Exemplo n.º 1
        // GET: BlogPosts/Details/5

        public ActionResult Details(string Slug)
            //This action checks the slug to see if it is valid
            //If the slug is not valide return a bad request
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Slug))
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            BlogDetailsViewModel   model    = new BlogDetailsViewModel();
            IEnumerable <BlogPost> blogList = db.Posts;

            //Getting ViewModel data
            BlogPost blog = db.Posts.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Slug == Slug);
            var      prev = GetPrevious(blogList, blog);
            var      next = GetNext(blogList, blog);

            //Adding Data to ViewModel
            model.CurrentBlog  = blog;
            model.PreviousBlog = prev;
            model.NextBlog     = next;

            //FirstOrDefault finds the first or default record that matches the slug that I am searching for
            //BlogPost blogPost = db.Posts.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Slug == Slug);

            if (blog == null)

Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task EditBlogAsync(BlogDetailsViewModel blogModel)
            var wantedBlog = this.db.Blogs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == blogModel.Id);

            wantedBlog.Title       = blogModel.Title;
            wantedBlog.ImageUrl    = blogModel.Image;
            wantedBlog.Description = blogModel.Description;
            await this.db.SaveChangesAsync();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public IActionResult Blogs()
            var Blogs = new List <BlogModel>
                new BlogModel()
                    AuthorName   = "Atakan",
                    BlogName     = ".NET Ögreniyorum",
                    BlogCategory = "Eğitim"
                new BlogModel
                    AuthorName   = "Eylül",
                    BlogName     = "Dapper ORM Nedir?",
                    BlogCategory = "Eğitim",
            var Readers = new List <ReaderModel>
                new ReaderModel
                    ReaderName        = "Zehra",
                    CheckinTime       = new DateTime(2020, 07, 25),
                    FavouriteCategory = "Physics"
                new ReaderModel
                    ReaderName        = "Bertan",
                    CheckinTime       = new DateTime(2021, 04, 06),
                    FavouriteCategory = "Video Games"
                new ReaderModel
                    ReaderName        = "Serbülent",
                    CheckinTime       = new DateTime(2019, 04, 08),
                    FavouriteCategory = "Theatre"
                new ReaderModel
                    ReaderName        = "Beyza",
                    CheckinTime       = new DateTime(2020, 11, 17),
                    FavouriteCategory = "Literature"
            BlogDetailsViewModel Model = new BlogDetailsViewModel();

            Model.Readers = Readers;
            Model.Blogs   = Blogs;
Exemplo n.º 4
        // GET: Blog/{slug}
        public async Task <IActionResult> Details(string slug)
             * We check if the slug is null
             * If it is then we return not found
            if (slug == null)

             * Setup the blog details view model and assign appropriate values
            BlogDetailsViewModel viewModel = new BlogDetailsViewModel()
                 * Get the post from the database based on the slug
                Post = await _DB.Posts
                       .FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.UrlSlug == slug)

             * Double check the post that we get from the database hasn't returned null
             * Otherwise return not found
            if (viewModel.Post == null)

             * We can convert the post modified to a long date string using a custom reusable function.
             * We can then save that to the view model for easier access.
            viewModel.ModifiedDate = ConvertDateToLongDateString(Convert.ToDateTime(viewModel.Post.Modified));

             * We can also use the view model to save related posts and better access the data.
             * We do this below by getting all posts that do not have the same id as the main post from the database
             * Then we save this to the view model.
            viewModel.RelatedPosts = await _DB.Posts.Where(m => m.Id != viewModel.Post.Id)

Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnGet()
            if (Id == Guid.Empty)
                TempData["Warning"] = "An Id for selected Blog was not provided";

            var blog = await _blogService.GetBlogAsync(Id);

            ViewModel      = new BlogDetailsViewModel();
            ViewModel.Blog = new Blog();
            ViewModel.Blog = blog;

Exemplo n.º 6
        public ActionResult Details(int id)
            GetBlogDetailsByIdQueryResult result = Query.For <GetBlogDetailsByIdQueryResult>().ById(id);

            if (!result.IsFound)

            BlogDetailsViewModel vm = new BlogDetailsViewModel
                Blog      = result.Blog,
                LastBlogs = result.LastBlogs

Exemplo n.º 7
        public ActionResult Details(string id)
            using (var context = new BlogContext())
                var korisnik = context.Korisniks.FirstOrDefault(k => k.KorisnickoIme == User.Identity.Name);

                var blogID = Convert.ToInt32(id);
                var blog   = context.Blogs.Find(blogID);
                if (blog.Odobren)
                    var blogViewModel = new BlogDetailsViewModel()
                        BlogId                = blog.BlogId,
                        DatumPutovanja        = blog.DatumPutovanja,
                        Drzava                = blog.Drzava.Naziv,
                        Autor                 = blog.Korisnik.Ime + " " + blog.Korisnik.Prezime,
                        DatumKreiranja        = blog.DatumKreiranja,
                        Naslov                = blog.Naslov,
                        NaslovnaSlikaLink     = blog.NaslovnaSlikaLink,
                        Sadrzaj               = blog.Sadrzaj,
                        DozvolaDodavanjaSlika = (korisnik == null ? false : (korisnik.KorisnikId == blog.KorisnikId) ? true : false),
                        DaLiMiSeSvidjaBlog    = (korisnik == null ? false : korisnik.Blogs1.FirstOrDefault(b => b.BlogId == blog.BlogId) == null ? false : true)//(korisnik.Blogs1.FirstOrDefault(b => b.BlogId == blog.BlogId) != null?true:false)

                    ViewBag.Slike = blog.Slikas
                                    .Select(s => new SlikaViewModel
                        Link = s.Link

                    ViewBag.Komentari = blog.Komentars
                                        .Select(k => new KomentarViewModel()
                        Komentar       = k.Sadrzaj,
                        Autor          = k.Korisnik.Ime + " " + k.Korisnik.Prezime,
                        DatumKreiranje = k.DatumKreiranja

                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Pocetna"));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public ActionResult Blog(int id)
            var blog = _unitOfWork.Blog.GetBlogById(id);

            var model = new BlogDetailsViewModel()
                BlogType        = blog.BlogType.Name,
                Caption         = blog.Caption,
                Date            = blog.Date,
                Id              = blog.Id,
                Image           = blog.ImagePath + "/" + blog.ImageName,
                MetaDescription = blog.MetaDescription,
                MetaKeywords    = blog.MetaKeywords,
                Tags            = blog.Tags,
                Text            = blog.Text

            ViewBag.TopImage = "/" + model.Image;
            ViewBag.Headline = model.Caption;

Exemplo n.º 9
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(BlogDetailsViewModel blogModel)
            await this.blogService.EditBlogAsync(blogModel);
