Exemplo n.º 1
        private void HandleConfigDefinesChangeOnStartup(IDiffSpread <string> spread)
            if (FConfigShader[0] != "" && !configWritten)
                DX11ShaderInclude  FIncludeHandler = new DX11ShaderInclude();
                List <ShaderMacro> sms             = new List <ShaderMacro>();

                if (FConfigDefines[0] != "")
                    string[] defines = FConfigDefines[0].Split(",".ToCharArray());
                    for (int i = 0; i < defines.Length; i++)
                            string[] s = defines[i].Split("=".ToCharArray());

                            if (s.Length == 2)
                                ShaderMacro sm = new ShaderMacro();
                                sm.Name  = s[0];
                                sm.Value = s[1];

                FShader = DX11Effect.FromString(FConfigShader[0], FIncludeHandler, sms.ToArray());
                this.SetShader(FShader, !ShaderCreatedByConfig);
                ShaderCreatedByConfig = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        void shadernode_WantRecompile(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IDX11ShaderNodeWrapper wrp = (IDX11ShaderNodeWrapper)sender;
            FIncludeHandler.ParentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(wrp.Source.Filename);
            string code = File.ReadAllText(wrp.Source.Filename);

            var shader = DX11Effect.FromString(code, FIncludeHandler,wrp.Macros);
            wrp.SetShader(shader, false);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void HandleConfigShaderChangeOnStartup(IDiffSpread <string> spread)
            if (FConfigShader[0] != "" && !configWritten)
                DX11ShaderInclude  FIncludeHandler = new DX11ShaderInclude();
                List <ShaderMacro> sms             = new List <ShaderMacro>();

                FShader = DX11Effect.FromString(FConfigShader[0], FIncludeHandler, sms.ToArray());
                this.SetShader(FShader, true);
                ShaderCreatedByConfig = true;
        protected override bool CreateNode(INodeInfo nodeInfo, IInternalPluginHost pluginHost)
            if (nodeInfo.Type != NodeType.Dynamic)

            var project = nodeInfo.UserData as FXProject;

            /*if (!project.IsLoaded)
             *  project.Load();*/

            //compile shader
            FIncludeHandler.ParentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(nodeInfo.Filename);
            string code = File.ReadAllText(nodeInfo.Filename);

            DX11Effect shader;

            //create or update plugin
            if (pluginHost.Plugin == null)
                nodeInfo.AutoEvaluate = false;
                nodeInfo.Arguments    = typeof(T).ToString();

                var pluginContainer = new PluginContainer(pluginHost, FIORegistry, FParentContainer, FNodeInfoFactory, FDotNetFactory, typeof(T), nodeInfo);
                pluginHost.Plugin = pluginContainer;

                FPluginContainers[pluginContainer.PluginBase] = pluginContainer;

                IDX11ShaderNodeWrapper shaderNode = pluginContainer.PluginBase as IDX11ShaderNodeWrapper;
                shaderNode.Source         = nodeInfo;
                shaderNode.WantRecompile += new EventHandler(shadernode_WantRecompile);

                shader = DX11Effect.FromString(code, FIncludeHandler, shaderNode.Macros);

                shaderNode.SetShader(shader, true, nodeInfo.Filename);

                if (this.PluginCreated != null)
                    this.PluginCreated(pluginContainer, pluginHost);
                PluginContainer container  = pluginHost.Plugin as PluginContainer;
                var             shaderNode = container.PluginBase as IDX11ShaderNodeWrapper;
                shader = DX11Effect.FromString(code, FIncludeHandler, shaderNode.Macros);

                shaderNode.SetShader(shader, false, nodeInfo.Filename);

            //now the effect is compiled in vvvv and we can access the errors
            string e = shader.ErrorMessage;//effectHost.GetErrors();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e))
                e = "";

            this.ParseErrors(e, project, shader);

            //and the input pins
            string f = "";// effectHost.GetParameterDescription();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(f))
                f = "";
            project.ParameterDescription = f;

Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax)
            this.shaderupdated = false;
            this.spmax         = this.CalculateSpreadMax();

            if (FShaderCode.IsChanged || FFileName.IsChanged || FInDefines.IsChanged)
                List <ShaderMacro> sms = new List <ShaderMacro>();
                for (int i = 0; i < this.FInDefines.SliceCount; i++)
                        string[] s = this.FInDefines[i].Split("=".ToCharArray());

