Exemplo n.º 1
        public IActionResult Play()
            DojodachiInfo EditDachi = HttpContext.Session.GetObjectFromJson <DojodachiInfo>("Dojodachi");
            Random        random    = new Random();

            ViewBag.GameStatus = "running";
            int happinessAmount = random.Next(5, 11);
            int chance          = random.Next(1, 5);

            if (EditDachi.energy > 4)
                EditDachi.energy -= 5;
                if (chance == 1)
                    ViewBag.Reaction = ":(";
                    ViewBag.Message  = "You played with your Dojodachi! But he didn't like it. Happiness +0, Energy -5";
                    EditDachi.happiness += happinessAmount;
                    ViewBag.Reaction     = ":)";
                    ViewBag.Message      = $"You played with your Dojodachi! Happiness +{happinessAmount}, Energy -5";
            HttpContext.Session.SetObjectAsJson("Dojodachi", EditDachi);
            ViewBag.Dojodachi = EditDachi;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public IActionResult Feed()
            DojodachiInfo EditDachi = HttpContext.Session.GetObjectFromJson <DojodachiInfo>("Dojodachi");
            Random        random    = new Random();

            ViewBag.GameStatus = "running";
            int fullnessAmount = random.Next(5, 11);
            int chance         = random.Next(1, 5);

            if (EditDachi.meals > 0)
                if (chance == 1)
                    ViewBag.Reaction = ":(";
                    ViewBag.Message  = "You fed your Dojodachi! But he didn't like it. Fullness +0, Meals -1";
                    EditDachi.fullness += fullnessAmount;
                    ViewBag.Reaction    = ":)";
                    ViewBag.Message     = $"You fed your Dojodachi! Fullness +{fullnessAmount}, Meals -1";
            HttpContext.Session.SetObjectAsJson("Dojodachi", EditDachi);
            ViewBag.Dojodachi = EditDachi;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public IActionResult Work()
            DojodachiInfo EditDachi = HttpContext.Session.GetObjectFromJson <DojodachiInfo>("Dojodachi");
            Random        random    = new Random();

            ViewBag.GameStatus = "running";
            int mealsAmount = random.Next(1, 4);
            int chance      = random.Next(1, 5);

            if (EditDachi.energy > 4)
                EditDachi.energy -= 5;
                EditDachi.meals  += mealsAmount;
                ViewBag.Reaction  = ":)";
                ViewBag.Message   = $"You sent your Dojodachi to work! Meals +{mealsAmount}, Energy -5";
            HttpContext.Session.SetObjectAsJson("Dojodachi", EditDachi);
            ViewBag.Dojodachi = EditDachi;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public IActionResult Sleep()
            DojodachiInfo EditDachi = HttpContext.Session.GetObjectFromJson <DojodachiInfo>("Dojodachi");
            Random        random    = new Random();

            EditDachi.fullness  -= 5;
            EditDachi.happiness -= 5;
            EditDachi.energy    += 15;
            ViewBag.GameStatus   = "running";
            ViewBag.Reaction     = ":)";
            ViewBag.Message      = "Your Dojodachi is sleeping! Energy +15, Happiness -5, Fullness -5";

            HttpContext.Session.SetObjectAsJson("Dojodachi", EditDachi);
            ViewBag.Dojodachi = EditDachi;
            if (ViewBag.Dojodachi.fullness < 1 || ViewBag.Dojodachi.happiness < 1)
                ViewBag.Message = "Oh no! Your dojodachi is dead";
Exemplo n.º 5
        [Route("performAction")] //route the form calls for to be sent

        public IActionResult PerformAction(string action)
            //a new varible 'EditDachi' is created as datatype 'DojodachiInfo'.
            //This new variable is set to the newly reconstructed object with updated attributes)
            DojodachiInfo EditDachi = HttpContext.Session.GetObjectFromJson <DojodachiInfo>("Dojodachi");

            Random RandObject = new Random(); //setting up a way to randomize

            ViewBag.GameStatus = "running";   // eventually, the player will either win or lose. At this point ViewBag.GameStatus will be changed from running
            // to GameStatus = "over" and the game will be over

            // when one of the 4 actions(forms)is clicked, it will come here to determine which action was chosen. Hidden input fields
            // are used to pass the value ('feed','sleep','work','play')
            switch (action)

            case "feed":
                //checking to see if the dojodachi has any meals left
                if (EditDachi.Meals > 0)
                    EditDachi.Meals -= 1;
                    if (RandObject.Next(0, 4) > 0)    // will pick random #'s b2 0 and 3.
                    //If the random number is 1,2,3 this IF statement will be used
                        EditDachi.Fullness += RandObject.Next(5, 11);     //random # b2 5-10
                        ViewBag.Reaction    = ":)";
                        ViewBag.Message     = "Dojodachi enjoyed the meal!";
                    else     // this condition will run when the random # is 0. This is how we create a 75%/25% like to dislike ratio
                        ViewBag.Reaction = ":(";
                        ViewBag.Message  = "Dojodachi didn't like the food very much...";
                else     //the dojodachi has no meals left to feed
                    ViewBag.Reaction = ":(";
                    ViewBag.Message  = "You don't have any food for your Dojodachi!";

