/// <summary>
        /// Load Item from query string
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadItem()
            _sItemID = "" + Request.QueryString["xID"];
            _sQuestionType = "" + Request.QueryString["qType"];         
            ItemID = Cryptography.GetDecryptedID(SessionObject.LoggedInUser.CipherKey);

            _iAssessmentID = Cryptography.GetDecryptedID(SessionObject.LoggedInUser.CipherKey, "AssessmentID");
            lbl_TestCategory.Value = Request.QueryString["TestCategory"];

            lbl_TestType.Value = Request.QueryString["TestType"];
            if (_sItemID == null)
                SessionObject.RedirectMessage = "No entity ID provided in URL.";
                Response.Redirect("~/PortalSelection.aspx", true);
                if (_sQuestionType.Equals("TestQuestion"))
                    // Remove the copy item button if we are coming from the item editor.
                    btnCopyItem.Visible = false;
                    if (ItemID == 0 && _iAssessmentID > 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_sItemID))
                        _itemTestQuestion = TestQuestion.GetTestQuestionByID(DataIntegrity.ConvertToInt(_sItemID), false);
                        ItemID = _itemTestQuestion.ID;
                        if (_itemTestQuestion.TestID != _iAssessmentID)
                            SessionObject.RedirectMessage = "Invalid entity ID provided in URL.";
                            Response.Redirect("~/PortalSelection.aspx", true);
                        _itemTestQuestion = TestQuestion.GetTestQuestionByID(ItemID, false);
                    UseTq = true;
                    _itemBankQuestion = BankQuestion.GetQuestionByID(ItemID);
                    UseTq = false;


                _itemReservation = "No";
                if (UserHasPermission(Permission.Access_ItemReservation))
                    _itemReservation = "Yes";
                    reservationDropDown.Enabled = false;

                string qType = UseTq ? "TestQuestion" : "";
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "SetQType", "setQuestionType('"+qType+"');", true);

            if (Request.QueryString["isCopy"] == "true")
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "AlertForCopiedItem", "AlertForCopiedItem();", true);
        private void LoadData()
            HtmlTableRow oRow;
            HtmlTableCell oCell;
            HtmlGenericControl oDiv;
            if (Tile.TileParms.GetParm("item") == null) return;

            _questionType = Tile.TileParms.GetParm("item").GetType();
            if (_questionType.Name == "BankQuestion")
                _oBankQuestion = (BankQuestion)Tile.TileParms.GetParm("item");
                _oQuestionBase = (QuestionBase)_oBankQuestion;
                _oTestQuestion = (TestQuestion)Tile.TileParms.GetParm("item");
                _oQuestionBase = (QuestionBase)_oTestQuestion;

             * Although for any given version of the Elements application there is only one
             * type of rigor (either Webb, Marzano, or RBT), and this is determined by the 
             * value of DOK in the Parms table in the database, a bank question may have 
             * all three rigors in its full rigor string. Its just that only one of the 
             * three rigors is used.  If displaying a bank question, we intend to display 
             * all the rigors listed in the full rigor string.  The full rigor string looks 
             * something like:
             *      Webb=3|RBT=4|Marzano=4|
             * We get to parse out the different rigors and then use the numeric code of 
             * each and fetch from the database the actual text or description for the code.
             * We expect each rigor to be divided by vertical bar '|', and each rigor to be 
             * be of a format: {rigor name}={numeric code} (e.g. RBT=2).
             * If displaying a test question, then we will only display the single rigor de-
             * fined at the district.
             * *****************************************************************************/

            var rgxRigorFormat = new Regex(@"[a-zA-Z]+=\d+"); //this regex pattern should match above format for rigor.

            /*list of rigors and codes to pass to the database in order to look up code's text*/
            dtGeneric_String_Int dtListOfRigors = new dtGeneric_String_Int();

            if (_questionType.Name == "BankQuestion")
                /*array of strings from full string rigor, each holding a rigor=value pattern, we hope.*/
                string[] aRigors = _oQuestionBase.Rigor.FullRigorString.Split('|');

                /*loop through array of strings and collect a set of legit rigor/code values in dtListOfRigors*/
                foreach (var sRigor in aRigors)
                    if (rgxRigorFormat.IsMatch(sRigor))
                        dtListOfRigors.Add(sRigor.Substring(0, sRigor.IndexOf('=')), DataIntegrity.ConvertToInt(sRigor.Substring(sRigor.IndexOf('=') + 1)));

                /*Pass dtListOfRigors via SP to database in order to look up each rigor's code's text value.*/
                var dt = ThinkgateDataAccess.FetchDataTable("E3_RIGOR_GetDescriptionsFromListOfCodes", new object[] { dtListOfRigors.ToSql() });

