Exemplo n.º 1
 protected static void setCargo(CargoMonitor cargoMonitor, ref dynamic vaProxy)
         vaProxy.SetInt("Ship cargo carried", cargoMonitor?.cargoCarried ?? 0);
         vaProxy.SetInt("Ship limpets carried", cargoMonitor?.GetCargoWithEDName("Drones")?.total ?? 0);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Logging.Error("Failed to set ship cargo values", ex);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void VA_Init1(dynamic vaProxy)
            Logging.Info("Initialising EDDI VoiceAttack plugin");
            EDDI.FromVA = true;

                GetEddiInstance(ref vaProxy);

                // Set up our event responder
                VoiceAttackResponder.RaiseEvent += (s, theEvent) =>
                        Thread eventHandler = new Thread(() => dequeueEvent(ref vaProxy))
                            Name         = "VoiceAttackEventHandler",
                            IsBackground = true
                    catch (ThreadAbortException tax)
                        Logging.Debug("Thread aborted", tax);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Dictionary <string, object> data = new Dictionary <string, object>
                            { "event", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(theEvent) },
                            { "exception", ex.Message },
                            { "stacktrace", ex.StackTrace }
                        Logging.Error("VoiceAttack failed to handle event.", data);

                // Add notifiers for changes in variables we want to react to
                // (we can only use event handlers with classes which are always constructed - nullable objects will be updated via responder events)
                EDDI.Instance.State.CollectionChanged  += (s, e) => setDictionaryValues(EDDI.Instance.State, "state", ref vaProxy);
                SpeechService.Instance.PropertyChanged += (s, e) => setSpeaking(SpeechService.Instance.eddiSpeaking, ref vaProxy);

                CargoMonitor cargoMonitor = (CargoMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Cargo monitor");
                cargoMonitor.InventoryUpdatedEvent += (s, e) =>
                    lock (vaProxyLock)
                        setCargo(cargoMonitor, ref vaProxy);

                ShipMonitor shipMonitor = (ShipMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Ship monitor");
                shipMonitor.ShipyardUpdatedEvent += (s, e) =>
                    lock (vaProxyLock)
                        setShipValues(shipMonitor?.GetCurrentShip(), "Ship", ref vaProxy);
                        Task.Run(() => setShipyardValues(shipMonitor?.shipyard?.ToList(), ref vaProxy));

                StatusMonitor statusMonitor = (StatusMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Status monitor");
                statusMonitor.StatusUpdatedEvent += (s, e) =>
                    lock (vaProxyLock)
                        setStatusValues(statusMonitor?.currentStatus, "Status", ref vaProxy);

                // Display instance information if available
                if (EDDI.Instance.UpgradeRequired)
                    vaProxy.WriteToLog("Please shut down VoiceAttack and run EDDI standalone to upgrade", "red");
                    string msg = Properties.VoiceAttack.run_eddi_standalone;
                    SpeechService.Instance.Say(((ShipMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Ship monitor")).GetCurrentShip(), msg, 0);
                else if (EDDI.Instance.UpgradeAvailable)
                    vaProxy.WriteToLog("Please shut down VoiceAttack and run EDDI standalone to upgrade", "orange");
                    string msg = Properties.VoiceAttack.run_eddi_standalone;
                    SpeechService.Instance.Say(((ShipMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Ship monitor")).GetCurrentShip(), msg, 0);

                if (EDDI.Instance.Motd != null)
                    vaProxy.WriteToLog("Message from EDDI: " + EDDI.Instance.Motd, "black");
                    string msg = String.Format(Eddi.Properties.EddiResources.msg_from_eddi, EDDI.Instance.Motd);
                    SpeechService.Instance.Say(((ShipMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Ship monitor")).GetCurrentShip(), msg, 0);

                // Set the initial values from the main EDDI objects
                setStandardValues(ref vaProxy);

                vaProxy.WriteToLog("The EDDI plugin is fully operational.", "green");
                setStatus(ref vaProxy, "Operational");

                // Fire an event once the VA plugin is initialized
                Event @event = new VAInitializedEvent(DateTime.UtcNow);

                if (initEventEnabled(@event.type))

                // Set a variable indicating the version of VoiceAttack in use
                System.Version v = vaProxy.VAVersion;
                EDDI.Instance.vaVersion = v.ToString();

                // Set a variable indicating whether EDDI is speaking
                    setSpeaking(SpeechService.Instance.eddiSpeaking, ref vaProxy);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logging.Error("Failed to set initial speaking status", ex);
                Logging.Info("EDDI VoiceAttack plugin initialization complete");
            catch (Exception e)
                Logging.Error("Failed to initialize VoiceAttack plugin", e);
                vaProxy.WriteToLog("Unable to fully initialize EDDI. Some functions may not work.", "red");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void VA_Init1(dynamic vaProxy)
            // Initialize and launch an EDDI instance without opening the main window
            // VoiceAttack commands will be used to manipulate the window state.
            App.vaProxy = vaProxy;
            if (App.AlreadyRunning())

