Exemplo n.º 1
/// <summary>
/// Update copies of CMN_ASSY_ATRBTS in other Oracle instances
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>

        static string UpdateCmnAssyAtrbtsCopies()
            DbCommandMx dao;
            string      sql, msg = "", errMsg = "";
            int         cnt;

            string[] dbList = new string[]

            foreach (string conName in dbList)
                    dao        = new DbCommandMx();
                    dao.MxConn = DbConnectionMx.GetConnection(conName);

                    sql = "delete from MBS_OWNER.CMN_ASSY_ATRBTS";
                    cnt = dao.ExecuteNonReader();

                    sql = @"
					insert into MBS_OWNER.CMN_ASSY_ATRBTS 
					 select * from MBS_OWNER.CMN_ASSY_ATRBTS"                    ;

                    cnt = dao.ExecuteNonReader();


                    if (msg != "")
                        msg += ", ";
                    msg += conName;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    errMsg += "Error updating " + conName + ": " + ex.Message + "\r\n";

            if (msg != "")
                msg = "Updated copies of CMN_ASSY_ATRBTS in: " + msg;
            if (errMsg != "")
                msg += "\r\n" + errMsg;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy PRD Annotation Table data to DEV by groups of result ids
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static string CopyPrdAnnotationTableDataToDevBy_Rslt_Id()
            long minRi = 1;
            //long minRi = 1310251601; // appro half of rows, allows index on all cols to be built
            long maxRi     = 4331096190;
            long chunkSize = 100000;

            DbCommandMx cmd = new DbCommandMx();

            cmd.MxConn = DbConnectionMx.GetConnection("DEV857");

            long totalIns = 0;

            for (long ri = minRi; ri <= maxRi; ri += chunkSize)
                string range = (ri + 1).ToString() + " and " + (ri + chunkSize);
                string sql   =
                    @"insert /*+ APPEND */ into mbs_owner.mbs_adw_rslt 
  (select * from mbs_owner.mbs_adw_rslt
  where rslt_id between " + range + ")";
                int insCnt = cmd.ExecuteNonReader();
                totalIns += insCnt;
                string msg = "Rows copied: " + totalIns + " (" + range + ")";

            return("Rows copied: " + totalIns);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert the rows for a metatree node including its children into the metatree_nodes table
        /// Called via command: Update MetatreeNodeTable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="toks"></param>
        /// <param name="dao"></param>

        public static int InsertMetatreeNodeRows(
            MetaTreeNode mtn,
            DbCommandMx dao)
            int insCnt = 0;

            foreach (MetaTreeNode cn in mtn.Nodes)
                string names  = "";
                string values = "";
                AddInsertColumn("parent_name", ref names, ref values, mtn.Name);
                AddInsertColumn("parent_label", ref names, ref values, mtn.Label);
                AddInsertColumn("parent_type", ref names, ref values, mtn.Type);
                AddInsertColumn("child_name", ref names, ref values, cn.Name);
                AddInsertColumn("child_label", ref names, ref values, cn.Label);
                AddInsertColumn("child_type", ref names, ref values, cn.Type);
                AddInsertColumn("child_size", ref names, ref values, cn.Size);
                AddInsertColumn("child_update_dt", ref names, ref values, cn.UpdateDateTime);

                string sql = "insert into " + MetatreeNodesTableName + " (" + names + ") " +
                             "values (" + values + ")";


Exemplo n.º 4
/// <summary>
/// Create the temp table for the list if needed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="schema"></param>
/// <param name="name"></param>

        public static bool CreateListTableIfNeeded(
            string dsName,
            string listName)
            DbCommandMx cmd     = null;
            bool        created = true;
            string      fullTableName;

            DataSourceMx ds = GetDataSourceInfo(ref dsName, ref listName, out fullTableName);

            if (Lists.ContainsKey(fullTableName))

            string sql = @"
				create global temporary table <schema.name> (
						rowPos integer,
						intKey integer,
						stringKey varchar2(256))
					on commit preserve rows"                    ;

            sql = sql.Replace("<schema.name>", fullTableName);

                DateTime t0 = DateTime.Now;
                cmd = new DbCommandMx();
                DbConnectionMx dbc = DbConnectionMx.GetConnection(dsName);
                cmd.MxConn = dbc;
                created = true;
                int tDelta = (int)TimeOfDay.Delta(t0);
                //DebugLog.Message("Create Table time: " + tDelta);

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!ex.Message.Contains("ORA-xxx"))
                    throw ex;                    // if other than already exists then throw exception
                created = false;                 // already exists

            finally { if (cmd != null)

            TempDbList list = new TempDbList();

            list.DataSource      = ds;
            list.Name            = listName;
            Lists[fullTableName] = list;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert a row into the target-assay association table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="toks"></param>
        /// <param name="dao"></param>

        public static void InsertCommonAssayAttributes(
            AssayAttributes taa,
            DbCommandMx dao)
            string names  = "";
            string values = "";

            AddInsertColumn("id", ref names, ref values, taa.Id);
            AddInsertColumn("assy_db", ref names, ref values, taa.AssayDatabase);
            AddInsertColumn("assy_id2", ref names, ref values, taa.AssayId2);
            AddInsertColumn("assy_id_nbr", ref names, ref values, taa.AssayIdNbr);
            AddInsertColumn("assy_id_txt", ref names, ref values, taa.AssayIdTxt);
            AddInsertColumn("assy_nm", ref names, ref values, taa.AssayName);
            AddInsertColumn("assy_desc", ref names, ref values, taa.AssayDesc);
            AddInsertColumn("assy_src", ref names, ref values, taa.AssaySource);
            AddInsertColumn("assy_typ", ref names, ref values, taa.AssayType);
            AddInsertColumn("assy_mode", ref names, ref values, taa.AssayMode);
            AddInsertColumn("assy_sts", ref names, ref values, taa.AssayStatus);
            AddInsertColumn("assy_sum_lvl", ref names, ref values, taa.SummarizedAvailable ? 1 : 0);
            AddInsertColumn("assy_gene_cnt", ref names, ref values, taa.GeneCount);
            AddInsertColumn("rslt_typ", ref names, ref values, taa.ResultTypeConcType);
            AddInsertColumn("rslt_typ_nm", ref names, ref values, taa.ResultName);
            AddInsertColumn("rslt_typ_id2", ref names, ref values, taa.ResultTypeId2);
            AddInsertColumn("rslt_typ_id_nbr", ref names, ref values, taa.ResultTypeIdNbr);
            AddInsertColumn("rslt_typ_id_txt", ref names, ref values, taa.ResultTypeIdTxt);
            AddInsertColumn("rslt_uom", ref names, ref values, taa.ResultTypeUnits);
            AddInsertColumn("conc_uom", ref names, ref values, taa.ResultTypeConcUnits);

