Exemplo n.º 1
        public MainPage()
            NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);

            // Get Metrics
            var mainDisplayInfo = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo;

            // Width (in pixels)
            var width = mainDisplayInfo.Width;

            // Width (in xamarin.forms units)
            var xamarinWidth = width / mainDisplayInfo.Density;

            // Height (in pixels)
            var height        = mainDisplayInfo.Height;
            var xamarinHeight = height / mainDisplayInfo.Density;

            // Screen density
            paieska_main_st.WidthRequest = xamarinWidth * 73.61 / 100;
            shop_img.HeightRequest       = xamarinHeight * 3.229 / 100;
            main_cp.Padding       = new Thickness(0, xamarinHeight * 3.125 / 100, 0, xamarinHeight * 0.885 / 100);
            virsutinis_st.Padding = new Thickness(xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, 0, xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, 0);
            paieskos_juostos_entry.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight * 5.15625 / 100;
            iconImage.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight * 5.3125 / 100;
            //  iconImage.WidthRequest = xamarinWidth * (569 * 100 / width) / 100;
            main_scroll.Padding       = new Thickness(0, xamarinHeight * 3.54166 / 100, 0, 0);
            main_label.Padding        = new Thickness(xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, xamarinHeight * 3.489 / 100, xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, xamarinHeight * 1.5625 / 100);
            main_label.HeightRequest  = xamarinHeight * 15.625 / 100;
            main_label2.Padding       = new Thickness(xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, xamarinHeight * 3.489 / 100, xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, xamarinHeight * 1.5625 / 100);
            main_label2.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight * 15.625 / 100;
            main_label3.Padding       = new Thickness(xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, xamarinHeight * 3.489 / 100, xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, xamarinHeight * 1.5625 / 100);
            main_label3.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight * 15.625 / 100;
            main_label.FontSize       = xamarinHeight * 2.60 / 100;
            main_label2.FontSize      = xamarinHeight * 2.60 / 100;
            main_label3.FontSize      = xamarinHeight * 2.60 / 100;

            paieskos_linija.WidthRequest        = xamarinWidth * 57.407 / 100;
            paieskos_juostos_entry.WidthRequest = xamarinWidth * 57.407 / 100;
            image1.WidthRequest = xamarinWidth;
            // image1.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight * 3.64583 / 100;
            image3.WidthRequest = xamarinWidth;
            //   image3.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight * 3.6458 / 100;
            //   image2.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight * 3.6458 / 100;
            image2.WidthRequest = xamarinWidth;
            customMenu.Padding  = new Thickness(xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, 0, xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, 0);

            paieska.FontSize = xamarinHeight * 1.7359375 / 100;
            paieskos_juostos_entry.FontSize = xamarinHeight * 1.7359375 / 100;

            // Krepšelio nuskaitymas ir jo kiekio atvaizdavimas ant krepšelio ikonos
            List <CartItemPost> cart = DataManipulation_Logic.ReadCart();
            int cart_product_amount  = cart.Count();

            kiekisKrepselyje.Text = cart_product_amount.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public BuyPage(string query = "")
            NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);

            var mainDisplayInfo = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo;

            // Width (in pixels)
            var width = mainDisplayInfo.Width;

            // Width (in xamarin.forms units)
            var xamarinWidth = width / mainDisplayInfo.Density;

            // Height (in pixels)
            var height        = mainDisplayInfo.Height;
            var xamarinHeight = height / mainDisplayInfo.Density;

