Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task InitAsync(GattDeviceService service, GattCharacteristic characteristic, string preferredFormat)
            uiPreferredFormat.Text = preferredFormat;

            string str = null;

                AddData("Service", characteristic.Service.Uuid.ToString());
                var reg = BluetoothServiceRegistration.FindRegistration(characteristic.Service.Uuid);
                if (reg != null)
                    AddData("RegistrationOwner", reg.RegistrationOwner);
                AddData("ID", characteristic.Uuid.ToString());
            catch (Exception e1)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Exception: CharacteristicDetailViewer: Adding data {e1.Message}");
                str = characteristic.UserDescription;
            catch (Exception e2)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Exception: CharacteristicDetailViewer: Getting user description {e2.Message}");
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str))
                AddData("Description", str);
                str = "";
                foreach (var format in characteristic.PresentationFormats)
                    str = $"{format.Description} type={format.FormatType} namespace={format.Namespace} unit={format.Unit} exponent={format.Exponent}";
                    AddData("Format", str);
            catch (Exception e)
                AddData("Format", $"Exception: {e.Message}");
            str = "";

            // Don't bother with descriptors
                var dc = DeviceCharacteristic.Create(characteristic);
                AddData("Methods", dc.PropertiesAsString); // e.g. Read Write etc.
            catch (Exception e)
                AddData("Methods", $"Exception: {e.Message}");

                AddData("Protection Level", characteristic.ProtectionLevel.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
                AddData("Protection Level", $"Exception: {e.Message}");

                if (characteristic.CharacteristicProperties.HasFlag(GattCharacteristicProperties.Read))
                    var buffer = await characteristic.ReadValueAsync();

                    if (buffer.Status == GattCommunicationStatus.Success)
                        var data = ValueParser.ConvertToStringHex(buffer.Value);
                        AddData("Data", data);
                        AddData("Data", $"Error: {buffer.Status}");
            catch (Exception e)
                AddData("Data", $"Exception: {e.Message}");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private async Task DisplayBluetooth(NameDevice knownDevice, DeviceInformationWrapper di, BluetoothLEDevice ble)
            var jsonFormat   = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented;
            var jsonSettings = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings()
                DefaultValueHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.DefaultValueHandling.Ignore,
                NullValueHandling    = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore,
                ContractResolver     = IgnoreEmptyEnumerableResolver.Instance,

            var wireAllDevices = new NameAllBleDevices();

            WireDevice          = new NameDevice();
            WireDevice.Name     = di.di.Name;
            WireDevice.Details += $"Id:{di.di.Id}\nCanPair:{di.di.Pairing.CanPair} IsPaired:{di.di.Pairing.IsPaired}";

            WireDevice.ClassModifiers = knownDevice.ClassModifiers;
            WireDevice.ClassName      = knownDevice.ClassName;
            WireDevice.Description    = knownDevice.Description;

            uiRawData.Text = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(WireDevice, jsonFormat);
            string raw = null;

            if (ble == null)
                // Happens if another program is trying to use the device!
                raw = $"BLE: ERROR: Another app is using this device.\n";
                // TODO: remove this code which is only here while I investigate the WESCALE scale
                    // WESCALE: no gatt services
                    var services     = ble.GattServices;
                    var count        = services.Count;
                    var devacc       = ble.DeviceAccessInformation;
                    var devaccstatus = devacc.CurrentStatus;

                    foreach (var service in services)
                        var chars = service.GetAllCharacteristics();
                        var guid    = Guid.Parse("0000fff0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb");
                        var request = await ble.RequestAccessAsync();

                        var allservice = await ble.GetGattServicesForUuidAsync(guid);