            Thread appThread = new Thread(App.Main);


                int timeout = 0;
                while (Application.Current == null)
                    if (timeout < 200)
                        throw new TimeoutException("EDDI VoiceAttack plugin initialisation has timed out");

                Logging.Info("Initialising EDDI VoiceAttack plugin");

                // Set up our event responder.
                VoiceAttackResponder.RaiseEvent += (s, theEvent) =>
                    if (theEvent is null)
                    if (eventQueues.ContainsKey(theEvent.type))
                        // Add our event to an existing blocking collection for that event type.
                        // Add our event to a new blocking collection for that event type and start a consumer task for that collection
                        eventQueues[theEvent.type] = new BlockingCollection <Event> {
                        var consumerTask = Task.Run(() =>
                            // ReSharper disable once AccessToModifiedClosure - OK to use vaProxy in this context.
                            dequeueEvents(eventQueues[theEvent.type], ref vaProxy);

                // Add notifiers for changes in variables we want to react to
                // (we can only use event handlers with classes which are always constructed - nullable objects will be updated via responder events)
                EDDI.Instance.PropertyChanged             += (s, e) => updateStandardValues(e);
                EDDI.Instance.State.CollectionChanged     += (s, e) => setDictionaryValues(EDDI.Instance.State, "state", ref vaProxy);
                SpeechService.Instance.PropertyChanged    += (s, e) => setSpeechState(e);
                CompanionAppService.Instance.StateChanged += (oldState, newState) => setCAPIState(newState == CompanionAppService.State.Authorized, ref vaProxy);

                CargoMonitor cargoMonitor = (CargoMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Cargo monitor");
                cargoMonitor.InventoryUpdatedEvent += (s, e) =>
                    lock (vaProxyLock)
                        setCargo(cargoMonitor, ref vaProxy);

                ShipMonitor shipMonitor = (ShipMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Ship monitor");
                if (shipMonitor != null)
                    shipMonitor.ShipyardUpdatedEvent += (s, e) =>
                        lock (vaProxyLock)
                            setShipValues(shipMonitor.GetCurrentShip(), "Ship", ref vaProxy);
                            Task.Run(() => setShipyardValues(shipMonitor.shipyard?.Copy().ToList(), ref vaProxy));

                StatusMonitor statusMonitor = (StatusMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Status monitor");
                if (statusMonitor != null)
                    statusMonitor.StatusUpdatedEvent += (s, e) =>
                        lock (vaProxyLock)
                            setStatusValues(statusMonitor.currentStatus, "Status", ref vaProxy);

                // Set initial values for standard variables

                // Display instance information if available
                if (EddiUpgrader.UpgradeRequired)
                    vaProxy.WriteToLog("Please shut down VoiceAttack and run EDDI standalone to upgrade", "red");
                    string msg = Properties.VoiceAttack.run_eddi_standalone;
                    SpeechService.Instance.Say(null, msg, 0);
                else if (EddiUpgrader.UpgradeAvailable)
                    vaProxy.WriteToLog("Please shut down VoiceAttack and run EDDI standalone to upgrade", "orange");
                    string msg = Properties.VoiceAttack.run_eddi_standalone;
                    SpeechService.Instance.Say(null, msg, 0);

                if (EddiUpgrader.Motd != null)
                    vaProxy.WriteToLog("Message from EDDI: " + EddiUpgrader.Motd, "black");
                    string msg = String.Format(Eddi.Properties.EddiResources.msg_from_eddi, EddiUpgrader.Motd);
                    SpeechService.Instance.Say(null, msg, 0);

                vaProxy.WriteToLog("The EDDI plugin is fully operational.", "green");
                setStatus(ref vaProxy, "Operational");

                // Fire an event once the VA plugin is initialized
                EDDI.Instance.enqueueEvent(new VAInitializedEvent(DateTime.UtcNow));

                // Set a variable indicating the version of VoiceAttack in use
                System.Version v = vaProxy.VAVersion;
                EDDI.Instance.vaVersion = v.ToString();

