Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Calculate_WithEmptyInput_ReturnsInit()
            var calcualtor = new Crc32(0x04C11DB7, 0x00);
            var crc1       = calcualtor.Calculate(new byte[0]);
            var crc2       = calcualtor.Calculate(null);

            Assert.Equal <UInt32>(0, crc1);
            Assert.Equal <UInt32>(0, crc2);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static ITlvTag[] DecodePublicationString(string publicationString)
            if (publicationString == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(publicationString));

            byte[] dataBytesWithCrc32 = Base32.Decode(publicationString);

            // Length needs to be at least 13 bytes (8 bytes for time plus non-empty hash imprint plus 4 bytes for crc32)
            if (dataBytesWithCrc32 == null || dataBytesWithCrc32.Length < 13)
                throw new TlvException("Publication string base 32 decode failed.");

            byte[] dataBytes = Util.Clone(dataBytesWithCrc32, 0, dataBytesWithCrc32.Length - 4);

            byte[] computedCrc32 = Util.EncodeUnsignedLong(Crc32.Calculate(dataBytes, 0));
            byte[] messageCrc32  = Util.Clone(dataBytesWithCrc32, dataBytesWithCrc32.Length - 4, 4);

            if (!Util.IsArrayEqual(computedCrc32, messageCrc32))
                throw new TlvException("Publication string CRC 32 check failed.");

            byte[] hashImprint          = Util.Clone(dataBytesWithCrc32, 8, dataBytesWithCrc32.Length - 12);
            byte[] publicationTimeBytes = Util.Clone(dataBytesWithCrc32, 0, 8);

            return(new ITlvTag[]
                new IntegerTag(Constants.PublicationData.PublicationTimeTagType, false, false, Util.DecodeUnsignedLong(publicationTimeBytes, 0, publicationTimeBytes.Length)),
                new ImprintTag(Constants.PublicationData.PublicationHashTagType, false, false, new DataHash(hashImprint))
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a password into mail information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="password">The password to convert.</param>
        /// <returns>Mail information from the password.</returns>
        public static WonderSMail Convert(string password)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(password));

            // Sanitaze and check password
            password = password.Replace(" ", "");
            password = password.Replace("\t", "");
            password = password.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "");
            password = password.ToUpper();
            if (password.Length != PasswordLength)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid password length");

            // Do decryption rounds
            // The last byte for "scramble" is ignored. It should be the null
            // terminator 0x00.
            password = Permutation.Decrypt(password, false);
            byte[] binary = Substitution.Decrypt(password);
            Scramble.Decrypt(binary[0], binary, 4, binary.Length - 5);

            // Validate checksum
            uint crc32    = BitConverter.ToUInt32(binary, 0);
            uint newCrc32 = Crc32.Calculate(binary, 4, binary.Length - 5);

            if (crc32 != newCrc32)
                throw new FormatException("Invalid crc32");

            // Convert the binary password into the structure.
            // Write the array into a stream to use the BitReader.
            DataStream stream = new DataStream();

            stream.Write(binary, 4, binary.Length - 4);
            BitReader reader = new BitReader(stream);

            WonderSMail info = new WonderSMail();

            info.MailType           = reader.ReadByte(4);
            info.MissionType        = reader.ReadByte(4);
            info.MissionSubType     = reader.ReadByte(4);
            info.SourceClientId     = reader.ReadUInt16(11);
            info.TargetClientId     = reader.ReadUInt16(11);
            info.TargetClientFemale = reader.ReadUInt16(11);
            info.RewardObjectId     = reader.ReadUInt16(10);
            info.RewardType         = reader.ReadByte(4);
            info.RewardId           = reader.ReadUInt16(11);
            info.RestrictionType    = reader.ReadByte(1);
            info.RestrictionParam   = reader.ReadUInt16(11);
            info.Random             = reader.ReadUInt32(24);
            info.LocationId         = reader.ReadByte(8);
            info.FloorNumber        = reader.ReadByte(8);
            info.Requirement        = reader.ReadByte(8);

Exemplo n.º 4
        private static Suffix ReadSuffix(BinaryReader reader)
            // this is the part of the file that the CRC is calculated on
            byte[] content = new byte[reader.BaseStream.Length - 4];
            reader.BaseStream.Position = 0;
            reader.Read(content, 0, content.Length);

            byte[] suffixdata = new byte[Suffix.Size];
            reader.BaseStream.Position = reader.BaseStream.Length - Suffix.Size;
            reader.Read(suffixdata, 0, Suffix.Size);
            var suffix = suffixdata.ToStruct <Suffix>();

