Exemplo n.º 1
 public Book(string title, string description, EditionType editionType, decimal price, int copies, DateTime? releaseDate)
     this.Title = title;
     this.Description = description;
     this.EditionType = editionType;
     this.Price = price;
     this.Copies = copies;
     this.ReleaseDate = releaseDate;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public Book(int id, string title, string description, EditionType editionType, decimal price, int copies, DateTime? releaseDate, int authorId)
     this.Id = id;
     this.Title = title;
     this.Description = description;
     this.EditionType = editionType;
     this.Price = price;
     this.Copies = copies;
     this.ReleaseDate = releaseDate;
     this.AuthorId = authorId;
 public void PutBook(int bookId, string title, string description, double price, int copies, 
     DateTime releasedData, EditionType edition, int ageRestriction, int authorId)
     var query = this.Data.Books.Find(bookId);
     var author = this.Data.Authors.Find(authorId);
     query.Title = title;
     query.Description = description;
     query.Edition = edition;
     query.ReleaseDate = releasedData;
     query.Price = price;
     query.Copies = copies;
     query.Author = author;
     query.AgeRestriction = ageRestriction;
        private void SeedBooks(BookShopContext context)
            int authorsCount = context.Authors.Local.Count;

            string[] books = File.ReadAllLines("../../Import/books.csv");

            for (int i = 1; i < books.Length; i++)
                string[] data = books[i]
                                .Select(arg => arg.Replace("\"", string.Empty))

                int            authorIndex    = i % authorsCount;
                Author         author         = context.Authors.Local[authorIndex];
                EditionType    edition        = (EditionType)int.Parse(data[0]);
                DateTime       releaseDate    = DateTime.ParseExact(data[1], "d/M/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                int            copies         = int.Parse(data[2]);
                decimal        price          = decimal.Parse(data[3]);
                AgeRestriction ageRestriction = (AgeRestriction)int.Parse(data[4]);
                string         title          = data[5];
                Book           book           = new Book
                    Author         = author,
                    AuthorId       = author.Id,
                    EditionType    = edition,
                    ReleaseDate    = releaseDate,
                    Copies         = copies,
                    Price          = price,
                    AgeRestriction = ageRestriction,
                    Title          = title

                context.Books.AddOrUpdate(b => new { b.Title, b.AuthorId }, book);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void IsEditionOf_IsTrue_IfOnlyTypeEditionOrYearAreDifferent(int edition, int year, EditionType type)
            Book anotherEditionOfBook = new Book("1234")
                Title    = "The Clean Coder",
                SubTitle = "A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers",
                Authores = new HashSet <string> {
                    "Robert C. Martin"
                Edition   = edition,
                Year      = year,
                Publisher = "Prenctice Hall",
                Type      = type

            Assert.That(anotherEditionOfBook, Is.Not.EqualTo(modelBook));
            Assert.That(anotherEditionOfBook.IsEditionOf(modelBook), Is.True);
            Assert.That(modelBook.IsEditionOf(anotherEditionOfBook), Is.True);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public ItemForm(EditionType editionType, int elementIndex) : this(editionType)
     _saveButtonType = SaveButtonType.Update;
     _elementIndex   = elementIndex;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public Edition(string name, EditionType editionType)
     Name  = name;
     Type  = editionType;
     _hash = Name.GetHashCode() + Type.GetHashCode();
        public void PostBook(string title, string description, double price, int copies,
            DateTime releasedData, EditionType edition, int AgeRestriction, string categoryNames)
            Book newBook = new Book()
            Title = title,
            Description = description,
            Edition = edition,
            ReleaseDate = releasedData,
            Price = price,
            Copies = copies,
            AgeRestriction = AgeRestriction
            string[] bookCategories = categoryNames.Split(' ').ToArray();
            foreach (var category in bookCategories)
                var currentCategory = this.Data.Categories.First(c => c.Name == category);

Exemplo n.º 9
		// A Basic dictionary lookup
        //EpssApi.Edition GetEdition(string name)
        //    EpssApi.Edition edition = null;