            AddInsertColumn("top_lvl_rslt", ref names, ref values, taa.TopLevelResult);
            AddInsertColumn("remppd", ref names, ref values, taa.Remapped);
            AddInsertColumn("mltplxd", ref names, ref values, taa.Multiplexed);
            AddInsertColumn("rvwd", ref names, ref values, taa.Reviewed);
            AddInsertColumn("cmpds_assyd", ref names, ref values, taa.CompoundsAssayed);
            AddInsertColumn("prflng_assy", ref names, ref values, taa.ProfilingAssay);
            AddInsertColumn("gene_id", ref names, ref values, taa.GeneId);
            AddInsertColumn("gene_symbl", ref names, ref values, taa.GeneSymbol);
            AddInsertColumn("gene_desc", ref names, ref values, taa.GeneDescription);
            AddInsertColumn("gene_fmly", ref names, ref values, taa.GeneFamily);

            AddInsertColumn("rslt_cnt", ref names, ref values, taa.ResultCount);
            AddInsertColumn("assy_updt_dt", ref names, ref values, taa.AssayUpdateDate);
            AddInsertColumn("assn_src", ref names, ref values, taa.AssociationSource);
            AddInsertColumn("assn_cnflct", ref names, ref values, taa.AssociationConflict);

            AddInsertColumn("x", ref names, ref values, taa.TargetMapX);
            AddInsertColumn("y", ref names, ref values, taa.TargetMapY);
            AddInsertColumn("z", ref names, ref values, taa.TargetMapZ);

            string sql = "insert into mbs_owner.cmn_assy_atrbts (" + names + ") " +
                         "values (" + values + ")";

//			sql = AssayAttributesDao.AdjustAssayAttrsTableName(sql);

Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Store Spotfire SQL and associated fields returning the sequence number of the row
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sql"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static int InsertSpotfireSql(
            string name,
            int version,
            string sqlStmt,
            string keyColName,
            string keys,
            string owner)
            int v0 = version;

            if (version < 0)
                version = SequenceDao.NextVal("dev_mbs_owner.mbs_spotfire_sql_seq");
                if (v0 == -2)                 // append version to name
                    name += version;

                DeleteSqlStatement(name, version);              // delete if matching version
            string sql = @"
				insert into dev_mbs_owner.mbs_spotfire_sql
				(name, version, sql, key_col_name, keys, ownr_id)
				values (:0,:1,:2,:3,:4,:5)"                ;

            DbCommandMx drDao = new DbCommandMx();

            OracleDbType[] pa = new OracleDbType[6];

            pa[0] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
            pa[1] = OracleDbType.Int32;
            pa[2] = OracleDbType.Clob;
            pa[3] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
            pa[4] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
            pa[5] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;

            drDao.Prepare(sql, pa);

            object[] p = new object[6];

            p[0] = name;
            p[1] = version;
            p[2] = sqlStmt;
            p[3] = keyColName;
            p[4] = keys;
            p[5] = owner;

            int count = drDao.ExecuteNonReader(p);             // insert the row


Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// /// <summary>
        /// Copy PRD Annotation Table data to DEV reording and compressing the data by method
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static string CopyPrdAnnotationTableDataToDev()
            string mvidSql = @"
select mthd_vrsn_id, count from 
select mthd_vrsn_id, count(mthd_vrsn_id) count 
 FROM MBS_OWNER.mbs_adw_rslt
 WHERE mthd_vrsn_id > 0 /* = 708070 */
 group by mthd_vrsn_id)
order by mthd_vrsn_id

            Mobius.UAL.Progress.Show("Getting list of annotation table mtht_vrsn_ids ...");
            DbCommandMx c1 = new DbCommandMx();


            DbCommandMx cmd = new DbCommandMx();

            cmd.MxConn = DbConnectionMx.GetConnection("DEV857");
            long totalIns = 0;
            int  vmIdCnt  = 0;

            while (c1.Read())
                long mvId = c1.GetLong(0);

                string sql =
                    @"insert /*+ APPEND */ into mbs_owner.mbs_adw_rslt 
  select * from mbs_owner.mbs_adw_rslt
  where mthd_vrsn_id = " + mvId + @" 
  order by ext_cmpnd_id_nbr, rslt_grp_id, rslt_id";
                int insCnt = cmd.ExecuteNonReader();
                totalIns += insCnt;
                string msg = "Mthd_Vrsn_id: " + mvId + ", Vmids: " + vmIdCnt + ", Rows: " + totalIns;


            return("Rows copied: " + totalIns);
Exemplo n.º 8
/// <summary>
/// Be sure the table is truncated
/// </summary>
/// <param name="schema"></param>
/// <param name="listName"></param>

        public static void TruncateListTable(
            string dsName,
            string listName)
            DbCommandMx cmd = null;
            string      fullTableName;

            DataSourceMx ds = GetDataSourceInfo(ref dsName, ref listName, out fullTableName);

            string sql = "truncate table " + fullTableName;

                DateTime t0 = DateTime.Now;
                cmd = new DbCommandMx();
                DbConnectionMx dbc = DbConnectionMx.GetConnection(dsName);
                cmd.MxConn = dbc;
                int tDelta = (int)TimeOfDay.Delta(t0);
                //DebugLog.Message("Truncate Table time: " + tDelta);

            catch (Exception ex)             // if truncate failed see if need to create
                if (!ex.Message.Contains("ORA-00942"))
                    throw ex;                                                    // if other than already exists then throw exception
                bool created = CreateListTableIfNeeded(dsName, listName);

            finally { if (cmd != null)