            // verify suffix
            if (suffix.dwCRC != Crc32.Calculate(content))
                throw new ArgumentException("The selected dfu file has invalid CRC.");
            if (suffix.bLength < Suffix.Size)
                throw new ArgumentException("The selected dfu file has invalid suffix length.");
            if (suffix.sDfuSignature != Suffix.Signature)
                throw new ArgumentException("The selected dfu file has invalid suffix signature.");

Exemplo n.º 5
        private void HandlePacket()
            if (Message.Magic != MessageContainer.MagicNumber)
                Program.Log($" Incorrect packet magic, is {Message.Magic:X08} but should be {MessageContainer.MagicNumber:X08}");
            if (Message.To != MessageContainer.ConnectionServer)
                Program.Log($" Incorrect receiver id, is {Message.To:X08} but should be {MessageContainer.ConnectionServer:X08}");

            uint crc32 = Crc32.Calculate(Message.Payload);

            if (crc32 != Message.PayloadChecksum)
                Program.Log($" Incorrect checksum, is {Message.PayloadChecksum:X08} but should be {crc32:X08}");

            Program.LogDebug(" === Packet received ===");
            Program.LogDebug($"  {nameof(Message.Magic)}: {Message.Magic:X08}");
            Program.LogDebug($"  {nameof(Message.From)}: {Message.From:X08}");
            Program.LogDebug($"  {nameof(Message.To)}: {Message.To:X08}");
            Program.LogDebug($"  {nameof(Message.Type)}: {Message.Type}");
            Program.LogDebug($"  {nameof(Message.Unknown1)}: {Message.Unknown1:X08}");
            Program.LogDebug($"  {nameof(Message.PayloadSize)}: {Message.PayloadSize}");
            Program.LogDebug($"  {nameof(Message.PayloadChecksum)}: {Message.PayloadChecksum:X08}");
            Program.LogDebug($"  {nameof(Message.Payload)}: {Serializer.DumpBytes(Message.Payload)}");

Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate a password by checking the checksum.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="password">Password to validate.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the password is valid, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool ValidatePassword(string password)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(password));

            // Sanitaze and check password
            password = password.Replace(" ", "");
            password = password.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "");
            password = password.ToUpper();
            if (password.Length != PasswordLength)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid password length");

            // Do decryption rounds
            byte[] binary;
            try {
                password = Permutation.Decrypt(password, false);
                binary   = Substitution.Decrypt(password);
                Scramble.Decrypt(binary[0], binary, 4, binary.Length - 5);
            } catch {

            // Validate checksum
            uint crc32    = BitConverter.ToUInt32(binary, 0);
            uint newCrc32 = Crc32.Calculate(binary, 4, binary.Length - 5);

            return(crc32 == newCrc32);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void CalculatesCorrectCrc32ForRosettaCodeExample()
            var input = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");

            var result = Crc32.Calculate(input);

            Assert.Equal("414fa339", result.ToString("X"), StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected void RunGeneratesCorrectChecksumForFirmware()
            var bundle = new FirmwareBundle();

            bundle.Load(ResourceManager.GetFirmwareBundle(), GetZip());

            Assert.AreEqual(bundle.Manifest.Firmware.CRC, Crc32.Calculate(bundle.Firmware));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void SingleByteValueCorrect()
            const uint expected = 3523407757;

            var input = new byte[] { 0 };

            Assert.Equal(expected, Crc32.Calculate(input));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void GeneratesCorrectChecksumForApp()
            var bundle = new AppBundle();

            bundle.Load(ResourceManager.GetAppBundle(), new ZipImplementation());

            Assert.AreEqual(bundle.Manifest.Application.CRC, Crc32.Calculate(bundle.App));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void Calculate_Works()
            var calcualtor = new Crc32(0x04C11DB7, 0xFFFFFFFF);
            var data       = new byte[] { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF };
            var crc        = calcualtor.Calculate(data);

            Assert.Equal <UInt32>(0x81DA1A18, crc);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void ByteValueCorrect()
            const uint expected = 2711477844;

            var input = new byte[] { 0, 0, 177, 143 };

            Assert.Equal(expected, Crc32.Calculate(input));
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected void RunGeneratesCorrectChecksumForFirmware()
            var bundle = new FirmwareBundle();

            bundle.Load(GetZip(), SoftwarePlatform.UNKNOWN);

            Assert.AreEqual(bundle.Manifest.Firmware.CRC, Crc32.Calculate(bundle.Firmware));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void GeneratesCorrectChecksumForFirmware()
            var bundle = new FirmwareBundle();

            bundle.Load(ResourceManager.GetFirmwareBundle(), new ZipImplementation());

