public DramaOutcomePrediction(Drama drama, int crewQtyToSacrifice, float currentHope, int initalShipCrewQty)
     // F**k Hope, we do not need THAT !
     this.drama = drama;
     this.crewQtyToSacrifice = crewQtyToSacrifice;
     this.initalShipCrewQty  = initalShipCrewQty;
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // New instance of MovieList
            var movieList = new MovieListFunctions();
            ///////////  TEST MOVIES ///////////////////////
            var starWars    = new SciFi("Star Wars");
            var pokemon     = new Animated("Pokemon");
            var it          = new Horror("IT");
            var scream      = new Horror("Scream");
            var incredibles = new Animated("Incredibles");
            var zootopia    = new Animated("Zootopia");
            var serenity    = new SciFi("Serenity");
            var theMatrix   = new SciFi("The Matrix");
            var fightClub   = new Drama("Fight Club");
            var seven       = new Drama("Seven");

            ///////// TEST LIST OF MOVIES /////////////////
            // Sort the movie list alphabetically
            movieList.Sort((a, b) => a.GetTitle().CompareTo(b.GetTitle()));
            bool isRunning = true;

            while (isRunning)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Movie List Application!");
                Console.WriteLine("There are 10 movies in this list.");
                Console.Write("What category are you interested in?");
                var category = Console.ReadLine();
                if (int.TryParse(category, out int validOption) && validOption > 0 && validOption < 5)
                    movieList.MovieCategoryDisplayList(movieList, validOption);
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter and option from the menu.");
                if (!PlayAgain())
                    Console.WriteLine("Have a nice day!");
                    isRunning = false;
        static void PolymorphismExample2()
            SciFi sciFi1 = new SciFi("Dark Tower", "Stephan King", 500, 9.8);


            Drama drama1 = new Drama("Enimga Otiliei", "George Calinescu", 230, 8.5);


Exemplo n.º 4
    /////////////////////// DRAMA REGION
    #region DRAMA REGION

    // starts random drama,
    public void StartDrama()
        // drama and outcome generation (accessed through ui)
        CurrentDrama = Drama.CreateRandomOne(worldState.GetRooms());

        if (CurrentDrama.Room.numberOfCrew == 0)

        // only sets phase after all drama stuff has been made
        CurrentPhase = TurnPhases.DRAMA;
Exemplo n.º 5
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     Scene1       = 0;
     Scene2       = 0;
     isLoad       = false;
     isReset      = false;
     Favorability = 0;
     IsTalking    = false;
     HaveTask     = false;
     isCountdown  = false;
     DS           = GameObject.Find("DialogueSystem").GetComponent("DialogueSystem") as DialogueSystem;
     TS           = GameObject.Find("TaskSystem").GetComponent("TaskSystem") as TaskSystem;
     drama        = GameObject.Find("Drama").GetComponent("Drama") as Drama;
     drama2       = GameObject.Find("Drama2").GetComponent("Drama2") as Drama2;
     Icon_Task    = GameObject.Find("Task");
     //Timer = GameObject.Find("Timer");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void SerializeObjects()
            Movie spiderMan = new Movie
                Director = "Sam Raimi",
                Lenght   = 98,
                Title    = "Spider-Man",
                Actors   = new[] { "Kirsten Dunst", "Tobey Maguire", "Willem Dafoe" }
                /*Actors = new List<string> { "Kirsten Dunst", "Tobey Maguire", "Willem Dafoe" }*/

                /* new Actor { Name = "Kirsten", Surname = "Dunst", Role = "Mary Jan"     },
                 * new Actor { Name = "Tobey", Surname = "Maguire", Role = "Peter Parker" },
                 * new Actor { Name = "Willem", Surname = "Dafoe", Role = "Norman Osborn" },
                 * }*/
            Drama batman = new Drama()
                country     = "US",
                description = "SomeDescription",
                Title       = "Batman",
                Director    = "Bill Gates",
                Lenght      = 21

            SavaData("SpiderManBinary.dat", spiderMan, SerializeFormatter.Binary);
            SavaData("batmanBinary.dat", batman, SerializeFormatter.Binary);

            SavaData("SpiderManSoap.xml", spiderMan, SerializeFormatter.Soap);
            SavaData("batmanSoap.xml", batman, SerializeFormatter.Soap);

