Exemplo n.º 1
        private async Task <List <Waypoint> > getAssociatedWaypointsAsync(string routeName)
            int routeID = Database.ExecuteScalarAsync <int>("SELECT \"RouteID\" FROM \"DatabaseRoute\" WHERE \"Name\" = ?", new object[] { routeName }).Result;
            List <RouteBind> waypointsID = Database.QueryAsync <RouteBind>("SELECT \"WaypointID\" FROM \"RouteBinds\" WHERE \"RouteID\" = ?", new object[] { routeID }).Result;
            List <Waypoint>  retVal      = new List <Waypoint>();

            foreach (RouteBind r in waypointsID)
                List <DatabasePOI> temp = Database.QueryAsync <DatabasePOI>("SELECT * FROM DatabasePOI WHERE WaypointID = ?", new object[] { r.WaypointID }).Result;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task EditRouteAsync(string oldRouteName, Route newRoute)
            //Remember the Database ID of the route
            int id = Database.QueryAsync <DatabaseRoute>("SELECT * FROM \"DatabaseRoute\" WHERE \"Name\" = ? AND RouteID <> 999 AND RouteID <> 998", new object[] { oldRouteName }).Result[0].RouteID;

            //And remove it
            await DeleteRouteAsync(oldRouteName);

            //Now create & insert the new route
            DatabaseRoute forDatabase = DatabaseRoute.ToDatabaseRouteIDless(newRoute, id);
            await Database.InsertAsync(forDatabase);

            //Then bind the waypoints
            foreach (Waypoint newWaypoint in newRoute.WayPoints)
                int existingID = await Database.ExecuteScalarAsync <int>("SELECT WaypointID FROM DatabasePOI WHERE Latitude = ? AND Longitude = ?", new object[] { newWaypoint.Latitude, newWaypoint.Longitude });

                if (existingID == 0)
                    //In the case it's a new waypoint, save and bind to this route
                    int waypointID = await SaveWaypoint(newWaypoint);

                    await Database.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO RouteBinds VALUES(?, ?)", new object[] { forDatabase.RouteID, waypointID });
                    //But if it exists, edit waypoint if neccesary, check if the bind persisted and then insert
                    await EditWaypointAsync(DatabasePOI.ToWaypoint(
                                                Database.QueryAsync <DatabasePOI>("SELECT * FROM DatabasePOI WHERE Latitude = ? AND Longitude = ?", new object[] { newWaypoint.Latitude, newWaypoint.Longitude }).Result[0])
                                            , newWaypoint);

                    List <RouteBind> binds = await Database.QueryAsync <RouteBind>("SELECT WaypointID FROM RouteBinds WHERE RouteID = ? AND RouteID <> 999 AND RouteID <> 998 AND WaypointID = ?", new object[] { id, existingID });

                    if (binds.Count == 0)
                        await Database.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO RouteBinds VALUES(?, ?)", new object[] { forDatabase.RouteID, existingID });
            //In the case this is the active route, replace.
            Route currentRoute = await GetCurrentRoute();

            if (currentRoute != null && currentRoute.Name == oldRouteName)
                await SaveCurrentRouteAsync(newRoute);