Exemplo n.º 1
 public ushort AddRemoveAICHHash(CAICHHash hash, bool bAdd)
     Debug.Assert(m_aAICHHashs.Count == m_anAICHHashPopularity.Count);
     for (int i = 0; i < m_aAICHHashs.GetCount(); i++)
         if (m_aAICHHashs[i] == hash)
             if (bAdd)
                 m_anAICHHashPopularity[i] += 1;
                 if (m_anAICHHashPopularity[i] >= 1)
                     m_anAICHHashPopularity[i] -= 1;
     if (bAdd)
         return((ushort)m_aAICHHashs.GetCount() - 1);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void MergeIPsAndFilenames(KeyEntry pFromEntry)
            // this is called when replaceing a stored entry with a refreshed one.
            // we want to take over the tracked IPs, AICHHash and the different filesnames from the old entry, the rest is still
            // "overwritten" with the refreshed values. This might be not perfect for the taglist in some cases, but we cant afford
            // to store hundrets of taglists to figure out the best one like we do for the filenames now
            if (m_pliPublishingIPs != NULL)
            { // This instance needs to be a new entry, otherwise we don't want/need to merge
                ASSERT(pFromEntry == NULL);
            ASSERT(m_aAICHHashs.GetCount() <= 1);
            //fetch the "new" AICH hash if any
            CAICHHash *pNewAICHHash = NULL;

            if (!m_aAICHHashs.IsEmpty())
                pNewAICHHash = new CAICHHash(m_aAICHHashs[0]);
            bool bRefresh = false;

            if (pFromEntry == NULL || pFromEntry->m_pliPublishingIPs == NULL)
                ASSERT(pFromEntry == NULL);
                // if called with NULL, this is a complete new entry and we need to initalize our lists
                if (m_pliPublishingIPs == NULL)
                    m_pliPublishingIPs = new CList <structPublishingIP>();
                // update the global track map below
                delete m_pliPublishingIPs; // should be always NULL, already ASSERTed above if not

                //  copy over the existing ones.

                // merge the tracked IPs, add this one if not already on the list
                m_pliPublishingIPs             = pFromEntry->m_pliPublishingIPs;
                pFromEntry->m_pliPublishingIPs = NULL;
                bool bFastRefresh = false;
                for (POSITION pos = m_pliPublishingIPs->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; m_pliPublishingIPs->GetNext(pos))
                    structPublishingIP Cur = m_pliPublishingIPs->GetAt(pos);
                    if (Cur.m_uIP == m_uIP)
                        bRefresh = true;
                        if ((time(NULL) - Cur.m_tLastPublish) < (KADEMLIAREPUBLISHTIMES - HR2S(1)))
                            DEBUG_ONLY(DebugLog(_T("KadEntryTracking: FastRefresh publish, ip: %s"), ipstr(ntohl(m_uIP))));
                            bFastRefresh = true; // refreshed faster than expected, will not count into filenamepopularity index
                        Cur.m_tLastPublish = time(NULL);
                        // Has the AICH Hash this publisher reported changed?
                        if (pNewAICHHash != NULL)
                            if (Cur.m_byAICHHashIdx != _UI16_MAX && m_aAICHHashs[Cur.m_byAICHHashIdx] != *pNewAICHHash)
                                DebugLogWarning(_T("KadEntryTracking: AICH Hash changed, publisher ip: %s"), ipstr(ntohl(m_uIP)));
                                AddRemoveAICHHash(m_aAICHHashs[Cur.m_byAICHHashIdx], false);
                                Cur.m_byAICHHashIdx = AddRemoveAICHHash(*pNewAICHHash, true);
                            else if (Cur.m_byAICHHashIdx == _UI16_MAX)
                                DEBUG_ONLY(DebugLog(_T("KadEntryTracking: New AICH Hash during publishing (publisher reported none before), publisher ip: %s"), ipstr(ntohl(m_uIP))));
                                Cur.m_byAICHHashIdx = AddRemoveAICHHash(*pNewAICHHash, true);
                        else if (Cur.m_byAICHHashIdx != _UI16_MAX)
                            DebugLogWarning(_T("KadEntryTracking: AICH Hash removed, publisher ip: %s"), ipstr(ntohl(m_uIP)));
                            AddRemoveAICHHash(m_aAICHHashs[Cur.m_byAICHHashIdx], false);
                            Cur.m_byAICHHashIdx = _UI16_MAX;
                // copy over trust value, in case we dont want to recalculate
                m_fTrustValue        = pFromEntry->m_fTrustValue;
                dwLastTrustValueCalc = pFromEntry->dwLastTrustValueCalc;