            SavaData("SpiderManXml.xml", spiderMan, SerializeFormatter.Xml);
            SavaData("batmanXml.xml", batman, SerializeFormatter.Xml);

            var restoredBin  = RestoreData <Movie>("SpiderManBinary.dat", SerializeFormatter.Binary);
            var restoredSoap = RestoreData <Movie>("SpiderManSoap.xml", SerializeFormatter.Soap);
            var restoredXml  = RestoreData <Movie>("SpiderManXml.xml", SerializeFormatter.Xml);

            Console.WriteLine($"RestoredBin: {restoredBin.Title}");
            Console.WriteLine($"RestoredBin: {restoredSoap.Title}");
            Console.WriteLine($"RestoredBin: {restoredXml.Title}");

            /* SoapFormatter sp = new SoapFormatter();
             * var fs1 = File.Open("E:\\SerialSoap1.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
             * var fs2 = File.Open("E:\\SerialSoap2.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
             * Console.WriteLine("Start serializing by SoapFormatter" );
             * sp.Serialize(fs1, spiderMan);
             * sp.Serialize(fs2, batman);
             * fs1.Dispose();
             * fs2.Dispose();
             * BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
             * var fsBin1 = File.Open("E:\\SerialBinary1.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
             * var fsBin2 = File.Open("E:\\SerialBinary2.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
             * Console.WriteLine("Start serializing by SoapFormatter");
             * bf.Serialize(fsBin1, spiderMan);
             * bf.Serialize(fsBin2, batman);
             * fsBin1.Dispose();
             * fsBin2.Dispose();
             * Type type = typeof(Movie);
             * XmlSerializer xf = new XmlSerializer(type);
             * var fsXml = File.Open("E:\\SerialXml1.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
             * Console.WriteLine("Start serializing by XMLSerializer");
             * xf.Serialize(fsXml, spiderMan);
             * xf = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Drama));
             * fsXml = File.Open("E:\\SerialXml2.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
             * xf.Serialize(fsXml, batman);
             * fsXml.Dispose();*/
Exemplo n.º 7
    public static void GameReadExcel()
        MyDataBase mdb = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <MyDataBase>();

        mdb.m_EventList  = new List <EventData>();
        mdb.m_RewardList = new List <EventReward>();
        mdb.m_DramaList  = new List <Drama>();

        FileStream       stream      = File.Open(Application.dataPath + excelPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
        IExcelDataReader excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(stream);
        DataSet          result      = excelReader.AsDataSet();

        int rows = result.Tables[0].Rows.Count;//获取行数

        for (int i = 2; i < rows; i++)
            string skill     = result.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString();
            string skillBase = result.Tables[0].Rows[i][1].ToString();
            for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
                EventData ed = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <EventData>();

                string eventID   = result.Tables[0].Rows[i][k * 6 + 0 + 3].ToString();
                string eventName = result.Tables[0].Rows[i][k * 6 + 1 + 3].ToString();
                string need      = result.Tables[0].Rows[i][k * 6 + 2 + 3].ToString();
                string needStage = result.Tables[0].Rows[i][k * 6 + 3 + 3].ToString();
                string preEvent  = result.Tables[0].Rows[i][k * 6 + 4 + 3].ToString();
                string eventType = result.Tables[0].Rows[i][k * 6 + 4 + 3].ToString();

                ed.MainSkillBase = (Person.SkillType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Person.SkillType), skillBase);
                ed.MainSkillType = (Person.SkillList)Enum.Parse(typeof(Person.SkillList), skill);
                ed.EventID       = int.Parse(eventID);
                ed.EventName     = eventName;
                ed.isComplet     = false;
                ed.needRate      = float.Parse(need);

                ed.needStageFlag = stringToFlag(needStage);
                ed.eventTypeFlag = stringToFlag(eventType);


        rows = result.Tables[1].Rows.Count;//获取行数
        for (int i = 1; i < rows; ++i)
            EventReward eR = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <EventReward>();
            eR.EventID = int.Parse(result.Tables[1].Rows[i][0].ToString());

            string skillR = result.Tables[1].Rows[i][1].ToString();
            if (skillR != "")
                eR.eventP_Skill = (Person.SkillList)Enum.Parse(typeof(Person.SkillList), skillR);
                eR.eventP_Age   = int.Parse(result.Tables[1].Rows[i][2].ToString());
                eR.eventP_Skill = Person.SkillList.None;
                eR.eventP_Age   = 0;

            string BaseChangge = result.Tables[1].Rows[i][3].ToString();
            if (BaseChangge != "")
                eR.eventBaseType = (Person.SkillType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Person.SkillType), BaseChangge);
                eR.eventBase     = float.Parse(result.Tables[1].Rows[i][4].ToString());
                eR.eventBaseType = Person.SkillType.None;
                eR.eventBase     = 0;

