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Tmds.SockJS is an ASP.NET Core implementation of the SockJS protocol. The library maintains the standard ASP.NET WebSocket interface even when websockets are emulated.

AppVeyor: AppVeyor




SockJS is a browser JavaScript library that provides a WebSocket-like object. SockJS gives you a coherent, cross-browser, Javascript API which creates a low latency, full duplex, cross-domain communication channel between the browser and the web server.

Tmds.SockJS enables SockJS on ASP.NET Core. It can be installed added as a middleware and requires no change to the WebSocket implementation. For example, if the server provides an standard websocket endpoint at '/websocket', a SockJS endpoint can be added at '/sockjs' with this one-liner:

app.UseSockJS("/sockjs", new SockJSOptions() { RewritePath = "/websocket" });


This source package contains a number of WebSocket extension methods. It can be used independent of Tmds.SockJS.

These are the most interesting methods:

Task SendAsync(string)
Task<string> ReceiveTextAsync() // returns 'null' when peer closed the WebSocket

Task SendCloseAsync()


This example implements an 'echo' websocket service. The SockJS endpoint for the service is at the '/echo' path.

In project.json add Tmds.SockJS and Tmds.WebSockets.Sources to the dependencies:

	"dependencies": {
		"Tmds.SockJS": "1.0.0",
		"Tmds.WebSockets.Sources": "1.0.0",

Inside the Startup.cs Configure-method we setup the SockJS end-point and implement the echo service:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
	// from Microsoft.AspNet.WebSockets.Server
	// add a SockJS end point to the website

	// routing logic
	app.Use(async (context, next) =>
		if (context.Request.Path == "/echo")
			// use the standard WebSocket API to handle websocket connections
			var ws = await context.WebSockets.AcceptWebSocketAsync();
			while (true)
				string received = await ws.ReceiveTextAsync();
				if (received == null)
				await ws.SendAsync(received);
			// not for us to handle
			await next();

	// other application logic
	app.Run(async (context) =>
		await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello World!");

Supported Browsers

The tables below show what browsers are supported using sockjs-client and Tmds.SockJS. Strikethrough is used to indicate the technique is not supported, alltough sockjs-client supports it. Techniques in the Streaming and Polling column are implemented in Tmds.SockJS. Techniques in the Websockets column are implemented in Microsoft.AspNet.WebSockets.


Browser Websockets Streaming Polling
IE 6, 7 no no jsonp-polling
IE 8, 9 (cookies=no) no xdr-streaming † xdr-polling
IE 8, 9 (cookies=yes) no iframe-htmlfile iframe-xhr-polling
IE 10 rfc6455 xhr-streaming xhr-polling
Chrome 6-13 hixie-76 xhr-streaming xhr-polling
Chrome 14+ rfc6455 / hybi-10 xhr-streaming xhr-polling
Firefox <10 no xhr-streaming xhr-polling
Firefox 10+ rfc6455 / hybi-10 xhr-streaming xhr-polling
Safari 5 hixie-76 xhr-streaming xhr-polling
Opera 10.70+ no iframe-eventsource iframe-xhr-polling
Konqueror no no jsonp-polling

SockJS Limitations

The SockJS protocol does not allow to emulate all features of standard websockets (RFC6455):

  • Splitting a message into several sends (WebSocket.SendAsync: endOfMessage)
  • Sending binary messages (WebSocket.SendAsync: messageType)
  • Receive close parameters (Tmds.SockJS will provide a close message when the session timed out)
  • Select a Subprotocol (WebSocket.Protocol equals string.Empty)



ASP.NET SignalR ( includes a mechanism for websocket emulation just like SockJS. SignalR builds on top of that to provide a bi-directional remote procedure call (RPC) channel between the client and the server. Both the cliend and server use the SignalR API. If you don't need control over the WebSocket subprotocol: use SignalR instead of Tmds.SockJS.


SockJS websocket emulation for ASP.NET Core







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