Exemplo n.º 9
/// <summary>
/// DeleteSqlStatement
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
/// <returns></returns>

        public static bool DeleteSqlStatement(
            string name,
            int version)
            string sql = @"
			delete from dev_mbs_owner.mbs_spotfire_sql
			where name = '"             + name + "'";

            if (version >= 0)             // specific version?
                sql += " and version = " + version;

            DbCommandMx cmd = new DbCommandMx();

            int count = cmd.ExecuteNonReader();


            return(count > 0);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Update Common Assay Attributes table (mbs_owner.cmn_assy_atrbts)
        /// Command: Update AssayAttributesTable
        /// This command builds an entry (or two) in the cmn_assy_atrbts table for each assay
        /// referenced in the Mobius contents tree that reports an SP or CRC value as determined
        /// by the associated metafactory and available in each metatable.
        /// If the gene target associated with an assay can be identified then information on that
        /// gene is included as well.
        /// Additional gene information may come from the metadata for a source such as the results
        /// warehouse.
        /// Note that this function must be run under an account that has access to all restricted data so that it
        /// can properly see what's available and build the table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static string UpdateAssayAttributesTable(string args)
            MetaTable       mt;
            MetaColumn      mc;
            AssayAttributes aa, aa2;

            Dictionary <int, int>    geneIdCounts = new Dictionary <int, int>();        // genes and counts keyed by entrez gene id
            Dictionary <int, double> targetMapXDict;                                    // dendogram X coord keyed by gene id
            Dictionary <int, double> targetMapYDict;                                    // dendogram Y coord keyed by gene id

            Dictionary <string, int> targetTypeCounts = new Dictionary <string, int>(); // target types and counts
            Dictionary <int, string> assayTypeDict;
            Dictionary <int, string> assayModeDict;

            //UnpivotedAssayResult rr, rr2;
            List <string> toks;
            string        mtName, tableNamePrefix, key, fileName, msg;
            bool          crcExists, spExists, isSummary;
            int           tableId, step, ri, resultTypeId, assayRowCount;

            Log = new LogFile(ServicesDirs.LogDir + @"\UpdateCommonAssayAttributes.log");

// Get list of all of the assays in the tree

            LogMessage("Accumulating assays...");

            HashSet <string> mtNameHash = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (MetaTreeNode mtn0 in MetaTree.Nodes.Values)
                if (mtn0.Type != MetaTreeNodeType.MetaTable)

                mtName = mtn0.Target;

                if (AssayMetaData.IsAssayMetaTableName(mtName))

            bool debug = false;             // set to true to debug with limited list of assays from below

            if (debug)


            // Get other informatin needed from AssayMetadata

            LogMessage("Reading AssayMetadata ASSAY metadata...");
            Dictionary <int, AssayDbMetadata> assayMetadataAssayDict =            // get assays and associated target/gene information

            LogMessage("Getting AssayMetadata result types...");
            Dictionary <int, AssayDbResultType> resultTypeDict = AssayMetadataDao.GetResultTypeDict();

            LogMessage("Getting assay types and modes...");
            AssayMetadataDao.GetAssayTypesAndModes(out assayTypeDict, out assayModeDict);

            LogMessage("Getting gene dendogram coordinates...");
                AssayMetadataDao.GetImageCoords(out targetMapXDict, out targetMapYDict);
            catch (Exception ex)             // may fail if problem with data source
                LogMessage(DebugLog.FormatExceptionMessage(ex, true));
                targetMapXDict = new Dictionary <int, double>();
                targetMapYDict = new Dictionary <int, double>();

            // Process each assay

            int metatablesFound = 0, metatablesNotFound = 0;

            int assaysProcessed            = 0;
            int assaysWithGenes            = 0;
            int assaysWithGeneCoords       = 0;
            int assaysWithTargets          = 0;
            int assaysWithSpOnly           = 0;
            int assaysWithCrcOnly          = 0;
            int assaysWithNoCrcSP          = 0;
            int assaysWithOtherTypes       = 0;
            int assaysWithCrcAndSp         = 0;
            int assaysWithNoKeyTypes       = 0;
            int assaysWithProcessingErrors = 0;

            Dictionary <string, int> CrcAssayCnt = new Dictionary <string, int>()
                { "ASSAY_DB1", 0 }, { "ASSAY_DB2", 0 }, { "ASSAY_DB3", 0 }
            Dictionary <string, int> SpAssayCnt = new Dictionary <string, int>()
                { "ASSAY_DB1", 0 }, { "ASSAY_DB2", 0 }, { "ASSAY_DB3", 0 }
            Dictionary <string, int> OtherAssayCnt = new Dictionary <string, int>()
                { "ASSAY_DB1", 0 }, { "ASSAY_DB2", 0 }, { "ASSAY_DB3", 0 }

            List <AssayAttributes> resultTypeRows = new List <AssayAttributes>();
            List <AssayAttributes> geneRows       = new List <AssayAttributes>();
            List <AssayAttributes> dbRows         = new List <AssayAttributes>();

            string copyUpdateMsg = "";

            foreach (string mtName0 in mtNameHash)
                AssayMetaData assayMetaData = null;                 // metadata for assay
                bool          isAssay       = false;
                int           assayIdNbr    = NullValue.NullNumber;
                int           assayId       = NullValue.NullNumber;

