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Platforms .NET ASP.NET License

oAuth2 Data-Management OSS Model-Derivative


This basic C# WebAPI back-end sample implements a basic list of Buckets and Objects with an Autodesk Forge 2 Legged OAuth. The front-end was desiged with pure HTML + JavaScript (jQuery, Bootstrap), no ASPx features. It should look like:

The Visual Studio solution includes 3 projects:

1. ASPNET.Webapi: WebAPI backend that expose specific endpoints to the fron-end (pude HTML + JavaScript) via Controllers.

2. Autodesk.Forge: Class Library (.DLL) that wraps some of OAuth, OSS and Model Derivative endpoints in a meanifull way.

3. Autodesk.Forge.Test: Some testing methods.

Live demo

Try it live at (hosted by AppHarbor). Important: this sample is public, therefore any file uploaded will be visible to others.


For using this sample, you need an Autodesk developer credentials. Visit the Forge Developer Portal, sign up for an account, then create an app that uses Data Management and Model Derivative APIs. For this new app, use http://localhost:3000/api/forge/callback/oauth as Callback URL, although is not used on 2-legged flow. Finally take note of the Client ID and Client Secret.

Run Locally

Open the web.config file and adjust the Forge Client ID & Secret.

  <add key="FORGE_CLIENT_ID" value="" />
  <add key="FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET" value="" />

Compile the solution, Visual Studio should download the NUGET packages (RestSharp and Newtonsoft.Json)

Start the ASPNET.webapi project, the index.html is marked as start page. At the webpage, the New Bucket blue button allow create new buckets (as of now, minimum input validation is implemented). For any bucket, right-click to upload a file (objects). For demonstration, objects are not automatically translated, but right-click on a object and select Translate.

Run Test

Open the ForgeApp.runsettings file and adjust the Forge client ID and secret.

    <Parameter name="FORGE_CLIENT_ID" value="" />
    <Parameter name="FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET" value="" />

The BucketWorkflow test will create a bucket (named "test[timestamp]"), upload the testing file (/TestFile/Analyze.dwf) and post a translation job.

Library usage

This solution includes a Autodesk.Forge class library that maps endpoints related to app buckets.

// authenticate
OAuth.OAuth oauth = await OAuth2LeggedToken.AuthenticateAsync("Your client ID", "Your client secret",
new Scope[] { Scope.BucketRead, Scope.BucketCreate, Scope.DataRead, Scope.DataCreate, Scope.DataWrite });

// create bucket and get list of buckets in different conditions
AppBuckets app = new AppBuckets(oauth);
IEnumerable<Bucket> buckets = await buckets.GetBucketsAsync(10);

// create a random bucket
string bucketKey = string.Format("test{0}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"));
Bucket bucket = await app.CreateBucketAsync(bucketKey, PolicyKey.Transient);

// upload new object
OSS.Object newObject = await bucket.UploadObjectAsync(testFile);
// this URN can be used on the viewer
// but need to translate first...
string newObjectURN = newObject.ObjectId.Base64Encode();

// the list after should have 1 object...
IEnumerable<OSS.Object> objectsAfter = await bucket.GetObjectsAsync(int.MaxValue);
foreach (OSS.Object obj in objectsAfter)
    string urn = obj.ObjectId;

// translate
HttpStatusCode res = await newObject.Translate(new SVFOutput[] { SVFOutput.Views3d, SVFOutput.Views2d });
// now this newObject is ready for Viewer

Know issues

The ASPNET.webapi project is adding reference to Newtonsoft.Json library due a dependency from another library (jsTree), but this is not required and cause a conflict of versions. If it happens, you can safely remove this reference (from ASPNET.webapi project).


This sample is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.

Written by

Augusto Goncalves (Forge Partner Development)