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Automation Test mobile application in Xamarin.Android

Mobile application for entering and displaying list of packages. Application was written for Android platform in Xamarin.Android. Project follows MVVM architecture pattern guidelines, MvvmCross has been use as a core framework. Business login has been decoupled from Android specific code so it can be easily extended to support iOS as well.

Application screens

Splash screen Menu screen
Screenshot Screenshot
Empty form Validation error Save confirmation
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
List with data Date picker Empty list
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

Tools and Frameworks

  • Visual Studio 2019
  • MvvmCross - core framework
    • Plugins used: MvvmCross support for RecyclerView, Visibility plugin
  • Realm - database engine
  • xUnit - unit tests framework
  • NSubstitute - mocking framework
  • AutoFixture + xUnit - automatically fill test data
  • Fluent Assertions - unit tests assertions

Project structure


Core business logic, decoupled from Android code, designed to be easily unit tested. Contains domain models, services and view models bound to the views. It also contains simple validation utlity, ValidatedProperty with basic validation rules. Implementation was inspired by FluentValidation library. Core project is not responsible for deciding haw data is stored, it has reference to AutomationTest.Data which does that.


Implements logic for reading and saving the data. It contains code regarding database operations, this project has reference to Realm nuget package. Project contains database entities and repositories responsible for providing the data. There is also IDatabaseProvider interface, every implementation should provide Realm instance. There are two implementation, one for default database, and second for In-memory version that can be used in unit tests.


Android application code with activities, fragments and views. It contains platform-specific implementaion of IPopupService and has reference to AutomationTest.Core project.


Unit Tests project for AutomationTest.Core and AutomationTest.Data. Tests are written in xUnit framework, assertions are powered by FluentAssertions. There are some extensions written for FluentAssertions to make unit test more readable. Mocking of dependencies is done with NSubstitute, AutoFixture was used to provide test data. For testing repositories, in-memory version of Realm was utilized. Because code base was designed to be easily unit tested, code coverage is over 90%.

Code coverage measured by Visual Studio:


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