            buy_cp.HeightRequest          = xamarinHeight;
            buy_cp.WidthRequest           = xamarinWidth;
            buy_st.Padding                = new Thickness(0, xamarinHeight * 2.03125 / 100, 0, xamarinHeight * 0.885 / 100);
            virsutineJuosta.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight * 10.416 / 100;
            BackImgButton4.WidthRequest   = xamarinWidth * 6.8518 / 100;
            virsutineJuosta.Padding       = new Thickness(xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, 0, 0, 0);
            krepselis.Padding             = new Thickness(xamarinWidth * 8.888 / 100, 0, 0, 0);
            // frame1.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight * (375 * 100 / height) / 100;
            suma.FontSize  = xamarinHeight * 2.5 / 100;
            kaina.FontSize = xamarinHeight * 2.5 / 100;
            stac.Padding   = new Thickness(xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, 0, xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, 0);
            //  sarasoStack.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight - expandableView.SecondaryView.FindByName<Grid>("grid").HeightRequest - customMenu.HeightRequest - virsutineJuosta.HeightRequest - frame1.HeightRequest;
            customMenu.Padding = new Thickness(xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, 0, xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, 0);
            //expandableView.SecondaryView.FindByName<Grid>("grid").HeightRequest = xamarinHeight * 19.53125 / 100;
            //expandableView.SecondaryView.FindByName<RadioButton>("nemokamas_radio").FontSize = xamarinHeight * 1.8 / 100;
            //expandableView.SecondaryView.FindByName<RadioButton>("mokamas_radio").FontSize = xamarinHeight * 1.8 / 100;
            //expandableView.SecondaryView.FindByName<Label>("mokamas").FontSize = xamarinHeight * 1.5 / 100;
            //expandableView.SecondaryView.FindByName<Label>("nemokamas").FontSize = xamarinHeight * 1.5 / 100;
            //mokejimoButton.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight * 5.26 / 100;
            //CartItemList.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight - expandableView.SecondaryView.FindByName<Grid>("grid").HeightRequest - customMenu.HeightRequest - virsutineJuosta.HeightRequest - frame1.HeightRequest;
            //pristatytmoStack.Padding = new Thickness(xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, 0, xamarinWidth * 3.24 / 100, 0);
            //expandableView.SecondaryView.FindByName<Grid>("grid").Padding = new Thickness(xamarinWidth * 4.722 / 100, 0, 0, 0);
            //pristatymas.FontSize = xamarinHeight * 2 / 100;

            //do read of cart
            prekes = DataManipulation_Logic.ReadCart();
            if (prekes.Count > 0)
                CartItemList.ItemsSource = prekes;
                //CartItemList.ItemsSource = null;
                nera_rezultatu.IsVisible = true;

            //user_adresai = UserAuth.GetAddresses();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public PaieskosJuosta()
            // Get Metrics
            var mainDisplayInfo = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo;

            // Orientation (Landscape, Portrait, Square, Unknown)
            var orientation = mainDisplayInfo.Orientation;

            // Rotation (0, 90, 180, 270)
            var rotation = mainDisplayInfo.Rotation;

            // Width (in pixels)
            var width = mainDisplayInfo.Width;

            // Width (in xamarin.forms units)
            var xamarinWidth = width / mainDisplayInfo.Density;

            // Height (in pixels)
            var height        = mainDisplayInfo.Height;
            var xamarinHeight = height / mainDisplayInfo.Density;
            // Screen density
            var density = mainDisplayInfo.Density;

            NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);

            // paieskos_juostos_frame.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight * (62 * 100 / height) / 100;
            paieskos_juostos_frame.Padding = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, xamarinHeight * 3.645 / 100);
            paieskos_stack.HeightRequest   = xamarinHeight * 3.645 / 100;
            paieska_st.WidthRequest        = xamarinWidth * 73.611 / 100;
            //  paieska.Padding = new Thickness(xamarinWidth * (-75 * 100 / width) / 100, xamarinHeight * (25 * 100 / height) / 100, 0, xamarinHeight * (25 * 100 / height) / 100);
            //     shop_img.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight * (70 * 100 / height) / 100;
            funnel.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight * 3.229 / 100;
            paieskos_juostos_entry.WidthRequest  = xamarinWidth * 60 / 100;
            paieskos_linija.WidthRequest         = xamarinWidth * 60 / 100;
            paieskos_st.WidthRequest             = xamarinWidth * 60 / 100;
            paieskos_juostos_entry.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight * 3.229 / 100;
            paieska.FontSize = xamarinHeight * 1.84 / 100;
            paieskos_juostos_entry.FontSize = xamarinHeight * 1.736 / 100;

            // Krepšelio nuskaitymas ir jo kiekio atvaizdavimas ant krepšelio ikonos
            List <CartItemPost> cart = DataManipulation_Logic.ReadCart();
            int cart_product_amount  = cart.Count();

            kiekisKrepselyje.Text = cart_product_amount.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 4
        public DetailedProduct(int selectedProduct, int type)
            NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);
            // Get Metrics
            var mainDisplayInfo = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo;

            // Width (in pixels)
            var width = mainDisplayInfo.Width;

            // Width (in xamarin.forms units)
            var xamarinWidth = width / mainDisplayInfo.Density;

            // Height (in pixels)
            var height        = mainDisplayInfo.Height;
            var xamarinHeight = height / mainDisplayInfo.Density;

            ekranoDydis             = xamarinHeight;
            popUpStac.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight;
            popUpStac.WidthRequest  = xamarinWidth;

            close_image.Margin      = new Thickness(8, 13, 0, 0);
            shop_bag_image.Margin   = new Thickness(0, 15, 8, 0);
            kiekisKrepselyje.Margin = new Thickness(0, 27, 20, 0);
            //image.Margin = new Thickness(0, -50, 0, 0);