                        var servicefff0 = ble.GetGattService(guid);
                        var charsfff0   = servicefff0.GetAllCharacteristics();
                        var countfff0   = charsfff0.Count;
                        foreach (var ch in charsfff0)
                    catch (Exception ex)

                var result = await ble.GetGattServicesAsync();

                if (result.Status != GattCommunicationStatus.Success)
                    raw += GetStatusString(result.Status, result.ProtocolError);
                    var header = new BleDeviceHeaderControl();
                    await header.InitAsync(ble);

                    int serviceCount = 0;

                    foreach (var service in result.Services)
                        await header.AddServiceAsync(ble, service);

                        var shouldDisplay = ServiceShouldBeEdited(service);

                        var defaultService = knownDevice.GetService(service.Uuid.ToString("D"));
                        var wireService    = new NameService(service, defaultService, serviceCount++);

                            var cresult = await service.GetCharacteristicsAsync();

                            if (cresult.Status != GattCommunicationStatus.Success)
                                raw += GetStatusString(cresult.Status, cresult.ProtocolError);
                                var characteristicCount = 0;

                                foreach (var characteristic in cresult.Characteristics)
                                    //The descriptors don't seem to be actually interesting. it's how we read and write.
                                    var descriptorStatus = await characteristic.GetDescriptorsAsync();

                                    if (descriptorStatus.Status == GattCommunicationStatus.Success)
                                        foreach (var descriptor in descriptorStatus.Descriptors)

                                    var defaultCharacteristic = defaultService?.GetChacteristic(characteristic.Uuid.ToString("D"));
                                    var wireCharacteristic    = new NameCharacteristic(characteristic, defaultCharacteristic, characteristicCount++);

                                    if (wireCharacteristic.Suppress)
                                        continue; // don't show a UI for a supressed characteristic.
                                    // Here are each of the editor children items
                                    var edit = new BleCharacteristicControl(knownDevice, service, characteristic);

                                    var dc = DeviceCharacteristic.Create(characteristic);

                                    //NOTE: does any device have a presentation format?
                                    foreach (var format in characteristic.PresentationFormats)
                                        raw += $"    Fmt: Description:{format.Description} Namespace:{format.Namespace} Type:{format.FormatType} Unit: {format.Unit} Exp:{format.Exponent}\n";

                                        if (wireCharacteristic.IsRead)
                                            var vresult = await characteristic.ReadValueAsync();

                                            if (vresult.Status != GattCommunicationStatus.Success)
                                                raw += GetStatusString(vresult.Status, vresult.ProtocolError);
                                                var dt         = BluetoothLEStandardServices.GetDisplayInfo(service, characteristic);
                                                var hexResults = dt.AsString(vresult.Value);

                                                // And add as a converted value
                                                var NC     = BleNames.Get(knownDevice, service, characteristic);
                                                var decode = NC?.Type;
                                                if (decode != null && !decode.StartsWith("BYTES|HEX"))
                                                    var decoded = ValueParser.Parse(vresult.Value, decode);
                                    catch (Exception e)
                                        raw += $"    Exception reading value: {e.HResult} {e.Message}\n";

                                    // Update the UI with the latest discovery
                                    // Later: or not. The raw data isn't super useful.
                                    //uiRawData.Text = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(WireDevice, jsonFormat);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            raw += $"    Exception reading characteristic: {e.HResult} {e.Message}\n";
            JsonAsList   = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(wireAllDevices, jsonFormat, jsonSettings);
            JsonAsSingle = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(WireDevice, jsonFormat, jsonSettings);

            uiProgress.IsActive = false;
            uiRawData.Text     += raw;
        protected override void Seed(OnlineStorageContext db)
            //добавление ин-ии о производителях
            db.Manufactures.Add(new Manufacture {
                ManufactureId = 1, ManufactureName = "Microsoft"
            db.Manufactures.Add(new Manufacture {
                ManufactureId = 2, ManufactureName = "Apple"
            db.Manufactures.Add(new Manufacture {
                ManufactureId = 3, ManufactureName = "Intel"
            db.Manufactures.Add(new Manufacture {
                ManufactureId = 4, ManufactureName = "Kingson"
            db.Manufactures.Add(new Manufacture {
                ManufactureId = 5, ManufactureName = "HyperX"
            db.Manufactures.Add(new Manufacture {
                ManufactureId = 6, ManufactureName = "NVidia"
            db.Manufactures.Add(new Manufacture {
                ManufactureId = 7, ManufactureName = "Western Digital"
            db.Manufactures.Add(new Manufacture {
                ManufactureId = 8, ManufactureName = "Dell"
            db.Manufactures.Add(new Manufacture {
                ManufactureId = 9, ManufactureName = "HP"
            db.Manufactures.Add(new Manufacture {
                ManufactureId = 10, ManufactureName = "AMD"
            db.Manufactures.Add(new Manufacture {
                ManufactureId = 11, ManufactureName = "Samsung"