            eR.relationTarget = (EventReward.RelationShipChangeTarget) int.Parse(result.Tables[1].Rows[i][5].ToString());
            if ((int)eR.relationTarget < 2)
                eR.targetKey1 = int.Parse(result.Tables[1].Rows[i][6].ToString());
            if ((int)eR.relationTarget == 0)
                eR.targetKey2 = int.Parse(result.Tables[1].Rows[i][7].ToString());
            if ((int)eR.relationTarget != 4)
                eR.relationshipChangeValue = float.Parse(result.Tables[1].Rows[i][8].ToString());

            eR.coreAreaChangge = float.Parse(result.Tables[1].Rows[i][9].ToString());
            eR.baseAreaChangge = float.Parse(result.Tables[1].Rows[i][10].ToString());
            eR.Goal            = int.Parse(result.Tables[1].Rows[i][11].ToString());
            eR.Drama           = result.Tables[1].Rows[i][12].ToString();


        rows = result.Tables[2].Rows.Count;//获取行数
        for (int i = 1; i < rows; ++i)
            Drama d = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Drama>();
            d.dialoqueList = new List <Dialogue>();
            d.skillType    = (Person.SkillList)Enum.Parse(typeof(Person.SkillList), result.Tables[2].Rows[i][0].ToString());

            string dialoques = result.Tables[2].Rows[i][1].ToString();
            for (int s = 0; s < dialoques.Length; ++s)
                while (dialoques[s] != '[')
                int ns = s;
                while (dialoques[ns] != ']')

                string   talker = dialoques.Substring(s + 1, ns - s - 1);
                Dialogue dia    = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Dialogue>();
                switch (talker)
                case "pb":
                    dia.talker = Dialogue.Talker.back;

                case "player":
                    dia.talker = Dialogue.Talker.player;

                case "person":
                    dia.talker = Dialogue.Talker.person;

                    dia.talker = Dialogue.Talker.none;

                s = ns;
                while (dialoques[ns] != '[')
                    if (ns == dialoques.Length)

                string words = dialoques.Substring(s + 1, ns - s - 1);
                dia.words = words;

                s = ns - 1;


        AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mdb, "Assets/Resources/MyDataBase.asset");
        Selection.activeObject = mdb;
Exemplo n.º 8
    static void LoadScene(string[] sceneData)
        currentScene = new Scene ();
        ParseMode parseMode = ParseMode.None;

        Character currentCharacter = null;

        //		Quest currentQuest = null;

        EventBase currentEventBase = null;
        //		Drama currentDrama = null;
        QuestAction currentQuestAction = null;
        //		Quest currentQuest = null;

        foreach (string line in sceneData) {
            if (line.Contains("BG:")){
                string[] parts = line.Split(':');
                currentScene.bgID = int.Parse(parts[1]);

            if (line.Contains ("BGWidth")){
                string[] parts = line.Split(':');
                currentScene.bgWidth = int.Parse(parts[1]);

            if (line.Contains("NextScene:")){
                string[] parts = line.Split(':');
                currentScene.nextScene = int.Parse(parts[1]);

            if (line.Contains("ChangeSequence:")){
                string[] parts = line.Split(':');
                currentScene.nextSequence = parts[1];

            if (line.Contains("<CharaSetup>")){
                parseMode = ParseMode.CharaSetup;
            if (line.Contains("<Quest>")){
                parseMode = ParseMode.Quest;
                currentEventBase = new Quest();
        //				currentQuest = new Quest();
        //				currentQuest.actionList = new List<QuestAction>();
            if (line.Contains("<Exit>")){
                parseMode = ParseMode.Path;
                currentEventBase = new Exit();
                //				currentQuest = new Quest();
                //				currentQuest.actionList = new List<QuestAction>();