                //if (assaysProcessed >= 100) break; // debug

                mtName = mtName0;
                MetaTable.ParseMetaTableName(mtName, out tableNamePrefix, out tableId, out isSummary);

                string resultType = "";
                string rtId = "";
                string assayName, assayDb;

                mt = MetaTableCollection.Get(mtName);                 // get metatable
                if (mt == null)
                    LogMessage("MetaTable not found: " + mtName);


                if (mt.Code == "")
                    continue;                         // must be single pivoted assay
                assayDb    = "ASSAY_DB";              // customize
                assayIdNbr = -1;

                if (UalUtil.IClient != null && UalUtil.IClient.Attended)
                    UAL.Progress.Show((assaysProcessed + 1).ToString() + " / " + mtNameHash.Count + " - " + mt.Name + "\r\n" + mt.Label);

                aa = new AssayAttributes();
                aa.AssayDatabase = assayDb;
                aa.AssayIdNbr    = assayIdNbr;         // data-source-specific assay Id
                aa.AssayIdTxt    = mt.Name;            // store ASSAY_1234  type table name
                aa.AssayId2      = assayId;            // any associated assay id

                if (isAssay)
                    aa.AssayName = assayMetaData.Name;                     // name from AssayMetadata
                    aa.AssayName = MetaTable.RemoveSuffixesFromName(mt.Label);                  // name from metatable
                if (mt.SummarizedExists)
                    aa.SummarizedAvailable = true;
                    aa.SummarizedAvailable = false;

                if (isAssay)
                    if (assayTypeDict.ContainsKey(tableId))
                        aa.AssayType = assayTypeDict[tableId];

                    if (assayModeDict.ContainsKey(tableId))
                        aa.AssayMode = assayModeDict[tableId];

                    aa.AssaySource       = AssayMetaData.GetAssaySource(tableId);
                    aa.AssociationSource = "TODO";                     // customize

                aa.AssayStatus = "Active";                 // say all active for now

                MetaTableStats mts = MetaTableFactory.GetStats(mtName);
                if (mts != null)
                    aa.ResultCount     = (int)mts.RowCount;
                    aa.AssayUpdateDate = mts.UpdateDateTime;
                    aa.ResultCount = 0;                  // assume no results if no stats
                if (mt.DescriptionIsAvailable())         // use description from Mobius
                    aa.AssayDesc = "Y";

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(aa.GeneFamily))
                    aa.GeneFamily = "Unknown";                              // set these to "Unknown" rather than null
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(aa.AssayType))
                    aa.AssayType = "UNKNOWN";                             // upper case UNKNOWN
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(aa.AssayMode))
                    aa.AssayMode = "UNKNOWN";                             // upper case UNKNOWN
// Step1: Add a row for primary & any secondary results

                MetaColumn       firstResultCol = null, firstKeyResultCol = null, firstOtherKeyResultCol = null;
                string           resultTypeConcType;
                HashSet <string> keyResultTypeCodes = new HashSet <string>();
                int spCnt = 0, crcCnt = 0, otherCnt = 0;

                for (int mci = 0; mci < mt.MetaColumns.Count; mci++)                 // pick first col with result code (could also check summarization method)
                    mc = mt.MetaColumns[mci];

                    if (Lex.IsUndefined(mc.ResultCode))
                        continue;                                                     // must have code defined
                    if (keyResultTypeCodes.Contains(mc.ResultCode))
                        continue;                                                                 // and not included so far
                    if (mc.InitialSelection != ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected)
                        continue;                                                                          // selected only
                    if (firstResultCol == null)
                        firstResultCol = mc;

                    if (!IsKeyResultType(mc, out resultTypeConcType))

                    if (firstKeyResultCol == null)
                        firstKeyResultCol = mc;


                    aa2 = aa.Clone();

                    if (resultTypeRows.Count == 0)
                        aa2.TopLevelResult = "Y";
                        aa2.TopLevelResult = "N";

                    aa2.ResultTypeId2   = GetAssayResultTypeId(mc);    // AssayMetadata result type id
                    aa2.ResultTypeIdNbr = GetInternalResultTypeId(mc); // Internal database result type id
                    aa2.ResultTypeIdTxt = mc.Name;                     // Mobius column name

                    if (isAssay && resultTypeDict.ContainsKey(aa2.ResultTypeId2))
                        aa2.ResultName = resultTypeDict[aa2.ResultTypeId2].Name;                         // use name from AssayMetadata result type dict
                        aa2.ResultName = mc.Label;                      // use label from Mobius
                    aa2.ResultTypeUnits = mc.Units;                     // result units

                    if (Lex.Eq(resultTypeConcType, "SP"))
                        aa2.ResultTypeConcType = "SP";

                    else if (Lex.Eq(resultTypeConcType, "CRC"))
                        aa2.ResultTypeConcType = "CRC";

                        aa2.ResultTypeConcType = "";
                        if (firstOtherKeyResultCol == null)
                            firstOtherKeyResultCol = mc;

                    aa2.ResultTypeConcUnits = "";                     // todo


                if (resultTypeRows.Count >= 1)
                    if (crcCnt > 0)
                        CrcAssayCnt[assayDb]++;                                 // count primary type by db
                    else if (spCnt > 0)

                    if (crcCnt > 0 && spCnt == 0)
                        assaysWithCrcOnly++;                                               // count overall primary/secondary types
                    else if (crcCnt == 0 && spCnt > 0)
                    else if (crcCnt > 0 && spCnt > 0)

                    if (crcCnt == 0 && spCnt == 0)                     // no SP or CRC result types
                        mc = firstKeyResultCol;
                        LogMessage("Assay with No SP/CRC key results: " + mt.Name + "." + mc.Name + " (" + mc.ResultCode + "), " + mt.Label + "." + mc.Label);

                    else if (otherCnt > 0)                     // no SP or CRC result types
                        mc = firstOtherKeyResultCol;
                        LogMessage("Non SP/CRC key result: " + mt.Name + "." + mc.Name + " (" + mc.ResultCode + "), " + mt.Label + "." + mc.Label);

                else                 // no key result type
                    aa2 = aa.Clone();
                    resultTypeRows.Add(aa2);                     // include row for step1

                    LogMessage("No key result type for metatable: " + mt.Name + ", " + mt.Label);

// Build a step2 row for each target/gene

                List <AssayTarget> targets = new List <AssayTarget>();
                int geneCount = 0;

                if (isAssay)
                    targets = assayMetaData.Targets;
                if (targets.Count > 0)

                foreach (AssayTarget target in targets)
                    aa            = new AssayAttributes();
                    aa.GeneFamily = target.TargetTypeShortName;                     // count target type occurance
                    if (Lex.IsUndefined(aa.GeneFamily))
                        aa.GeneFamily = "Unknown";
                    if (!targetTypeCounts.ContainsKey(aa.GeneFamily))
                        targetTypeCounts[aa.GeneFamily] = 0;

                    if (target.Genes == null || target.Genes.Count == 0)                     // if no genes add a single target row

                    foreach (AssayGene rg in target.Genes)
                        if (!Lex.IsDefined(rg.GeneSymbol))