            //добавление ин-ии о катагориях
            db.Categories.Add(new Category {
                CategoryId = 1, ParentCategory = null, CategoryName = "Компьютер"
            db.Categories.Add(new Category {
                CategoryId = 2, ParentCategory = 1, CategoryName = "Персональный компьютер"
            db.Categories.Add(new Category {
                CategoryId = 3, ParentCategory = 1, CategoryName = "Ноутбук"
            db.Categories.Add(new Category {
                CategoryId = 4, ParentCategory = 3, CategoryName = "Игровой ноутбук"
            db.Categories.Add(new Category {
                CategoryId = 5, ParentCategory = 3, CategoryName = "Ноутбук для учебы"
            db.Categories.Add(new Category {
                CategoryId = 6, ParentCategory = null, CategoryName = "Комплектуюище компьютера"
            db.Categories.Add(new Category {
                CategoryId = 7, ParentCategory = 6, CategoryName = "Процессоры"
            db.Categories.Add(new Category {
                CategoryId = 8, ParentCategory = 6, CategoryName = "Оперативная память"
            db.Categories.Add(new Category {
                CategoryId = 9, ParentCategory = 6, CategoryName = "SSD"
            db.Categories.Add(new Category {
                CategoryId = 10, ParentCategory = 6, CategoryName = "HDD"
            db.Categories.Add(new Category {
                CategoryId = 11, ParentCategory = 6, CategoryName = "Видеокарты"

            //добавление ин-ии о странах
            db.CountryProduces.Add(new CountryProduce {
                CountryId = 1, CountryName = "США"
            db.CountryProduces.Add(new CountryProduce {
                CountryId = 2, CountryName = "Китай"
            db.CountryProduces.Add(new CountryProduce {
                CountryId = 3, CountryName = "Россия"
            db.CountryProduces.Add(new CountryProduce {
                CountryId = 4, CountryName = "Тайвань"
            db.CountryProduces.Add(new CountryProduce {
                CountryId = 5, CountryName = "Индия"

            //основные характеристики процесссоров
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 1,
                CharacteristicName = "Количество ядер процессорв"
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 2,
                CharacteristicName = "Частота процессора",
                Measure            = "ГГц"
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 3,
                CharacteristicName = "Кэш процессора",
                Measure            = "МБ"
            //основыне характеристики дисплев
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 4,
                CharacteristicName = "Разрешение дисплея",
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 5,
                CharacteristicName = "Диагональ экрана"
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 6,
                CharacteristicName = "Тип матриы"
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 7,
                CharacteristicName = "Частота обновления экрана",
                Measure            = "Гц"
            //основные характеристики оперативной памяти
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 8,
                CharacteristicName = "Объем оперативной памяти",
                Measure            = "МБ"
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 9,
                CharacteristicName = "Частота оперативной памяти",
                Measure            = "МГц"
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 10,
                CharacteristicName = "Тип оперативной памяти"                 //ddr4 or ddr3
            //устройства хранения данных
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 11,
                CharacteristicName = "Тип запоминающего устройства"                 //ssd or hd
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 12,
                CharacteristicName = "Объём запоминающего устройства",
                Measure            = "Гб"
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 13,
                CharacteristicName = "Скорость работы HDD",
                Measure            = "об/мин"
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 14,
                CharacteristicName = "Объем видеопамяти",
                Measure            = "Гб"
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 15,
                CharacteristicName = "Тип видеокарты"                 //встроенная или дискретная
            //Опеационная система
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 16,
                CharacteristicName = "Операционная система"
            db.Characteristics.Add(new Characteristics
                CharacteristicId   = 17,
                CharacteristicName = "Название процессора"
            //Описание характеристик
            //DELL G3 15 3579
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC1 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 17,
                Value            = "Intel Core i7 8750H"