            if (line.Contains("<PlayerSetup>")){
                parseMode = ParseMode.PlayerSetup;
            if (line.Contains("<Drama>")){
                parseMode = ParseMode.DramaLocation;
        //				currentDrama = new Drama();
                currentEventBase = new Drama();
            if (line.Contains("<DramaEnd>") || line.Contains("<QuestEnd>") || line.Contains("<ExitEnd>")){
        //				currentScene.dialogList.Add(currentDrama);
                currentScene.eventList.Add (currentEventBase);
        //			if (line.Contains("<QuestEnd>")){
        //				if (currentQuest != null && currentQuestAction != null){
        //					currentQuest.actionList.Add(currentQuestAction);
        //				}
        //				currentScene.eventList.Add (currentQuest);
        //			}
        //			if (line.Contains("<QuestEvent>")){
        //				parseMode = ParseMode.QuestAction;
        //				if (currentQuest != null && currentQuestAction != null){
        //					currentQuest.actionList.Add(currentQuestAction);
        //				}
        //				currentQuestAction = new QuestAction();
        //			}
            switch (parseMode){
            case ParseMode.PlayerSetup:
                if (line.Contains(":")){
                    string[] parts = line.Split(':');
                    if (line.Contains("x")){
                        currentScene.playerPos.x = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                    if (line.Contains("y")){
                        currentScene.playerPos.y = int.Parse(parts[1]);

            case ParseMode.CharaSetup:
                if (line.Contains("<Chara>")){
                    currentCharacter = new Character(currentScene.characterList.Count);
                if (line.Contains("<CharaEnd>")){
                if (line.Contains(":")){
                    string[] parts = line.Split(':');
                    if (line.Contains("x:")){
                        currentCharacter.xpos = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                    if (line.Contains("y:")){
                        currentCharacter.ypos = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                    if (line.Contains("hair:")){
                        currentCharacter.hairId = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                    if (line.Contains("clothes:")){
                        currentCharacter.clothesId = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                    if (line.Contains("name:")){
                        currentCharacter._name = parts[1];
                    if (line.Contains ("anim:")){
                        currentCharacter.startAnimation = parts[1];
                    if (line.Contains("side:")){
                        currentCharacter.side = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                    if (line.Contains ("id:")){
                        currentCharacter._id = int.Parse (parts[1]);

            case ParseMode.DramaLocation:
            case ParseMode.Quest:
            case ParseMode.Path:
                if (line.Contains(":")){
                    string[] parts = line.Split(':');
                    if (line.Contains("x:")){
                        currentEventBase.loc.x = int.Parse(parts[1]);
        //						currentDrama.loc.x = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                    if (line.Contains("y:")){
                        currentEventBase.loc.y = int.Parse(parts[1]);
        //						currentDrama.loc.y = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                    if (line.Contains("filename")){
                        currentEventBase.file = parts[1];
                        if (parseMode == ParseMode.Quest){
                            Quest quest = currentEventBase as Quest;
                            LoadQuest(ref quest );
        //						currentDrama.file = parts[1];
                    if (line.Contains("next")){
                        currentEventBase.nextEvent = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                    if (line.Contains("side")){
                        currentEventBase.direction = int.Parse(parts[1]);
        //						currentDrama.direction = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                    if (line.Contains("prereq:")){
                        currentEventBase.prereq = int.Parse (parts[1]);
        //						currentDrama.prereq = int.Parse (parts[1]);
                    if (line.Contains ("reqchara:")){
                        currentEventBase.charaid = int.Parse (parts[1]);
                    if (line.Contains("id:")){
               = int.Parse(parts[1]);
        // = int.Parse (parts[1]);
                    if (line.Contains ("bondup:")){
                        int bond = int.Parse (parts[1]);
                        Drama currentDrama = currentEventBase as Drama;
                        currentDrama.showBond = (bond == 1);
                    if (line.Contains ("major:")){
                        int isMajorEvent = int.Parse (parts[1]);
                        currentEventBase.isMajorEvent = (isMajorEvent == 1);
                    if (line.Contains("AddNews:")){
        //						Drama currentDrama = currentEventBase as Drama;
                        currentEventBase.addnews = parts[1];
                    if (line.Contains("AddNewsIcon:")){
        //						Drama currentDrama = currentEventBase as Drama;
                        currentEventBase.addnewsIcon = parts[1];
                    if (line.Contains("AddNewsImage:")){
        //						Drama currentDrama = currentEventBase as Drama;
                        currentEventBase.addnewsImage = parts[1];

                    if (line.Contains ("gobattle")){
                        currentEventBase.isBattle = true;

                    if (line.Contains ("monstername:")){
                        currentEventBase.monstername = parts[1];

                    if (line.Contains ("monsterType:")){
                        currentEventBase.enemyType = int.Parse (parts[1]);

                    if (line.Contains ("repeat:")){
                        currentEventBase.isRepeat = (int.Parse (parts[1]) == 1);

                    if (line.Contains ("nextscene:") && parseMode == ParseMode.Path){
                        Exit exit = currentEventBase as Exit;
                        exit.nextScene = int.Parse (parts[1]);
                    if (line.Contains ("chainstart:")){
                        currentEventBase.startChain = true;
                        currentEventBase.chain = int.Parse(parts[1]);
                    else if (line.Contains ("chainend:")){
                        currentEventBase.endChain = true;
                    else if (line.Contains ("chain:")){
                        currentEventBase.chain = int.Parse (parts[1]);


