         * check whether the issuer public key is correct
         * @return true iff valid
        public bool Check()
            // check formalities of IdemixIssuerPublicKey
            if (AttributeNames == null || Hsk == null || HRand == null || HAttrs == null || BarG1 == null || BarG1.IsInfinity() || BarG2 == null || HAttrs.Length < AttributeNames.Length)

            for (int i = 0; i < AttributeNames.Length; i++)
                if (HAttrs[i] == null)

            // check proofs
            ECP2 t1 = IdemixUtils.GenG2.Mul(ProofS);
            ECP  t2 = BarG1.Mul(ProofS);

            t1.Add(W.Mul(BIG.ModNeg(ProofC, IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER)));
            t2.Add(BarG2.Mul(BIG.ModNeg(ProofC, IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER)));

            // Generating proofData that will contain 3 elements in G1 (of size 2*FIELD_BYTES+1)and 3 elements in G2 (of size 4 * FIELD_BYTES)
            byte[] proofData = new byte[0];
            proofData = proofData.Append(t1.ToBytes());
            proofData = proofData.Append(t2.ToBytes());
            proofData = proofData.Append(IdemixUtils.GenG2.ToBytes());
            proofData = proofData.Append(BarG1.ToBytes());
            proofData = proofData.Append(W.ToBytes());
            proofData = proofData.Append(BarG2.ToBytes());

            // Hash proofData to hproofdata and compare with proofC
            return(Enumerable.SequenceEqual(proofData.HashModOrder().ToBytes(), ProofC.ToBytes()));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /* Multiply P by e in group G2 */
        public static ECP2 G2Mul(ECP2 P, BIG e)
            ECP2 R;

            if (USE_GS_G2)
                ECP2[] Q = new ECP2[4];
                FP2    f = new FP2(new BIG(ROM.Fra), new BIG(ROM.Frb));

                if (ECP.SEXTIC_TWIST == ECP.M_TYPE)

                BIG   q = new BIG(ROM.CURVE_Order);
                BIG[] u = GS(e);

                BIG t = new BIG(0);
                int i, np, nn;

                Q[0] = new ECP2();
                for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                    Q[i] = new ECP2();
                    Q[i].Copy(Q[i - 1]);

                for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    np = u[i].NBits();
                    t.Copy(BIG.ModNeg(u[i], q));
                    nn = t.NBits();
                    if (nn < np)


                R = ECP2.Mul4(Q, u);
                R = P.Mul(e);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /* Galbraith & Scott Method */
        public static BIG[] GS(BIG e)
            BIG[] u = new BIG[4];
            if (ECP.CURVE_PAIRING_TYPE == ECP.BN)
                int   i, j;
                BIG   t = new BIG(0);
                BIG   q = new BIG(ROM.CURVE_Order);
                BIG[] v = new BIG[4];
                for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    t.Copy(new BIG(ROM.CURVE_WB[i]));
                    DBIG d = BIG.Mul(t, e);
                    v[i] = new BIG(d.Div(q));
                    u[i] = new BIG(0);

                for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                        t.Copy(new BIG(ROM.CURVE_BB[j][i]));
                        t.Copy(BIG.ModMul(v[j], t, q));
                BIG q = new BIG(ROM.CURVE_Order);
                BIG x = new BIG(ROM.CURVE_Bnx);
                BIG w = new BIG(e);
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    u[i] = new BIG(w);

                u[3] = new BIG(w);
                if (ECP.SIGN_OF_X == ECP.NEGATIVEX)
                    u[1].Copy(BIG.ModNeg(u[1], q));
                    u[3].Copy(BIG.ModNeg(u[3], q));

Exemplo n.º 4
        /* Multiply P by e in group G1 */
        public static ECP G1Mul(ECP P, BIG e)
            ECP R;

            if (USE_GLV)
                R = new ECP();
                int np, nn;
                ECP Q = new ECP();
                BIG   q   = new BIG(ROM.CURVE_Order);
                FP    cru = new FP(new BIG(ROM.CURVE_Cru));
                BIG   t   = new BIG(0);
                BIG[] u   = Glv(e);

                np = u[0].NBits();
                t.Copy(BIG.ModNeg(u[0], q));
                nn = t.NBits();
                if (nn < np)

                np = u[1].NBits();
                t.Copy(BIG.ModNeg(u[1], q));
                nn = t.NBits();
                if (nn < np)