            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC2 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                DeviceCharacteristicId = 1,
                CharacteristicId       = 1,
                Value = "6"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC3 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                DeviceCharacteristicId = 2,
                CharacteristicId       = 2,
                Value = "2.2-4.1"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC4 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                DeviceCharacteristicId = 3,
                CharacteristicId       = 3,
                Value = "8"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC5 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                DeviceCharacteristicId = 4,
                CharacteristicId       = 4,
                Value = "1920x1080"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC6 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                DeviceCharacteristicId = 5,
                CharacteristicId       = 5,
                Value = "15,6"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC7 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                DeviceCharacteristicId = 6,
                CharacteristicId       = 6,
                Value = "IPS"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC8 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 7,
                Value            = "60"
            //оперативная память
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC9 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 8,
                Value            = "8"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC10 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 9,
                Value            = "2333"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC11 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 10,
                Value            = "ddr4"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC12 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 11,
                Value            = "HDD"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC13 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 12,
                Value            = "1000"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC14 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 13,
                Value            = "5400"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC15 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 11,
                Value            = "SSD"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC16 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 12,
                Value            = "128"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC17 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 14,
                Value            = "4"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC18 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 15,
                Value            = "Дискретная"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop1DC19 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 16,
                Value            = "Linux"

            List <DeviceCharacteristic> deviceCharacteristicsLaptop1 = new List <DeviceCharacteristic>
                laptop1DC1, laptop1DC2, laptop1DC3, laptop1DC4, laptop1DC5, laptop1DC6, laptop1DC7, laptop1DC8, laptop1DC9,
                laptop1DC10, laptop1DC11, laptop1DC12, laptop1DC13, laptop1DC14, laptop1DC15, laptop1DC16, laptop1DC17,
                laptop1DC18, laptop1DC19

            Device laptop1 = new Device
                ManufactureId         = 8,
                CategoryId            = 4,
                DeviceSeries          = "G3",
                DeviceModel           = "3579",
                CountryId             = 2,
                DeviceCharacteristics = deviceCharacteristicsLaptop1


            //HP Omen 15-dc0017ur
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC1 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 17,
                Value            = "Intel Core i7 8750H"

            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC2 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                DeviceCharacteristicId = 1,
                CharacteristicId       = 1,
                Value = "6"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC3 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                DeviceCharacteristicId = 2,
                CharacteristicId       = 2,
                Value = "2.2-4.1"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC4 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                DeviceCharacteristicId = 3,
                CharacteristicId       = 3,
                Value = "8"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC5 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                DeviceCharacteristicId = 4,
                CharacteristicId       = 4,
                Value = "1920x1080"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC6 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                DeviceCharacteristicId = 5,
                CharacteristicId       = 5,
                Value = "15,6"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC7 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                DeviceCharacteristicId = 6,
                CharacteristicId       = 6,
                Value = "IPS"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC8 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 7,
                Value            = "60"
            //оперативная память
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC9 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 8,
                Value            = "12"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC10 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 9,
                Value            = "2666"

            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC11 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 10,
                Value            = "ddr4"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC12 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 11,
                Value            = "HDD"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC13 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 12,
                Value            = "1000"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC14 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 13,
                Value            = "7200"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC15 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 11,
                Value            = "SSD"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC16 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 12,
                Value            = "128"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC17 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 14,
                Value            = "6"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC18 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 15,
                Value            = "Дискретная"
            DeviceCharacteristic laptop2DC19 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 16,
                Value            = "Linux"