                // copy over the different names, if they are different the one we have right now
                ASSERT(m_listFileNames.GetCount() == 1); // we should have only one name here, since its the entry from one sinlge source
                structFileNameEntry structCurrentName = { _T(""), 0 };;
                if (m_listFileNames.GetHeadPosition() != NULL)
                    structCurrentName = m_listFileNames.RemoveHead();

                bool bDuplicate = false;
                for (POSITION pos = pFromEntry->m_listFileNames.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; pFromEntry->m_listFileNames.GetNext(pos))
                    structFileNameEntry structNameToCopy = pFromEntry->m_listFileNames.GetAt(pos);
                    if (KadTagStrCompareNoCase(structCurrentName.m_fileName, structNameToCopy.m_fileName) == 0)
                        // the filename of our new entry matches with our old, increase the popularity index for the old one
                        bDuplicate = true;
                        if (!bFastRefresh)
                if (!bDuplicate)
            // if this was a refresh done, otherwise update the global track map
            if (!bRefresh)
                ASSERT(m_uIP != 0);
                uint16 nAICHHashIdx;
                if (pNewAICHHash != NULL)
                    nAICHHashIdx = AddRemoveAICHHash(*pNewAICHHash, true);
                    nAICHHashIdx = _UI16_MAX;
                structPublishingIP add = { m_uIP, time(NULL), nAICHHashIdx };

                // add the publisher to the tacking list
                AdjustGlobalPublishTracking(m_uIP, true, _T("new publisher"));

                // we keep track of max 100 IPs, in order to avoid too much time for calculation/storing/loading.
                if (m_pliPublishingIPs->GetCount() > 100)
                    structPublishingIP curEntry = m_pliPublishingIPs->RemoveHead();
                    if (curEntry.m_byAICHHashIdx != _UI16_MAX)
                        VERIFY(AddRemoveAICHHash(m_aAICHHashs[curEntry.m_byAICHHashIdx], false) == curEntry.m_byAICHHashIdx);
                    AdjustGlobalPublishTracking(curEntry.m_uIP, false, _T("more than 100 publishers purge"));
                // since we added a new publisher, we want to (re)calcualte the trust value for this entry
            delete pNewAICHHash;

             *  DebugLog(_T("Kad: EntryTrack: Indexed Keyword, Refresh: %s, Current Publisher: %s, Total Publishers: %u, Total different Names: %u,TrustValue: %.2f, file: %s"),
             *      (bRefresh ? _T("Yes") : _T("No")), ipstr(ntohl(m_uIP)), m_pliPublishingIPs->GetCount(), m_listFileNames.GetCount(), m_fTrustValue, m_uSourceID.ToHexString());
             *  //);*/
            /*if (m_aAICHHashs.GetCount() == 1)
             * {
             *      DebugLog(_T("Kad: EntryTrack: Indexed Keyword, Refresh: %s, Current Publisher: %s, Total Publishers: %u, Total different Names: %u,TrustValue: %.2f, file: %s, AICH Hash: %s, Popularity: %u"),
             *      (bRefresh ? _T("Yes") : _T("No")), ipstr(ntohl(m_uIP)), m_pliPublishingIPs->GetCount(), m_listFileNames.GetCount(), m_fTrustValue, m_uSourceID.ToHexString(), m_aAICHHashs[0].GetString(), m_anAICHHashPopularity[0]);
             * }
             * else if (m_aAICHHashs.GetCount() > 1)
             * {
             *      DebugLog(_T("Kad: EntryTrack: Indexed Keyword, Refresh: %s, Current Publisher: %s, Total Publishers: %u, Total different Names: %u,TrustValue: %.2f, file: %s, AICH Hash: %u - dumping"),
             *      (bRefresh ? _T("Yes") : _T("No")), ipstr(ntohl(m_uIP)), m_pliPublishingIPs->GetCount(), m_listFileNames.GetCount(), m_fTrustValue, m_uSourceID.ToHexString(), m_aAICHHashs.GetCount());
             *      for (int i = 0; i < m_aAICHHashs.GetCount(); i++)
             *      {
             *          DebugLog(_T("Hash: %s, Populalrity: %u"),  m_aAICHHashs[i].GetString(), m_anAICHHashPopularity[i]);
             *      }
             * }*/