            Assert.AreEqual(bundle.Manifest.Firmware.CRC, Crc32.Calculate(bundle.Firmware));
Exemplo n.º 15
        protected void RunGeneratesCorrectChecksumForApp()
            var bundle = new AppBundle();

            bundle.Load(GetZip(), SoftwarePlatform.UNKNOWN);

            Assert.AreEqual(bundle.Manifest.Application.CRC, Crc32.Calculate(bundle.App));
Exemplo n.º 16
        protected void RunGeneratesCorrectChecksumForApp()
            var bundle = new AppBundle();

            bundle.Load(ResourceManager.GetAppBundle(), GetZip());

            Assert.AreEqual(bundle.Manifest.Application.CRC, Crc32.Calculate(bundle.App));
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void WriteLengthHash()
            var oldPos = Position;

            Position = 0;
            WriteUInt32(Length - sizeof(uint));
            Position = oldPos;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static void AssertCrcMatches(byte[] buffer, uint expectedCrc)
            uint actualCrc = Crc32.Calculate(buffer);

            if (actualCrc != expectedCrc)
                throw new Exception(Resources.InvalidCRCMessage);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void FromTwoPartsCorrect()
            const uint expected = 2711477844;

            var input1 = new byte[] { 0, 0 };
            var input2 = new byte[] { 177, 143 };

            Assert.Equal(expected, Crc32.Calculate(input1, input2));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public List <Workflow> LoadByExternalId(string key)
            var crc = Crc32.Calculate(key);

            Dictionary <Guid, Workflow> _dic = new Dictionary <Guid, Workflow>();

            var mappingWorkflow = new WorkflowObjectMapping(_factory);
            var mappingEvent    = new EventObjectMapping(_factory);
            var mappintAction   = new ActionObjectMapping();

            var workflows = _manager.Read <Workflow>("SELECT [Uuid], [ExternalId], [CreationDate], [LastUpdateDate], [WorkflowName], [WorkflowVersion], [Concurency] FROM [Workflows] WHERE [ExternalIdCrc] = @externalIdCrc AND [Closed] = 0"
                                                     , mappingWorkflow
                                                     , _manager.CreateParameter("externalIdCrc", System.Data.DbType.Int64, crc)

            if (workflows.Any())
                foreach (var item in workflows)
                    _dic.Add(item.Uuid, item);

                var events = _manager.Read <EventByKey>("SELECT [Uuid], [WorkflowUuid], [Name], [CreationDate], [EventDate], [FromState], [ToState], [Datas], [DatasWorkflow] FROM [WorkflowEvents] WHERE [ExternalIdCrc] = @externalIdCrc AND [Closed] = 0 ORDER BY [ORDER]"
                                                        , mappingEvent
                                                        , _manager.CreateParameter("externalIdCrc", System.Data.DbType.Int64, crc)

                Dictionary <Guid, Event> _dic2 = new Dictionary <Guid, Event>();

                foreach (var item in events)
                    if (_dic.TryGetValue(item.WorkflowUuid, out Workflow w)) // prevent unfortunaly crc collision
                        _dic2.Add(item.Uuid, item);
                        _factory.Serializer.Populate(w, item.Tag);

                var actions = _manager.Read <ActionByKey>("SELECT [Uuid], [EventUuid], [Name], [ExternalIdCrc], [Closed], [ExecuteMessage], [ResultExecuteMessage], [CancelExecuteMessage], [ResultCancelExecuteMessage] FROM [WorkflowActions] WHERE [ExternalIdCrc] = @externalIdCrc AND [Closed] = 0 ORDER BY [ORDER]"
                                                          , mappintAction
                                                          , _manager.CreateParameter("externalIdCrc", System.Data.DbType.Int64, crc)

                foreach (var item in actions)
                    if (_dic2.TryGetValue(item.EventUuid, out Event e)) // prevent unfortunaly crc collision

Exemplo n.º 21
        private static void DispatchMsg(object Msg)
            var MsgName = Msg.GetType().FullName;
            var MsgId   = Crc32.Calculate(MsgName);

            if (MsgHandlerDic_.TryGetValue(MsgId, out var MsgListener))
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static void UnRegisterMsgHandler <T>(LiteAction <T> Callback) where T : BaseNetMsg
            string MsgName = typeof(T).FullName;
            uint   MsgId   = Crc32.Calculate(MsgName);

