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Working Title: Blaze (Mobile Android)

**This is a project which started during the internship period of working as a programmer at Spacepup Entertainment.

**All the assets and materials are reserved rights by Spacepup Entertainment.

Backstory Danny, who had just been an ordinary introverted teenager from a moderate populated town near the city central. Unfortunately, Danny at his age of 15, he has to suffer the pain of parents being divorced. With mental pressure coming from his divorced parents who still lived under the same hood, because his parents would constantly seek for his support to stand on their side since he is the only son. One day her mom finally decided to move out and stay far away from his dad as this would make his life quieter for a fleeting moment because there will be no loud noisy quarrel. Then, they are lucky enough to find a cheap apartment to rent as a temporary shelter while her mom was trying her best to find a job after all these years of being a full-time housewife. The compensation money from divorce will soon later be depleted, Danny realized the issue and decided to work for part time job after finishing school, so that he can alleviate the burden on his mom. After few weeks of his mom attending several job interviews, she finally found a logistics company to settle down as a receptionist while Danny worked as a barista at a café near his school.

After that, he had to bear the pressure of juggling both his study and part time job. Thus, he picked up the habit of smoking from adult colleague at work since it could help him relieve the stressful life he had. Soon later he was addicted to it. He would smoke secretly anywhere he find it convenient to hide from his mother. One day, he was smoking at the alley near his apartment, he suddenly overheard there are someone talking right around the corner he is standing. He stayed silent and eavesdropped their conversation, “Daddy, am I good girl? Will daddy buy me toys if I am a good girl? Will mommy think I am a good girl? Mommy scolds and beats daddy. Mommy don’t like daddy. Mommy maybe hates me.” voice of a primary school little girl is talking. Then, a voice of deep voice full-grown man replies her, ”It is okay, don’t worry baby. Daddy will protect you no matter what happens. Mommy is just angry and sad. Mommy don’t hate baby. Mommy wants the best of us.” At this moment, Danny tried his best to peek around the corner carefully and found out that the people talking turns out to be his neighbor who are a middle-aged father and his 8 years old daughter. He was very shocked to witness that the father was molesting his child. He panicked of what he has discovered and accidentally tripped over a bicycle parked at the wall. The father heard a noise around the corner and quickly dashed around it. Danny couldn’t react quickly enough and was caught standing still at the front of the father with a buff tough body. He was genuinely nervous of what he is going to face while a big man standing in front of him with a fierce gaze. Finally, out of all silence, the father spoke, “Whatever you see here, you better keep your mouth shut. You little brat!” The father reached out his hand and put it on top of Danny’s head. Danny was sweating soaking wet that he could feel an enormous of stress exerting towards him. The father continues while Danny was still in shock, “ If you dare to say a single word, you and your pity whore mother going to be vanished from this world. No one will care a damn about you two.” Danny slowly nodded his head and turned around to walk away from the father and daughter as quickly as possible. After reaching his home, he could still feel a cold breeze chilling down his spine of what he had encounter. Few days later, he was smoking while walking at the corridor back to his apartment in late night after finishing his weekend overtime shift. Corridor is in a dead silence when everyone is in their sleep. Suddenly, he stopped at the front door of the father and daughter’s house, reminding him the incident happened few days ago at the alley near his apartment. He was infuriated by how the father treated him and take a deep sip of the cigarette, then threw into the pile of cardboards that placed in front of the door. He didn’t notice the cigarette was still lit while he threw away the butt as he was very angry at the moment. Then, he carelessly continued walking back home shower and sleep to call it a day. Little did he know this was the beginning of a nightmare?