                        aa2 = aa.Clone();

                        aa2.GeneSymbol = rg.GeneSymbol;
                        int.TryParse(rg.GeneId, out aa2.GeneId);

                        if (aa2.GeneId > 0 && targetMapXDict.ContainsKey(aa2.GeneId))
                            aa2.TargetMapX = targetMapXDict[aa2.GeneId];
                            aa2.TargetMapY = targetMapYDict[aa2.GeneId];
                            if (geneCount == 0)

                        if (!geneIdCounts.ContainsKey(aa2.GeneId))                         // count gene occurance
                            geneIdCounts[aa2.GeneId] = 0;

                        if (geneCount == 0)


                if (geneRows.Count == 0)                 // if no step 2 rows (i.e. no targets), create a single step2 row
                    aa = new AssayAttributes();

// Combine key result types with target/genes

                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < resultTypeRows.Count; i1++)
                    AssayAttributes s1aa = resultTypeRows[i1];
                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < geneRows.Count; i2++)
                        AssayAttributes s2aa = geneRows[i2];

                        aa            = s1aa.Clone();
                        aa.GeneId     = s2aa.GeneId;
                        aa.GeneSymbol = s2aa.GeneSymbol;
                        aa.GeneFamily = s2aa.GeneFamily;

                        aa.TargetMapX = s2aa.TargetMapX;
                        aa.TargetMapY = s2aa.TargetMapY;

                        aa.GeneCount = geneCount;

                        if (i2 > 0)
                            aa.GeneCount = -geneCount;                                 // negative for other than 1st gene


            // Update table

            bool updateTable = true;             // set to false for debug

            if (dbRows.Count <= 0)
                LogMessage("No rows in new dataset, table not updated");

            else if (updateTable)
                LogMessage("Deleting existing data...");
                DbCommandMx dao = new DbCommandMx();
                string      sql = "delete from mbs_owner.cmn_assy_atrbts";

                sql = AssayAttributesDao.AdjustAssayAttrsTableName(sql);

                int delCnt = dao.ExecuteNonReader();

                LogMessage("Inserting new data...");
                int t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();
                for (ri = 0; ri < dbRows.Count; ri++)
                    aa    = dbRows[ri];
                    aa.Id = ri + 1;

                    //aa.Id += 10000; // debug

                    if (aa.GeneSymbol != null)
                        aa.GeneSymbol = aa.GeneSymbol.ToUpper();                                            // be sure key match cols are upper case
                    if (aa.GeneFamily != null)
                        aa.GeneFamily = aa.GeneFamily.ToUpper();
                    if (aa.GeneFamilyTargetSymbol != null)
                        aa.GeneFamilyTargetSymbol = aa.GeneFamilyTargetSymbol.ToUpper();
                    if (aa.ResultTypeConcType != null)
                        aa.ResultTypeConcType = aa.ResultTypeConcType.ToUpper();
                    if (aa.AssayType != null)
                        aa.AssayType = aa.AssayType.ToUpper();
                    if (aa.AssayMode != null)
                        aa.AssayMode = aa.AssayMode.ToUpper();

                    AssayAttributesDao.InsertCommonAssayAttributes(aa, dao);
                    if (TimeOfDay.Milliseconds() - t0 > 1000)
                        //Progress.Show("Inserting new data " + (ri + 1) + "/" + rows.Count + "...");
                        t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();


                copyUpdateMsg = UpdateCmnAssyAtrbtsCopies();

            string response =
                "----------------------------------\r\n" +
                "Assays processed: " + assaysProcessed + "\r\n" +
                "Assays with processing errors: " + assaysWithProcessingErrors + "\r\n" +
                "Rows inserted: " + dbRows.Count + "\r\n" +
                copyUpdateMsg +
                "----------------------------------\r\n" +
                "Assays with CRC only: " + assaysWithCrcOnly + "\r\n" +
                "Assays with SP only: " + assaysWithSpOnly + "\r\n" +
                "Assays with CRC and SP: " + assaysWithCrcAndSp + "\r\n" +
                "Assays with no CRC or SP: " + assaysWithNoCrcSP + "\r\n" +
                "Assays with non CRC/SP key types: " + assaysWithOtherTypes + "\r\n" +
                "Assays with no key types: " + assaysWithNoKeyTypes + "\r\n" +
                "----------------------------------\r\n" +
                "Assays with targets defined: " + assaysWithTargets + "\r\n" +
                "Assays with genes defined: " + assaysWithGenes + "\r\n" +
                "Assays with gene map coordinates: " + assaysWithGeneCoords + "\r\n" +
                "----------------------------------\r\n" +
                //"CRC Assays: " + CrcAssayCnt["ASSAY"] + "\r\n" +
                //"SP  Assays: " + SpAssayCnt["ASSAY"] + "\r\n" +
                //"??? Assays: " + OtherAssayCnt["ASSAY"] + "\r\n" +

            LogMessage("\r\n" + response);

Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert row into log table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static bool Insert(
            UserObject uo)
            if (DbConnectionMx.NoDatabaseAccessIsAvailable)
                return(true);                // don't try to write
                int    t1  = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();
                string sql = @"
					insert into mbs_owner.mbs_log (
					values (:0, :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, 'I', :2, sysdate(), sysdate())"                    ;

                // Note that chng_usr_id is truncated to 12 chars to avoid exceptions for longer user ids. Fix after column is expanded

                DbCommandMx drDao = new DbCommandMx();