            if (MsgHandlerDic_.ContainsKey(MsgId))
                ((MsgListenerImpl <T>)MsgHandlerDic_[MsgId]).OnEvent -= Callback;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public void SetSeed(string seedText)
     _seedText = seedText;
     WorldGen.currentWorldSeed = seedText;
     if (!int.TryParse(seedText, out _seed))
         _seed = Crc32.Calculate(seedText);
     _seed = ((_seed == int.MinValue) ? int.MaxValue : Math.Abs(_seed));
Exemplo n.º 24
 public void SetSeed(string seedText)
     this._seedText            = seedText;
     WorldGen.currentWorldSeed = seedText;
     if (!int.TryParse(seedText, out this._seed))
         this._seed = Crc32.Calculate(seedText);
     this._seed = this._seed == int.MinValue ? int.MaxValue : Math.Abs(this._seed);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void Calculate()
            byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(
                "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
            uint expected = BitConverter.ToUInt32(
                new byte[]
                0x39, 0xa3, 0x4f, 0x41,
            }, 0);

            Assert.Equal(expected, Crc32.Calculate(bytes));
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void MatchesReference(int length)
            var data = GetBuffer(length);
            var crc  = new SharpCrc32();


            long expected = crc.Value;
            long actual   = Crc32.Calculate(data);

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a missiong information into a password.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">Mission to convert.</param>
        /// <returns>The password.</returns>
        public static string Convert(WonderSMail info)
            if (info == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(info));

            // Serialize the structure into a bit stream
            DataStream stream = new DataStream();
            BitWriter  writer = new BitWriter(stream);

            writer.Write(info.MailType, 4);
            writer.Write(info.MissionType, 4);
            writer.Write(info.MissionSubType, 4);
            writer.Write(info.SourceClientId, 11);
            writer.Write(info.TargetClientId, 11);
            writer.Write(info.TargetClientFemale, 11);
            writer.Write(info.RewardObjectId, 10);
            writer.Write(info.RewardType, 4);
            writer.Write(info.RewardId, 11);
            writer.Write(info.RestrictionType, 1);
            writer.Write(info.RestrictionParam, 11);
            writer.Write(info.Random, 24);
            writer.Write(info.LocationId, 8);
            writer.Write(info.FloorNumber, 8);
            writer.Write(info.Requirement, 8);

            // Write the stream into an array for the rounds.
            // We allocate an extra space for the checksum (first uint)
            // and the null terminator (last byte).
            byte[] binary = new byte[stream.Length + 5];
            stream.Position = 0;
            stream.Read(binary, 4, (int)stream.Length);

            // Create checksum
            uint crc32 = Crc32.Calculate(binary, 4, binary.Length - 5);

            byte[] crc32Bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(crc32);
            binary[0] = crc32Bytes[0];
            binary[1] = crc32Bytes[1];
            binary[2] = crc32Bytes[2];
            binary[3] = crc32Bytes[3];

            // Do encryption rounds
            // The key is the checksum, we don't encrypt the null terminator.
            Scramble.Encrypt(crc32Bytes[0], binary, 4, binary.Length - 5);
            string password = Substitution.Encrypt(binary, PasswordLength);

            password = Permutation.Encrypt(password, false);

Exemplo n.º 28
        private bool CheckArchiveCrc()
            var RawBuffer = ReadStream_.GetRawBuffer();

            // Header
            foreach (var Ch in Header)
                if (ReadStream_.ReadInt8() != (byte)Ch)
                    LLogger.LError("is invalid lite archive file");

            // Version
            var VersionCode = ReadStream_.ReadInt32();

            if (VersionCode < ForceVersionCode)
                LLogger.LError($"force require version {ForceVersionCode}, current is {VersionCode}");

            if (VersionCode < CurrentVersionCode)
                // compatible code

            // Length
            var Length = ReadStream_.ReadInt32();

            if (Length != RawBuffer.Length)
                LLogger.LError($"error archive file length, expect : {Length}, but now : {RawBuffer.Length}");

            // Crc32
            var CrcCode    = ReadStream_.ReadUInt32();
            var DataStart  = Header.Length + 4 + 4 + 4;
            var DataLength = RawBuffer.Length - DataStart;
            var Code       = Crc32.Calculate(RawBuffer, DataStart, DataLength);

            if (Code != CrcCode)
                LLogger.LError("archive data is broken");