                Logging.Info("EDDI VoiceAttack plugin initialization complete");
            catch (Exception e)
                Logging.Error("Failed to initialize VoiceAttack plugin", e);
                vaProxy.WriteToLog("Unable to fully initialize EDDI. Some functions may not work.", "red");
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>Set all values</summary>
        public static void setStandardValues(ref dynamic vaProxy)
            // Update our primary objects only if they don't match the state of the EDDI instance.
                if (EDDI.Instance.CurrentStarSystem != CurrentStarSystem)
                    setStarSystemValues(EDDI.Instance.CurrentStarSystem, "System", ref vaProxy);
                    CurrentStarSystem = EDDI.Instance.CurrentStarSystem;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Error("Failed to set current system", ex);

                if (EDDI.Instance.LastStarSystem != LastStarSystem)
                    setStarSystemValues(EDDI.Instance.LastStarSystem, "Last system", ref vaProxy);
                    LastStarSystem = EDDI.Instance.LastStarSystem;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Error("Failed to set last system", ex);

                if (EDDI.Instance.SquadronStarSystem != SquadronStarSystem)
                    setStarSystemValues(EDDI.Instance.SquadronStarSystem, "Squadron system", ref vaProxy);
                    SquadronStarSystem = EDDI.Instance.SquadronStarSystem;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Error("Failed to set last system", ex);

                if (EDDI.Instance.CurrentStellarBody != CurrentStellarBody)
                    setDetailedBodyValues(EDDI.Instance.CurrentStellarBody, "Body", ref vaProxy);
                    CurrentStellarBody = EDDI.Instance.CurrentStellarBody;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Error("Failed to set stellar body", ex);

                if (EDDI.Instance.CurrentStation != CurrentStation)
                    setStationValues(EDDI.Instance.CurrentStation, "Last station", ref vaProxy);
                    CurrentStation = EDDI.Instance.CurrentStation;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Error("Failed to set last station", ex);

                CargoMonitor cargoMonitor = ((CargoMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Cargo monitor"));
                vaProxy.SetInt("Ship cargo carried", cargoMonitor?.cargoCarried ?? 0);
                vaProxy.SetInt("Ship limpets carried", cargoMonitor?.GetCargoWithEDName("Drones")?.total ?? 0);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Error("Failed to set ship cargo values", ex);

                ShipMonitor shipMonitor = ((ShipMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Ship monitor"));

                    if (shipMonitor?.GetCurrentShip() != Ship)
                        setShipValues(shipMonitor?.GetCurrentShip(), "Ship", ref vaProxy);
                        Ship = shipMonitor.GetCurrentShip();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logging.Error("Failed to set current ship values", ex);

                    if (shipMonitor?.shipyard != Shipyard)
                        List <Ship> shipyard = new List <Ship>(shipMonitor?.shipyard);
                        if (shipyard != null)
                            int currentStoredShip = 1;
                            foreach (Ship StoredShip in shipyard)
                                setShipValues(StoredShip, "Stored ship " + currentStoredShip, ref vaProxy);
                            vaProxy.SetInt("Stored ship entries", shipMonitor?.shipyard.Count);
                        Shipyard = shipMonitor.shipyard;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logging.Error("Failed to set shipyard", ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Error("Failed to obtain ship monitor & set VoiceAttack values", ex);

                if (EDDI.Instance.HomeStarSystem != HomeStarSystem)
                    setStarSystemValues(EDDI.Instance.HomeStarSystem, "Home system", ref vaProxy);
                    HomeStarSystem = EDDI.Instance.HomeStarSystem;

                    // Backwards-compatibility with 1.x
                        if (EDDI.Instance.HomeStarSystem != null)
                            vaProxy.SetText("Home system", EDDI.Instance.HomeStarSystem.name);
                            vaProxy.SetText("Home system (spoken)", Translations.StarSystem(EDDI.Instance.HomeStarSystem.name));
                        if (EDDI.Instance.HomeStation != null)
                            vaProxy.SetText("Home station", EDDI.Instance.HomeStation.name);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logging.Error("Failed to set 1.x home system values", ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Error("Failed to set home system", ex);

                Status currentStatus = ((StatusMonitor)EDDI.Instance.ObtainMonitor("Status monitor"))?.GetStatus();
                if (currentStatus != Status)
                    setStatusValues(StatusMonitor.currentStatus, "Status", ref vaProxy);
                    Status = currentStatus;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Error("Failed to set current status", ex);

                // Set SetState values
                if (EDDI.Instance.State != State)
                    setDictionaryValues(EDDI.Instance.State, "state", ref vaProxy);
                    State = EDDI.Instance.State;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Error("Failed to set state", ex);

                if (EDDI.Instance.Cmdr != Commander)
                    setCommanderValues(EDDI.Instance.Cmdr, ref vaProxy);
                    Commander = EDDI.Instance.Cmdr;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Error("Failed to set commander values", ex);

            // On every event...
            // Set miscellaneous values
                vaProxy.SetText("Environment", EDDI.Instance.Environment);
                vaProxy.SetText("Vehicle", EDDI.Instance.Vehicle);
                vaProxy.SetText("EDDI version", Constants.EDDI_VERSION.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.Error("Failed to set misc values", ex);