                /* Loop through our result set and build into our tableItemAdvanced html table for displaying */
                DataRow drRigor;
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    drRigor = dt.Rows[i];
                    oRow = new HtmlTableRow();

                    oCell = new HtmlTableCell();
                    oCell.Attributes.Add("class", "fieldLabel");
                    oCell.Attributes.Add("style", "width:130px");
                    oCell.InnerText = drRigor["Field"].ToString() + ":";

                    oCell = new HtmlTableCell();
                    oCell.InnerText = drRigor["Text"].ToString();

                    tblItemAdvanced.Rows.Insert(i, oRow);
                var distParms = DistrictParms.LoadDistrictParms();
                oRow = new HtmlTableRow();

                oCell = new HtmlTableCell();
                oCell.Attributes.Add("class", "fieldLabel");
                oCell.Attributes.Add("style", "width:130px");
                oCell.InnerText = distParms.DOK; 

                oCell = new HtmlTableCell();
                oCell.InnerText = _oQuestionBase.Rigor.ToString();

                tblItemAdvanced.Rows.Insert(0, oRow);

            lblItemDifficulty.Text = string.Format("{0:#.00##}", _oQuestionBase.ItemDifficulty);
            lblDifficultyIndex.Text = _oQuestionBase.DifficultyIndex.ToString();

             * The number of Distractor Rationale values vary, so 
             * we need to build the HTML to represent these.
             * ***************************************************/
            foreach (var sDistractorRationale in _oQuestionBase.DistractorRationale)
                oDiv = new HtmlGenericControl();
                oDiv.InnerHtml = sDistractorRationale;

                oCell = new HtmlTableCell();
                oCell.ColSpan = 2;
                oRow = new HtmlTableRow();

        private void LoadData()
            if (Tile.TileParms.GetParm("item") == null) return;

            _questionType = Tile.TileParms.GetParm("item").GetType();
            if (_questionType.Name == "BankQuestion")
                _oBankQuestion = (BankQuestion)Tile.TileParms.GetParm("item");
                _oQuestionBase = (QuestionBase)_oBankQuestion;
                _oTestQuestion = (TestQuestion)Tile.TileParms.GetParm("item");
                _oQuestionBase = (QuestionBase)_oTestQuestion;

            var dparms = DistrictParms.LoadDistrictParms();
            ItemContentTile_lbl_OTCUrl.Value = AppSettings.OTCUrl + dparms.ClientID;
            ItemContentTile_itemID.Value = _oQuestionBase.ID.ToString();
            ItemContentTile_itemType.Value = _questionType.Name.ToString();

            /* set up our image element to point
             * to the item's thumbnail image */
            var imgFilePath = AppSettings.ItemThumbnailWebPath_Content + _oQuestionBase.ThumbnailName;
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(imgFilePath))) imgFilePath = "~/Images/thumb_none.png";

            ItemContentTile_imgThumbnail.Src = imgFilePath;

            /* determine size of image.  If it is smaller 
             * than the space we allow, then increase its 
             * height or width.  If it is larger than the 
             * space we allow, then use max-width and max 
             * height to shrink it. */
            System.Drawing.Image imgThumbNail = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath(imgFilePath));
            var fImgHeight = imgThumbNail.PhysicalDimension.Height;
            var fImgWidth = imgThumbNail.PhysicalDimension.Width;
            var lImgTagMaxHeight = DataIntegrity.ConvertToNullableFloat(ItemContentTile_imgThumbnail.Style["max-height"].ToString().Replace("px","").Replace("%",""));
            var lImgTagMaxWidth = DataIntegrity.ConvertToNullableFloat(ItemContentTile_imgThumbnail.Style["max-width"].ToString().Replace("px", "").Replace("%", ""));

            if (fImgHeight < lImgTagMaxHeight && fImgWidth < lImgTagMaxWidth)
                if (fImgHeight > fImgWidth)
                    ItemContentTile_imgThumbnail.Height = DataIntegrity.ConvertToInt(lImgTagMaxHeight);
                    ItemContentTile_imgThumbnail.Width = DataIntegrity.ConvertToInt(lImgTagMaxWidth);

            /* Set up our online preview link's onClick
             * event with the item's ID. */
            ItemContentTile_hdnThumbnailURL.Value = @"display.asp?formatoption=search results&key=9120&retrievemode=searchpage&ahaveSkipped=normal&??Question=" + _oQuestionBase.ID.ToString() + @"&??TestID=0&qreview=y";
            imgPreviewIcon.Src = ResolveUrl("../../Images/preview_small.png");
            /* Set up our Print Preview hidden text box
             * to hold the encrypted ID of the item */
            ItemContentTile_hdnPrintPreviewInfo.Value = ResolveUrl("../../Record/RenderItemAsPDF.aspx?xID=") + 
                                                        Encryption.EncryptString(_oQuestionBase.ID.ToString()) + 
                                                        "&TestQuestion=" + Encryption.EncryptString((_questionType.Name=="BankQuestion") ? "false" : "true");
            imgPrintPreviewIcon.Src = ResolveUrl("../../Images/mag_glass.png");