A few hours have passed, someone was knocking hard on his door. After he woke up from his sleep to answer the door and realized a firefighter standing in front of him who asked him to quickly take his important belongings and evacuate to the safe spot guided by the police. He panicked and mindlessly woke his mother up and took their wallets. They followed the emergency staircase and safely arrived at the safe spot. He can see that the little girl’s house was on fire. A few minutes later, the house was finally saved from burning. Then, a firefighter was carrying the crying little girl in his arm but without her parents being seen. Soon later, the police told all the residents can safely return to their own home. The very next day, an article with huge font writing “2 Death 1 Live after a Fire breakout”, he then continued to read the whole article to only find out that the little girl’s parents had unfortunately burned to death in that fire. Apparently, she is the sole survivor in this deadly tragedy. Firefighter and police authority stated that they will continue investigate this matter, so far they could only say it might just be an accident.

Few days has passed, police authority showed up in front of Danny’s doorstep. He was confused and nervous as the police officers asked him to follow them back to the station for investigation purpose. The inspectors accused him of causing the fire breakout that happened few days ago as they have the CCTV footage to serve as an evidence. They also stated that the origin of the fire breakout is from the pile of cardboards and he is the only one who had known to have stopped by that location for certain number of durations. He refused to commit and surrender himself while requesting for his lawyer to come. Which then, the police had no choice but to bring up the case to the court. With weeks of trial, jury finally came up with a conclusion which is “Danny is not guilty in the fire breakout as he wasn’t aware when the accident happened which he also didn’t cause the fire. Present at the scene of accident doesn’t solely hold the responsibility towards the cause of the accident. More so, flammable objects aren’t allowed to place in remote public area. To conclude, Danny is sentenced to 3,000 dollars fine and 3 years of community service for his illegal underage smoking.
But not the fire breakout happened at the scene.” This conclusion caused a furious debate in the online community which some stands up for Danny while most strongly believe the sentence didn’t serve any justice for the victim who is the little girl. This just made the neighborhood hate and boycott Danny even more. Deep down in his heart, Danny clearly knew he caused the fire. In the end, out of choices, his mother had to move out to other places so he wouldn’t get harassed by random people or journalists. 10 years have passed, he started to getting better and finally got ready to have a better life.

Soon later, Danny received an opportunity to work in a well-known software development corporation. He took that offer and successfully got hired as a Junior Programmer and started to plan out his future so that he can move on with his terrible horrible past. With few years of hardworking, Danny successfully expanded his career into leading a development team in his company as a senior programmer. At the same time, there is a rookie programmer whose name is Fiona, is then assigned by Danny’s boss to join under his team for training purpose. She graduated from a famous oversea university with first-class honor degree and is lucky enough to get recommendation from her university professor to join this corporation and this team. Danny welcomes her on board and give her some prep talk before the real deal begins. She adapts to the job pretty quickly and eventually receives the best rookie award in company annual dinner. Sometime later, due to the increment of workload, the pressure that Danny needs to bear is getting immensely higher. Danny smokes even more than usual. With all the pressure accumulated together, Danny sometimes would strangely feel an enormous sad feeling out from nowhere.

One night, Danny can’t withstand it anymore and begins to cry in his office. When he realizes that he is not alone, Fiona is standing right at the desk corner. She looks at Danny crying in tears with her confused and pity eyes. Then, she put down a cup of water on his desk and ask Danny, “What happened? You are so loud that I can even hear it from the pantry.” Danny looks up to Fiona and keep silence. Fiona continues, “It would be great if you tell me, as a friend, not as a colleague or boss.” Danny still remains silence. Fiona finds it a bit awkward for a moment and says, “Well, life is hard, but it would be much better if someone could share the pressure with you.” After few seconds of silence, by the time Fiona plans to leave, Danny speaks out to her, “Life isn’t easy for me recently. I wish someone knows I am actually not feeling well inside.” He explains all the pressure from his work and the depression that hunts him for quite some time.

