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Balanced Collections

Copyright (C) 2019 by Sean Werkema. All rights reserved. Licensed under the terms of the MIT open-source license.


This is a C# library that contains various balanced collection classes, for .NET 4.5+ and .NET Core 2+.

What are balanced collection classes? They are classes that store collections of data in such a way that the operations on the data can be performed efficiently.


This code is licensed under the terms of the MIT open-source license.

What's included?

There are many classes provided to handle your efficient data-storage-and- lookup needs. Major classes include:

  • RedBlackTree<K, V> - Represents data as a traditional red-black tree.
  • WeightedRedBlackTree<K, V> - Represents data as a red-black tree, with weight counts in each node.
  • BigList<T> - Represents data as a keyless red-black tree.

Why use balanced collections?

Consider a Dictionary<int, string>. Accessing a member of the dictionary, such as dict[123], is fast — it runs in O(1) time. But if you want to find the answer to What is the next key after 123?, you have no choice but to search through the entire dictionary, which is very slow: dict.Keys.Where(k > 123).OrderBy(k => k).First().

The Balanced Collections library is designed to solve that. The RedBlackTree<K, V> class can be thought of as a super dictionary: You can access elements in it like a dictionary — tree[123] — but you can also ask complicated questions about the keys; to find the next key after 123, you simply invoke tree.Find(123).Next(). To find keys in a range, or even just find keys near another key, the methods you need are already built-in.

Also, RedBlackTree<K, V> implements all of the same methods you're used to seeing on Dictionary<K, V>, so in many cases, it's a drop-in replacement in existing code (and even includes an AsDictionary() method that turns it into a real IDictionary<K, V>!).

Code quality

You should be able to trust the software you use, so this library goes to some effort to be high-quality code:

  • The collections currently have 98% unit-test coverage.
  • The collections are designed to be as efficient as possible, while avoiding code duplication, and make heavy use of generics.
  • The collections provide substantial but safe access to their internal implementation, so you can build even more advanced operations on top of them.
  • Base level operations are decoupled from specialized implementations, so you can readily extend and reuse them.
  • The source code is heavily documented, both inside method bodies, and with XML documentation on each class and method.
  • The source code includes performance notations for most methods (i.e., Find() runs in O(lg n) time), so you know what to expect for large data sets.

Reference documentation

The current reference documentation (API usage on each class and method) can be found in the docs folder.

RedBlackTree and WeightedRedBlackTree

These classes can be treated like Dictionary<K, V>, but they support many other use cases that Dictionary<K, V> cannot. Here are the standard Dictionary-like methods they support:

  • this[key] - Get or set a value for a key.
  • TryGetValue(K key, out V value) - Find a value, but don't fail if it doesn't exist.
  • Add(K key, V value) - Add a new element to the tree.
  • AddRange(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<K, V>> items) - Add copies of many existing items (or another dictionary!).
  • ContainsKey(K key) - Test to see if a key exists in the tree.
  • Remove(K key) - Remove a key from the tree.

They also implement ICollection<RedBlackTreeNode<K, V>>, so you can easily treat them as a linear, ordered collection of tree nodes:

  • Add(RedBlackTreeNode<K, V> node) - Add a copy of an existing node.
  • AddRange(IEnumerable<RedBlackTreeNode<K, V>> nodes) - Add copies of many existing nodes (or an entire tree!).
  • Contains(RedBlackTreeNode<K, V> node) - Test to see if a node is a member of the tree.
  • CopyTo(RedBlackTreeNode<K, V>[] array, int index) - Copy the tree's nodes into an array.
  • Remove(RedBlackTreeNode<K, V> node) - Remove a node from the tree.
  • RemoveRange(IEnumerable<RedBlackTreeNode<K, V>> nodes) - Remove many existing nodes (or an entire tree!).

Unique abilities

There are also many things these classes can do efficiently and natively that Dictionary<K, V> cannot:

  • Find(K key) - Find a node by key (returns null if not found).
  • node.Next() - Get the next node (key/value pair) after this one.
  • node.Previous() - Get the previous node (key/value pair) before this one.
  • Minimum and MinimumKey - Get the first node or key in the tree, in order.
  • Maximum and MaximumKey - Get the last node or key in the tree, in order.
  • GreatestBefore(K key) - Find the node with the largest key less than the given key (which does not necessarily need to exist in the tree).
  • GreatestBeforeOrEqualTo(K key) - Find the node with the largest key less than or equal to the given key (which does not necessarily need to exist in the tree).
  • GreatestInRange(K minimum, K maximum) - Find the node with the largest key within the given range of keys (neither of which need to exist in the tree).
  • LeastAfter(K key) - Find the node with the smallest key greater than the given key (which does not necessarily need to exist in the tree).
  • LeastAfterOrEqualTo(K key) - Find the node with the smallest key greater than or equal to the given key (which does not necessarily need to exist in the tree).
  • LeastInRange(K minimum, K maximum) - Find the node with the smallest key within the given range of keys (neither of which need to exist in the tree).