            // virsutineJuosta.Padding = new Thickness(xamarinWidth * 4.629 / 100, xamarinHeight * 2.604 / 100, xamarinWidth * 4.629 / 100, 0);

            // imgStack.Padding = new Thickness(0, xamarinHeight * (-130 * 100 / height) / 100, 0, 0);

            share.Margin = new Thickness(xamarinWidth * 4.6296 / 100, 0, 0, 0);
            like.Margin  = new Thickness(0, 0, xamarinWidth * 4.629 / 100, 0);
            QuickMenuPullLayout.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight;
            QuickMenuPullLayout.WidthRequest  = xamarinWidth;
            KlausimuButton.HeightRequest      = xamarinHeight * 5.260416 / 100;

            //  not1_stac.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, xamarinHeight * 2.604 / 100);
            //pirmo_aukstis = QuickMenuPullLayout.HeightRequest * 41.86 / 100;

            editorFrame.Margin            = new Thickness(20, 0, -50, 0);
            KrepselioButton.HeightRequest = xamarinHeight * 5.26 / 100;
            KlausimuButton.HeightRequest  = xamarinHeight * 5.26 / 100;

            // Krepšelio nuskaitymas ir jo kiekio atvaizdavimas ant krepšelio ikonos
            cart = DataManipulation_Logic.ReadCart();
            cart_product_amount   = cart.Count();
            kiekisKrepselyje.Text = cart_product_amount.ToString();

            /* pirmo_aukstis = Notification.Height + KrepselioButton.HeightRequest + KlausimuButton.HeightRequest;
             * x = (13.72 + pirmo_aukstis) / this.Height;
             * QuickMenuPullLayout.TranslationY = this.Height * x;*/

            Task.Factory.StartNew(async() =>
                await Task.Delay(100);
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                    //Puokstes nuskaitymas is sqlite ir padavimas duomenu i frontend
                    switch (type)
                    case 1:     // Flowers
                        using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(App.DatabaseLocation))
                            conn.CreateTable <FlowerPost>();
                            var post = conn.Find <FlowerPost>(selectedProduct);
                            image.Source      = ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(post.Image)));
                            id_product.Text   = post.Id.ToString();
                            type_product.Text = "gele";
                            pavadinimas.Text  = post.Name;
                            kaina.Text        = post.Price.ToString() + " €";
                            aprasymas.Text    = post.Description;
                            // krepselio_pavadinimas.Text = "GĖLĖ " + post.Name;

                    case 2:     // Bouquets
                        using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(App.DatabaseLocation))
                            conn.CreateTable <BouquetPost>();
                            var post = conn.Find <BouquetPost>(selectedProduct);
                            image.Source      = ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(post.Image)));
                            id_product.Text   = post.Id.ToString();
                            type_product.Text = "puokste";
                            pavadinimas.Text  = post.Name;
                            kaina.Text        = post.Price.ToString() + " €";
                            aprasymas.Text    = post.Description;
                            //  krepselio_pavadinimas.Text = "PUOKŠTĖ " + post.Name;

                    case 3:     // Home_stuff
                        using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(App.DatabaseLocation))
                            conn.CreateTable <Home_StuffPost>();
                            var post = conn.Find <Home_StuffPost>(selectedProduct);
                            image.Source      = ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(post.Image)));
                            id_product.Text   = post.Id.ToString();
                            type_product.Text = "kitas";
                            pavadinimas.Text  = post.Name;
                            kaina.Text        = post.Price.ToString() + " €";
                            aprasymas.Text    = post.Description;
                            //  krepselio_pavadinimas.Text = "AKSESUARAS " + post.Name;
                //await Task.Delay(200);

            editor.Focused   += editor_pastabu_Tapped;
            editor.Unfocused += editor_Unfocused;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void CallbackMethod(object obj)
            bool address_empty = false;

            switch (obj)
            case "maxima":
                adresas      = maxima.Text;
                adresas_type = "maxima";

            case "maxima_pramones":
                adresas      = maxima_pramones.Text;
                adresas_type = "maxima_pramones";

            case "namai":
                adresas      = namai.Text;
                adresas_type = "namai";