        //    if (this.fEditionsDictionary.ContainsKey(name))
        //        edition = (EpssApi.Edition)this.fEditionsDictionary.GetByIndex(fEditionsDictionary.IndexOfKey(name));

        //    return edition;

        //void MenuEditionClick(object obj, EventArgs ea)
        //    MenuItem aMenu = (MenuItem)obj;

        //    // Using the title, find the edition 
        //    EpssApi.Edition edition = GetEdition(aMenu.Text);

        //    // See if a view already exists for the edition.
        //    // If it does not, then create a view for the edition
        //    PLCView editionView = this.CreateEditionView(edition);

        //    // Display the view for the specified edition
        //    fClientPanel.SwitchToView(editionView);
        //void MenuChangeZoom(object obj, EventArgs ea)
        //    MenuItem aMenu = (MenuItem)obj;

        //    switch (aMenu.Text)
        //    {
        //        case "100":
        //            fScaleFactor.Width = 1;
        //            fScaleFactor.Height = 1;
        //            break;
        //        case "150":
        //            fScaleFactor.Width = 150;
        //            fScaleFactor.Height = 150;
        //            break;
        //        case "200":
        //            fScaleFactor.Width = 200;
        //            fScaleFactor.Height = 200;
        //            break;

        //    }

        //    // Draw the whole screen
        //    fClientPanel.ZoomFactor = fScaleFactor.Width;
        //    Size autoSize = new Size((int)Math.Ceiling(fScaleFactor.Width*1024),
        //        (int)Math.Ceiling(fScaleFactor.Height*768));
        //    fClientPanel.AutoScrollMinSize = autoSize;

        //    Invalidate();

        //void MenuNewClick(object obj, EventArgs ea)
        //    Console.WriteLine("MenuNewClick");
        //    //fContentBrowser = new ContentBrowser();
        //    //fContentBrowser.DisplayContent("<html><head><body>Hello World!</body></head></html>");
        //    //fContentBrowser.Show();

		/// <summary>
		/// This delegate routine is called when the 'Open' menu item is clicked.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">A reference to the menu item that was clicked.</param>
		/// <param name="ea">The event arguments for the menu click</param>
        //void MenuOpenClick(object obj, EventArgs ea)
        //    if (fFileOpenDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
        //    {
        //        fFileName = fFileOpenDialog.FileName;

        //        LoadFile(fFileName);
        //    }

        //void MenuSaveClick(object obj, EventArgs ea)
        //    Console.WriteLine("MenuSaveClick");

        //void MenuSaveAsClick(object obj, EventArgs ea)
        //    //Console.WriteLine("MenuSaveAsClick");
        //    fSaveFileDialog.AddExtension = true;
        //    fSaveFileDialog.FileName = fClientPanel.EditionName;

        //    if (fSaveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
        //    {
        //        this.fClientPanel.SaveAs(fSaveFileDialog.FileName);
        //    }

        //void MenuPageSetupClick(object obj, EventArgs ea)
        //    // Page Setup Dialog settings
        //    setupDlg.Document = printDoc;
        //    setupDlg.PageSettings = printDoc.DefaultPageSettings;
        //    setupDlg.AllowMargins = false;
        //    setupDlg.AllowOrientation = true;
        //    setupDlg.AllowPaper = true;
        //    setupDlg.AllowPrinter = true;

        //    // Now pop up the dialog and capture the settings
        //    if (setupDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
        //    {
        //        printDoc.DefaultPageSettings = setupDlg.PageSettings;
        //        printDoc.PrinterSettings = setupDlg.PrinterSettings;
        //    }

        //void MenuPrintClick(object obj, EventArgs ea)
        //    printDlg.Document = printDoc;

        //    printDlg.PrinterSettings.MinimumPage = 1;
        //    printDlg.PrinterSettings.MaximumPage = 1;
        //    printDlg.PrinterSettings.FromPage = 1;
        //    printDlg.PrinterSettings.ToPage = 1;

