Exemplo n.º 1
 public static Lgsvl.CanBusDataRos RosConvertFrom(CanBusData data)
     return(new Lgsvl.CanBusDataRos()
         header = new Ros.Header()
             stamp = ConvertTime(data.Time),
             frame_id = data.Frame,
         speed_mps = data.Speed,
         throttle_pct = data.Throttle,
         brake_pct = data.Braking,
         steer_pct = data.Steering,
         parking_brake_active = false,   // parking brake is not supported in Simulator side
         high_beams_active = data.HighBeamSignal,
         low_beams_active = data.LowBeamSignal,
         hazard_lights_active = data.HazardLights,
         fog_lights_active = data.FogLights,
         left_turn_signal_active = data.LeftTurnSignal,
         right_turn_signal_active = data.RightTurnSignal,
         wipers_active = data.Wipers,
         reverse_gear_active = data.InReverse,
         selected_gear = (data.InReverse ? Lgsvl.Gear.GEAR_REVERSE : Lgsvl.Gear.GEAR_DRIVE),
         engine_active = data.EngineOn,
         engine_rpm = data.EngineRPM,
         gps_latitude = data.Latitude,
         gps_longitude = data.Longitude,
         gps_altitude = data.Altitude,
         orientation = Convert(data.Orientation),
         linear_velocities = ConvertToVector(data.Velocity),
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Update()
            if (MapOrigin == null)

            if (Time.time < NextSend)
            NextSend = Time.time + 1.0f / Frequency;

            float speed = RigidBody.velocity.magnitude;

            var gps = MapOrigin.GetGpsLocation(transform.position);

            var msg = new CanBusData()
                Name     = Name,
                Frame    = Frame,
                Time     = SimulatorManager.Instance.CurrentTime,
                Sequence = SendSequence++,

                Speed = speed,

                Throttle = Dynamics.AccellInput > 0 ? Dynamics.AccellInput : 0,
                Braking  = Dynamics.AccellInput < 0 ? -Dynamics.AccellInput : 0,
                Steering = Dynamics.SteerInput,

                ParkingBrake   = Dynamics.HandBrake,
                HighBeamSignal = Actions.CurrentHeadLightState == VehicleActions.HeadLightState.HIGH,
                LowBeamSignal  = Actions.CurrentHeadLightState == VehicleActions.HeadLightState.LOW,
                HazardLights   = Actions.HazardLights,
                FogLights      = Actions.FogLights,

                LeftTurnSignal  = Actions.LeftTurnSignal,
                RightTurnSignal = Actions.RightTurnSignal,

                Wipers = false,

                InReverse = Dynamics.Reverse,
                Gear      = Mathf.RoundToInt(Dynamics.CurrentGear),

                EngineOn  = Dynamics.IgnitionStatus == IgnitionStatus.On,
                EngineRPM = Dynamics.CurrentRPM,

                Latitude  = gps.Latitude,
                Longitude = gps.Longitude,
                Altitude  = gps.Altitude,

                Orientation = transform.rotation,
                Velocity    = RigidBody.velocity,

            if (Bridge != null && Bridge.Status == Status.Connected)
                Writer.Write(msg, null);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static Apollo.ChassisMsg ConvertFrom(CanBusData data)
            var eul = data.Orientation.eulerAngles;

            float dir;

            if (eul.y >= 0)
                dir = 45 * UnityEngine.Mathf.Round((eul.y % 360) / 45.0f);
                dir = 45 * UnityEngine.Mathf.Round((eul.y % 360 + 360) / 45.0f);

            var dt = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds((long)(data.Time * 1000.0)).UtcDateTime;
            var measurement_time = (dt - GpsEpoch).TotalSeconds + 18.0;
            var gpsTime          = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds((long)measurement_time).DateTime.ToLocalTime();

            return(new Apollo.ChassisMsg()
                header = new Apollo.Header()
                    timestamp_sec = data.Time,
                    module_name = "chassis",
                    sequence_num = data.Sequence,