            List <DeviceCharacteristic> deviceCharacteristicsLaptop2 = new List <DeviceCharacteristic>
                laptop2DC1, laptop2DC2, laptop2DC3, laptop2DC4, laptop2DC5,
                laptop2DC6, laptop2DC7, laptop2DC8, laptop2DC9, laptop2DC10,
                laptop2DC11, laptop2DC12, laptop2DC13, laptop2DC14, laptop2DC15,
                laptop2DC16, laptop2DC17, laptop2DC18, laptop2DC19

            Device laptop2 = new Device
                ManufactureId         = 9,
                CategoryId            = 3,
                DeviceSeries          = "Omen",
                DeviceModel           = "15-dc0017ur",
                CountryId             = 2,
                DeviceCharacteristics = deviceCharacteristicsLaptop2


            // INTEL Core I9-9900
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForProc1 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 1,
                Value            = "8"
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForProc2 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 2,
                Value            = "3.1-5.0"
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForProc3 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 3,
                Value            = "16"
            List <DeviceCharacteristic> listDeviceCharacteristicsForProc1 = new List <DeviceCharacteristic>
                dcForProc1, dcForProc2, dcForProc3

            Device intelProc1 = new Device
                ManufactureId         = 3,
                CategoryId            = 7,
                DeviceCharacteristics = listDeviceCharacteristicsForProc1,
                DeviceSeries          = "Core",
                DeviceModel           = "I9-9900",
                CountryId             = 2


            // INTEL Core i7-8700
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForProc4 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 1,
                Value            = "16"
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForProc5 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 2,
                Value            = "3.2-4.6"
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForProc6 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 3,
                Value            = "12"
            List <DeviceCharacteristic> listDeviceCharacteristicsForProc2 = new List <DeviceCharacteristic>
                dcForProc4, dcForProc5, dcForProc6

            Device intelProc2 = new Device
                ManufactureId         = 3,
                CategoryId            = 7,
                DeviceCharacteristics = listDeviceCharacteristicsForProc2,
                DeviceSeries          = "Core",
                DeviceModel           = "I7-8700",
                CountryId             = 2


            //AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForProc7 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 1,
                Value            = "8"
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForProc8 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 2,
                Value            = "3.6-4.4"
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForProc9 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 3,
                Value            = "32"
            List <DeviceCharacteristic> listDeviceCharacteristicsForProc3 = new List <DeviceCharacteristic>
                dcForProc7, dcForProc8, dcForProc9

            Device amdProc1 = new Device
                ManufactureId         = 10,
                CategoryId            = 7,
                DeviceCharacteristics = listDeviceCharacteristicsForProc3,
                DeviceSeries          = "Ryzen 7",
                DeviceModel           = "3700X",
                CountryId             = 2


            //AMD Ryzen 5 2600X
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForProc10 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 1,
                Value            = "6"
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForProc11 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 2,
                Value            = "3.6-4.2"
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForProc12 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 3,
                Value            = "16"
            List <DeviceCharacteristic> listDeviceCharacteristicsForProc4 = new List <DeviceCharacteristic>
                dcForProc10, dcForProc11, dcForProc12

            Device amdProc2 = new Device
                ManufactureId         = 10,
                CategoryId            = 7,
                DeviceCharacteristics = listDeviceCharacteristicsForProc4,
                DeviceSeries          = "Ryzen 5",
                DeviceModel           = "2600X",
                CountryId             = 2


            //Kingston HyperX Predator DDR4 DIMM 8 Гб PC4-26600 1 шт.
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForRam1 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 8,
                Value            = "8"
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForRam2 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 9,
                Value            = "3333"
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForRam3 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 10,
                Value            = "DDR4"
            List <DeviceCharacteristic> listDeviceCharacteristicsForRam1 = new List <DeviceCharacteristic>
                dcForRam1, dcForRam2, dcForRam3

