Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Run(Form1 form1)
            var start_time = DateTime.Now;

            try {
                LogAndDisplay(form1.txtImportProgress, "Initializing BillRows.");
                new InitializeBillRows().Run(form1);

                LogAndDisplay(form1.txtImportProgress, "Writing Bill Version table.");

                LogAndDisplay(form1.txtImportProgress, "Writing Bill History table.");

                LogAndDisplay(form1.txtImportProgress, "Writing Bill Location table.");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogAndThrow($"ZipController.Run: {ex.Message}.");
            var elapsed = DateTime.Now - start_time;

            LogAndDisplay(form1.txtImportProgress, $"Data has been imported from legislative files to the local database. Elapsed Time: {elapsed.ToString("c")} ");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private DateTime DateFromHistoryTable(string path)
            string                bill     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
            BillRow               row      = BillRow.Row(BillUtils.Ensure4DigitNumber(bill));
            string                name_ext = Path.GetFileName(row.Lob); // BillVersionTable bill_xml is unique
            BillVersionRow        bv_row   = GlobalData.VersionTable.Scalar(name_ext);
            List <BillHistoryRow> history  = GlobalData.HistoryTable.RowSet(bv_row.BillID);

            DateTime.TryParse(history.First().ActionDate, out DateTime date_result);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void Update(List <BillRow> result, int index)
            string                name_ext = Path.GetFileName(result[index].Lob); // BillVersionTable bill_xml is unique
            BillVersionRow        bv_row   = GlobalData.VersionTable.Scalar(name_ext);
            List <BillHistoryRow> history  = GlobalData.HistoryTable.RowSet(bv_row.BillID);
            var location_code     = history.First().TernaryLocation;
            var location_code_row = GlobalData.LocationTable.Scalar(location_code);

            result[index].Location    = history.First().PrimaryLocation;
            result[index].Location2nd = location_code_row?.LongDescription;
            if (result[index].Location2nd == null)
                result[index].Location2nd = location_code;                                   // e.g. "Third Reading"
            result[index].MeasureState  = "m state";
            result[index].CurrentHouse  = history.First().PrimaryLocation;
            result[index].CurrentStatus = history.First().EndStatus;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Before a bill is chaptered, the last action is the .First() line in the history.
        /// When a bill is chaptered, its history may not end with the "Chaptered by Secretary of State" because
        /// usually multiple actions take place on the same day.  Therefore, for a chaptered bill, report
        /// the line containing "Chaptered by Secretary of State".  It may not be the first line in the history.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">BillRow describing the bill being processed</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected static string FindLastAction(BillRow row)
            string                name_ext = Path.GetFileName(row.Lob); // BillVersionTable bill_xml is unique
            BillVersionRow        bv_row   = GlobalData.VersionTable.Scalar(name_ext);
            List <BillHistoryRow> history  = GlobalData.HistoryTable.RowSet(bv_row.BillID);

            string result = "Could not find last action.";

            if (row.MeasureState != "Chaptered")
                result = history.First().Action;
                var want_this = history.Find(x => x.Action.Contains("Chaptered by Secretary of State"));
                result = want_this.Action;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a new individual report or re-generate one that already exists.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row">Bill description from the BillRows table</param>
        /// <param name="path">Path to the .lob file for the bill's current version</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected static List <string> BaseReportContents(BillRow row, string path)
            string                name_ext = Path.GetFileName(row.Lob); // BillVersionTable bill_xml is unique
            BillVersionRow        bv_row   = GlobalData.VersionTable.Scalar(name_ext);
            List <BillHistoryRow> history  = GlobalData.HistoryTable.RowSet(bv_row.BillID);
            var location_code     = history.First().TernaryLocation;
            var location_code_row = GlobalData.LocationTable.Scalar(location_code);

            string appropriation = bv_row.Appropriation;
            string author        = row.Author;
            string bill_id       = row.Bill;
            string fiscal        = bv_row.FiscalCommittee;
            string house         = history.First().PrimaryLocation;
            string last_action   = FindLastAction(row);
            string location      = location_code_row == null?BillUtils.WhenNullLocationCode(history) : location_code_row.Description;

            string local_pgm  = bv_row.LocalProgram;
            string number     = row.MeasureNum.TrimStart('0');
            string title      = row.Title;
            string type_house = $"{bill_id.First()}B";
            string vers_id    = row.BillVersionID;
            string vote       = bv_row.VoteRequired;

            // Position and Summary data come from the previous version of the bill report
            // If the passed path is null or empty, then this method was called when no previous report exists.
            // When regenerating a report, there is a previous report.
            var summary      = new List <string>();
            var position     = new List <string>();
            var shortsummary = string.Empty;
            var committees   = string.Empty;
            var likelihood   = string.Empty;

            if (CommonUtils.IsNullOrEmptyOrWhiteSpace(path))
                // do nothing
                summary      = PreviousReport.Summary(path);
                position     = PreviousReport.Position(path);
                shortsummary = PreviousReport.ShortSummary(path);
                committees   = PreviousReport.Committees(path);
                likelihood   = PreviousReport.Likelihood(path);

            // With all necessary data obtained, generate the report file.
            // Both initial creation (new bill) and re-generation are processed here.
            List <string> result = BeginIndividualReport(type_house, number, author, title);

            // Review
            // Position
            // Short Summary, Committees Prediction and Passage Likelihood
            result.AddRange(ReportSummaryPredictLikelihood(shortsummary, committees, likelihood));
            // Status, Location, etc
            result.AddRange(ReportStatusLocationEtc(location, last_action, vote, appropriation, fiscal, local_pgm, history));
            // Bill History