        //			case ParseMode.Quest:
        //				if (line.Contains(":")){
        //					string[] parts = line.Split(':');
        //					if (line.Contains("x:")){
        //						currentQuest.loc.x = int.Parse(parts[1]);
        //					}
        //					if (line.Contains("y:")){
        //						currentQuest.loc.y = int.Parse(parts[1]);
        //					}
        //					if (line.Contains("side")){
        //						currentQuest.direction = int.Parse(parts[1]);
        //					}
        //					if (line.Contains("prereq:")){
        //						currentQuest.prereq = int.Parse (parts[1]);
        //					}
        //					if (line.Contains("id:")){
        // = int.Parse (parts[1]);
        //					}
        //					if (line.Contains ("filename:")){
        //						currentQuest.file = parts[1];
        //						LoadQuest (ref currentQuest);
        //					}
        //					if (line.Contains("id:")){
        // = int.Parse (parts[1]);
        //					}
        //					if (line.Contains ("completion")){
        //						currentQuest.requiredAmount = int.Parse (parts[1]);
        //					}
        //					if (line.Contains("name")){
        //						currentQuest.questName = parts[1];
        //					}
        //					if (line.Contains ("startdesc")){
        //						int start = line.IndexOf('"') + 1;
        //						string desc = line.Substring (start, line.LastIndexOf('"') - start).Replace("\\n", System.Environment.NewLine) ;
        //						currentQuest.questDesc = desc;
        //					}
        //					if (line.Contains ("finishdesc")){
        //						int start = line.IndexOf('"') + 1;
        //						string desc = line.Substring (start, line.LastIndexOf('"') - start).Replace("\\n", System.Environment.NewLine) ;
        //						currentQuest.finishDesc = desc;
        //					}
        //					if (line.Contains("nextscene")){
        //						currentQuest.nextEvent = parts[1];
        //					}
        //				}

        //			case ParseMode.QuestAction:
        //				if (line.Contains(":")){
        //					string[] parts = line.Split(':');
        //					if (line.Contains("x:")){
        //						currentQuestAction.loc.x = int.Parse(parts[1]);
        //					}
        //					if (line.Contains("y:")){
        //						currentQuestAction.loc.y = int.Parse(parts[1]);
        //					}
        //					if (line.Contains("desc")){
        //						currentQuestAction.desc = parts[1];
        //					}
        //					if (line.Contains ("completion")){
        //						currentQuestAction.completionAmount = int.Parse (parts[1]);
        //					}
        //					if (line.Contains("cost")){
        //						currentQuestAction.staminaCost = int.Parse (parts[1]);
        //					}
        //				}
        //				break;
Exemplo n.º 9
    void StartDrama(Drama selectedDrama)
        m_hudService.HUDControl.EnableRanking (false);

        float dialogLoc = selectedDrama.loc.x - 50f;

        Vector3 pos = scenePanel.transform.localPosition;
        //		float diff = pos.x - dialogLoc;
        pos.x = -dialogLoc;
        SpringPanel.Begin (scenePanel.gameObject, pos, 8f);
        //		scenePanel.transform.localPosition = pos;
        //		Vector4 clipPos = scenePanel.clipRange;
        //		clipPos.x = dialogLoc;
        //		scenePanel.clipRange = clipPos;

        LoadDialog (selectedDrama.file);

        //		pos = dialogBase.transform.localPosition;
        //		pos.x = dialogLoc;
        //		dialogBase.transform.localPosition = pos;
        dialogBase.SetActive (true);

        pos = playerChara.transform.localPosition;
        pos.x = currentScene.playerPos.x;

        playerChara.transform.localPosition = pos;

        Vector3 scale = playerChara.transform.localScale;
        scale.x *= selectedDrama.direction;
        playerChara.transform.localScale = scale;

        currentDialogEvent = openingDialogEvent; //move it to after the event dialog is loaded
        ShowCurrentDialog ();
        displayingChoice = false;

        EnableMapScroll (false);

        if (questProgress != null) {
            questProgress.gameObject.SetActive (false);

        if (selectedDrama.startChain)
            PlayerProfile.Get ().currentEventSet = selectedDrama.chain;