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SmartHotel360 deployed Azure digital Twins to control lights and tempeture of the hotel rooms.


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During Connect(); 2017 event this year we presented beautiful app demos using Xamarin and many features of Azure. For //build/ 2018's keynote, we updated some components of the back-end API code to support Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). This repository contains the setup instructions and sample code needed for the Internet of Things (IoT) Demo utilizing Digital Twins that was announced at Ignite 2018.

SmartHotel360 Repos

For this reference app scenario, we built several consumer and line-of-business apps and an Azure backend. You can find all SmartHotel360 repos in the following locations:

SmartHotel360 - IoT Demo

Welcome to the SmartHotel360 IoT repository. Here you'll find everything you need to run the website and backend for the IoT demo.

IoT Demo Architecture Diagram

Getting Started

SmartHotel360 uses a microservice oriented architecture implemented using containers. For the IoT Demo, there are various services developed in different technologies: .NET Core 2, Asp.Net Core 2, and Angular. These services use different Azure Resources like Digital Twins, App Services, Cosmos DB, Event Hubs, Azure Functions, and IoT Hubs to name a few. The step by step walkthrough for creating and provisioning the demo can be found next in the Setup section.

End-to-end setup takes about an hour provided you have all of the development environment prerequisites met AND that your user has the required permissions in your Azure subscription.



  • Powershell for running provisioning Azure provisioning scripts. Powershell Core is available for Mac and Linux users.
  • Docker to build the containers.
  • Visual Studio 2017 with the .NET desktop development and ASP.NET and web development workloads installed.
  • Azure CLI
  • Kubernetes CLI
  • Angular CLI
  • Required Azure Subscription Permissions
    1. Create and modify Azure AD Application Registrations or have someone else do it for you
    2. Create a new Service Principal for Role Based Access Control (RBAC) or have someone else do it for you
    3. Create or add 2 new guest users to the Active Directory (AD) or have someone else do it for you and get you the Object Ids of those users
    4. Create a ResourceGroup or have one that someone else already created for you to use
    5. Create a deployment into a ResourceGroup
    6. Give the Service Principal in #2 read permissions to read from the ACR created by the deployment (if not, then script provides the user with an Azure Cli command to execute to be run by someone with the required permission, and pauses until the user says this step has been completed)

Set up a Service Principal and register an Azure Active Directory application

Follow these instructions to create a service principal and register an Azure Active Directory application.

During the creation process you will need to take note of the following information:

  • Tenant Id
  • App Id
  • App Key

Obtain the service principal Id

To obtain the service principal Id, open a Powershell window and follow these steps:

  1. Login-AzureRmAccount -SubscriptionId {subcription id}
  2. Get-AzureRmADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId {app Id}

Set permissions and security for the Application

Click settings --> Required Permissions

  • Click Add on the top left
  • Select the API you'd like to use to get external data into Digital Twins (e.g. Microsoft Graph)
  • Select the permissions that your app needs to have in order to access the correct information
  • Select Save, and then click Add again
  • Select the "Azure Smart Spaces Service" API
  • Check the Read/Write Access delegated permissions box
  • Save, and select Grant Permissions

Create a service principal for AKS Cluster

To create a service principal for an AKS Cluster, open a Powershell/Command Prompt/Bash window and follow these steps:

  1. az login
  2. az account set -s {subscription id}
  3. az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment

The sp create-for-rbac command will return a json object that will have the information needed later in this process.

  "appId": "{aks app id}",
  "displayName": "{aks display name}",
  "name": "{aks uri}",
  "password": "{aks service principal password}",
  "tenant": "{aks tenant id}"

Create IoT Demo users

You need to create two users having access to your AAD. These can either be users created in your AAD or guest users that you add. For both of these users, you need to collect the Object Id for them. One user will be used for the Manager role and the other the Employee role.

Provision resources in Azure

In the /arm/ folder of this repository is the deployment script to create and stand up all of the resources to run this demo in Azure. To execute the deployment script, run the following in a Powershell window:

.\deploy.ps1 -subscriptionId {subscription id} -resourceGroupName {resource group name} -resourceGroupLocation {resource group location} -managerObjId {manager object id} -employeeObjId {employee object id} -clientId {app id} -clientSecret {app key} -clientServicePrincipalId {service principal id} -aksServicePrincipalId {AKS Service Principal App Id} -aksServicePrincipalKey {AKS Service Principal password}

The following information parameters are required for the deployment script:

  • {subscription id}: the Azure subscription id that has been used in this setup
  • {resource group name}: the resource group name to add the created resource, if it doesn't exist it will be created
  • {resource group location}: location for the resource group: (ie. 'westus2')
  • {manager object id}: object Id obtained when creating Manager user above
  • {employee object id}: object Id obtained when creating Employee user above
  • {app id}: app id obtained from creating an AAD app
  • {app key}: app key obtained from creating an AAD app
  • {service principal id}: service principal id from above
  • {AKS service principal app id}: AKS app id from above
  • {AKS service principal password}: AKS service principal password from above

There is a collection of parameters that are used by the deployment script that determine properties like resource location, pricing tiers, and naming. If you wish to modify any of these parameters you can edit the values in parameters.json.

User Settings

When the deployment script is complete, it will output a userSettings.json file with information needed for the rest of the deployment.