            Device kingstonRam1 = new Device
                ManufactureId         = 4,
                CategoryId            = 8,
                DeviceCharacteristics = listDeviceCharacteristicsForRam1,
                DeviceSeries          = "HyperX Predator",
                DeviceModel           = "HX433C16PB3"


            //Kingston HyperX Fury DDR4 DIMM 16 Гб PC4-25600 1 шт. (HX432C16FB3 / 16)
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForRam4 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 8,
                Value            = "16"
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForRam5 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 9,
                Value            = "3200"
            DeviceCharacteristic dcForRam6 = new DeviceCharacteristic
                CharacteristicId = 10,
                Value            = "DDR4"
            List <DeviceCharacteristic> listDeviceCharacteristicsForRam2 = new List <DeviceCharacteristic>
                dcForRam4, dcForRam5, dcForRam6

            Device kingstonRam2 = new Device
                ManufactureId         = 4,
                CategoryId            = 8,
                DeviceCharacteristics = listDeviceCharacteristicsForRam2,
                DeviceSeries          = " HyperX Fury",
                DeviceModel           = "HX432C16FB"


        protected async override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs args)
            var di = args.Parameter as DeviceInformationWrapper;

            uiProgress.IsActive = true;
            var raw = $"Name:{di.di.Name} Id:{di.di.Id}\nCanPair:{di.di.Pairing.CanPair} IsPaired:{di.di.Pairing.IsPaired}\n";

            uiRawData.Text = raw;
            raw            = "";
            //var cache = BluetoothCacheMode.Uncached;

            ble = await BluetoothLEDevice.FromIdAsync(di.di.Id);

            if (ble == null)
                // Happens if another program is trying to use the device!
                raw = $"BLE: ERROR: Another app is using this device.\n";
                var result = await ble.GetGattServicesAsync();

                if (result.Status != GattCommunicationStatus.Success)
                    raw += GetStatusString(result.Status, result.ProtocolError);
                    foreach (var service in result.Services)
                        var serviceHeader = $"Service:{service.Uuid}\n";
                        raw += serviceHeader;
                            var cresult = await service.GetCharacteristicsAsync();

                            if (cresult.Status != GattCommunicationStatus.Success)
                                raw += GetStatusString(cresult.Status, cresult.ProtocolError);
                                foreach (var characteristic in cresult.Characteristics)
                                    var dc = DeviceCharacteristic.Create(characteristic);
                                    raw += $"    Characteristic:{characteristic.Uuid} {characteristic.UserDescription}\n";

                                    //NOTE: does any device have a presentation format?
                                    //AFAICT, the answer is "no"
                                    foreach (var format in characteristic.PresentationFormats)
                                        raw += $"    Fmt: Description:{format.Description} Namespace:{format.Namespace} Type:{format.FormatType} Unit: {format.Unit} Exp:{format.Exponent}\n";

                                    //The descriptors don't seem to be actually interesting...
                                    var descriptorStatus = await characteristic.GetDescriptorsAsync();

                                    if (descriptorStatus.Status == GattCommunicationStatus.Success)
                                        foreach (var descriptor in descriptorStatus.Descriptors)

                                        raw += $"    Methods: {dc.PropertiesAsString}\n";
                                        if (dc.CanRead)
                                            var vresult = await characteristic.ReadValueAsync();

                                            if (vresult.Status != GattCommunicationStatus.Success)
                                                raw += GetStatusString(vresult.Status, vresult.ProtocolError);
                                                var dt  = BluetoothLEStandardServices.GetDisplayInfo(service, characteristic);
                                                var str = dt.AsString(vresult.Value);
                                                raw += $"    {str}\n";
                                    catch (Exception e)
                                        raw += $"    Exception reading value: {e.HResult} {e.Message}\n";
                        catch (Exception e)
                            raw += $"    Exception reading characteristic: {e.HResult} {e.Message}\n";
            uiProgress.IsActive = false;
            uiRawData.Text     += raw;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task InitAsync(GattDeviceService service, GattCharacteristic characteristic)
            Service        = service;
            Characteristic = characteristic;

            string str;