From time to time, as they will often share their inner thoughts with each other. Months have passed, Danny develops feelings with Fiona and they eventually fall in love with each other. Fiona continues to pamper and motivate him that he shouldn’t give up on life as there is still so much things to experience. Few years later, they got married and have their first daughter who they named her “Hestia” which follows after the Fire Goddess. Fiona is very unhappy with Danny’s bad smoking habit. She wished that he could quit it for their sake of the daughter’s health. But he wouldn’t listen but only choose to smoke out of her sight. Even though Fiona didn’t see him smoking, she could tell by identifying the smoke smell from his clothes. Recently, Danny is having a chance for promotion as he is leading a major company project. One day, due to unfinished workload on hand, he decides to stay overnight in office alone to complete his task. Awhile after, he begins to feel hungry but thanks to his wife who prepared some food for him, which he doesn’t need to starve. Danny felt loved and quickly finished all the food to get his hands back on work again, so that he could spend more time with his daughter and wife. Then, he felt a surge of dizziness as he tries to stand up for some walking after hours of sitting down on chair. He couldn’t get a balance while trying to get support from his chair. The chair slips away and makes him fall down while hitting the floor.

Present Day (Game Level) He is unconscious afterwards. Seems like few hours has passed, Danny finally woke up but not in his office. He is tied to a metal chair with both his arms and hands intact in a confined metal room. The walls’ distance is within an arm reach. There is a CCTV at the left top corner of the room and a TV on top of the metal elevator door in front of him. He doesn’t seem to be able to reach the door with his legs as when he tries to kick it. There are his IC, Wallet, a family photo and a pack of cigarettes places on a small table beside him. Suddenly, a voice is coming out from the speaker on the ceiling above his head as the person is trying to announce something, perhaps. Danny tries to focus on what the voice is trying to say while he is struggling to overcome his headache. A while later, he is finally able to take a grasp of the sentences. “Do you know why you are here?” Of course, without a doubt, Danny shouts out from his lung, “NO! Where am I? What is this?” The voice continues saying, “You really don't know, don’t you?” Just right at the moment when the sentence finish, Danny’s hands are released but the legs are still intact. The voice sounds abnormal, seems like someone wants to hide the identity and use a pitch changer. The voice speaks again, “If you want to know why you are here, take a good look around. You will find the answers.” Danny is still in shocked and confused of the situation. He has no choice but to look around. Few minutes has passed, he see there are pieces of old photo, pieces of newspaper, one wooden box, one metal safe with combination lock, one safe with colorful button pad and a PC with switched off monitor screen. Suddenly, the person speaks, “You still don’t have any clue? How about a test to make you recall your memories?” Right after the sentence is finished, Danny got more chills and realize he has to figure out who is behind all of this. He notices there pieces of newspaper, pieces of old family photo and a wooden box. Surprisingly, Danny successfully piece the shredded newspaper and old family photo. He finds that the family looks familiar to him and there are four colors of the letters “Love”. Then, he remembers that the article on the newspaper is the fire breakout case that he involves. Later, he picks up the wooden box with “The time you begin” carves on it with a six letters combination lock. He opens it by inputting his date of birth and he finds a cigar inside. He chooses not to light it up and put it aside and the person speaks, “You just got lucky there.” Danny turns over the wooden box and discovers two rows of alphabets and numbers. At first, Danny feels very confused about what is happening. Soon, Danny slowly starts to remember the fire breakout that he unintentionally caused. He starts to wonder if it is the little girl seeking for revenge. He questioned loudly, “Is it you that all along? Your parents died in that fire breakout.” The voice replies, “Oh well, looks who is back now. Isn’t it a destiny for both of us?” Danny felt unfair and shouted, “This is unfair! I have a family! I can’t die right now!” The voice speaks again, “Tell that to my parents if they are unfair to die. Be careful, if we confess our sins, he is still faithful and will forgive our sins and purify you from all unrighteousness.” Danny can’t really understand what the person is trying to say. Right after the sentence is finished, the