Exemplo n.º 29
        public void GetOrAdd_UsesValueFromCache_IfGlobalHasNotChanged()
            // Arrange
            var instance     = new PreCompile();
            var length       = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(instance.Content);
            var fileProvider = new TestFileProvider();

            var lastModified = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var fileInfo = new TestFileInfo
                Length       = length,
                LastModified = lastModified,
                Content      = instance.Content

            fileProvider.AddFile(ViewPath, fileInfo);

            var globalContent  = "global-content";
            var globalFileInfo = new TestFileInfo
                Content      = globalContent,
                LastModified = DateTime.UtcNow

            fileProvider.AddFile("_ViewImports.cshtml", globalFileInfo);
            var globalRazorFileInfo = new RazorFileInfo
                Hash = Crc32.Calculate(GetMemoryStream(globalContent)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                HashAlgorithmVersion = 1,
                LastModified         = globalFileInfo.LastModified,
                Length       = globalFileInfo.Length,
                RelativePath = "_ViewImports.cshtml",
                FullTypeName = typeof(RuntimeCompileIdentical).FullName
            var precompiledViews = new ViewCollection();

            var cache = new CompilerCache(new[] { precompiledViews }, TestLoadContext, fileProvider);

            // Act
            var result = cache.GetOrAdd(ViewPath,
                                        compile: _ => { throw new Exception("shouldn't be invoked"); });

            // Assert
            Assert.NotSame(CompilerCacheResult.FileNotFound, result);
            var actual = result.CompilationResult;

            Assert.Equal(typeof(PreCompile), actual.CompiledType);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public static void RegisterMsgHandler <T>(LiteAction <T> Callback) where T : BaseNetMsg
            string MsgName = typeof(T).FullName;
            uint   MsgId   = Crc32.Calculate(MsgName);

            MsgId2Name_[MsgId] = MsgName;

            if (!MsgHandlerDic_.ContainsKey(MsgId))
                MsgHandlerDic_.Add(MsgId, new MsgListenerImpl <T>());

            ((MsgListenerImpl <T>)MsgHandlerDic_[MsgId]).OnEvent += Callback;
Exemplo n.º 31
        public void Write(TagContainer tagContainer, Stream input, Stream output)
            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
            if (output == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("output");
            if (tagContainer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tagContainer");

            //  Validate whether the tag container is in ID3V2.3 formaz
            string message;
            var isTagValid = ValidateTag(tagContainer, out message);
            if (!isTagValid)
                throw new InvalidID3StructureException(message);

            //  OK. ID3Tag is valid. Let's write the tag.
            //  Calculate the CRC32 value of the frameBytes ( before unsync!)
            byte[] extendedHeaderBytes;
            var tagHeader = GetTagHeader(tagContainer);
            var frameBytes = GetFrameBytes(tagContainer);

            if (tagContainer.Tag.CrcDataPresent)
                var crc32 = new Crc32(Crc32.DefaultPolynom);
                var crcValue = crc32.Calculate(frameBytes);


            //  OK. Build the complete tag
            byte[] tagBytes;
            var extendedHeaderLength = GetExtendedHeaderLength(tagContainer, out extendedHeaderBytes);
            var rawTagBytes = BuildTag(tagHeader, extendedHeaderBytes, frameBytes, tagContainer.Tag.PaddingSize);
            if (tagContainer.Tag.Unsynchronisation)
                tagBytes = AddUnsyncBytes(rawTagBytes);
                tagBytes = rawTagBytes;

            //  encode the length
            var length = tagBytes.LongLength -10;
            //if (tagContainer.Tag.ExtendedHeader)
            //    // Header + Size Coding.
            //    length += extendedHeaderLength + 4;

            var bits = GetBitCoding(length);
            var lengthBytes = new byte[4];

            EncodeLength(bits, lengthBytes);
            Array.Copy(lengthBytes, 0, tagBytes, 6, 4);

            //  Build the tag bytes and start writing.
            if (!input.CanRead)
                throw new ID3IOException("Cannot read input stream");
            if (!output.CanWrite)
                throw new ID3IOException("Cannot write to output stream");

            WriteToStream(input, output, tagBytes);
Exemplo n.º 32
        private static byte[] BuildId3V3Tag(TagContainer tagContainer)
            byte[] tagBytes;
            var tag = tagContainer.GetId3V23Descriptor();
            var frameBytes = GetFrameBytes(tagContainer);

            //  Calculate the CRC32 value of the frameBytes ( before unsync!)
            if (tag.CrcDataPresent)
                var crc32 = new Crc32(Crc32.DefaultPolynom);
                var crcValue = crc32.Calculate(frameBytes);


            //  OK. Build the complete tag
            var extendedHeaderBytes = GetExtendedHeaderV3(tagContainer);
            var tagHeader = GetTagHeader(tagContainer);
            var rawTagBytes = BuildFinalTag(tagHeader, extendedHeaderBytes, frameBytes, tag.PaddingSize, false);
            if (tag.Unsynchronisation)
                tagBytes = AddUnsyncBytes(rawTagBytes);
                tagBytes = rawTagBytes;

            return tagBytes;