                OracleDbType[] pa = new OracleDbType[10];

                pa[0] = OracleDbType.Int32;
                pa[1] = OracleDbType.Int32;
                pa[2] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
                pa[3] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
                pa[4] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
                pa[5] = OracleDbType.Int32;
                pa[6] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
                pa[7] = OracleDbType.Int32;
                pa[8] = OracleDbType.Int32;
                pa[9] = OracleDbType.Clob;

                drDao.Prepare(sql, pa);

                object[] p = new object[10];
                uo.Id = SequenceDao.NextVal("mbs_owner.mbs_log_seq");
                p[0]  = uo.Id;
                p[1]  = (int)uo.Type;
                p[2]  = (Lex.IsDefined(uo.Owner) ? uo.Owner.ToUpper() : "UNKNOWN");
                p[3]  = uo.Name;
                p[4]  = (Lex.IsUndefined(uo.Description) ? uo.Description : " ");
                p[5]  = uo.ParentFolderType;
                p[6]  = uo.ParentFolder;
                p[7]  = uo.AccessLevel;
                p[8]  = uo.Count;
                p[9]  = uo.Content;
                //					if (uo.Content!="")	p[9] = uo.Content;
                //					else p[9]=null;

                int count = drDao.ExecuteNonReader(p);                 // insert the row

                int t2   = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();
                int time = t2 - t1;                 // 80ms 5/24/05

            catch (Exception e)
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert an array of rows into Mobius warehouse table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="voList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public bool Insert(
            List <AnnotationVo> voList)
            // This insert uses the APPEND_VALUES hint if there are 10 or more rows inserted.
            // This means that inserts will go into new blocks and be physically associated with each other
            // which will result in significantly faster retrieval for individual annotation tables since fewer
            // disk reads will be needed. Otherwise tables that are reloaded multiple times will tend to be spread over
            // a larger number of reused blocks resulting in more reads and slower performance.
            // From a web article:
            //  Each of the following is a benefit in some cases
            //  Each of the following is a disaster in other cases
            //  Append does a direct path load (if it can, it is not a promise, you are requesting and we may or may not do it for you - silently)
            //  if you direct path load, the transaction that did the direct path load CANNOT query that segment -but other transactions can, they just cannot see the newly loaded data.
            //  if you direct path load, you never use any existing free space, it always writes above the high water mark.
            //  if you direct path load, we bypass UNDO on the table -only the table -modifications
            //  if you direct path load, you'll maintain indexes - we build mini indexes on the newly loaded data and merge them into the 'real' indexes in bulk. A direct path load of large amounts of data will maintain indexes very efficiently.
            //  if you direct path load you can bypass redo on the TABLE in archivelog mode, if the database is set up to allow nologging and you have the segment set to nologging
            //  direct path loading bypasses the buffer cache, you write directly to the datafiles.
            //  direct path loading is only appropriate for the first load of a segment or an increment load of lots of data - or an increment load into a table that never has any deletes(so there is no free space to consider)
            //  transactional systems - you probably won't use it.
            //  warehouses - a tool you'll use a lot

            AnnotationVo vo;

            if (voList == null || voList.Count == 0)

            //CheckForDuplicateInsert(voList); // debug

                string sql =
                    "insert /*+ APPEND_VALUES */ into " + TableName + " " +
                    "(rslt_id, " +
                    "rslt_grp_id, " +
                    "ext_cmpnd_id_txt, " +
                    "ext_cmpnd_id_nbr, " +
                    "src_db_id, " +
                    "mthd_vrsn_id, " +
                    "rslt_typ_id, " +
                    "rslt_val_prfx_txt, " +
                    "rslt_val_nbr, " +
                    "uom_id, " +
                    "rslt_val_txt, " +
                    "rslt_val_dt, " +
                    "cmnt_txt, " +
                    "dc_lnk, " +
                    "chng_op_cd, " +
                    "chng_usr_id, " +
                    "sts_id, " +
                    "sts_dt, " +
                    "crt_dt, " +
                    "updt_dt) " +
                    "values (nvl(:0," + SeqName + ".nextval)" +              // if rslt_id not null use it otherwise call nextval locally

                if (voList.Count < 10)                 // require minimum number of rows to use APPEND_VALUESd
                    sql = Lex.Replace(sql, "APPEND_VALUES", "");

                OracleDbType[] pa = new OracleDbType[16];
                pa[0]  = OracleDbType.Long;                // rslt_id
                pa[1]  = OracleDbType.Long;                // rslt_grp_id
                pa[2]  = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
                pa[3]  = OracleDbType.Int32;
                pa[4]  = OracleDbType.Int32;
                pa[5]  = OracleDbType.Int32;               // mthd_vrsn_id
                pa[6]  = OracleDbType.Long;                // rslt_typ_id
                pa[7]  = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
                pa[8]  = OracleDbType.Double;
                pa[9]  = OracleDbType.Int32;
                pa[10] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
                pa[11] = OracleDbType.Date;
                pa[12] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
                pa[13] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
                pa[14] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
                pa[15] = OracleDbType.Varchar2;

                DbCmd.Prepare(sql, pa);

                int cnt = voList.Count;

                object[]        p                  = new object[16];                   // parameter values
                object[]        rslt_idA           = new object[cnt]; p[0] = rslt_idA; // allocate arrays to hold values
                long[]          rslt_grp_idA       = new long[cnt]; p[1] = rslt_grp_idA;
                string[]        ext_cmpnd_id_txtA  = new string[cnt]; p[2] = ext_cmpnd_id_txtA;
                int[]           ext_cmpnd_id_nbrA  = new int[cnt]; p[3] = ext_cmpnd_id_nbrA;
                int[]           src_db_idA         = new int[cnt]; p[4] = src_db_idA;
                int[]           mthd_vrsn_idA      = new int[cnt]; p[5] = mthd_vrsn_idA;
                long[]          rslt_typ_idA       = new long[cnt]; p[6] = rslt_typ_idA;
                string[]        rslt_val_prfx_txtA = new string[cnt]; p[7] = rslt_val_prfx_txtA;
                OracleDecimal[] rslt_val_nbrA      = new OracleDecimal[cnt]; p[8] = rslt_val_nbrA;
                int[]           uom_idA            = new int[cnt]; p[9] = uom_idA;
                string[]        rslt_val_txtA      = new string[cnt]; p[10] = rslt_val_txtA;
                OracleDate[]    rslt_val_dtA       = new OracleDate[cnt]; p[11] = rslt_val_dtA;
                string[]        cmnt_txtA          = new string[cnt]; p[12] = cmnt_txtA;
                string[]        dc_lnkA            = new string[cnt]; p[13] = dc_lnkA;
                string[]        chng_op_cdA        = new string[cnt]; p[14] = chng_op_cdA;
                string[]        chng_usr_idA       = new string[cnt]; p[15] = chng_usr_idA;