                address_empty = true;
            if (!address_empty)
                using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(App.DatabaseLocation))
                    switch (type)
                    case "gele":
                        CartItemPost g_object = conn.FindWithQuery <CartItemPost>("SELECT * FROM CartItemPost WHERE Flower_id LIKE ? AND Pickup_address_type LIKE ?", gele, adresas_type);
                        if (g_object != null && g_object.Pickup_address == adresas)
                            CartItemPost gelite = new CartItemPost()
                                Id                  = g_object.Id,
                                Bouquet_id          = puokste,
                                Flower_id           = gele,
                                Home_stuff_id       = kitas,
                                Amount              = amount + g_object.Amount,
                                Postcard_required   = ar_atvirute_bool,
                                Buy_comment         = buy_comment,
                                Pickup_address      = adresas,
                                Pickup_address_type = adresas_type,
                                ShoppingCart_id     = active_id,
                                Price               = kaina_vieneto * amount + g_object.Price,
                                Product_name        = pavadinimas.Text,
                                Image               = paveikslas
                            conn.CreateTable <CartItemPost>();
                            CartItemPost product = new CartItemPost()
                                Bouquet_id          = puokste,
                                Flower_id           = gele,
                                Home_stuff_id       = kitas,
                                Amount              = amount,
                                Postcard_required   = ar_atvirute_bool,
                                Buy_comment         = buy_comment,
                                Pickup_address      = adresas,
                                Pickup_address_type = adresas_type,
                                ShoppingCart_id     = active_id,
                                Price        = kaina_vieneto * amount,
                                Product_name = pavadinimas.Text,
                                Image        = paveikslas
                            conn.CreateTable <CartItemPost>();

                    case "puokste":
                        CartItemPost b_object = conn.FindWithQuery <CartItemPost>("SELECT * FROM CartItemPost WHERE Bouquet_id LIKE ? AND Pickup_address_type LIKE ?", puokste, adresas_type);
                        if (b_object != null && b_object.Pickup_address == adresas)
                            CartItemPost puokstite = new CartItemPost()
                                Id                  = b_object.Id,
                                Bouquet_id          = puokste,
                                Flower_id           = gele,
                                Home_stuff_id       = kitas,
                                Amount              = amount + b_object.Amount,
                                Postcard_required   = ar_atvirute_bool,
                                Buy_comment         = buy_comment,
                                Pickup_address      = adresas,
                                Pickup_address_type = adresas_type,
                                ShoppingCart_id     = active_id,
                                Price               = kaina_vieneto * amount + b_object.Price,
                                Product_name        = pavadinimas.Text,
                                Image               = paveikslas
                            conn.CreateTable <CartItemPost>();
                            CartItemPost product = new CartItemPost()
                                Bouquet_id          = puokste,
                                Flower_id           = gele,
                                Home_stuff_id       = kitas,
                                Amount              = amount,
                                Postcard_required   = ar_atvirute_bool,
                                Buy_comment         = buy_comment,
                                Pickup_address      = adresas,
                                Pickup_address_type = adresas_type,
                                ShoppingCart_id     = active_id,
                                Price        = kaina_vieneto * amount,
                                Product_name = pavadinimas.Text,
                                Image        = paveikslas
                            conn.CreateTable <CartItemPost>();

                    case "kitas":
                        CartItemPost o_object = conn.FindWithQuery <CartItemPost>("SELECT * FROM CartItemPost WHERE Home_stuff_id LIKE ? AND Pickup_address_type LIKE ?", kitas, adresas_type);
                        if (o_object != null && o_object.Pickup_address == adresas)
                            CartItemPost kitketas = new CartItemPost()
                                Id                  = o_object.Id,
                                Bouquet_id          = puokste,
                                Flower_id           = gele,
                                Home_stuff_id       = kitas,
                                Amount              = amount + o_object.Amount,
                                Postcard_required   = ar_atvirute_bool,
                                Buy_comment         = buy_comment,
                                Pickup_address      = adresas,
                                Pickup_address_type = adresas_type,
                                ShoppingCart_id     = active_id,
                                Price               = kaina_vieneto * amount + o_object.Price,
                                Product_name        = pavadinimas.Text,
                                Image               = paveikslas
                            conn.CreateTable <CartItemPost>();
                            CartItemPost product = new CartItemPost()
                                Bouquet_id          = puokste,
                                Flower_id           = gele,
                                Home_stuff_id       = kitas,
                                Amount              = amount,
                                Postcard_required   = ar_atvirute_bool,
                                Buy_comment         = buy_comment,
                                Pickup_address      = adresas,
                                Pickup_address_type = adresas_type,
                                ShoppingCart_id     = active_id,
                                Price        = kaina_vieneto * amount,
                                Product_name = pavadinimas.Text,
                                Image        = paveikslas
                            conn.CreateTable <CartItemPost>();
            cart = DataManipulation_Logic.ReadCart();
            cart_product_amount   = cart.Count();
            kiekisKrepselyje.Text = cart_product_amount.ToString();