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Reading log4j and log4net logs. Should be obsolete due to different logging solutions available nowadays.

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Log4net-logviewer Build status

nuget package

Gui alternatives:

Note that you could use LogTail.exe to reformat an xml and then use LogParser on it.

I've spent a lot of time refactoring this project. Mostly the changes are to embrace the xaml way of life. I would guess that for most parts you would want to use Log2Console (a lot of positive comments on codeplex) or Chainsaw (I've used it for a while). The reason for using this project would mostly be for the command line tool.

Where does this come from?

Refactored version of logviewer.

CLI usage

I've also made a small console application LogTail.exe. Usage:

-f|file={a filename}

The file to watch, monitor or

-l|lines={tail x lines}	

Display the last x lines. Defaults to 10 lines.

-y|layout={pattern layout syntax as defined in log4net.Layout.PatternLayout}

For example: LogTail.exe logfile.xml -y="%date [%thread] %-5level %logger - %message%newline"


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Reading log4j and log4net logs. Should be obsolete due to different logging solutions available nowadays.