    "tenantId":  "{tenant id}",
    "clientId":  "{client id}",
    "aadReplyUrl":  "{facility management web reply uri for ADAL}",
    "digitalTwinsManagementEndpoint": "{digital twins management endpoint}",
    "facilityManagementWebsiteUri": "url to the facility management website",
    "facilityManagementApiUri":  "{facility management api}",
    "facilityManagementApiEndpoint":  "{facility management api endpoint}",
    "storageConnectionString": "{connection string to azure storage account}",
    "eventHubConsumerConnectionString": "{consumer connection string to the event hub}",
    "iotHubConnectionString": "{connection string to the iot hub}",
    "cosmosDbConnectionString": "{connection string to the cosmos db}",
    "roomDevicesApiEndpoint":  "{room devices api endpoint - needed for running the Xamarin Mobile Clients}",
    "room11SpaceId":  "{room 11 space id - needed for running the Xamarin Mobile Clients}"

NOTE: If you are going to run the IoT Demo for the Xamarin Mobile Apps, then you will need the roomDevicesApiEndpoint and room11SpaceId values from the userSettings.json file.


To verify that everything is working correctly, open up the facilityManagementWebsiteUri (from the userSettings.json in the browser and log in with one of the two users created during the provisioning steps.

Running Locally (OPTIONAL)

Portions of this demo can be run locally. In order to do so, you still must complete the Setup section. Once you have completed the provisioning, you can follow these steps to configure, build, and deploy the resource locally.

Azure Function

The Sensor Data function can run locally in Visual Studio. However, in order to avoid conflicts, you must first disable the Azure Function that was created during Setup.

  1. Log in to the Azure Portal.
  2. Navigate to Function Apps and select the Azure Function that was created during Setup.
  3. Click the Stop button to disable the Azure Function.
  4. Open the /backend/src/SmartHotel.Services/SmartHotel.Services.sln solution in Visual Studio 2017
  5. Set the SmartHotel.Services.SensorDataFunction project as the startup project
  6. Right-click the SmartHotel.Services.SensorDataFunction project in the Solution Explorer
  7. Add a new json file named: local.settings.json and set the contents to this:
        "IsEncrypted": false,
        "Values": {
            "AzureWebJobsStorage": "{storage connection string}",
            "AzureWebJobsDashboard": "{storage connection string}",
            "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME": "dotnet",
            "EventHubConnectionString": "{event hub consumer connection string}",
            "CosmosDBConnectionString": "{cosmos db connection string}",
    • {storage connection string}: storageConnectionString from the userSettings.json file from the User Settings section
    • {event hub consumer connection string}: eventHubConsumerConnectionString from the userSettings.json file from the User Settings section
    • {cosmos db connection string}: cosmosDbConnectionString from the userSettings.json file from the User Settings section
  8. Run in debug mode.

IoT Devices

While running the devices locally, we need to remove the instances that exist in the Kubernetes cluster. Run the following steps from a Powershell/Command Prompt/Bash window:

  1. kubectl delete pods,deployments,replicasets --all - this removes ALL pods from the cluster, including the Room Devices Api pod.
  2. If NOT running the Room Devices Api locally, then re-deploy that pod to the cluster:
    • Change directory to /backend/src/SmartHotel.Services
    • kubectl apply -f deployments.demo.yaml

To redeploy the devices to the cluster:

  • Change directory to /backend/src/SmartHotel.Devices
  • kubectl apply -f deployments.demo.yaml


The Apis can be run locally at the same time as their Azure counterparts.

Running via Docker

From a Powershell/Command Prompt/Bash window

  1. Change directory to /backend/src/SmartHotel.Services
  2. docker-compose build - only required if you're making changes and want to see them.
  3. docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up

Running via Visual Studio

  1. Open the /backend/src/SmartHotel.Services/SmartHotel.Services.sln solution in Visual Studio 2017
  2. Select either the SmartHotel.Services.FacilityManagement or SmartHotel.Services.FacilityManagement project as the startup project
  3. Update the appsettings.json file.
    • SmartHotel.Services.FacilityManagement:
      • ManagementApiUrl: digitalTwinsManagementEndpoint from the userSettings.json file from the User Settings section
      • MongoDBConnectionString: cosmosDbConnectionString from the userSettings.json file from the User Settings section
    • SmartHotel.Services.RoomDevicesApi:
      • IoTHubConnectionString: iotHubConnectionString from the userSettings.json file from the User Settings section
      • DatabaseConnectionString: cosmosDbConnectionString from the userSettings.json file from the User Settings section
  4. Run in debug mode.


The Website can be run locally at the same time as its Azure counterpart.

  1. Open the /FacilityManagementWebsite/SmartHotel.FacilityManagementWeb/SmartHotel.FacilityManagementWeb.sln solution in Visual Studio 2017

  2. If you desire the website to connect to the Facility Management API in Azure, then run in debug mode.

  3. Otherwise, update the environment.ts and files under /SmartHotel.FacilityManagementWeb/ClientApp/src/environments:

    export const environment = {
      production: true,
      version: 'Production',
      sensorDataTimer: {sensorDataTime},
      adalConfig: {
        tenant: '{tenantId}',
        clientId: '{clientId}',
        endpoints: {
          '{apiUri}': '{clientId}'
      } as adal.Config,
      apiEndpoint: '{apiEndpoint}',
      resourceId: '0b07f429-9f4b-4714-9392-cc5e8e80c8b0'
    • {apiUri}: Must be updated to point to wherever your local Facility Management Api is running (e.g. http://localhost:3000)
    • {apiEndpoint}: Must be updated to point to wherever your local Facility Management Api is running, but append /api (e.g. http://localhost:3000/api)
  4. Then run in debug mode.


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SmartHotel360 deployed Azure digital Twins to control lights and tempeture of the hotel rooms.







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  • C# 70.3%
  • PowerShell 10.7%
  • TypeScript 10.2%
  • CSS 3.2%
  • HTML 2.8%
  • Dockerfile 2.0%
  • Other 0.8%