Exemplo n.º 1
        }         // end GenerateArrivalEvents

        private void GenerateDepartureEvent(Registrant registrant)
            // generates a random interval for how long the person takes, with a minimum of 1 minute
            // and 30 seconds
            TimeSpan wait = new TimeSpan(0, 0, (int)(90 + NegExp(AvgRegistrationTime.TotalSeconds - 90)));

            // Creates departure event based on the time interval plus the time we are currently
            // at in the Priority Queue
            Event newDepartureEvent = new Event(EventType.DEPARTURE, ((EventPQ.Peek( ).Time + wait)));

            //Associates departure event with registrant
            newDepartureEvent.Registrant = registrant;
            registrant.Departure         = newDepartureEvent;

            // Adds departure event to the queue

            // Update wait times for statistic counters
            TotalWait += wait;

            if (wait > LongestWait)
                LongestWait = wait;

            if (wait < ShortestWait)
                ShortestWait = wait;
        }        // end GenerateDepartureEvents
Exemplo n.º 2
        }         // end SetupSimulation

        #region Generate Arrival and Departure Events
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the arrival events for registrants and adds them to event Priority Queue
        /// </summary>
        private void GenerateArrivalEvents( )
            TimeSpan start;
            TimeSpan timeOpen = EndTime - StartTime;

            for (int registrant = 1; registrant <= NumRegistrants; registrant++)
                // Generate random amount of time between 0 and registration open period
                start = new TimeSpan(0, 0, R.Next((int)timeOpen.TotalSeconds));

                // Create arrival event
                Event newEvent = new Event(EventType.ARRIVAL, (StartTime + start));

                // Create registrant
                Registrant newRegistrant = new Registrant(registrant, newEvent);

                // Associate registrant with event
                newEvent.Registrant   = newRegistrant;
                newRegistrant.Arrival = newEvent;

                // Add arrival event to Priority Queue of events
        }         // end GenerateArrivalEvents
Exemplo n.º 3
        }        // end GenerateDepartureEvents


        public void RunSimulation( )
            Queue <Registrant> shortestLine = null;
            Queue <Registrant> currentLine  = null;

            if (EventPQ.IsEmpty( ))                             // Indicates simulation is finished running
                Complete = true;

            if (EventPQ.Peek( ).Type == EventType.ARRIVAL)              // If the event is an arrival
                // Find shortest line and add registrant
                shortestLine = FindShortestLine( );
                shortestLine.Enqueue(EventPQ.Peek( ).Registrant);

                // Increment if new largest queue found
                if (shortestLine.Count > LargestQueue)

                // Generate departure event if this customer is at the front of the line
                if (shortestLine.Count == 1)
                    GenerateDepartureEvent(shortestLine.Peek( ));

                // Event completely handled; remove the event and add to counter
                EventPQ.Dequeue( );
            else                // If the event is a departure
                // Get the line that registrant is about to leave
                for (int i = 0; i < WaitLines.Count; i++)
                    if (WaitLines[i].Count > 0)
                        if (WaitLines[i].Peek( ).ID == EventPQ.Peek( ).Registrant.ID)
                            currentLine = WaitLines[i];

                // Remove registrant from wait line
                currentLine.Dequeue( );

                // If the wait line is not empty, generate a departure event for the next registrant
                if (currentLine.Count > 0)
                    GenerateDepartureEvent(currentLine.Peek( ));

                // Departure event handled; remove from Priority Queue
                EventPQ.Dequeue( );
        }         // end RunSimulation