Each of the operations above runs in O(lg n) time: So for a tree with a million entries, you can reasonably expect each of those to take about 20 units of time — compare that to a million units of time for the same operation on a Dictionary<K, V>!

Unlike many other red-black tree implementations (including the native SortedDictionary<K, V> and SortedSet<K, V> implementations in .NET itself), you have direct access to the underlying RedBlackTreeNode<K, V> nodes themselves: You can access the Root, and walk down the Left and Right children of a node, and back up to the Parent node itself. You cannot mutate those pointers, but by providing direct access to the tree, you can manually perform additional optimized, efficient searches other than those above (for example, operations like DoRangesOverlap() or GreatestExcluding()).

Wrappers, adapters, and variants

In addition, these classes have various wrappers and adapters, designed to make it easy to use them in a variety of scenarios:

  • ReadOnlyRedBlackTree<K, V> - A wrapper around RedBlackTree<K, V> that makes its data immutable to consumers.
  • WeightedReadOnlyRedBlackTree<K, V> - A wrapper around WeightedRedBlackTree<K, V> that makes it immutable to consumers.
  • WeightedReadOnlyRedBlackTree<K, V> - A wrapper around WeightedRedBlackTree<K, V> that makes it immutable to consumers.

You can also access properties on most of the above to get variant forms of the data:

  • tree.Keys returns an ICollection<K> that is fully capable (and supports read-only mode).
  • tree.KeyValuePairs returns an ICollection<KeyValuePair<K, V>> that is fully capable (and supports read-only mode).
  • tree.Values returns a read-only ICollection<V>.
  • tree.ToDictionary() creates a Dictionary<K, V> copy of the data.
  • tree.AsDictionary() wraps the data with an IDictionary<K, V> proxy that is fully capable (and supports read-only mode).


BigList is designed to solve the problem of when you need an ordered list of items like List<T>, but you need to frequently insert or remove items in the middle or at the beginning of the list. List<T> is notoriously inefficient at operations like InsertAt() and RemoveAt() — O(n) — while BigList<T> can handle those operations very efficiently, in O(lg n) time.

Guidance and usage advice

So when should you use RedBlackTree<K, V> instead of Dictionary<K, V>? When should you prefer Dictionary<K, V> instead? When should you use WeightedRedBlackTree<K, V>? When should you use BigList<T> instead of List<T>? And what about SortedDictionary<K, V> and SortedSet<T>? Here are some tips that will help you decide which tool to use and when:

  • In general, prefer Dictionary<K, V> if you need a mapping of keys to values. Seriously! Dictionary<K, V> is well-implemented, and it's both fast and memory-efficient. Only use another type if you have to do something where Dictionary<K, V> is slow (like you need to be able to answer next key or first key).

  • Likewise, prefer List<T> if you only need an array-like construct or you only intend to insert at the end of it. BigList<T> is more efficient for random insertions and deletions.

  • Prefer HashSet<T> if you only need an unordered collection of keys, if you're only Add()ing and Remove()ing keys and testing for Contains() in the set.

  • Prefer SortedSet<T> if you need the same behaviors as HashSet<T> but you also need Min or Max efficiently, or you need foreach to always return the items in order.

  • Prefer SortedDictionary<K, V> if you need a Dictionary<K, V> but the only additional feature you need is to have foreach return the keys in order. Note that SortedDictionary<K, V> cannot provide you with Min or Max keys efficiently.

  • In general, avoid SortedList<K, V>. This is only really useful if you intend to pre-populate the collection all at once and then ask questions about its data. SortedList<K, V> is an array under the hood, and just invokes .Sort() at regular intervals. It is more memory-efficient than any of these collections, but it is not very time-efficient except in special situations.

  • If you need dictionary-like behavior, but you also need to efficiently answer Min or Max, or you need to be able to Next and Previous through the keys, then that's when you should use a RedBlackTree<K, V> instead of a Dictionary<K, V>.

  • If you need special operations like "largest/smallest key in a range," or "largest key less than" or "smallest key greater than," then use RedBlackTree<K, V>.