                engine_started = data.EngineOn,
                engine_rpm = data.EngineRPM,
                speed_mps = data.Speed,
                odometer_m = 0,
                fuel_range_m = 0,
                throttle_percentage = data.Throttle,
                brake_percentage = data.Braking,
                steering_percentage = -data.Steering * 100,
                parking_brake = data.ParkingBrake,
                high_beam_signal = data.HighBeamSignal,
                low_beam_signal = data.LowBeamSignal,
                left_turn_signal = data.LeftTurnSignal,
                right_turn_signal = data.RightTurnSignal,
                wiper = data.Wipers,
                driving_mode = Apollo.Chassis.DrivingMode.COMPLETE_AUTO_DRIVE,
                gear_location = data.InReverse ? Apollo.Chassis.GearPosition.GEAR_REVERSE : Apollo.Chassis.GearPosition.GEAR_DRIVE,

                chassis_gps = new Apollo.Chassis.ChassisGPS()
                    latitude = data.Latitude,
                    longitude = data.Longitude,
                    gps_valid = true,
                    year = gpsTime.Year,
                    month = gpsTime.Month,
                    day = gpsTime.Day,
                    hours = gpsTime.Hour,
                    minutes = gpsTime.Minute,
                    seconds = gpsTime.Second,
                    compass_direction = dir,
                    pdop = 0.1,
                    is_gps_fault = false,
                    is_inferred = false,
                    altitude = data.Altitude,
                    heading = eul.y,
                    hdop = 0.1,
                    vdop = 0.1,
                    quality = Apollo.Chassis.GpsQuality.FIX_3D,
                    num_satellites = 15,
                    gps_speed = data.Velocity.magnitude,
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static apollo.canbus.Chassis ConvertFrom(CanBusData data)
            var orientation = ConvertToRfu(data.Orientation);
            var eul         = orientation.eulerAngles;

            float dir;

            if (eul.z >= 0)
                dir = 45 * Mathf.Round((eul.z % 360) / 45.0f);
                dir = 45 * Mathf.Round((eul.z % 360 + 360) / 45.0f);

            var measurement_time = GpsUtils.UtcSecondsToGpsSeconds(data.Time);
            var gpsTime          = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds((long)measurement_time).DateTime.ToLocalTime();

            return(new apollo.canbus.Chassis()
                header = new apollo.common.Header()
                    timestamp_sec = data.Time,
                    module_name = "chassis",
                    sequence_num = data.Sequence,

                engine_started = data.EngineOn,
                engine_rpm = data.EngineRPM,
                speed_mps = data.Speed,
                odometer_m = 0,
                fuel_range_m = 0,
                throttle_percentage = data.Throttle * 100.0f,
                brake_percentage = data.Braking * 100.0f,
                steering_percentage = -data.Steering * 100,
                parking_brake = data.ParkingBrake,
                //high_beam_signal = data.HighBeamSignal,
                //low_beam_signal = data.LowBeamSignal,
                //left_turn_signal = data.LeftTurnSignal,
                //right_turn_signal = data.RightTurnSignal,
                wiper = data.Wipers,
                driving_mode = apollo.canbus.Chassis.DrivingMode.CompleteAutoDrive,
                gear_location = data.InReverse ? apollo.canbus.Chassis.GearPosition.GearReverse : apollo.canbus.Chassis.GearPosition.GearDrive,

                chassis_gps = new apollo.canbus.ChassisGPS()
                    latitude = data.Latitude,
                    longitude = data.Longitude,
                    gps_valid = true,
                    year = gpsTime.Year,
                    month = gpsTime.Month,
                    day = gpsTime.Day,
                    hours = gpsTime.Hour,
                    minutes = gpsTime.Minute,
                    seconds = gpsTime.Second,
                    compass_direction = dir,
                    pdop = 0.1,
                    is_gps_fault = false,
                    is_inferred = false,
                    altitude = data.Altitude,
                    heading = eul.z,
                    hdop = 0.1,
                    vdop = 0.1,
                    quality = apollo.canbus.GpsQuality.Fix3d,
                    num_satellites = 15,
                    gps_speed = data.Velocity.magnitude,
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static VehicleStateReport ROS2ConvertFrom(CanBusData data)
            // No fuel supported in Simulator side
            byte fuel = 0;

