)
                // Use the fallback image if the prefered image does not exist.
                targetImage = fallbackImage;
            else if (fallbackImage != null && options.MinWidth > -1 && preferedImage.PixelWidth < options.MinWidth && preferedImage.PixelWidth < fallbackImage.PixelWidth)
                // Use the fallback image if its width is bigger than the prefered image's width, the latter being
                // smaller than the min width.
                targetImage = fallbackImage;

            // No image? Return.
            if (targetImage == null)

            // Gets the dimensions of the target image.
            int    targetWidth      = (int)Math.Max(options.MinWidth, targetImage.PixelWidth);
            double sourcePixelRatio = targetImage.PixelWidth / (double)targetImage.PixelHeight;
            int    targetHeight     = (int)Math.Floor(targetWidth / sourcePixelRatio);

            // Blurs the image if needed.
            ExtendedImage targetExtendedImage = null;

            if (options.Blur)
                // Converts the image to an ImageTools image.
                targetExtendedImage = targetImage.ToImage();

                // Resizes the image if it can help decreasing the time needed to blur it.
                // The image is only resized if the target size is less than the original size.
                // Otherwise it means that the original image is smaller than the target size, in which case we blur it
                // as it is and let WP scale up the blurred image later.
                if (targetExtendedImage.PixelHeight * targetExtendedImage.PixelWidth > targetWidth * targetHeight)
                    targetExtendedImage = ExtendedImage.Resize(targetExtendedImage, targetWidth, targetHeight, new ImageTools.Filtering.NearestNeighborResizer());

                // Inits the blur filter if needed and runs it.
                if (_gaussianBlurFilter == null)
                    _gaussianBlurFilter = new ImageTools.Filtering.GaussianBlur()
                        Variance = 2d
                targetExtendedImage = ExtendedImage.ApplyFilters(targetExtendedImage, _gaussianBlurFilter);

            // Crops the image if needed.
            if (options.CropRectangle.HasValue)
                if (targetExtendedImage == null)
                    // Converts the image to an ImageTools image.
                    targetExtendedImage = targetImage.ToImage();

                // Computes the downscaled crop rectangle.
                // We're downscaling the crop rectangle instead of upscaling the image and then cropping it,
                // in order to save some time.
                // WP will upscale the cropped image later on.
                int       conformedCropWidth  = Math.Min(options.CropRectangle.Value.Width, targetWidth);
                int       conformedCropHeight = Math.Min(options.CropRectangle.Value.Height, targetHeight);
                double    scaleFactor         = (double)targetExtendedImage.PixelWidth / (double)targetWidth;
                Rectangle crop = options.CropRectangle.Value;
                crop.Width  = (int)(conformedCropWidth * scaleFactor);
                crop.Height = (int)(conformedCropHeight * scaleFactor);
                crop.X      = (int)((double)crop.X * scaleFactor);
                crop.Y      = (int)((double)crop.Y * scaleFactor);

                // Crops the image.
                if (crop.Width > 0 && crop.Height > 0)
                    targetExtendedImage = ExtendedImage.Crop(targetExtendedImage, crop);

                // Stores the final dimensions of the image for later scaling.
                targetWidth  = conformedCropWidth;
                targetHeight = conformedCropHeight;

            if (targetExtendedImage != null)
                targetImage = targetExtendedImage.ToBitmap();

            // Saves the image.
                if (targetWidth > 0 && targetHeight > 0)
                    using (IsolatedStorageFileStream stream = options.IsoStoreFile.OpenFile(options.Filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                        targetImage.SaveJpeg(stream, targetWidth, targetHeight, 0, 100);
            catch (IsolatedStorageException ex)
                // Nothing to do, let's just dump this for further analysis.
                DebugUtils.DumpException(ex, string.Format("OpenFile(f:{0})", options.Filename), true);
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                // Nothing to do, let's just dump this for further analysis.
                DebugUtils.DumpException(ex, string.Format("SaveJpeg(w:{0},h:{1})", targetWidth, targetHeight), true);

            // Returns the image.