  • If you need to perform custom traversal of a binary tree representation of the data, use RedBlackTree<K, V>, since SortedDictionary<K, V> does not give you access to the underlying tree.

  • So when should you use WeightedRedBlackTree<K, V> instead of RedBlackTree<K, V>? Rarely. The weighted form calculates weights for each tree node, and that calculation comes at some additional constant-time overhead. But the weights can be used to efficiently answer "How many keys are there before or after this key in the data? How many keys are there between these keys?" and similar positional-index questions.

Guidance Table

This table can help you decide which data structure to use, based on the operations you need to perform.

Add at end X X X - - XX XX X
Remove from end X X X - - XX XX X
Contains key X X - XX XX - - X X X
Insert in middle X X X XX XX - (1) X - X
Remove from middle X X X XX XX - (1) X - X
Insert at head X X X - - - XX -
Remove at head X X X - - - XX -
Get value by key X X - XX (2) - - X X (2)
Set value by key X X - XX (2) - - X X (2)
Get value at index X X XX - XX
Set value at index X X XX - XX
Minimum key X X - - - - - X XX X
Maximum key X X - - - - - XX
Next key X X - - - - (1) X
Previous key X X - - - - (1) X
Greatest key in range X X - - - - - X
Least key in range X X - - - - - X
Custom range ops (3) - - X
Sort by key XX XX XX XX XX
Sort by value (4)
Memory overhead (5) 5 6 5 2 2 1 3 4 1 4
Time overhead (6) 10 12 10 2 2 1 1 10 8 10

RedBlackTree<K, V> and WeightedRedBlackTree<K, V> attempt to be good all around for most operations, but that comes at a cost in time and space overhead. For a restricted subset of operations, other data structures may be faster or use less memory.

In short, no one data structure is best for all operations: Decide which operations you need to perform, and then choose a data structure that matches them.

Name abbreviations used above:

  • D = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<K, V>
  • HS = System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<T>
  • L = System.Collections.Generic.List<T>
  • LL = System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList<T>
  • SD = System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary<K, V>
  • SL = System.Collections.Generic.SortedList<K, V>
  • SS = System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet<T>
  • BC.RBT = BalancedCollections.RedBlackTree<K, V>
  • BC.WRBT = BalancedCollections.WeightedRedBlackTree<K, V>

Performance abbreviations used above:

  • XX = O(1) time = Best possible efficiency
  • X = O(lg n) time = Good
  • - = O(n) time = Meh
  • (blank) = O(n lg n) time = Bad
  • :( = O(n^2) time or worse = VERY VERY BAD


  1. LinkedList is very efficient for middle insertions/removals (O(1), or "XX") if the preceding or following node is already known; but if it is unknown, this collection will require a search (O(n), or "-"). Likewise, Next and Previous are also efficient if the node is already known, but if it is unknown, they'll require a search as well.
  2. This operation isn't meaningful for HashSet<T> or SortedSet<T>, since there are no values for each key.
  3. Custom range operations are things like DoRangesOverlap() or GreatestExcluding(). Red-black trees that provide access to their nodes make this fairly straightforward; but for all other data structures, you'll have to extract the data, sort by key, and then perform the operation on the resulting arrays.
  4. No matter which collection you use, if you want to sort by something other than the current key, you'll have to re-sort the data manually, which is going to take O(n lg n) time, multiplied by the time overhead of the collection type.
  5. This is a rough estimate of the memory overhead per item, in machine words (64-bit values on a 64-bit machine, 32-bit values on a 32-bit machine). This will vary depending on the OS, the version of .NET, and various other implementation-specific details, but it's a good rule of thumb: Trees are generally memory-inefficient, while List<T> and Dictionary<K, V> are generally memory-efficient.
  6. This is a rough estimate of how much constant time is wasted per operation. Trees are generally bad at this, so they're often wasteful for small data sets; but they're very good at large data sets. List<T> and Dictionary<K, V> provide fairly direct access to the data, so they're good for small data sets, but for many operations, they're very inefficient on large data sets.

Questions / Comments / Contact

This library was written in C# in September 2019 by Sean Werkema based on a set of C++ classes he wrote in 2004. Those classes were based on the red-black tree algorithms in Cormen, Liesersen, and Rivest's Introduction to Algorithms, enhanced to avoid requiring sentinel nodes, and to fill out missing operations.

For questions, bugs, or suggestions, please file an issue on GitHub. For general comments, visit Sean's blog at .


A set of balance-tree collection classes for C#







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