            /* See if the item has an addendum. If so then
             * set up and display link to pop up Addendum.
             * Otherwise make sure it doesn't display.*/
            if (_oQuestionBase.AddendumID == 0)
                divDisplayAddendum.Style["visibility"] = "hidden"; 
                if (_questionType.Name == "BankQuestion") _oBankQuestion.LoadAddendum();
                hlLaunchAddendumPage.InnerText = _oQuestionBase.Addendum.Addendum_Name;
                hlLaunchAddendumPage.Attributes["onClick"] = "window.open('" + ResolveUrl("../../Record/AddendumPage.aspx?xID=") + Encryption.EncryptString(_oQuestionBase.AddendumID.ToString()) + "'); return false;";

                divAddendumContent.InnerHtml = _oQuestionBase.Addendum.Addendum_Text;

                hlDisplayAddendum.Attributes["onClick"] = "displayAddendumClick();";

                HtmlImage imgAddendumIcon = new HtmlImage();
                imgAddendumIcon.ID = "imgAddendumIcon";
                imgAddendumIcon.Src = ResolveUrl("../../Images/Addendum_small.png");
                imgAddendumIcon.Height = 20;

                Label lblAddendum_Name = new Label();
                lblAddendum_Name.Text = _oQuestionBase.Addendum.Addendum_Name;
                //hlDisplayAddendum.InnerText = oItem.Addendum.Addendum_Name;
                divDisplayAddendum.Style["visibility"] = "visible";

        private void LoadItem()
            _sItemID = "" + Request.QueryString["xID"];
            _sQuestionType = "" + Request.QueryString["qType"];
            _iItemID = Cryptography.GetDecryptedID(SessionObject.LoggedInUser.CipherKey);
            _iAssessmentID = Cryptography.GetDecryptedID(SessionObject.LoggedInUser.CipherKey, "AssessmentID");
            lbl_TestCategory.Value = Request.QueryString["TestCategory"];

            if (_sItemID == null)
                SessionObject.RedirectMessage = "No entity ID provided in URL.";
                Response.Redirect("~/PortalSelection.aspx", true);
                if (_sQuestionType.Equals("TestQuestion"))
                    // Remove the copy item button if we are coming from the item editor.
                    if (_iItemID == 0 && _iAssessmentID > 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_sItemID))
                        _itemTestQuestion = TestQuestion.GetTestQuestionByID(DataIntegrity.ConvertToInt(_sItemID), false);
                        _iItemID = _itemTestQuestion.ID;
                        if (_itemTestQuestion.TestID != _iAssessmentID)
                            SessionObject.RedirectMessage = "Invalid entity ID provided in URL.";
                            Response.Redirect("~/PortalSelection.aspx", true);
                        _itemTestQuestion = TestQuestion.GetTestQuestionByID(_iItemID, false);
                    useTestQuestion = true;
                    _itemBankQUestion = BankQuestion.GetQuestionByID(_iItemID);
                    useTestQuestion = false;



        private void SetQuestion(object item)
            Debug.Assert(item != null);
            Debug.Assert(_questionType != null);

            if (_questionType.Name == BankQuestionTypeName)
                _oBankQuestion = item as BankQuestion;
                _oTestQuestion = null;
                Debug.Assert(_oBankQuestion != null);
                _oTestQuestion = item as TestQuestion;
                _oBankQuestion = null;
                Debug.Assert(_oTestQuestion != null);
        private void LoadItem()
            if (IsQueryStringMissingParameter(X_ID))
                ItemId = GetDecryptedEntityId(X_ID);
                ItemIdEncrypted = EntityIdEncrypted;

                if (!RecordExistsInCache(Key))
                    SelectedItem = BankQuestion.GetQuestionByID(ItemId);
                    if (SelectedItem != null)
                        Base.Classes.Cache.Insert(Key, SelectedItem);
                        SessionObject.RedirectMessage = "Could not find the item.";
                        Response.Redirect("~/PortalSelection.aspx", true);
                else SelectedItem = (BankQuestion)Cache[Key];

                // Set the page title text.
                if (SelectedItem != null) _itemTitle = ("Item ID: " + SelectedItem.ID);
        private void LoadData()
            if (Tile.TileParms.GetParm("item") == null) return;

