Exemplo n.º 1
    private void OnSubscriptionsFetched(CKSubscription[] subscriptions, NSError error)
        if (error != null)

        if (subscriptions.Length > 0)
            var subscriptionIds = subscriptions.Select(sub => sub.SubscriptionID.ToString()).ToArray();
            Debug.LogFormat("You have the following subscriptions: {0}",
                            string.Join(",", subscriptionIds));

        Debug.Log("No subscriptions detected - making a new one");

        // Make sure a record of this type exists on the server before attempting
        // a subscription, or the subscription will fail
        database.SaveRecord(new CKRecord(recordType), (record, error2) => {
            if (error2 != null)

            // You only need to do this ONCE
    private void ModifyRecord()
        // There's no "modify record" operation in cloud-kit. To modify a record
        // you just re-save a record whose 'RecordChangeTag' matches the tag on
        // the server. This ensures that you are always modifying the most recent
        // version of the record.

        // For a single client application, this should always be the same

        // So let's change a few values and re-save the record

        // Cloudkit stores both fixed and floating percision types in the same
        // Number type
        record.SetInt(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue), "MyNumber");
        record.SetDouble(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, float.MaxValue), "MyNumber");

        // You can also store arbitrary byte data
        byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Test Buffer");
        record.SetBuffer(bytes, "TestBufferKey");

        // You can't change the type of a field you set previously
        // This would generate an error...
        // record.SetInt(0, "MyField");

        database.SaveRecord(record, OnRecordModified);
    void Run()
        Debug.Log("Example 4 - CKAsset");
        database = CKContainer.DefaultContainer().PrivateCloudDatabase;

        var record = new CKRecord("MyType");

        // CloudKit recommends if your data is larger than 1MB that you store
        // it as an asset...
        // our example won't be anything close to 1MB, but it'll illustrate the
        // technique

        string path = Path.Combine(Application.temporaryCachePath, "Asset.bytes");
        string path = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "Asset.bytes");

        byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("AssetData");
        File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes);

        // Assets have to be files, so you pass it the filepath to something
        // in the user's data directory
        // the asset will be stored in cloudkit, with a URL for retrieval

        var fileurl = NSURL.FileURLWithPath(path);
        record.SetAsset(new CKAsset(fileurl), "MyAsset");

        database.SaveRecord(record, OnRecordSaved);
    private void Run()
        Debug.Log("Example1 - Hello World");

        database = CKContainer.DefaultContainer().PrivateCloudDatabase;

        var record = new CKRecord("Hello");

        record.SetString("Hello World", "Greeting");

        database.SaveRecord(record, OnRecordSaved);
    private void Run()
        Debug.Log("Example 2 - Basic Database Operations");

        database = CKContainer.DefaultContainer().PrivateCloudDatabase;

        record = new CKRecord("MyType");
        record.SetString("An Example", "MyField");

        Debug.Log("Saving a record");
        database.SaveRecord(record, OnRecordSaved);