                for (int li = 0; li < cnt; li++)
                {                 // copy values to parameter arrays
                    vo = voList[li];

                    try { vo.ext_cmpnd_id_nbr = Int32.Parse(vo.ext_cmpnd_id_txt); }                     // try to store text ext_cmpnd_id_txt value also as integer in ext_cmpnd_id_nbr
                    catch (Exception ex) { }

                    if (vo.rslt_id <= 0 && voList.Count == 1)                     // assign seq no if not already assigned if inserting only 1 row
                        vo.rslt_id = SequenceDao.NextValLong(SeqName);
                    if (vo.rslt_id > 0)
                        rslt_idA[li] = vo.rslt_id;                                     // is result_id defined?
                        rslt_idA[li] = DBNull.Value;                      // if not defined send as null value so sequence is used in nvl function in insert
                    rslt_grp_idA[li] = vo.rslt_grp_id;

                    string txt = vo.ext_cmpnd_id_txt;
                    if (txt != null && txt.Length > 32)                     // truncate to 32 chars if needed
                        txt = txt.Substring(0, 32);
                    ext_cmpnd_id_txtA[li] = txt;

                    ext_cmpnd_id_nbrA[li]  = vo.ext_cmpnd_id_nbr;
                    src_db_idA[li]         = vo.src_db_id;
                    mthd_vrsn_idA[li]      = vo.mthd_vrsn_id;
                    rslt_typ_idA[li]       = vo.rslt_typ_id;
                    rslt_val_prfx_txtA[li] = vo.rslt_val_prfx_txt;
                    if (vo.rslt_val_nbr != NullValue.NullNumber)
                        rslt_val_nbrA[li] = new OracleDecimal(vo.rslt_val_nbr);
                    uom_idA[li] = vo.uom_id;

                    rslt_val_txtA[li] = vo.rslt_val_txt;
                    if (rslt_val_txtA[li] != null && rslt_val_txtA[li].Length > 3900)                     // avoid overflow error, must leave space for catenating
                        rslt_val_txtA[li] = rslt_val_txtA[li].Substring(0, 3897) + "...";                 // link info & keeping total <= 4000
                    if (vo.rslt_val_txt.Contains(","))
                        vo.rslt_val_txt = vo.rslt_val_txt;                       // debug
                    if (vo.rslt_val_dt != DateTime.MinValue)                     // non-null date?
                        rslt_val_dtA[li] = new OracleDate(vo.rslt_val_dt);
                    cmnt_txtA[li]    = vo.cmnt_txt;
                    dc_lnkA[li]      = vo.dc_lnk;
                    chng_op_cdA[li]  = vo.chng_op_cd;
                    chng_usr_idA[li] = vo.chng_usr_id;

                int t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();
                DbCmd.OracleCmd.ArrayBindCount = cnt;
                int count = DbCmd.ExecuteNonReader(p);                 // do insert

                t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds() - t0;
                //				DebugLog.Message("MobiusDwDao insert rows, count = " + count.ToString() + ", Time(ms) = " + t0.ToString());


            catch (Exception e)
                DebugLog.Message("MobiusDwDao.Insert - Error inserting into " + TableName + ": " + e.Message);
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the next value for the sequence (MySQL)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seqName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static long NextValLongMySQL(
            string seqName)
            string sql;
            long   nextVal;

            SequenceDao seqDao = Lookup(seqName);

            Queue <long> seqQueue = seqDao.Queue;

            if (seqQueue.Count > 0)
                nextVal = seqQueue.Dequeue();

            int count = (seqDao.CacheSize > 0 ? seqDao.CacheSize : 1);

            int t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();

            DbCommandMx seqCmd = new DbCommandMx();

            seqCmd.MxConn = DbConnectionMx.GetConnection("MySql_Mobius");              // "MySql_Mobius_Sequences"

            sql = String.Format(
                @"update mbs_owner.mbs_sequences 
			set value = last_insert_id(value) + {0}
			where name = '{1}'"            , count, seqName.ToUpper());


            int updCount = seqCmd.ExecuteNonReader();

            if (updCount <= 0)
                throw new Exception("Error updating sequence (may not exist): " + seqName);

            sql = "select last_insert_id()";             // gets value before update above
            seqCmd.PrepareUsingDefinedConnection(sql, null);
            DbDataReader rdr = seqCmd.ExecuteReader();

            bool readOk = rdr.Read();

            AssertMx.IsTrue(readOk, "readOk");
            long value = rdr.GetInt64(0);


            nextVal = value + 1;             // return this one now

            long v2 = value + 2;             // next value
            long vn = value + count;         // last value

            for (long vi = v2; vi <= vn; vi++)

            t0 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds() - t0;
            //			DebugLog.Message("Read sequence, set size = " + seqQueue.Count.ToString() + ", Time(ms) = " + t0.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 14
/// <summary>
/// Load data into PubChem database
/// PubChem assay data files are downloaded from the PubChem site:
/// http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ using a program like SmartFTP.
/// The files are in GNU Zip (.gz) format and can be unzipped with
/// the following gzip commands:
///  c:\gzip\gzip -d c:\pubchem\bioassay\csv\description\*.gz
///  c:\gzip\gzip -d c:\pubchem\bioassay\csv\data\*.gz
/// After downloading and decompression this method can be called on the files.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args"></param>
/// <returns></returns>

        public static string LoadData(
            string aid)
            int recCount = 0;

            string    mtName = "PubChem_aid_" + aid;
            MetaTable mt     = MetaTableCollection.Get(mtName);

            if (mt == null)
                return("Failed to get metatable");