            _questionType = Tile.TileParms.GetParm("item").GetType();
            if (_questionType.Name == "BankQuestion")
                _oBankQuestion = (BankQuestion) Tile.TileParms.GetParm("item");
                _oQuestionBase = (QuestionBase) _oBankQuestion;
                _oTestQuestion = (TestQuestion) Tile.TileParms.GetParm("item");
                _oQuestionBase = (QuestionBase) _oTestQuestion;

            lblGrade.Text = _oQuestionBase.Grade;
            lblSubject.Text = _oQuestionBase.Subject;
            lblItemBanks.Text = ItemBankMasterList.Filtered_ItemBank_Labels(_oQuestionBase.ItemBankList, SessionObject.LoggedInUser);
            lblStatus.Text = _oQuestionBase.Status;
            lblReservation.Text = _oQuestionBase.Reservation;
            lblAnchorItem.Text = _oQuestionBase.IsAnchorItem ? "Yes" : "No";
            switch (_oQuestionBase.QuestionType)
                case QuestionTypes.E:
                    lblType.Text = "Essay";
                case QuestionTypes.MC3:
                    lblType.Text = "Multiple Choice (3 Distractors)";
                case QuestionTypes.MC4:
                    lblType.Text = "Multiple Choice (4 Distractors)";
                case QuestionTypes.MC5:
                    lblType.Text = "Multiple Choice (5 Distractors)";
                case QuestionTypes.S:
                    lblType.Text = "Short Answer";
                case QuestionTypes.T:
                    lblType.Text = "True/False";
                    lblType.Text = "Unknown";

            lblScoreType.Text = _oQuestionBase.ScoreType;

            lblKeywords.Text = _oQuestionBase.Keywords;
            lblCopyright.Text = String.IsNullOrEmpty(_oQuestionBase.Copyright) ? "No" : _oQuestionBase.Copyright;
            lblCopyRightExpiryDate.Text = _oQuestionBase.CopyRightExpiryDate == null ? "Not defined" : _oQuestionBase.CopyRightExpiryDate.GetValueOrDefault().Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            lblSource.Text = _oQuestionBase.Source;
            lblCredit.Text = _oQuestionBase.Credit;

            /* Figure out contextually how to display rubric info.  If the question's scoretype is not rubric then there is no need to display the "rubric type", "Rubric Scoring" or Rubric Name.
            * If the question's scoretype is rubric, display rubric type, display rubric scoring, then consider whether it is a "Basic", "holistic", or "analytical" rubric:
            *      If "Basic", then
            *              Also make rubric scoring a hyperlink - when clicked provide pop-up window of rubric's criteria.
            *              don't display rubric name since it is basic (and there isn't any name).
            *      If "Holistic", then
            *              display rubric name.
            *              Also make rubric name a hyperlink - when clicked provide pop-up window of rubric's criteria.
            *              in popup, provide a link to take user to rubric object page.
            *      If "Analytical", then
            *              Make rubric scoring a hyperlink - when clicked provide pop-up window of rubric's criteria.
            *              In popup, provide a link to take user to the rubric object page.
            *              Don't display rubric name since it is Analytical.

            if (_oQuestionBase.ScoreType == "Rubric")
                lblRubricType.Text = _oQuestionBase.Rubric.TypeDesc;
                rowRubricType.Style["display"] = "block";

                lblRubricScoring.Text = _oQuestionBase.Rubric.Scoring;
                rowRubricScoring.Style["display"] = "block";

                ItemIDTile_hdnRubricName.Value = _oQuestionBase.Rubric.Name;
                ItemIDTile_hdnRubricContent.Value = _oQuestionBase.Rubric.Content;

                switch (_oQuestionBase.Rubric.TypeDesc)
                    case "Basic":
                        hlRubricScoring.Attributes.Add("onClick", "displayRubricCriteria();");
                        rowRubricName.Style["display"] = "none";
                    case "Analytical":
                        ItemIDTile_hdnRubricPageUrl.Value = "../../Record/RubricPage.aspx?xID=" + _oQuestionBase.Rubric.ID_Encrypted;
                        hlRubricScoring.Attributes.Add("onClick", "displayRubricCriteria();");
                        rowRubricName.Style["display"] = "none";
                    case "Holistic":
                        lblRubricName.Text = _oQuestionBase.Rubric.Name;
                        ItemIDTile_hdnRubricPageUrl.Value = "../../Record/RubricPage.aspx?xID=" + _oQuestionBase.Rubric.ID_Encrypted;
                        hlRubricName.Attributes.Add("onClick", "displayRubricCriteria();");
                        hlRubricScoring.HRef = "";
                        rowRubricName.Style["display"] = "block";