            AddData("Service", characteristic.Service.Uuid.ToString());
            AddData("ID", characteristic.Uuid.ToString());
            str = characteristic.UserDescription;
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str))
                AddData("Description", str);
                str = "";
                foreach (var format in characteristic.PresentationFormats)
                    str = $"{format.Description} type={format.FormatType} namespace={format.Namespace} unit={format.Unit} exponent={format.Exponent}";
                    AddData("Format", str);
            catch (Exception e)
                AddData("Format", $"Exception: {e.Message}");
            str = "";

            // Don't bother with descriptors
                var dc = DeviceCharacteristic.Create(characteristic);
                AddData("Methods", dc.PropertiesAsString); // e.g. Read Write etc.
            catch (Exception e)
                AddData("Methods", $"Exception: {e.Message}");

                AddData("Protection Level", characteristic.ProtectionLevel.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
                AddData("Protection Level", $"Exception: {e.Message}");

                if (characteristic.CharacteristicProperties.HasFlag(GattCharacteristicProperties.Read))
                    var buffer = await characteristic.ReadValueAsync();

                    if (buffer.Status == GattCommunicationStatus.Success)
                        //NOTE: also get the data as the nice version?
                        var data = ValueParser.ConvertToStringHex(buffer.Value);
                        AddData("Data", data);
                        uiEditBox.Text = data; // NOTE: what if I don't want hex?
                        AddData("Data", $"Error: {buffer.Status}");
            catch (Exception e)
                AddData("Data", $"Exception: {e.Message}");

            AddButtons(); // e.g. for the Skootbot robot controls
Exemplo n.º 6
            public override void OnServicesDiscovered(BluetoothGatt gatt, GattStatus status)
                base.OnServicesDiscovered(gatt, status);

                    foreach (var bluetoothGattService in gatt.Services)
                        Log.Info(TAG, $"Service Discovered => {bluetoothGattService.Uuid}");
                        foreach (var bluetoothGattCharacteristic in bluetoothGattService.Characteristics)
                            Log.Info(TAG, $"Characteristic Discovered => {bluetoothGattCharacteristic.Uuid}");

                    WriteCharacteristic = gatt.GetService(DEX_SERVICE_SPP)

                    Log.Info(TAG, $"WriteCharacteristic Properties => {WriteCharacteristic.Properties.ToString()}");

                    DeviceCharacteristic = gatt.GetService(DEX_SERVICE).GetCharacteristic(DEVICE_SETTINGS);

                    Log.Info(TAG, $"DeviceCharacteristic Properties => {DeviceCharacteristic.Properties.ToString()}");

                    StatusCharacteristic = gatt.GetService(DEX_SERVICE_SPP)

                    Log.Info(TAG, $"StatusCharacteristic Properties => {StatusCharacteristic.Properties.ToString()}");

                    gatt.SetCharacteristicNotification(DeviceCharacteristic, true);

                    var descDevice = DeviceCharacteristic.GetDescriptor(CLIENT_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIG);

                    Log.Info(TAG, $"descDevice Permissions => {descDevice.Permissions.ToString()}");


                    if (gatt.SetCharacteristicNotification(WriteCharacteristic, true))
                        MainActivity.RunOnUiThread(() =>
                            Log.Info(TAG + DexService.Operation, "Set Write Characteristic succeeded");
                        DexService.LogMessage2("Set Write Characteristic succeeded", false);
                        MainActivity.RunOnUiThread(() => { Log.Info(TAG + DexService.Operation, "Set Write Characteristic failed"); });

                    BluetoothGattDescriptor descWrite = WriteCharacteristic.GetDescriptor(CLIENT_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIG);

                    Log.Info(TAG, $"descWrite Permissions => {descWrite.Permissions.ToString()}");

                    DexService.Connected = true;
                    DexService.LogMessage2("Device Connected", false);
                catch (Exception e)