monitor screen turns on but the PC is locked with a password and a sentence of hint, “The day where it crumbles”. The voice speaks, “Do you want to know who else joins the ride? Finish it or you will not know.” Danny is very confused with the person meant. He realizes the only way to exchange information is to complete the puzzles given by the person, which is the only choice. Danny follows the hint and input the date of when the accident happens into the PC. He finally logs into the PC and discover a CCTV live view footage of a room. Shockingly, Danny notices that his daughter is inside that room and realizes that her daughter is held hostage. He immediately gets angry and shouts, “Why my daughter?! Why?! What you are trying to do? When will you stop? It wasn’t my fault. It was an accident. Please don’t kill my daughter. Just please stop. Please. I beg you. What can I do for you? Just tell me, please!” Danny bursts out tears and struggles vigorously. The person finally speaks, “I just want to spice things up a little bit. Don’t worry, it all will end well soon.” Danny knows all he has to do now is follow order. Any mistake will cost both his and his daughter’s lives. Danny focus on two remaining puzzles which are the safes. Few minutes has passed, Danny finally figures out the password for the safe with colorful pad, which is the colorful letter “Love”. He opens the safe and finds out a black leather box in it and he quickly turns over and discovers there are also two rows of alphabets and numbers. Then, he opens the black box and finds out another cigar in it. Danny is not interested in the cigar. The voice speaks, “Maybe it is not as bad as what it seems.” Danny feels confused and continue solving the puzzle. Now all that left is the one last safe. Danny realize there is a note stick on it and written “The Day Begins to be Upside Down”. The safe is not with an ordinary combination lock but with alphabets from A to I. Soon, Danny realizes what the note really meant and swap the date of accident with alphabets from the clue below the wooden box. He unlocks it and discovers there are a voice recorder and a keycard. Danny has no idea what to do with the keycard yet and put it aside. Then, he plays the voice recorder and reveals a recording of him bribing the lawyer that works on his fire breakout case, so that he won’t get any jail sentence but only fine. Danny is in shocked and getting more nervous. Few minutes later, Danny gains back his focus and realizes that all the puzzles has solved but him and his daughter are not yet free. The voice speaks again but without the voice changing, “The girl is not yet safe. When the last judgment lies upon the sinner, the sinner will have to pay the wages. ” Danny finds the voice sounds extremely familiar, he nervously ask, “Fiona? Is that you? Fiona? Dear, are you there?” The person behind the voice finally reveals oneself. It turns out to be her wife, Fiona. She was the victim. She was the little girl. She was the one who plans to kill him all along. After years of living together, the love between them makes Fiona sees the good side of Danny, but it is not enough to make the vengeance vanishes. That’s why she hates Danny smoking so much. When she tries to convince Danny not to smoke is a chance for him to redeem his sins, but he chooses not to listen. Now she puts up all these tests is another chance for Danny to claim his redemption. It seems like Danny doesn’t feel any remorse. He keeps denying the fact that he caused the fire, it was an accident all along. Momentarily, Fiona activates the fire trap on both room then says, “There is still one last thing you have to do.” Suddenly, a metal piece slides off the wall and reveals a keycard slot and a number pad with a note beside, ”To live, you have to get through ME!” Danny finally knows where the keycard belongs to and slide the keyboard to the slot. Few seconds later, Danny realizes he has to use the clues from both boxes. He swaps “Fiona” from the alphabets to numbers and inputs it into the number pad. The fire finally stops and another metal piece slides off the wall and reveals two buttons. Fiona speaks again. “Press left to save your daughter, press right to save yourselves. Make up your mind or you both die.” Eventually, Danny presses the left button and a loud beep noise is heard. Fiona says, “Maybe god has seen what you have done here. We shall rejoice for the redemption.” Soon later, the electric door opens, Fiona and his daughter are holding hands together right outside the door. Danny can feel a cold breeze coming towards him after staying so long inside the confined room. Danny is finally fully untied. After that, he can barely hear his daughter calling for him and his vision slowly fades into pitch black.

Good Ending: Danny and Daughter lives


On-Going Project






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