                R = R.Mul2(u[0], Q, u[1]);
                R = P.Mul(e);

Exemplo n.º 5
        /* f=f^e */
        /* Note that this method requires a lot of RAM! Better to use compressed XTR method, see FP4.java */
        public static FP12 GTPow(FP12 d, BIG e)
            FP12 r;

            if (USE_GS_GT)
                FP12[] g = new FP12[4];
                FP2    f = new FP2(new BIG(ROM.Fra), new BIG(ROM.Frb));
                BIG    q = new BIG(ROM.CURVE_Order);
                BIG    t = new BIG(0);
                int    i, np, nn;
                BIG[]  u = GS(e);

                g[0] = new FP12(d);
                for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                    g[i] = new FP12(0);
                    g[i].Copy(g[i - 1]);

                for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    np = u[i].NBits();
                    t.Copy(BIG.ModNeg(u[i], q));
                    nn = t.NBits();
                    if (nn < np)


                r = FP12.Pow4(g, u);
                r = d.Pow(e);

Exemplo n.º 6
         * Create a new IdemixSignature by proving knowledge of a credential
         * @param c          the credential used to create an idemix signature
         * @param sk         the signer's secret key
         * @param pseudonym  a pseudonym of the signer
         * @param ipk        the issuer public key
         * @param disclosure a bool-array that steers the disclosure of attributes
         * @param msg        the message to be signed
         * @param rhIndex    the index of the attribute that represents the revocation handle
         * @param cri        the credential revocation information that allows the signer to prove non-revocation
        public IdemixSignature(IdemixCredential c, BIG sk, IdemixPseudonym pseudonym, IdemixIssuerPublicKey ipk, bool[] disclosure, byte[] msg, int rhIndex, CredentialRevocationInformation cri)
            if (c == null || sk == null || pseudonym == null || pseudonym.Nym == null || pseudonym.RandNym == null || ipk == null || disclosure == null || msg == null || cri == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot construct idemix signature from null input");

            if (disclosure.Length != c.Attrs.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("Disclosure length must be the same as the number of attributes");

            if (cri.RevocationAlg >= Enum.GetValues(typeof(RevocationAlgorithm)).Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("CRI specifies unknown revocation algorithm");

            if (cri.RevocationAlg != (int)RevocationAlgorithm.ALG_NO_REVOCATION && disclosure[rhIndex])
                throw new ArgumentException("Attribute " + rhIndex + " is disclosed but also used a revocation handle attribute, which should remain hidden");

            RevocationAlgorithm revocationAlgorithm = (RevocationAlgorithm)cri.RevocationAlg;

            int[] hiddenIndices = HiddenIndices(disclosure);
            RAND  rng           = IdemixUtils.GetRand();
            // Start signature
            BIG r1 = rng.RandModOrder();
            BIG r2 = rng.RandModOrder();
            BIG r3 = new BIG(r1);


            nonce = rng.RandModOrder();

            aPrime = PAIR.G1Mul(c.A, r1);
            aBar   = PAIR.G1Mul(c.B, r1);
            aBar.Sub(PAIR.G1Mul(aPrime, c.E));

            bPrime = PAIR.G1Mul(c.B, r1);
            bPrime.Sub(PAIR.G1Mul(ipk.HRand, r2));
            BIG sPrime = new BIG(c.S);

            sPrime.Add(BIG.ModNeg(BIG.ModMul(r2, r3, IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER), IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER));

            //Construct Zero Knowledge Proof
            BIG rsk     = rng.RandModOrder();
            BIG re      = rng.RandModOrder();
            BIG rR2     = rng.RandModOrder();
            BIG rR3     = rng.RandModOrder();
            BIG rSPrime = rng.RandModOrder();
            BIG rRNym   = rng.RandModOrder();

            BIG[] rAttrs = new BIG[hiddenIndices.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < hiddenIndices.Length; i++)
                rAttrs[i] = rng.RandModOrder();

