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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation



A set of HtmlHelper extension methods, a jquery plug-in and utility methods to simplify the process of uploading, saving and download files.


  • The database must contain fields for a PK (int) and the files display name and virtual path
  • The view model used to create, edit and display files must implement IFileAttachment


  • To provide an improved UI for dynamically adding, editing and deleting one or more files
  • To allow additional properties associated with a file to be displayed and edited
  • To provide client side validation for dynamically added files and their associated properties
  • To allow the view to be returned in a [HttpPost] method (when ModelState is invalid) without having to re-select files

HtmlHelper methods

Sample Model

// Describes a job application where a user can upload documents associated with the application
public class JobApplicationVM
    // .... other properties of JobApplicationVM
    public IEnumerable<ApplicationDocumentVM> Documents { get; set; }
public class ApplicationDocumentVM : IFileAttachment
    //  .... implemented properties of IFileAttachment
    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please enter a description")]
    public string Description { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Category")]
    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Select a category")]
    [DisplayFormat(NullDisplayText = "Please select")]
    public DocumentType? DocumentType { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "Confidential")]
    public bool IsConfidential { get; set; }
public enum DocumentType

FileAttachmentEditorFor() method

@model JobApplicationVM
@using (Html.BeginForm())
    @Html.FileAttachmentEditorFor(m => m.Documents)

will generate the following view

The green '+' footer button opens the dialog to select a new file. The red '-' button marks an uploaded file for deletion (the button becomes a blue '+' button to toggle the action), of if the file has not been saved, removes the row.

For additional properties in the model, the following form controls are generated:

  • A <textarea> if the property is string and has the [DataType(DataType.Multiline)] attribute.
  • An <input type="checkbox" .. /> if the property is bool.
  • A <select> if the property is Nullable<bool>. The text for the null option is defined by using the [DisplayFormat(NullDisplayText = ".....")] attribute.
  • A <select> if the property is enum or Nullable<enum>. The text for the null option is defined by using the [DisplayFormat(NullDisplayText = ".....")] attribute.
  • A <select> if the property has the [DropDownList("xxx")] attribute, where xxx is the name of a property in the parent view model that implements IEnumerable<SelectListItem>. The text for the null option is defined by using the OptionLabel property of DropDownListAttribute.
  • An <input type="text" .. /> if none of the above conditions are met. If the property has a [DataList("xxx")] attribute, where xxx is the name of a property in the parent view model that implements IEnumerable<string>, a <datalist> element is rendered to provide a basic auto-complete feature.

Client side validation is included for all form controls, included in dynamically added rows.

FileAttachmentDisplayFor() method

@model JobApplicationVM
@Html.FileAttachmentDisplayFor(m => m.Documents, "DownloadAttachment", "JobApplication")

will generate the following view

The links generated in the first column pass the ID of the IFileAttachment to the the DownloadAttachment(int id) method of JobApplicationController.

FileHelper methods

The FileHelper class contains static methods that enscapulate common code for saving and downloading files.

Save() method

Saves uploaded files to the server (updates the properties each IEnumerable<IFileAttachement>) and optionally deletes files marked for deletion.

public ActionResult Edit(JobApplicationVM model)
    string folder = "~/App_Data/Files"; // define folder to save files
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        FileHelper.Save(model.Documents, folder, false); // save new files only
        return View(model);
    FileHelper.Save(modelDocuments, folder, true); // save and delete files
    // Get the data model, update from the view model, save and redirect

Download() method

Returns a FileResult to download a file.

public ActionResult DownloadAttachment(int ID)
    // .... Get the virtual path based on the ID (and optionally the display name if setting the ContentDisposition) 
    ContentDisposition disposition = new ContentDisposition { FileName = displayName, Inline = false };
    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", disposition.ToString());
    // Return the file
    return FileHelper.Download(virtualPath);

To Do

  • Support for bootstrap
  • Resource file for error messages, defaults etc.
  • Render validation mesages in separate row so vertical alignment of form controls not affected
  • Add client and server side validation for HttpPostedFileBase property (file size, file type)
  • Re-parse the $.validator for each dynamically added form control, rather that re-parsing the whole form each time a file is added


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