            case "play":
                if (EditDachi.Energy > 4)    //the dojodachi has to have at least 5 energy to play
                    EditDachi.Energy -= 5;   // playing costs the dojodachi 5 units of energy
                    if (RandObject.Next(0, 4) > 0)
                        EditDachi.Happiness += RandObject.Next(5, 11);     //the dojodachi gains 5-10 units of happiness when playing
                        ViewBag.Reaction     = ":)";
                        ViewBag.Message      = "Dojodachi had fun playing!";
                    else     // this condition will run when the random # is 0. This is how we create a 75%/25% like to dislike ratio
                        ViewBag.Reaction = ":(";
                        ViewBag.Message  = "Looks like Dojodachi didn't want to play...";
                else     // the dojodachi does not have enough energy to play
                    ViewBag.Reaction = ":(";
                    ViewBag.Message  = "Not enough energy...";


            case "work":
                if (EditDachi.Energy > 4)
                    EditDachi.Energy -= 5;
                    EditDachi.Meals  += RandObject.Next(1, 4);
                    ViewBag.Reaction  = ":)";
                    ViewBag.Message   = "You worked hard to feed your Dojodachi!";
                else     // this condition will run when the random # is 0. This is how we create a 75%/25% like to dislike ratio
                    ViewBag.Reaction = ":(";
                    ViewBag.Message  = "Not enough energy...";

            case "sleep":
                EditDachi.Energy    += 15;
                EditDachi.Fullness  -= 5;
                EditDachi.Happiness -= 5;
                ViewBag.Reaction     = ":)";
                ViewBag.Message      = "Dojodachi seems well rested.";

                // Handle unxpected values submitted from form
                ViewBag.Reaction = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
                ViewBag.Message  = "There's a glitch in the martix...";

            //after the switch statement is determined, these conditions will execute

            // if either the dojodachis fullness OR happiness is less < 0, these code is run
            if (EditDachi.Fullness < 1 || EditDachi.Happiness < 1)
                ViewBag.Reaction   = "X(";
                ViewBag.Message    = "Oh no! Your Dojodachi has died...";
                ViewBag.GameStatus = "over";

            // the dojodachi's fullness AND happiness both need to be over 100 for this condition to run
            else if (EditDachi.Fullness > 99 && EditDachi.Happiness > 99)
                ViewBag.Reaction   = ":D";
                ViewBag.Message    = "Congratulations! You win!";
                ViewBag.GameStatus = "over";

            // the Dojodachi object will be converted to Json to be stored in session
            HttpContext.Session.SetObjectAsJson("Dojodachi", EditDachi);

            // Viewbag is used to store the updated dojodachi object(that has been converted to Json)
            ViewBag.Dojodachi = EditDachi;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public IActionResult PerformAction(string action)
            DojodachiInfo EditDachi  = HttpContext.Session.GetObjectFromJson <DojodachiInfo>("Dojodachi");
            Random        RandObject = new Random();

            ViewBag.GameStatus = "running";
            switch (action)
            case "feed":
                if (EditDachi.Meals > 0)
                    EditDachi.Meals -= 1;
                    if (RandObject.Next(0, 4) > 0)
                        EditDachi.Fullness += RandObject.Next(5, 11);
                        ViewBag.Reaction    = ":)";
                        ViewBag.Message     = "Dojodachi enjoyed the meal!";
                        ViewBag.Reaction = ":(";
                        ViewBag.Message  = "Dojodachi didn't like the food very much...";
                    ViewBag.Reaction = ":(";
                    ViewBag.Message  = "You don't have any food for your Dojodachi!";

            case "play":
                if (EditDachi.Energy > 4)
                    EditDachi.Energy -= 5;
                    if (RandObject.Next(0, 4) > 0)
                        EditDachi.Happiness += RandObject.Next(5, 11);
                        ViewBag.Reaction     = ":)";
                        ViewBag.Message      = "Dojodachi had fun playing!";
                        ViewBag.Reaction = ":(";
                        ViewBag.Message  = "Looks like Dojodachi didn't want to play...";
                    ViewBag.Reaction = ":(";
                    ViewBag.Message  = "Not enough energy...";


            case "work":
                if (EditDachi.Energy > 4)
                    EditDachi.Energy -= 5;
                    EditDachi.Meals  += RandObject.Next(1, 4);
                    ViewBag.Reaction  = ":)";
                    ViewBag.Message   = "You worked hard to feed your Dojodachi!";
                    ViewBag.Reaction = ":(";
                    ViewBag.Message  = "Not enough energy...";

            case "sleep":
                EditDachi.Energy    += 15;
                EditDachi.Fullness  -= 5;
                EditDachi.Happiness -= 5;
                ViewBag.Reaction     = ":)";
                ViewBag.Message      = "Dojodachi seems well rested.";

                // Handle unxpected values submitted from form
                ViewBag.Reaction = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
                ViewBag.Message  = "There's a glitch in the martix...";
            if (EditDachi.Fullness < 1 || EditDachi.Happiness < 1)
                ViewBag.Reaction   = "X(";
                ViewBag.Message    = "Oh no! Your Dojodachi has died...";
                ViewBag.GameStatus = "over";
            else if (EditDachi.Fullness > 99 && EditDachi.Happiness > 99)
                ViewBag.Reaction   = ":D";
                ViewBag.Message    = "Congratulations! You win!";
                ViewBag.GameStatus = "over";
            HttpContext.Session.SetObjectAsJson("Dojodachi", EditDachi);
            ViewBag.Dojodachi = EditDachi;