//			if (Math.Sqrt(4) == 2) goto UpdateCids;

            string       fileName = PubChemAssayDirectory + @"\CSV\Data\" + aid + ".csv";
            StreamReader sr;

            try { sr = new StreamReader(fileName); }
            catch (Exception ex) { return("File not found: " + fileName); }

            string        header  = sr.ReadLine();     // read headers line
            List <string> headers = Csv.SplitCsvString(header);
            int           cidIdx  = -1;

            for (cidIdx = 0; cidIdx < headers.Count; cidIdx++)
                if (headers[cidIdx].ToUpper() == "PUBCHEM_CID")
            if (cidIdx >= headers.Count)
                return("PUBCHEM_CID column not found in data headers");

            Dictionary <string, MetaColumn> mcd = new Dictionary <string, MetaColumn>();

            foreach (MetaColumn mc2 in mt.MetaColumns)
                mcd[mc2.Name.ToUpper()] = mc2;                 // build dict for quick metacolumn lookup
            DbConnectionMx conn = DbConnectionMx.MapSqlToConnection(ref PubChemWarehouseTable);

            conn.BeginTransaction();             // do multiple updates per transaction

            GenericDwDao dao = new GenericDwDao(
                PubChemWarehouseTable,                          // table for results
                PubChemWarehouseSeq);                           // sequence to use

            dao.BufferInserts(true);                            // buffer inserts for better speed

            SequenceDao.SetCacheSize(PubChemWarehouseSeq, 100); // number of ids to cache locally from sequence

            //string progressMsg = "Deleting existing data...";
            int i1 = dao.DeleteTable(Int32.Parse(mt.TableFilterValues[0]), true);

            //if (Progress.CancelRequested())
            //  dao.Dispose();
            //  return "Cancelled during data delete";

            //Progress.Show("Loading file...");

            recCount = 0;
            int t1 = 0;

            while (true)
                int t2 = TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();
                if (t2 - t1 > 1000)
                    if (Progress.CancelRequested)
                        return(recCount.ToString() + " rows loaded");
                    Progress.Show("Loading file (" + recCount.ToString() + ") ...");
                    t1 = t2;

                string rec = sr.ReadLine();
                if (rec == null)
                List <string> vals = Csv.SplitCsvString(rec);
                int           cid;
                try { cid = Int32.Parse(vals[cidIdx]); }                 // get compound id
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string txtCid = vals[cidIdx];
                    if (txtCid == null)
                        txtCid = "";
                    DebugLog.Message("Load PubChem bad CID " + txtCid + ", AID = " + aid);

                long rslt_grp_id = dao.GetNextIdLong();                 // id to hold row together
                for (int vi = 0; vi < vals.Count; vi++)
                    string s = vals[vi];
                    if (s == "")
                    string[] sa = rec.Split(',');
                    if (vi >= headers.Count)
                    string mcName = headers[vi].ToUpper();
                    if (mcName.Length > 26)
                        mcName = mcName.Substring(0, 26);                                         // limit length to 26
                    if (mcName == "PUBCHEM_CID")

                    if (Lex.IsInteger(mcName))
                        mcName = "R_" + mcName;                                            // result number
                    MetaColumn mc = mcd[mcName];
                    if (mc == null)

                    AnnotationVo vo = new AnnotationVo();
                    vo.rslt_grp_id = rslt_grp_id;

                    if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.String)
                        vo.rslt_val_txt = s;

                    else if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Number || mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Integer)
                            vo.rslt_val_nbr = Convert.ToDouble(s);
                        catch (Exception e) { continue; }                         // just continue if bad

                    else if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Date)
                        s = DateTimeMx.Normalize(s);
                        if (s == null)
                        vo.rslt_val_dt = DateTimeMx.NormalizedToDateTime(s);

                    else if (mc.Name == "PUBCHEM_ACTIVITY_OUTCOME")                     // activity outcome is a dict value stored as an integer
                            vo.rslt_val_nbr = Convert.ToInt32(s);
                        catch (Exception e) { continue; }                         // just continue if bad

                    else if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Hyperlink ||
                             mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.DictionaryId)
                        vo.rslt_val_txt = s;


                    vo.ext_cmpnd_id_nbr = cid;
                    vo.ext_cmpnd_id_txt = cid.ToString();
                    vo.mthd_vrsn_id     = Int32.Parse(mt.TableFilterValues[0]);
                    vo.rslt_typ_id      = Int32.Parse(mc.PivotValues[0]);
                    vo.chng_op_cd       = "I";
                    vo.chng_usr_id      = Security.UserInfo.UserName;

                }                 // end of field loop

                if (recCount % 100 == 0)
                {                 // commit after group of updates
                    conn.BeginTransaction(); // do multiple updates per transaction
            }                                // end of record loop


//UpdateCids: // Add any missing CIDs under method 1000000

            Progress.Show("Updating CID table...");

            string sql =
                "INSERT INTO " + PubChemWarehouseTable + "(ext_cmpnd_id_nbr,rslt_id,mthd_vrsn_id,rslt_typ_id,rslt_grp_id) " +
                "SELECT ext_cmpnd_id_nbr, " + PubChemWarehouseSeq + ".NEXTVAL,1000000,0,0 " +
                "FROM ( " +
                "SELECT UNIQUE ext_cmpnd_id_nbr " +
                "FROM " + PubChemWarehouseTable + " r1 " +
                "WHERE mthd_vrsn_id = " + aid + " " +
                "AND NOT EXISTS ( " +
                " SELECT * " +
                "FROM " + PubChemWarehouseTable + " r2 " +
                "WHERE mthd_vrsn_id = 1000000 " +
                "AND r2.ext_cmpnd_id_nbr = r1.ext_cmpnd_id_nbr) " +
                "and rownum <= 10000)";

            DbCommandMx drd = new DbCommandMx();


            int newCids = 0;

            while (true)
                int addedCids = drd.ExecuteNonReader();
                if (addedCids == 0)
                newCids += addedCids;
                drd.BeginTransaction();                 // do multiple updates per transaction
                Progress.Show("Updating CID table (" + newCids.ToString() + ")...");


            return(recCount.ToString() + " rows loaded for AID " + aid + " plus " + newCids.ToString() + " new CIDs");