            // Blinker
            // No Hazard Light in Simulator side
            byte blinker = 0;

            if (data.HazardLights)
                blinker = 3;
            else if (data.LeftTurnSignal)
                blinker = 1;
            else if (data.RightTurnSignal)
                blinker = 2;

            // Headlight
            byte headlight = 0;

            if (data.LowBeamSignal)
                headlight = 1;
            else if (data.HighBeamSignal)
                headlight = 2;
                headlight = 0;

            // Wiper
            // WIPER_OFF = 0, WIPER_LOW = 1, WIPER_HIGH = 2, WIPER_CLEAN = 3
            // No WIPER_HIGH and WIPER_CLEAN in Simulator side
            byte wiper = 0;

            if (data.Wipers)
                wiper = 1;

            // Gear
            // GEAR_DRIVE = 0, GEAR_REVERSE = 1, GEAR_PARK = 2, GEAR_LOW = 3, GEAR_NEUTRAL = 4
            // No GEAR_PARK, GEAR_LOW, GEAR_NEUTRAL in Simulator side
            byte gear = 0;

            if (data.InReverse)
                gear = 1;
                gear = 0;

            // Mode
            // No information about mode in Simulator side.
            byte mode = 0;

            // Hand Brake
            bool handBrake = false;

            // Horn
            bool horn = false;

            return(new VehicleStateReport()
                stamp = ConvertTime(data.Time),
                fuel = fuel,
                blinker = blinker,
                headlight = headlight,
                wiper = wiper,
                gear = gear,
                mode = mode,
                hand_brake = handBrake,
                horn = horn,
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Update()
            if (MapOrigin == null)

            if (Time.time < NextSend)
            NextSend = Time.time + 1.0f / Frequency;

            float speed = Dynamics.Speed;

            MaxSpeed = Mathf.Max(MaxSpeed, speed);

            var gps = MapOrigin.PositionToGpsLocation(transform.position);

            var orientation = transform.rotation;

            orientation.Set(-orientation.z, orientation.x, -orientation.y, orientation.w); // converting to right handed xyz

            msg = new CanBusData()
                Name     = Name,
                Frame    = Frame,
                Time     = SimulatorManager.Instance.CurrentTime,
                Sequence = SendSequence++,

                Speed = speed,

                Throttle = Dynamics.AccellInput > 0 ? Dynamics.AccellInput : 0,
                Braking  = Dynamics.AccellInput < 0 ? -Dynamics.AccellInput : 0,
                Steering = Dynamics.SteerInput,

                ParkingBrake   = Dynamics.HandBrake,
                HighBeamSignal = Actions.CurrentHeadLightState == HeadLightState.HIGH,
                LowBeamSignal  = Actions.CurrentHeadLightState == HeadLightState.LOW,
                HazardLights   = Actions.HazardLights,
                FogLights      = Actions.FogLights,

                LeftTurnSignal  = Actions.LeftTurnSignal,
                RightTurnSignal = Actions.RightTurnSignal,

                Wipers = false,

                InReverse = Dynamics.Reverse,
                Gear      = Mathf.RoundToInt(Dynamics.CurrentGear),

                EngineOn  = Dynamics.CurrentIgnitionStatus == IgnitionStatus.On,
                EngineRPM = Dynamics.CurrentRPM,

                Latitude  = gps.Latitude,
                Longitude = gps.Longitude,
                Altitude  = gps.Altitude,

                Orientation = orientation,
                Velocity    = Dynamics.Velocity,

            if (Bridge != null && Bridge.Status == Status.Connected)