                        if (s.Length == 2)
                            ShaderMacro sm = new ShaderMacro();
                            sm.Name  = s[0];
                            sm.Value = s[1];

                DX11ShaderInclude FIncludeHandler = new DX11ShaderInclude();
                FIncludeHandler.ParentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(FFileName[0]);
                FShader = DX11Effect.FromString(FShaderCode[0], FIncludeHandler, sms.ToArray());
                if (init && !ShaderCreatedByConfig)
                    this.SetShader(FShader, true);
                    init = false;
                    this.SetShader(FShader, false);

                // Write Shadercode & Defines into config -> needed to restore dynamic pins
                if (HasDynamicPins(FShader))
                    configWritten = true;
                    if (FConfigShader[0] != FShaderCode[0])
                        FConfigShader[0]  = FShaderCode[0];
                        FConfigDefines[0] = "";

                        for (int i = 0; i < FInDefines.SliceCount; i++)
                            if (i != 0)
                                FConfigDefines[0] += ",";
                            FConfigDefines[0] += this.FInDefines[i];
                    if (FConfigShader[0] != "")
                        FConfigShader[0]  = "";
                        FConfigDefines[0] = "";

            if (FShader.TechniqueNames != null && this.FInTechnique.IsChanged && FInTechnique.SliceCount > 0)
                this.techniqueindex   = Array.IndexOf(FShader.TechniqueNames, FInTechnique[0].Name);
                this.techniquechanged = true;

            float *src;

            //Cache world pointer
            this.FInWorld.GetMatrixPointer(out this.mworldcount, out src);
            this.mworld = (Matrix *)src;

            this.FOutLayer.SliceCount = 1;
            if (this.FOutLayer[0] == null)
                this.FOutLayer[0] = new DX11Resource <DX11Layer>();

            if (this.FInvalidate)
                if (this.FShader.IsCompiled)
                    this.FOutCompiled[0] = true;
                    this.FOutTechniqueValid.SliceCount = this.FShader.TechniqueValids.Length;

                    for (int i = 0; i < this.FShader.TechniqueValids.Length; i++)
                        this.FOutTechniqueValid[i] = this.FShader.TechniqueValids[i];
                    this.FOutCompiled[0] = false;
                    this.FOutTechniqueValid.SliceCount = 0;
                this.FInvalidate = false;
            if (this.FOutQueryable[0] == null)
                this.FOutQueryable[0] = this;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void RecalcShader(bool isNew)
            var declarations = "";
            var pscode       = @"
    float4 col = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
    return col;";

            if (FShaderProvider.SliceCount > 0 && FShaderProvider[0] != null)
                this.traverseResult = FShaderProvider[0].Traverse();

                declarations = string.Join(@"
", traverseResult.GlobalVars.Select(gv => gv.Value.ToString()).Concat(traverseResult.FunctionDeclarations.Values));

                pscode = string.Join(@"
    ", traverseResult.LocalDeclarations.Values) + $@"
    return {traverseResult.LocalDeclarations[FShaderProvider[0]].Identifier};";

            var effectText = declarations +
SamplerState linearSampler: IMMUTABLE
    Filter = MIN_MAG_MIP_LINEAR;
    AddressU = Clamp;
    AddressV = Clamp;

cbuffer cbPerDraw : register(b0)

cbuffer cbPerObj : register(b1)
    float4x4 tW : WORLD;

struct VS_IN
    float4 PosO : POSITION;
	float4 TexCd : TEXCOORD0;

struct vs2ps
    float4 PosWVP: SV_Position;
    float2 TexCd: TEXCOORD0;

vs2ps VS(VS_IN input)
    vs2ps output;
    output.PosWVP = mul(input.PosO, mul(tW, tVP));
    output.TexCd = input.TexCd.xy;
    return output;

float4 PS(vs2ps In): SV_Target
                             + pscode +

technique10 Patched
    pass P0
        SetVertexShader(CompileShader(vs_4_0, VS()));
        SetPixelShader(CompileShader(ps_4_0, PS()));

            FCode.SliceCount = 1;
            FCode[0]         = effectText;

            SetShader(DX11Effect.FromString(effectText), isNew, "");