Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Gcj02_To_Gps84()
            var p1 = CoordinateUtil.Gcj02_To_Gps84(39.991754, 116.487585);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, Math.Round(p1.getWgLat() - 39.990475, 4));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, Math.Round(p1.getWgLon() - 116.481499, 4));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Gcj02_To_Bd09()
            var p1 = CoordinateUtil.Gcj02_To_Bd09(39.984717169345, 116.4748955248);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, Math.Round(p1.getWgLat() - 39.990475, 3));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, Math.Round(p1.getWgLon() - 116.481499, 3));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Gps84_To_Gcj02()
            var p1 = CoordinateUtil.Gps84_To_Gcj02(39.990475, 116.481499);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, Math.Round(p1.getWgLat() - 39.991754014757, 6));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, Math.Round(p1.getWgLon() - 116.487585177952, 6));
Exemplo n.º 4
    private IEnumerator Detect()
        Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(droneTransform.position, range);

        int found = 0;

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(duration));

        foreach (Collider c in hitColliders)
            if (c.CompareTag(rayTag))
                Item item = c.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Item>();

                if (item != null)

                    Coordinate coordinate = CoordinateUtil.GetCoordinate(droneTransform.position, item.transform.position);

                    Debug.Log("found: " + item.name + " at " + coordinate.ToString());

                    OnItemFound?.Invoke(this, item, coordinate);

                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(durationPerFind));
        public void Update()
            var chunksWithinRadius =
                    new Vector2(Source.position.x / ChunkSize, Source.position.z / ChunkSize),

            var chunksToGenerate = new HashSet <Vector2>(chunksWithinRadius);


            foreach (var chunkCoord in chunksToGenerate)
                _generatedChunks[chunkCoord] = ChunkGenerator.GenerateChunk(

            foreach (var chunkCoordinate in _generatedChunkCoordinates.Except(chunksWithinRadius))

Exemplo n.º 6
        public ActionResult MapPost(string overlays, string countyId)
            MyJsonResult result = new MyJsonResult();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(countyId))
                result.message = "请选择乡镇";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(overlays))
                result.message = "请在地图中选取行政规划";
            List <Coordinate> list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Coordinate> >(overlays);

            if (list == null || list.Count == 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("解析失败");
            string            coordinate = CoordinateUtil.getCoordinateString(list);
            TownCoordinateDao dao        = new TownCoordinateDao();

            dao.save(new TownCoordinate()
                CountyId = countyId, Coordinate = coordinate
            result.success = true;
        public HashSet <DateTime> DaysVisited(double centerLatitude, double centerLongitude, int meterRadius)
            var daysVisited = new HashSet <DateTime>();

            foreach (var visit in PlaceVisits)
                if (CoordinateUtil.SurfaceDistance(centerLatitude, centerLongitude, visit.CenterLat, visit.CenterLng) < meterRadius)
                    daysVisited.UnionWith(DateUtil.DaysBetween(visit.StartDateTime, visit.EndDateTime));
    public void RayCast_WhenOthogonal_DetectsEdgeCase()
        // Arrange
        var mock           = new Mock <IEdgeCaseDetector>();
        var coordinateUtil = new CoordinateUtil(mock.Object);
        var source         = new Coordinate(1, 1);

        // Act
        // Remember the ToArray because we need to evaluate the enumerable
        // before we can check if the edge case was detected.
        coordinateUtil.RayCast(source, new Coordinate(0, 0)).ToArray();
        // Assert
        mock.Verify(x => x.EdgeDetected("Orthogonal_Edge_Case"));
Exemplo n.º 9
    public string ConvertJourneyLogToCSVText()
        string CSVfile = "";

        //Ship playerShip = playerShipVars.ship;
        //Let's first add the headings to each column
        CSVfile += this.CSVheader;
        Debug.Log("Route Count: " + routeLog.Count);
        //first make sure the route isn't empty--if it is, then return a blank file
        if (routeLog.Count == 0)
            CSVfile = "There is no player data to save currently";
            //Loop through each route in the list and respectively the cargo(they will always be the same size so a single for loop index can handle both at once
            //	Each loop represents a single line in the CSV file
            for (int i = 0; i < routeLog.Count; i++)
                //First add the player's unique machine ID--this will be different depending on the Operating System of the user, but will always be a consistent unique ID based on the users hardware(assuming there aren't major hardware changes)
                CSVfile += SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier + ",";
                //we're converting it to Web Mercator before saving it
                Vector3 mercator_origin = new Vector3((routeLog[i].theRoute[0].x * 1193.920898f) + (526320 - 0), (routeLog[i].theRoute[0].z * 1193.920898f) + (2179480 - 0), routeLog[i].theRoute[0].y);
                Vector3 mercator_end    = new Vector3((routeLog[i].theRoute[1].x * 1193.920898f) + (526320 - 0), (routeLog[i].theRoute[1].z * 1193.920898f) + (2179480 - 0), routeLog[i].theRoute[1].y);

                Vector2 longXlatY_origin = CoordinateUtil.ConvertWebMercatorToWGS1984(new Vector2(mercator_origin.x, mercator_origin.y));
                Vector2 longXlatY_end    = CoordinateUtil.ConvertWebMercatorToWGS1984(new Vector2(mercator_end.x, mercator_end.y));

                //TODO: This needs to be cleaned up below--the lat/long bit so it's not wasting resources on a pointless conversion above
                //TODO -- Seriously this XYZ / XZY business is a frankenstein monster of confusion--I can't even fathom in my current sleep deprived state why I'm having to put the y as a z here. My god. Someone Save me!
                //If this isn't a player travel route, but a port stop, then we don't need to worry about the conversion of of lat / long--it's already in lat long
                if (routeLog[i].settlementID != -1)
                    longXlatY_origin = new Vector2(routeLog[i].theRoute[0].x, routeLog[i].theRoute[0].z);
                    longXlatY_end    = Vector2.zero;

                CSVfile += routeLog[i].timeStampInDays + "," + longXlatY_origin.x + "," + longXlatY_origin.y + "," + mercator_origin.z + "," +
                           longXlatY_end.x + "," + longXlatY_end.y + "," + mercator_end.z;

                /*CSVfile += ((routeLog[i].theRoute[0].x * 1193.920898f) + (526320 - 0)) + "," +
                 *                 ((routeLog[i].theRoute[0].z * 1193.920898f) + (2179480 - 0)) + "," +
                 *                  routeLog[i].theRoute[0].y + "," +
                 *                 ((routeLog[i].theRoute[1].x * 1193.920898f) + (526320 - 0)) + "," +
                 *                 ((routeLog[i].theRoute[1].z * 1193.920898f) + (2179480 - 0)) + "," +
                 *                 routeLog[i].theRoute[1].y;

                //Add the Resources to the line record
                CSVfile += cargoLog[i];
                CSVfile += otherAttributes[i];

                //Add a newline if not on last route
                if (i != (routeLog.Count - 1))
                    CSVfile += "\n";
                    //Debug.Log ("Adding a NEW Line?");

                //Debug.Log (CSVfile);