        //    if (printDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
        //    {
        //        printDoc.DocumentName = Text;
        //        printDoc.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(OnPrintPage);
        //        // Do the actual printing thing
        //        printDoc.Print();
        //    }
        //void OnPrintPage(object obj, PrintPageEventArgs ppea)
        //    // Create the graphics object to match the printer driver
        //    Graphics grfx = ppea.Graphics;
        //    // Now draw stuff
        //    RootGraphic.DrawInto(grfx);

        //    ppea.HasMorePages = false;

		PLCView CreateEditionView(EditionType edition)
			PLCView aView = null;

			// Create a new view based on the stream of XML
			// and hand that back.
			switch (edition)
                //case EditionType.Hardware:
                //    aView = new PLCHardwareView(edition.Title,0,0,WExt.X, WExt.Y);
                //    break;
				case EditionType.Software:
					aView = new PLCSoftwareView("Software",0,0,WExt.X, WExt.Y);
                //case EditionType.IT:
                //    aView = new PLCITView(edition.Title,0,0,WExt.X, WExt.Y);
                //    break;

            //try {
            //    XmlNode xNode = _ws.GeneratePLCMapXml (edition.EditionId);
            //    aView.XmlData = xNode;
            //} catch 
            //    Console.WriteLine("Error in loading XML from service: {0}",edition.EditionId);

			return aView;
Exemplo n.º 10
        void CompleteEdition(EditionType editionType, Localisation localisation)
            TempData[MiscHelpers.TempDataConstants.Info] = editionType == EditionType.Creation ?
                                                                    Worki.Resources.Views.Localisation.LocalisationString.LocHaveBeenCreate :

            if (editionType == EditionType.Creation)
                //send welcome mail
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(localisation.Mail))
                    var newMemberMailContent =string.Format(Worki.Resources.Email.Activation.LocalisationCreateContent,

                    var newMemberMail = _EmailService.PrepareMessageFromDefault(new MailAddress(localisation.Mail),
                        string.Format(Worki.Resources.Email.Activation.LocalisationCreate, localisation.GetFullName()),
                        WebHelper.RenderEmailToString("", newMemberMailContent));


                //need for pricing page
                TempData[MiscHelpers.TempDataConstants.NewLocalisationId] = localisation.ID;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public virtual ActionResult EditOffersEnd(int id, EditionType editionType)
            var context = ModelFactory.GetUnitOfWork();
            var lRepo = ModelFactory.GetRepository<ILocalisationRepository>(context);
            var mRepo = ModelFactory.GetRepository<IMemberRepository>(context);
            var localisation = lRepo.Get(id);
            var member = mRepo.GetMember(User.Identity.Name);
            CompleteEdition(editionType, localisation);

            //if creation, put it online as everything is fine
            if (editionType == EditionType.Creation)
                    localisation.MainLocalisation.IsOffline = false;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _Logger.Error("EditOffersEnd", ex);
                    return RedirectToAction(MVC.Home.Error());
            var newContext = ModelFactory.GetUnitOfWork();
            lRepo = ModelFactory.GetRepository<ILocalisationRepository>(newContext);
            localisation = lRepo.Get(id);
            if (!Roles.IsUserInRole(member.Username, MiscHelpers.BackOfficeConstants.BackOfficeRole) && !localisation.IsSharedOffice())
                return RedirectToAction(MVC.Home.Pricing());
                return Redirect(localisation.GetDetailFullUrl(Url));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public virtual ActionResult EditOffers(int id, EditionType editionType)
     var context = ModelFactory.GetUnitOfWork();
     var lRepo = ModelFactory.GetRepository<ILocalisationRepository>(context);
     var localisation = lRepo.Get(id);
     if (localisation == null)
         TempData[MiscHelpers.TempDataConstants.Info] = Worki.Resources.Views.Localisation.LocalisationString.WorkplaceNotFound;
         return RedirectToAction(MVC.Home.Index());
     return View(new OfferCounterModel(localisation) { EditionType = editionType });