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Online3D: web 3D view and share platform


What is it for ?

The platform idea is to provide comprehensive set of functionalities for sharing and validating 3D files between users. With the aggressive advancement of 3D technology like 3D printing, modelling, sculpturing and successive sharing to a final user for preventive validation, we need simple and streighforward platforms where clients, which aren't often engineers, can easily revise models.

The are other solutions are available online. What is different here ? What is it good for ?

Yes, there are several platforms available now in the market like:

The and SketchFab when one wants to upload a file, first it will be sent to a server, converted and after visualized to you.

The GrabCAD uses the same techniques, but provides also fairly complex 3D model revision infrastructure. At this moment it's in betta, so I hadn't a chance to study it: GrabCad Workbench

Online3D provides

  • Client side user's model loading and visualization: why send something to the server, if the user only whants to display it?

  • No limits for data upload and load size (in theory)

  • Smooth integration with DropBox. Don't like built-in server support ? Put your models in DropBox "Public" folder, and load them directly from the application.

  • Partial coloring of the models surfaces which persist in the session

  • Annotations. You can add notes and associate points on the models to them

  • Automated email notifications to specified email addresses after session upload, so the user will need only to click a link in recieved mail in order to revise models.

  • Basic scultupriing modes: add, flat, morph

  • Possibility to select faces, show normals, delete faces ... and more.

What formats does support Online3D.

Supported formats are: [STL](, OBJ and ASC

So what next ?

  • Sectioning of the model

  • More advanced tools for measurment

  • And much much more....


Web 3D view and share platform






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