            // Compute non-revoked proof
            INonRevocationProver prover = NonRevocationProver.GetNonRevocationProver(revocationAlgorithm);
            int hiddenRHIndex           = Array.IndexOf(hiddenIndices, rhIndex);

            if (hiddenRHIndex < 0)
                // rhIndex is not present, set to last index position
                hiddenRHIndex = hiddenIndices.Length;

            byte[] nonRevokedProofHashData = prover.GetFSContribution(BIG.FromBytes(c.Attrs[rhIndex]), rAttrs[hiddenRHIndex], cri);
            if (nonRevokedProofHashData == null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to compute non-revoked proof");

            ECP t1 = aPrime.Mul2(re, ipk.HRand, rR2);
            ECP t2 = PAIR.G1Mul(ipk.HRand, rSPrime);

            t2.Add(bPrime.Mul2(rR3, ipk.Hsk, rsk));

            for (int i = 0; i < hiddenIndices.Length / 2; i++)
                t2.Add(ipk.HAttrs[hiddenIndices[2 * i]].Mul2(rAttrs[2 * i], ipk.HAttrs[hiddenIndices[2 * i + 1]], rAttrs[2 * i + 1]));

            if (hiddenIndices.Length % 2 != 0)
                t2.Add(PAIR.G1Mul(ipk.HAttrs[hiddenIndices[hiddenIndices.Length - 1]], rAttrs[hiddenIndices.Length - 1]));

            ECP t3 = ipk.Hsk.Mul2(rsk, ipk.HRand, rRNym);

            // create proofData such that it can contain the sign label, 7 elements in G1 (each of size 2*FIELD_BYTES+1),
            // the ipk hash, the disclosure array, and the message
            byte[] proofData = new byte[0];
            proofData = proofData.Append(SIGN_LABEL.ToBytes());
            proofData = proofData.Append(t1.ToBytes());
            proofData = proofData.Append(t2.ToBytes());
            proofData = proofData.Append(t3.ToBytes());
            proofData = proofData.Append(aPrime.ToBytes());
            proofData = proofData.Append(aBar.ToBytes());
            proofData = proofData.Append(bPrime.ToBytes());
            proofData = proofData.Append(pseudonym.Nym.ToBytes());
            proofData = proofData.Append(ipk.Hash);
            proofData = proofData.Append(disclosure);
            proofData = proofData.Append(msg);

            BIG cvalue = proofData.HashModOrder();

            byte[] finalProofData = new byte[0];
            finalProofData = finalProofData.Append(cvalue.ToBytes());
            finalProofData = finalProofData.Append(nonce.ToBytes());

            proofC = finalProofData.HashModOrder();

            proofSSk     = rsk.ModAdd(BIG.ModMul(proofC, sk, IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER), IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER);
            proofSE      = re.ModSub(BIG.ModMul(proofC, c.E, IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER), IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER);
            proofSR2     = rR2.ModAdd(BIG.ModMul(proofC, r2, IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER), IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER);
            proofSR3     = rR3.ModSub(BIG.ModMul(proofC, r3, IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER), IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER);
            proofSSPrime = rSPrime.ModAdd(BIG.ModMul(proofC, sPrime, IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER), IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER);
            proofSRNym   = rRNym.ModAdd(BIG.ModMul(proofC, pseudonym.RandNym, IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER), IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER);

            nym = new ECP();

            proofSAttrs = new BIG[hiddenIndices.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < hiddenIndices.Length; i++)
                proofSAttrs[i] = new BIG(rAttrs[i]);
                proofSAttrs[i].Add(BIG.ModMul(proofC, BIG.FromBytes(c.Attrs[hiddenIndices[i]]), IdemixUtils.GROUP_ORDER));

            // include non-revocation proof in signature
            revocationPk       = cri.EpochPk;
            revocationPKSig    = cri.EpochPkSig.ToByteArray();
            epoch              = cri.Epoch;
            nonRevocationProof = prover.GetNonRevocationProof(proofC);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Modsub takes input BIGs a, b, m and returns a-b modulo m
  * @param a the minuend of the modular subtraction
  * @param b the subtrahend of the modular subtraction
  * @param m the modulus
  * @return returns a-b (mod m)
 public static BIG ModSub(this BIG a, BIG b, BIG m)
     return(a.ModAdd(BIG.ModNeg(b, m), m));